King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1139: Conquer the black dragon

"Zhao Feng, I want to talk to you"

The corner of the space of the gods, the low voice of the black dragon.

Zhao Feng’s consciousness is slight and he looks at the black dragon.

During this year, Zhao Feng basically did not try to use the meditation to slacken the black dragon, but he used to abuse him every time he entered the space of the gods.

"Will you be my mount?"

Zhao Feng asked directly.

Hearing the ‘mount, the word, the low face of the black dragon, suddenly became cloudy.

"I have conditions"

The dying black dragon struggled for a moment, sighed, and said it was very humiliating.

"Say it"

Zhao Feng's look is light, and it is expected.

Without conditions, the black dragon will not talk to himself.

"I am willing to succumb to you, but you must provide a lot of resources to help me restore my peak strength and not intentionally hurt my life."

The extinction black dragon said his own conditions, and he was also worried that Zhao Feng would not agree.

The extinction black dragon is trapped in this space, the recovery of strength is limited, and when Zhao Feng's strength is raised to a certain extent, it is easy to kill him.

After all, Zhao Feng’s original idea was to completely kill the black dragon, but only because he could not kill, he had the idea of ​​slavery.

Nowadays, the demise of the black dragon has seen many secrets of Zhao Feng. To be on the safe side, Zhao Feng’s probability of finally killing him is very great.

Therefore, during this time, Zhao Feng did not try to enslave the black dragon, but the black dragon was very worried, thinking that Zhao Feng had decided to obliterate himself.

In addition, the conditions proposed by the extinction black dragon are not ordinary. They are surrounded by a thin bloodline of the extinct dragons. The black dragons are extremely powerful in all aspects. To restore strength, the resources that need to be consumed are also massive.

Otherwise, the annihilation of the black dragon has long since returned to the realm of real God, who is his opponent in the mainland

"Helping you to restore your peak strength, even if it is all the savings of an ancient god, it is not enough."

Zhao Fengbai took a look at the black dragon, and this guy thought it was pretty.

Although the strength of the extinction black dragon is stronger, the help to Zhao Feng is greater, but don’t forget that the era of the black dragon and the dragon is more powerful than the ancient god.

If the strength of the extinct black dragon exceeds Zhao Feng's multiple levels, he must have a way to escape from Zhao Feng.

"In any case, my cultivation is a realm, not lower than you."

The extinction black dragon has made some concessions.

Of course, in the view of the demise of the black dragon, Zhao Feng is likely to become the ninth god's eye, and there will be less trouble.

Under the pressure of the crisis, Zhao Feng will certainly help himself to restore strength.

On the other hand, if Zhao Feng is really expected to become the ninth god, then the ruined black dragon has no complaints and is willing to be a slave to Zhao Feng.

"This is almost the same"

Zhao Feng directly agreed to come down.

If the realm of the black dragon is lower than himself, what should he do?

In the end, the two parties negotiated and signed the contract of the blood contract.

After signing the reel, Zhao Feng also forced the death of the black dragon to plant his own heart.

Zhao Feng will release the black dragon from the world.

At this time, the extinction of the black dragon is only the breath of the ordinary Lord, and the soul is seriously injured.

"First raise the realm to the level of the Holy King"

Zhao Feng planned a part of the resources in the fascinating world and handed it over to the black dragon.

"Thank you...master"

Someone who is unaccustomed to the death of the black dragon.

"Master, when do we go to the wilderness?"

The dying black dragon that was preparing to leave suddenly asked.

"Of course, waiting for me to break through the throne."

Zhao Feng looked a glimpse, and then said nothing.

With the ability of Zhao Feng, at least within 20 years, you can try to attack the gods and then enter the wild gods.

However, if he wants to consolidate his strength for the sake of insurance, it may take 30 years.

"Why don't the owner go to the wild gods to attack the heavenly gods?"

The dying black dragon asked amazedly.

In the center of the Brahma, all illusory, material origins, the probability of breaking through the throne is no doubt greater, and the achievement is higher.

"I haven’t broken through the heavens, and I can go to the wilderness without relying on external forces?"

This time, Zhao Feng was a little shocked.

Although unbelievable, there may be other ways to kill the world.

"Others can't, but the master must do it."

The demise of the black dragon and the deep smile, definitely said.

“Don't the owner sense the existence of the wild gods?”

Asked about the annihilation of the black dragon.

Zhao Feng looked a little dark. Some time ago, he did faintly notice that there is a mysterious land and his own soul in the vast and innocent Brahma, with some vague feelings.

However, how did the extinct black dragon learn this?

"Masters should know that the focus of going to the wilderness of the gods is the wild source of the wild. And when you hit the heavenly throne, you will get this breath when you experience the baptism of the true gods, and you will be able to sense the existence of the wild gods. God, enter the wild gods"

The annihilation of the black dragon is slightly intended to explain Zhao Feng.

"That is to say, in fact, there is no need to impact the heavens and gods. As long as the body contains enough wild source, you can enter the wilderness. Only this space is too low, and the creatures here can only experience the thunder. In order to get the wild source of the ravages, you can get the wild source."

The eternal black dragon looks proudly.

If it is an extraterrestrial space that is closer to the wilderness domain, it can absorb the wild source of the wildness that is scattered in the wilderness domain. Therefore, it is possible to enter the wilderness domain before the gods, and thus increase the probability of breaking through the heavenly position, and even prove it. A **** above the first order.

"Does this work?"

Zhao Feng looks like a big earthquake.

In fact, this is a very simple logic problem.

Only everyone in the mainland has formed an inertial thinking, thinking that only by breaking through the heavens and gods can we enter the wilderness.

In fact, in the final analysis, it is only because the space is too low, and the living beings are too weak.

"The body of the master, the essence of the ancient origin, should be very abundant."

When staying in the space of the gods, the black dragons of the world have seen Zhao Feng copy many treasures of ancient times.

Most of the treasures contain a hint of wild source.

Therefore, the extinction of black dragons asserts that Zhao Feng's body must contain a rich source of wild origin.

After the explanation.

The extinction black dragon flies to the side, using the resources given by Zhao Feng to restore strength.

In fact, the reason why the black dragon died in this low space is to destroy it to quickly restore its strength.

But now, he can't destroy this space at all, simply follow Zhao Feng and go to the wild gods early, so he told Zhao Feng.

On the other side, Zhao Feng is still in shock.

"In this way, as long as I have settled everything, I can go directly to the wild gods."

Zhao Feng is very excited.

Zhao Feng’s yearning for the wild gods is the same as any **** in the mainland.

It was only because he had too many things on his body that he refused the invitation of the spiritual strong.

"Master, reminder, if you enter the wild gods ahead of time, the level of life is best to reach the level of demigod."

The sudden death of the black dragon suddenly came to mind, and a word came.

This place is too far away from the wilderness of the gods, the level of life is too low, and it is unable to withstand the tremendous pressure brought by the space shuttle.

This point was ignored before the death of the black dragon.

If Zhao Feng’s life level can’t bear the pressure brought by the space shuttle, he will rush into the wild realm. I’m afraid that in the middle of the road, it’s already gone, and the spirits are gone, and the black dragon that follows Zhao Feng’s death will probably suffer.

"Life level?"

Zhao Feng's eyes flashed slightly.

Today, "Jin Kun Sheng Lei Body" he has cultivated to the sixth floor peak, and completely consolidated, ready to break through to complete.

The seventh layer of "Jin Kun Sheng Lei" is the level above the half god.

"There is still a distance from the seventh floor of the holy body, during which time I can just settle everything."

Zhao Feng’s mouth is slightly rising, and there is something in his heart that can’t wait.

Fortunately, Zhao Feng was focusing on the refining body.

"Bi Qingyue, how is the overall strength of the main hall now?"

Zhao Feng directly asked.

"Excluding the words of Kunyun, Nangongsheng and the master, the strength of the dominating hall is equivalent to the power of the Samsung and the half, but if combined with the forces of the main hall, then the overall strength will rise to another level..."

Bi Qingyue truthfully reported.

Zhao Feng fell into meditation.

In fact, after the lord of the palace and the nine secluded palaces, the iron family, the black curtain corner, the Ji family and other forces joined, the scale of the main hall was completely up to the four-star level, and even exceeded.

However, these forces, which are in alliance with the lord, are ultimately foreign forces, and it is impossible to serve the temple with all heart and soul.

"Continue to expand the forces and cultivate the strong masters of the Holy Lord"

After Zhao Feng finished the sentence, he began to practice retreat.

In fact, in the past year, the development of the Dominion Hall has been shocking.

Nowadays, in the mainland dynasty, there is no force to block the lord, even the temple of the prince is silent.

In this case, Zhao Feng is not afraid of anything, and the expansion of the big man.

The most ideal situation that Zhao Feng thought about was that the master temple completely dominated the mainland.

In the open world, Zhao Feng, Zhao Wan, the little thief cat, and the dying black dragon are each in a place, using a lot of resources, crazy cultivation, and improving their strength.

In less than half a year, Zhao Feng found that his huge precious resources seemed to be insufficient.

After one year, even if Zhao Feng often used Zuo's copying ability, there are still some shortcomings in resources.

Zhao Feng silently glanced at the black dragon.

He did not expect to restore the strength of the black dragons, but they need such a huge amount of resources.

"Master, this is no way. Although it consumes so many resources, my strength has been upgraded to the great master."

The annihilation of the black dragon is not a matter of closeness.

Insufficient resources, no way, Zhao Feng can only waste his cultivation time, go to the dream to open up resources.

Dreams are too old in the monster group, Zhao Feng also spends a lot of resources to cultivate, only their strength is strong, Zhao Feng can plunder more and more precious resources.

One day, within the world of the void.

Zhao Feng's dark yellow lightning surrounded the body, suddenly pulled up a few points, a layer of horrible gravity minefield, shrouded in a few squares.

"The sixth layer of the holy body is completed"

Zhao Feng opened his eyes and spit out a sigh of gas.

On the other hand, Zhao Wan, who cultivated "Jin Kun Sheng Lei Body", has gained a high level of cultivation experience, and progress is also fast.

"Master, I have reached the realm of the Holy King."

The demise of the black dragon is said with joy.

He did not expect that this time he suffered such a heavy injury, he could recover to the realm of the Holy King in just two years.

At the same time, the annihilation of the black dragon once again felt that Zhao Feng was unfathomable.

Like him, Zhao Feng is also practicing in the fascinating world. From time to time, he can come up with some fascinating treasures that make the dynasty's half-god strong.

At this time, Bi Qingyue sent a message to Zhao Feng.

"Master, the Emperor's Temple, the **** of the dragon, seems to have begun to attack the heavenly throne."

Bi Qingyue is solemn.

In fact, during the retreat, Zhao Feng often contacted Bi Qingyue to understand the situation outside.

But this time, the information from Bi Qingyue made Zhao Feng feel a little moved.

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