King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1140: Sky attack

"The demigod dragon is in the impact of the heavens?"

Zhao Feng looks slightly stunned.

He originally thought that the Taihuang Temple returned without success and will definitely take action on the lord's house in the future.

But now, the demigod dragon has begun to attack the gods, ready to go to the wild gods.

Although I don't understand why the Taihuang Temple will swallow this breath, in this way, the main hall has almost no obstruction. It can be developed and expanded, and even completes Zhao Feng's most ideal goal: to dominate the entire Dagan dynasty.

After learning the news, Zhao Feng relaxed a lot and handed it over to the resources of Bi Qingyue, and continued to retreat.

In the space of the gods, the mysterious golden ball is replicating the ancient treasures of several soil properties.

Zhao Feng inspires the power of destroying thunder and robbery in the body of the thunder, and reversing the holy body.

At this time, Zhao Feng's Sheng Lei body has great resistance to the power of thunderbolt. Under the ravages of the power of thunder, you can stick to the tea.

The reverse refinement of the thunderbolt can not only increase the resistance of the holy body to the thunderbolt, but also promote the promotion of the holy body.

"Now, the holy body of the body reaches the sixth level of perfection, belonging to the extreme level of the black light, the attack under the demigod, can not hurt me."

Zhao Feng smiled confidently.

Under the semi-god attack, it is difficult to pose a slight threat to Zhao Feng. That is to say, Zhao Feng can compete with the ordinary demigod by virtue of his physical strength.

Once "Jin Kun Sheng Lei" entered the seventh floor, Zhao Feng's life level has entered the semi-god level, and it is almost impossible for the enemy to compete in the mainland.

However, in this way, Zhao Feng’s room for improvement in the mainland will be greatly reduced.

Because there is no Zhao Feng's goal in the entire mainland.

Therefore, Zhao Feng is eager to enter the wild domain.

In the two years of retreat cultivation, in addition to the huge improvement of Shenglei body, Zhao Feng's other aspects have also made great progress.

"Wind and Thunder" has already been cultivated to a perfect state, and Zhao Feng's index finger has already integrated 30% of the blood power.

Zhao Feng has some expectations. At this time, using the index finger to display "Wind and Thunder", what kind of power is there.

"Hua Shen" is also a law of Zhao Feng's key cultivation. Nowadays, it is also cultivated to a very high level, and the power stored in Zhao Feng's body is enough for him to use nearly 20 times of the ancient seal.

Zhao Feng's artistic realm, under the promotion of vine fruit, can always hit the holy king level, but Zhao Feng has been suppressed.

According to the extinction of the black dragon, if you enter the wilderness of the gods earlier, and practice in it, you can achieve better results by hitting the heavens.

Therefore, Zhao Feng would like to break through to the realm of the Holy King in the wilderness.

The two-year retreat has consumed a lot of resources, and the results are definitely worth it.

Zhao Feng estimates that many of the resources consumed in the past two years are even more than all the resources of the Taihuang Temple.

The annihilation of the black dragon has returned to the realm of the Holy King, but its combat power is definitely better than the general demigod.

If Zhao Feng is not rich in resources at this time, he will continue to cultivate the black dragon and destroy his realm.

Zhao Wan’s realm has been completely consolidated, and he can even break through to the Holy King at any time.

In the case of a small thief, Zhao Feng is somewhat incomprehensible.

The cultivation of the little thief cat has always been low, mainly because it is good at killing one, possessing assassination and high artistic conception, and can achieve certain success in the battle of the holy king and the half god.

If it is a frontal battle, the little thief is probably not the opponent of the ordinary sacred king.

However, after two years of cultivation, Zhao Feng has not seen the cultivation of the little thief cat at this time.

However, Zhao Feng is not surprised, the mystery of the little thief cat is too much.

"This thief cat"

The sinister black scorpion dragon with a hateful glance at the little thief cat.

At the beginning, if this thief was not attacked by a cat, he would not be defeated and was captured by Zhao Feng.

However, in the eyes of the world's black dragon, the origin of the little thief cat is not seen at all.

The realm is so low, but it has the power and artifact

"Not good, Zhao Feng, there is danger approaching"

At this moment, the annihilation of the black dragon suddenly said.

He suddenly felt the outside world, a strong antiquity atmosphere, and quickly approached here.


Zhao Feng does not believe.

Today, the mainland, there are not many people who can threaten Zhao Feng and the main hall.

It is almost impossible to dare to come directly to the main hall and to Zhao Feng.

However, seeing the appearance of such a horrible black dragon, Zhao Feng left the fascinating world with a dubious doubt.

Zhao Feng appeared in the forbidden house.

Zhao Feng’s spiritual knowledge is filled with a thousand miles, and at the same time, the eyes of the gods are opened.

“Hey? Is this?”

Zhao Feng’s spiritual knowledge did not observe any situation, but his god’s eye captured a black and purple.

"Zhao Feng, give me your life."

This figure appeared in Zhao Feng, and looked disdainful.


A terrible atmosphere of horror erupted from his body, and the entire master hall suddenly shocked.

"Where is the thief?"

"Who is, dare to arbitrarily dominate the temple"

Dominating the temple, a few powerful Lord's breath, suddenly rises.


Zhao Feng suddenly drank and threw all the saints who dominated the temple.

Zhao Feng looked dull and his eyes locked in the black and purple.

This person Zhao Feng does not know, but his soul makes Zhao Feng feel familiar.

"The God of Heaven"

Zhao Feng looked shocked.

This person was actually the **** of the gods in the original corpse, and he survived under the attack of the ruined land.

At this time, Zhao Feng is not surprised at why the other party can enter the master hall without knowing it.

"Haha, I didn't expect that I was still alive, I will take your dog's life today."

The **** of the sky, who is making a face-lift, laughs wildly, and the sinister eyes are staring at Zhao Feng.

If it weren’t for the appearance of Zhao Feng, the secret of the power of the descendants of the gods would be unexpected, and he would never lose.

Although he recovered from the recovery of the mainland, he also heard many of Zhao Feng’s achievements.

However, since he dares to find it, he naturally has the grasp of victory.

"I did not expect you to be alive, but I don't mind, kill you again."

Zhao Feng showed a smile.

Through the observation of the eyes of the gods just now, Zhao Feng discovered that today's **** of the sky is only restored to the realm of the Holy King. However, Tianqi really has divine power, so it is a half god.

After several years of retreat, Zhao Feng’s strength has grown by leaps and bounds under the huge resources.

He has long been itchy, wants to fight a lot, and by the way, see his true strength.

"Kun Yun, Nan Gong Sheng, stay in the main hall"

Zhao Feng directly gave the two people a voice.

Behind Zhao Feng, there is a pair of red thunder light wings.

The flash of red gold flashed, and Zhao Feng left the main hall and disappeared into the sky.

call out

Tianva really chased away.

"I don't know how high the earth is, even if the artifact of the **** is destroyed, it is easy to kill you."

Tianva’s true God’s behavior towards Zhao Feng could not help but ridicule.

With his qualifications, in the same order of the ancient soul temple, it is also difficult to meet the enemy.

At this time, the weak and small creatures in this low space actually want to confront him with the realm of mysterious light. It is a big joke.

In the hands of God, there is a black dragon gold iron gun.

However, its quality is only the best of the heavens. After all, the resources in the mainland are scarce, and it is difficult for Tianqi to find the soldiers.


The **** of the gods waved the black dragon gold iron gun in his hand.

A dark faucet giant shadow, roaring to the front of Zhao Feng bombarded.

With the power of the gods of the gods, this random blow can injure the demigod and kill all the mighty kings.


Zhao Feng suddenly stopped his body shape, running the holy body, and blasting a thunderous flash of bullying.


Two horrible forces collided in the void.


The attack of the **** of the gods was resisted, and the remaining energy attack hit the body of Zhao Feng without any influence.

However, the mountain river below is spread by this lingering, which is to directly leave a giant pit of hundreds of miles.

This is why Zhao Feng left the main hall.

"Hey? His strength..."

In the moment of the fight, Tianzhu Zhenshen found something wrong.

Even if he is now in a big downturn, there is no artifact in hand, but any strong person who is ordinary Xuanguang will not be able to resist his casual blow.

"The Thunderbolt contains the property of thunderbolt, and the attack power is also improved, which has a devastating blow to all attacks."

This is the first battle of Zhao Feng after two years of retreat, and the power of the thunderbolt of the Eucharist is even more shocking.

"Kid, it seems that your harvest in the corpse is very good."

There was a greedy color in the eyes of God.

Ordinary Dacheng Lord, how could it have such strength, so he determined that Zhao Feng has a very bad opportunity in the body of God.

Although he is a third-order true god, he is also very eager for the resources in the corpse.

After all, there is no trace of the adult, but he is beyond the reach of the sky.


The **** of the sky is running the power of the gods and penetrates into the hands of a long gun.


The quality of the gods who are only the best of the heavens, can not withstand the power of the **** of the gods, and suddenly trembled.


Tianqi Zhenshen waved a long gun in his hand and swept a few black dragons.

On the other side, Zhao Feng is waiting for the battle, and the wind of the fire is thriving.

"Breaking the heavens, the palm of the thunder, breaking the palm"

Zhao Feng’s body was full of red light, and after the integration of the Holy Body, he quickly launched several palms.

I saw that the huge red palm of the Red Light, like a giant mountain, went forward.


The terrorist attacks of the two men collided again, and this time, it is no different.

"The kid's hand..."

The sky is really deep.

It is a great shame for him to play against Zhao Feng and he has not taken any advantage.

"Nine days to kill the dragon gun"

The **** of the sky is cold and fierce, waving a long gun in his hand, and slamming toward Zhao Feng, a wonderful general mood emerges around his body.

"This is the warfare beyond the heavens."

From the huge offensive mood, Zhao Feng judged that the warfare technique of the real gods at this time must be beyond the existence of heaven.

As for the level of practice and combat skills above the heavenly level, Zhao Feng still does not know.


A horrible Taikoo blood force divergence from Zhao Feng’s index finger, after absorbing 30% of the blood of the gods, Zhao Feng’s index finger exerts the power of “Wind and Thunder”, Zhao Feng also wants to see it.

"Destroy God"

Zhao Feng’s body has gradually emerged as a highly overbearing wind and thunder mood offensive.


Zhao Feng casts a hegemonic madness, and collides with the **** of the sky, which is beyond the heavenly skills.

At this moment, the casual power between the two sides can destroy a common Samsung.

"This **** breath is no trace of adults."

For a moment, Tianqi’s true face was shocked, and he stared at Zhao Feng’s all-in-one Zijin, emitting a faint and horrible finger.

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