King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1160: Lonely (seeking a monthly pass)

There are five trading halls in Tianyu Island, among which the most prosperous and prosperous, the trading hall, the default is owned by Tianyu Island, no one is competing.

Therefore, the remaining four trading halls will be contested by all other forces in Tianyu Island.

The blue-eyed ice wolf is ranked fourth among all the forces in Tianyu Island, so the power around this trading hall is relatively weakest.

But because of this, this trading hall has a lot of competition, and there are six four-star races. But this time the situation has changed slightly. The Chiyang people who have been involved in the battle for the battle hall have not participated. However, the flaming Jinyang people at the bottom of Tianyu Island unexpectedly participated in the battle.

When the flaming Jinyang people arrived at the trading hall, they ushered in the cynicism of many of them.

"I didn't expect the four-star power at the bottom of Tianyu Island to participate in the trading of the spiritual hall. Is it true that the Jinyang people have developed a powerful semi-god genius?"

"Don't be kidding, I think the fierce Golden Sheep will send their elders to participate in the battle."

Among the surrounding people, there are always some people who have no strength and like to laugh at the other people.

However, in fact, the flaming Jinyang people do not have geniuses of the semi-god level. Apart from the four-and-a-half elders, there is no semi-god strong.

For example, the blue-eyed ice wolf family, in addition to the six demigods, there are five semi-god geniuses, the most powerful demigod genius, more powerful than the six elders, this genius is naturally suppressing the realm, ready to shock Higher gods.

In other powerful races, it is also a strong cultivation of such genius. Once such a genius succeeds in attacking the gods, it is very likely to become a second-order true **** and lead the race to the fore.

Even within the 10th Chiyang nationality, there are also three demigod geniuses, far more powerful than the older generation.

Therefore, in the battle for the battle hall, most of them appear young half-god, even if it is no longer, it is a half-god that is a little older.

It would be a joke if the flaming Jinyang people really sent out the elders of more than 100,000 years.

"I see this time, it must be the shark tooth family wins, the shark tooth family's Sen Yu some time ago, the strength has improved."

"No, don't you listen to the rumors? The patriarch of the Blue-eyed Ice Wolf family accidentally got a demigod genius and let him lead the genius of the family to participate in this competition."

In this battle of the spirit hall, the more powerful forces are only the blue-eyed ice wolf and the shark-toothed family, and then the Biqing-yu, the Chiyang, but the Chiyang people abstained.

The other four races are four-star races outside the top ten of Tianyu Island, and almost no one is optimistic.

Before the battle for the spirit hall, a huge test bench was built in the trading hall. There are four towering stone platforms around the test bench.

On the stone platform, there are strong ethnic forces nearby, or true gods, and the rest of the spectators can only gather in the distance.

There are only a few people on a stone platform in the east.

But these few people are indeed present in the public.

Among these people, there is a white man with a fair-skinned face and a proud look. He is the apprentice of Tianyu Island.

"Uncle Shi, do you think this time, who will win the final victory?"

Hurricane head on the micro side, looking at the middle-aged man with a look of respect.

"I heard that the blue-eyed ice wolf has recruited a very strong demigod genius. This time, it is estimated that the blue-eyed ice wolf has won."

The man was dark and stunned, like a ghost, with a light face.

On the high platform, the blue-eyed ice wolf people all smiled.

Only a cold young man is like a piece of ice, closing his eyes and not asking the outside world.

On the other hand, the shark-toothed people are very wrong and resentful, but they dare not say anything more.

This person in front of him is the person of Tianyu Island, the famous ghost is really god, and he is cultivated as a second-order true god.

He and the hurricane are the notaries of this battle for the battle of the spiritual hall. At this time, the notary public is in front of someone at the place, directly saying that the blue-eyed ice wolf will win. It is very obvious that the ghost is really standing on the side of the blue-eyed ice wolf.

But the sharks believe that as long as they defeat the blue-eyed ice wolf and come up with enough benefits, the ghosts and gods will stand on their side.

"Sen Yu, first retain the strength, pay special attention to the lonely eyes of the blue-eyed ice wolf"

The shark-toothed patriarch said to a man who was tall and exuded by a staggering sigh.

"Dinghu, fully help Senyu"

Later, the shark patriarch said to another genius.

There are two rounds of trading in the battle hall. In the first round of melee, all the powerful forces enter the battle station, and the remaining four can advance to the second round.

The second round is a decisive battle, deciding the final winner.

In the first round, each force can send two people into it, but in fact, the second person's task is to protect the strongest within the forces, let him save physical exertion, and advance to the second round.

"Since people are all here, let's get started."

Above the East Shitai, the ghosts and gods send out a heart-rending hoarse voice.

"Begin to start"

There was a commotion in the crowds watching around.


In an instant, a dozen powerful atmospheres directly jumped into the battle platform.

There are a total of six races involved in this battle for the Battle of the Spirit Hall. It is reasonable to say that there are a total of twelve talent pairs, but there are only eleven people on the battle platform.

The eyes of all people can not help but directly look to the representative of the flaming Jinyang nationality, Zhao Feng.

"Only one person, dare to participate in the battle for competition? Is this not self-inflicted?"

"Is there not a few demigods in the flaming Golden Sheep? At least two people have to be joined together. Isn't the chance bigger? Haha"

"This person's cultivation is so low. Is it true that the Golden Sheep is letting him die?"

Some people nearby, looking at Zhao Feng, burst into laughter.

In the battle station, many geniuses are also exposed to disdain.

"I really don't know, the district is full of light, and you have the courage to participate in the battle and stand with us."

The strongest genius of the Biqing Yu nationality, a smile on his face.

The blue-eyed ice wolf family, the lonely eyes and cold eyes, opened their eyes and noticed on Zhao Feng.

"It's him?"

Above the battle platform, the breeze brows slightly tilted.

"What's wrong, the wind?"

Ghostly asked the god.

The hurricane is a genius who will soon travel to the Jinyu nationality along with the island owner. Especially in recent days, after the hurricane heard the savage and ancient secrets, it was even more painstaking practice and its strength has advanced by leaps and bounds.

Today, in Tianyu Island, no one at the level of the gods is the opponent of the hurricane.

"It's nothing"

The hurricane shook his head and ignored Zhao Feng.

Although he had a deep impression on Zhao Feng, even last time in Xianzhen Building, Chen Yuhai secretly followed Zhao Feng and killed him.

However, he will soon follow the island owner to the four-and-a-half-star Jinyu people, and perhaps enter the wild and ancient mystery. At that time, he will personally find Zhao Feng, let Zhao Feng lie under him, and ignore the hurricane in the auction of the day. And repent.

In the battle station, Zhao Feng looked indifferent and looked at everything, as if all the sights in front of him were not in his eyes.

After the strength reached Xuanguang's perfection, Zhao Feng's strength and quality of the Holy Power improved, and he also mastered the golden wind. These half-gods in front of them are completely unable to excite his war.

"The battle of the spirit hall, the first round begins"

Above the stone platform, the ghost is really direct.

Suddenly, in the battle station, a strong blood of the stock, rising from the sky.

"End directly"

Zhao Feng showed his steadfast cold eyes.

As long as he beats everyone, there is no need to go through the second round, because only he advances in the first round, he is the winner.

"Hey, kid, let me send you down."

The genius of the Biqing Yu who taunted Zhao Feng just directly pushed Zhao Feng, a high-profile appearance.

Zhao Feng looked at this person and showed a smile.

Zhao Feng’s hand condensed a golden wind and thunderous force, dazzling.

But at this time, the blue-eyed ice wolf family, the thin young man who exudes ice and cold, is cold and sound: "Beat all of you, you can win directly."

Lonely and actually like Zhao Feng, this makes Zhao Feng pay a little attention to this person.

But on the battle platform, all the other half-powered powers of the forces, all staring at the lonely, surprised, showing a hostility.

"Lonely, what are you talking about?"

Next to the lonely, a half-god genius of the blue-eyed ice wolf, said with horror.

Obviously, this sentence is completely independent and he does not know.

Outside the battle table, all the crowds are boiling.

"This lonely..."

The blue-eyed ice wolf patriarch looks helpless.

Lonely is the kendo genius he accidentally met, coming from an extraterritorial space that is very close to the wild gods.

He did not break through the true God and entered the wild realm, and he has already proved his talent. However, being alone is too direct, pointing to the martial arts, only fighting in the eyes, becoming stronger

"This person is so proud."

"He is the strongest recruited by the Blue Eyes Ice Wolf, a kendo genius."

Off the field, the eyes of many people gathered on the lonely.

"Sen Yu, you guys, join forces to beat this person"

The patriarch of the shark tooth family showed a sullen smile.

Suddenly, under the influence of the words of the shark-toothed patriarch, the remaining half-god geniuses united.

On the scene, except for Zhao Feng, all the demigod geniuses stood on the opposite side of the blue-eyed ice wolf.

"This person is not bad."

The hurricane took a sigh of pride and appreciated. Just like an elder reviewer.

In his hurricane, if there is a half-god with a blue-eyed ice wolf, he can easily defeat the eight deities on the opposite side.

Because of the strength of the hurricane, it has already reached the first-order true God, and it can already be called.


All the geniuses except Zhao Feng were killed by the blue-eyed ice wolf.

The solitary scorpion suddenly changed, and the infinite sword scatters out, dazzling and glaring, icy and biting.

In his hand, there was a sword of ice cold, surrounded by a blade, always covered with a layer of extremely cold fog.

"Sword of Ice"

A powerful kendo will emerges from the lonely body, as if it is completely integrated into the ice sword in the hand and swept out.


An ice-cold blade swept out in a fan shape and greeted all the demigods.

Suddenly, all Tianjiao felt the body and soul, a chill and tingle, and looked at the loneliness of arrogance and arrogance.

"Reverse Shark"

The genius of the shark tooth family, Senyu, stimulated the blood and rushed out.

In his hand, he had a big blue water knife and suddenly cut a giant shark.


The lonely face is always the same, and the ice cold sword in the hand is a fierce glimpse.

A shocking ice sword storm came out and directly pierced and frozen the giant shark.

And behind the forest, Yu Yu, under the remaining ice and cold swords, the whole body of the Holy Power is almost stagnation, showing fear, no war.


Another genius of the blue-eyed ice wolf family saw that the loneliness was so strong and overbearing, and the heart suddenly rushed out.

"Sword of Ice"

Lonely swaying the ice sword in his hand, the ice-cold blade edge shock wave, and went to the surrounding.

The entire battle station was shrouded in a layer of icy and sturdy swordsmanship. The body and soul of all people gradually lost their strength in the biting ice and cold swords.

In a short while, with the help of another blue-eyed ice wolf strongman, all the strong players he attacked, including the savvy of the shark-toothed Senyu and the Biqing Yu, all defeated.

However, there is an exception. From the beginning to the end, Zhao Feng did not move. He just looked at it quietly. Most people thought that Zhao Feng was scared and ignored him.

"In this way, I just need to beat him."

Zhao Feng’s face has never changed.

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