King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1161: Powerful blow

In the trading hall, tens of thousands of strong people, quietly watching the battle on the trading desk.

This time, the battle for the spirit hall is completely different from the past. The two geniuses of the Blue-eyed Ice Wolf family directly defeated all the strong players of the remaining races.

The most striking of these is naturally lonely, this lonely and arrogant kendo powerhouse.

"Good and powerful sword"

"This is the power of the Kendo strongman? He has reached the realm of the sword and the sword."

In the peripheral viewing area, countless strong people were surprised by the performance of loneliness.

Among them, there are also many martial arts strongmen who recognize the kendo realm of loneliness.

"How is it possible, this person?"

The patriarch of the shark tooth family, looked shocked and looked at the human being incredulously.

They also know that some lonely people can come to the wilderness from the extraterrestrial space. How can they be so strong?

The genius carefully cultivated by the sharks is in his hands.

"too strong"

The people of Biqing Yu are willing to admit defeat.

It seems that this time, the owner of this trading hall is the blue-eyed ice wolf.

In the long run, the blue-eyed ice wolf will only become stronger and stronger, and the other four-star race will be far away.

"This child is good"

Ghost and fierce God looked at the lonely, showing a smile.

Obviously, everyone present at the scene completely ignored Zhao Feng.

Because the loneliness is too strong, it is too dazzling, and only the hurricane can suppress him.

Zhao Feng, only Xuan Guang’s perfect cultivation, is only because there is no shot for the loneliness, so he still stands on it, or perhaps he is lonely and does not bother to shoot Zhao Feng. Even the genius of many races is not his enemy. This weak human being of the flaming Jinyang family does not even let him out of the sword.

"Zhao Feng"

The people of the flaming Jinyang ethnic group have a tight face.

They did not expect that the blue-eyed ice wolf group actually killed such a powerful martial art strongman, I wonder if Zhao Feng can deal with it.

"It seems that this time the blue-eyed ice wolf has won."

Above the East Shitai, the ghosts and gods nodded slightly.

"Congratulations to the blue-eyed ice wolf clan"

"I wish the blue-eyed ice wolf prosperity and prosperity"

Although many ethnic elites in the field can't understand the blue-eyed ice wolf, they still have to smile at the moment.

"The battle for war is not over yet."

At this time, on the battle platform, an abrupt voice sounded.

Zhao Feng is very unhappy. At this time, he has not lost. He is still standing on the battle platform. This battle has actually ended indirectly, and he has decided that the blue-eyed ice wolf will win.

When Zhao Feng’s words came out, everyone around them couldn’t help but laugh.

"How can a person who is a fierce Golden Sheep, so stupid, does he think he is an lonely opponent?"

"He is afraid that he wants to save his face. After all, he has not played since the beginning of the battle."

Around, some strong people who watched the lively or powerful race laughed out loud.

"Zhao Feng, you are not an lonely opponent, and there are two geniuses of my family on the battle platform."

The blue-eyed ice wolf chief ridiculed and laughed.

Zhao Feng killed his blue-eyed ice wolf, and now he let Zhao Feng lose without fighting, making him ugly in front of tens of thousands.

However, on the battle platform, the lonely eyes always stared at Zhao Feng, the sword in his hand, still shining with the cold light.

"Haha, even if all the geniuses of the Blue-eyed Ice Wolf are here, what is the use?"

Zhao Feng looked at the blue-eyed ice wolf patriarch, his eyes were cold and he smiled.

On the same day, he came to the trading hall to auction the items, but was finally assassinated by the blue-eyed ice wolf. Zhao Feng never forgot about it. As an auctioneer, it is such a shameless thing.

If Zhao Feng’s strength is not strong, he will have become the soul of Lu Wei’s arrow.

Moreover, Zhao Feng is also famous for the time. For example, today, except for the island of Tianyu, there is nothing to fear him.

"what did you say?"

The blue-eyed ice wolf patriarch suddenly stood up, and a horrible ice-cold suffocation spread.

The crowd behind him not far behind, the whole body condensed with a layer of frost, and immediately withdrew.

"This person is so arrogant, actually said that all the geniuses of the Blue Eyes Ice Wolf are not his opponents."

"I think he was scared by the power of loneliness, and now he is talking nonsense."

Some people present, sarcasm.

Anyway, the Blue-eyed Ice Wolf is a powerful race in the top five of Tianyu Island, and its genius is as cloud-like. At this time, Zhao Feng said directly to the entire tens of thousands of people, ‘even if all the people of the Blue Eyes Ice Wolf are coming, what is the use? This kind of arrogance and arrogance can no longer be described.

"The blue-eyed ice wolf patriarch, now on the battle platform, there are three people, not to mention representatives of other races, you think you have won? You are ignoring the existence of the notary public in Tianyu Island?"

In the face of the already angry blue-eyed ice wolf patriarch, Zhao Feng did not fear, and even moved out of the blue-eyed ice wolf.

Although the ghosts are really facing the blue-eyed ice wolf, but the rules of the competition are here, and it is still set by the Tian Yu Island master, he naturally can not violate, otherwise it is the face of the Tian Yu Island owner.

"sit down"

Ghostly, the gods are cold.

The blue-eyed ice wolf clan is angry and angry, but he can only sit down, staring at Zhao Feng with his eyes, and it is filled with chills.

"The competition continues"

Ghost and fierce God said faintly.

He did not say that he entered the second round, but said that he continued directly. The meaning is very clear. It is to let the blue-eyed ice wolf genius, and quickly solve Zhao Feng.

Because there is no need for the second round.

Ghost and fierce God said this, the entire trading hall suddenly quieted down.

Everyone is waiting, Zhao Feng, who just said the arrogant words, what kind of expression would be when he failed.

Even some of the flaming Jinyang people have been ridiculed by other ethnic groups in the vicinity.

"You go down"

Lonely said to the blue-eyed ice wolf people on the side.


The genius went straight down, and he participated in the battle for the battle.

With the strength of loneliness, a sword can solve Zhao Feng, and it is useless to stay on it.

But when he went down, the words that came out of the lonely, let him, let everyone in the place be surprised.

"You are strong, so I will leave you to the end, I will be your opponent."

I have always been so lonely and arrogant, I can't talk, and I have said so many words directly.

But this is not the point, the point is the meaning of his words.

That is so arrogant, defeating the solitude of many demigod geniuses, actually said that Zhao Feng's strength is very strong.

At least this ‘strong, definitely stronger than all the geniuses that have just been defeated.

"I want to thank you too, and drive away other people who have no use."

Zhao Feng smiled slightly.

The loneliness in front of him reminds him of Yu Tianyi in the mainland, but the loneliness is even more militant. There are only swords or wars in the eyes, and basically do not think about other problems.

"What? Useless?"

Around the battle table, the geniuses who were defeated by the orphans suddenly became red-faced.

They were defeated by loneliness, and they had nothing to say, but even a strong man with a bright light was so mocking them.

"Take me a sword"

In the hands of the lonely sword, the ice sword waved, and the cold eyes gave off the powerful sword.


Around the lonely, a strand of invisible sword is merged with the ice, condensed into a real sword of ice, emitting the mystery of the sword that annihilates all things.

"Good, this is his real strength?"

"It turns out that he has always preserved his strength."

The geniuses who were directly crushed by the lonely, suddenly shocked, and my heart was not a taste.

However, such a powerful loneliness, Zhao Feng will be defeated, this person who has just satirized them will certainly be worse than they lost.

"Bing Heart Sword"

Lonely and heart-throbbing, there are countless swords of ice and cold in the heavens and the earth, and they are controlled by him in an instant, and they are integrated into the ice sword in his hands.

call out

Lonely figure like a sword, stabbed directly to Zhao Feng.

A wave of nowhere to go, through all the ice and sword, rushed to Zhao Feng.

Those who stood behind Zhao Feng’s body immediately felt that their bodies and minds were traumatized and fled directly.

"it is good"

Zhao Feng’s eyes showed a hint of appreciation.

In the eyes of Zhao Feng, the demigod was too weak to enter his eyes, so he did not pay attention to this battle.

Unexpectedly, he unexpectedly met a man, such a powerful and talented kendo demigod.

On the body of Zhao Feng, a dark and deep lightning mark appeared.

In his hands, there is a layer of glaring gold thunder.

"Wind and thunder"

Zhao Feng runs a powerful attack, the most penetrating gold wind thunder, directly stabbed.

The wind of the thunder, in conjunction with the wind and thunder, the power will double, and Zhao Feng's holy body contains the power of thunder, Zhao Feng will also run some of the power of thunderbolt on the finger.

call out

In the void, the invisible ice sword is directly swayed by Zhao Feng’s golden finger.

Finally, Zhao Feng’s golden finger and the lonely sword of ice cold collide.


At this moment, Zhao Feng directly released the power of the forefinger in the index finger.


A glaring ice cold golden light burst open.


The lonely figure was directly slammed down, and the ice sword actually broke into two halves.

a trick, a lonely defeat

Around the battle, I was dead, and I watched the big eyes and looked at the stage. I couldn’t believe this scene.

Everyone did not expect that Zhao Feng, who was ignored by everyone, actually defeated the lonely

Of course, they did not see how Zhao Feng defeated the lonely, because it was all incredible.

"This is impossible?"

"How can you lose to such a person?"

Near the battle station, those ethnic geniuses who were crushed by loneliness at first, were shocked and looked at Zhao Feng with a dull look.

The genius of the Biqing Yu who was preparing to shoot Zhao Feng was even more shocked. At that time, if he was not alone, he attracted everyone. He was afraid that Zhao Feng would be wiped out instantly.

Under the stage, Lonely stood up slowly, and looked at Zhao Feng with a cold eyes.

It’s so fragile that you’ve never lost, this time it’s still being defeated by a low-level person.

But Lonely has to admit that Zhao Feng is really strong.

The patriarchs of the Blue-eyed Ice Wolf family stood up after a moment of shock.

"Is this impossible? You must have used some mean means."

The blue-eyed ice wolf patriarch looks cold.

The strength of loneliness has already surpassed the ordinary first-order true god, and Zhao Feng has defeated him. Is the strength of Zhao Feng already reaching the level of the second-order true god? This is absolutely impossible.

Even if this is true, he will not be able to accommodate Zhao Feng, this son will kill.

Zhao Feng’s eyes are cold, looking at the blue-eyed ice wolf patriarch, and using his despicable means to defeat the loneliness?

Aside, the lonely singer also reveals the sorrowful color. He just came to the wilderness domain and was not familiar with anything. He promised to help this person participate in the battle of the trading hall. For the blue-eyed ice wolf, he has no feelings.

On the east stone platform, the ghost and the true God are also a slight glimpse. I did not expect him to look away. This plain blond boy is actually the real strong.

The people of the flaming Jinyang people are extremely excited.

I did not expect that Zhao Feng’s victory was so simple. In just one year, Zhao Feng’s strength actually increased so rapidly.

"This person……"

The hurricane flashed a glimpse of the haze.

The excellent and powerful Zhao Feng makes the hurricane very unhappy.

At this time, the blue-eyed ice wolf patriarch gave a secret to the ghosts: "Ghosts and gods, if I can help me win this trading hall, I am willing to take out the 60% interest in trading the temple in this millennium. ......"

Immediately, the ghostly **** revealed a sullen smile and sent a voice to the hurricane.

"Well, the uncle promised me, don't forget it."

The hurricane was exposed to the color of excitement, and then stared at Zhao Feng, and there was a fierce anger in his eyes.

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