King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1169: Siege

The people of Tianyu Island were all killed. The news spread slowly after Zhao Feng left.

With the strength to break through the shackles of the sky, I am afraid that only the patriarchs of the top five forces in Tianyu Island can do it.

But the many forces in Tianyu Island, no one dares to kill the people of Tianyu Island. Who is it, who has offended the ghost **** and killed the people of Tianyu Island?

At this moment, Zhao Feng stepped on the black dragon of the world and rushed directly to the site of Tianyu Island.

Some of the forces on the way are other forces of Tianyu Island that Zhao Feng has never seen before. Among them, Zhao Feng also saw a stronger force than the blue-eyed ice wolf.

"This dragon has such a terrible blood."

The patriarch of a powerful force felt the death of the black dragon from his head, and the blood in his body trembled.

Tianyu Island removes the power of Tianyu Island Lord. The other forces are at most the second-order true god. At this time, the annihilation of the black dragon has returned to the strength of the first-order true god, and they are naturally scared.

"When Tianyu Island appeared such a powerful person"

Many strong men watched the black dragon and the blond man flying over his head, and he felt it in his heart.

call out

The black-eyed mans flashed, leaving a devastating black flame in the void.

The strength of the extinction black dragon has increased, and the speed has increased a lot. At the beginning, Zhao Feng pursued the ghosts and the gods were not far from the site of Tianyu Island. Therefore, in a month, the black dragons came to Tianyu Island. Site.

The site of the island of Tianyu Island is surrounded by mountains. The sinister sorrows are full of countless tombs, and several huge temples are built on the mountainside.

At this time, there are still some servants among these temples, and their strength is even weaker, so they were not called by the ghosts.

"Everyone rolls, otherwise kills innocent"

Zhao Feng runs the light of the mysterious light and stunned.

The sound of a thunder suddenly spread to the front, and it shook into everyone's ear and heart, and it didn't linger for a long time.

Although Zhao Feng is decisive, he will never kill innocent people.

Suddenly, some of the servants in the pavilion immediately flew out. After evacuating a certain distance, they were hidden and did not leave. Some people thought that Zhao Feng would never dare to come. Who would dare to directly rush to the site of Tianyu Island to make trouble?

There are exceptions, this time Zhao Feng is the exception.


Zhao Feng said lightly.


The end of the black cockroach dragon smashed, and instantly rushed out, and opened a mouth to spit out a black and ruined dragon.

The buildings here are all very precious minerals, and they are more solid in the battlefield, but under the destruction of the black dragons, only the ruined end.

Wherever the black flames pass, everything is burned out.

"Transfer ancient array"

Zhao Feng’s gaze gaze directly below these temples.

Zhao Feng’s figure immediately reached the end of the ancient array.

At this moment, Zhao Feng is also hesitating, in the end should not use the transmission array to leave.

At this time, a ghost of horror and earth suddenly came.

"Zhao Feng, you dare to destroy this place"

Ghosts and gods look at the scene in front of them, angry eyes want to spurt fire.

Zhao Feng was ruined here. After the big brother came back, he was even more difficult to explain. But as long as you kill Zhao Feng and get the treasures on him, you should be able to calm the anger of your eldest brother.

Immediately, the eyes of the ghost gods gaze at Zhao Feng.

"It's stupid. This transfer of the ancient array needs to be tuned by the Master. It can be transferred to the Blue Bay Free Transmission. You can't use it at all."

Ghosts are really cold eyes, revealing the color of sarcasm.


Behind the ghosts of the true God, suddenly the ghost world wandering ghost world, this is the power of his small world projection.

"Ghosts are really going to work out"

Zhao Feng’s eyes are condensed.

In the beginning, the ghost gods released the power of the small world projection. Under this circumstance, Zhao Feng could not send away, even if he hid in the world of secrets, there were many flaws.

The annihilation of the black dragon came to Zhao Feng's side, although he returned to the first-order true God, but still not enough to deal with the third-order true God's ghost power.

"Heaven Ghost"

Ghosts and true gods face Zhao Feng and directly punch a punch. This black fist is more powerful and ghostly in the growth of the small world projection.

Zhao Feng stood in the small world projection of the ghost god, and did not run the mysterious light, just holding a smile.

Suddenly, Zhao Feng’s left-handed glimmered through the dreamy luster, which was later transformed into a piece of Kanazawa. His left-handed shackles the attack of the ghost-war god, and instantly analyzed the structural information of the attack.


A ghostly black fist shadow suddenly emerged from Zhao Feng's left-handedness.


Ghosts and gods lost their ability to think at the time, and they looked at the two ghosts in the air.

Zhao Feng actually displayed the same combat skills as him, and the power is also comparable.

Suddenly, on the left side of the ghost god, there is a forbidden power of destruction in the mouth of the black dragon.

"Not good, destroying the power of the source"

Ghosts and gods have changed slightly. He has long noticed the whereabouts of the black dragon, but the scene was so shocking that he forgot other things.

He has never looked down on the dying black dragon who is in the blood of the dragons.

"Destroy the world"

In the mouth of the black dragon, the direct spurt of a black and raging taboo.


Between the heavens and the earth, a huge red fireball emerged, like a red sun, burning and destroying everything, even the small world forces of the ghosts and gods are burning and destroying.


A terrifying ghost dispels the red sun, and the ghosts are the third-order true gods. There are many natural cards, and the black dragons can't cope with them.

I saw the ghost car, the real **** holding a rod of dark silver gun, the tip of the gun seems to be a pointed tongue from the scorpion, terrible.

However, when he broke the blow, Zhao Feng’s thunderbolt was already brewing.


A twisted platinum thunder and lightning bombarded the head of the ghost god.


Ghosts and true gods feel that the soul is penetrated by Thunder, and the heartbreaking pain.

After the first strike, Zhao Feng did not give up, and he had a triangular iron in his hand.


The triangular iron block changes into a black long sword, and its fine lines on the Qingzhuang are light and golden.

Destroy the thunder and the divine power, Zhao Feng directly slashed a black blade that destroyed everything.

"Little black, go"

Zhao Feng will smash the black dragon into the fascinating world, and then touch the water swirl in the mysterious golden ball, then come to the dream too ancient.

Using the copying ability of Zuoyi, the attention of the ghosts and gods is attracted, and then the powerful attacks are interlocked and all hit.

However, once the ghost is really slowing down, he is still invincible with the artifact.

Zhao Feng knows that he still can't kill the ghosts and gods. All he has just done is just telling the ghosts that he is not the crusher. He can hurt him, and he can kill him even after a long time.

If the ghosts are really acquainted with each other, they can now leave completely. If he wants to kill Zhao Feng, then when Zhao Feng becomes stronger, it is the death of the ghost god.

"Ah... Zhao Feng"

Ghosts and gods roared in the sky, venting the fire of anger in their hearts.

Just now, he was injured by the death of the world, and was seriously injured by Zhao Feng’s thunderbolt. He finally suffered the attack of Zhao Feng artifact. From the beginning to the end, he was almost passively beaten.

However, at this moment, Zhao Feng disappeared again and disappeared completely in this space. He wanted revenge but could not report it.

"Zhao Feng, this is what you forced me."

After that, the ghosts and gods left here.

After tens of thousands of miles back, Ghosts took out another token and sent a message: "All true gods, come to the land of the island of Tianyu"

Ghosts are not stupid people. Zhao Feng hides in that space for half a year. When he leaves, he suddenly appears. This proves that Zhao Feng can see the situation outside.

So this time, the ghosts of the gods retreat tens of thousands of miles, and summon all the true gods of Tianyu Island, completely besieging the land, he does not believe that Zhao Feng can not hide.

Some of these people are good at space, and may be able to find out the flaws of Zhao Feng. Maybe Zhao Feng will stop hiding into the unknown space when Zhao Feng comes out next time.

The Ghosts of the Ghosts have just finished all this. The group is surrounded by a small circle, and the black dragon is burning below the burning place. The ancient array glows with silver brilliance, and then a white figure appears.

"Ghost brake, what is going on?"

The man was wearing a white robe, his face was white and cold, and his flowing white hair seemed to be young.

But when the ghost brake saw this person, it was a chill, but the big brother actually came back.

In the space, suddenly there was a strange spatial fluctuation that flashed away.

The owner of Tianyu Island raised his head slightly, and the two scorpions shot a cold mans, looking at the place where the space flickered.

In the darkness of the dream, Zhao Feng’s mind is undecided.

"Tianyu Island Lord is actually back"

Zhao Feng thought that the big brother of the ghost and the true **** and the ghost god, should be a magical old man, but did not expect to be a young man.

However, this shows that this person has excellent talents and strong strength. When he was very young, he cultivated into the realm of real God. He is a genius.

"Tianyu Island Lord, the fourth-order true god, the strongest person in Tianyu Island, it seems that I can't go out for a long time."

Zhao Feng has no choice but to smile.

He came here to destroy the land, but he wanted to shock the ghosts and make him angry and depressed, but did not expect Tianyu Island owner to come back.

Although the dream is too old and the wilderness is not much different, but let Zhao Feng stay here forever, he can't do it.

On the way, the martial arts should be arbitrarily arrogant, not afraid of hardships. At this moment, Zhao Feng was besieged by others and did not dare to go out. This would have a serious impact on Zhao Feng’s state of mind and even become a hidden danger in the thunder of thunder.

However, this time Zhao Feng was so troublesome that even the Tianyu Island owner came back, and rushing out was completely dead.

On the continuation of the land, the powerful gods of many forces in Tianyu Island arrived here.

Originally, they were also very dissatisfied with the command of the ghost god, but when they saw the island of Tianyu, they completely lost their opinions.

Soon, among these people, the true gods who are good at space ambiguity and the formation of the tactics, together with a large array of banned air, block the space of tens of thousands of miles.

Tens of thousands of miles away from the air, these people are all true gods.

"If it is successful, the island will not treat you badly."

The eyes of Tian Yu Island are cold and do not see mood swings.

Tianhuo God is also here, but when he explained everything, Tianyu Island Lord did not care for him, perhaps disdain.

Tianhuo God looked at such a big battle, and his heart was also worried and worried. Zhao Feng would make Tianyu Island like this.

"Oh, I am down to the limit, and the flaming Jinyang people will also fall down completely. This is why Tianyu Island owner disdains to me."

Tianhuo God is lamenting in his heart.

"Zhao Feng, once you appear, you can't fly."

Ghosts are really cold and cold.

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