King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1170: Holy Land

In the darkness of the dream, Zhao Feng knees on the top of a mountain, the whole body shines, and the thunder is dense.

In front of him, a number of precious Taikoo treasures and Shenjing, constantly flowing a strange power, poured into Zhao Sheng's holy light.

The distant sky, the dazzling golden sun, scatters a hot light and transmits it to Zhao Feng's body, accelerating Zhao Feng's cultivation speed.

At a certain moment, Zhao Feng’s body shot a dazzling golden Ray of light. Zhao Feng’s surroundings were surrounded by a golden light that raged and collapsed, leaving countless cutting marks.

Zhao Feng’s surging gold wind thunder is more and more dazzling, emitting a golden light.

At this moment, Zhao Feng is like a golden sun, fighting against the sun in the sky.

But gradually, this dazzling light and strong atmosphere slowly introverted, income Zhao Feng's body.

"The "Five Elements of the Thunder", the tenth layer of the golden wind thunder breaks through the Dacheng level"

Zhao Feng opened his bright eyes and spit out a hot turbid gas.

"However, this strength is not enough."

The Golden Wind Ray has improved, but Zhao Feng did not show much joy.

Although he cultivated in the dream of Taikoo, it is clear to the crisis outside.

There are no people around the site of Tianyu Island. Zhao Feng knows that these people are hidden all around, including the ghosts and the gods.

It can be said that at this time, Zhao Feng has been under siege by all the strongest people in Tianyu Island. Once he goes out, he will be besieged by all the strong. Even the fifth-order true **** can only die.

However, there are still vitality. Zhao Feng has already thought of two solutions. The first one: Zhao Feng hits the heavenly throne as soon as possible. At least he can prove the second-order true god, and then let Zhao Wan and Zhao Zheng all hit the heavenly throne.

After successfully attacking the throne, Zhao Feng and others will consolidate their strength and perhaps they will be able to break through.

The second type: spend a lot of resources to cultivate the annihilation of the black dragon, help him to restore strength, the era of the black dragon and dragon peaks compared to the existence of the ancient gods, the strength is strong and terrifying, the area Tianyu Island owner does not have to be in the eyes.

However, the disadvantages of these two schemes are very large. The first scheme will make Zhao Feng and the two avatars lose their potential. The future martial arts road will be more difficult. The second one will bring hidden danger to Zhao Feng. After all, the black dragon The strength is too strong and it is easy to get out of control.

“First, there should be other ways to improve your strength”

Zhao Feng no longer thinks about this.

Just now Zhao Feng came up with a plan, but still has a lot of drawbacks.

Therefore, Zhao Feng decided to practice while thinking and trying to come up with a better solution, otherwise he could only choose a solution with the least drawbacks.

Behind Zhao Feng, there is a pair of golden light, dissatisfied with the golden light of the thunder.

call out

Zhao Feng’s figure turned into a golden shimmer and disappeared into the sky.

There are so many spaces that Zhao Feng can upgrade at present. In addition to the gold wind that has just broken through, there are also the holy blood, the scorpion, the golden thunder, and the blood power in the index finger.

Every day, Zhao Feng cultivates in his own territory in the dream of Taikoo, and enhances his ability in all aspects.

In a blink of an eye, half a year later, the true gods in Tianyu Island are still outside. For half a year, for the true gods, perhaps it’s a blink of an eye. Many of the true gods present are over 50,000 years old. Some are even older.

However, at this time, the entire Tianyu Island people did not know that the rest of the wilderness domain had been completely shaken, and a storm swept away from the most powerful forces to the underlying forces.

The blue bay is in a magnificent palace of gold and blue jade.

On an ancient stone platform, there is a crystal white passage that exudes the ancient eternal atmosphere of the vicissitudes of life, which seems to be a bit richer than the wilderness.

"The wild and the ancient mystery, the success of the connection"

A loud and vicissitude sound resounded through the void of the sky, and many powerful figures near Shitai were trembled.

The voice just now is the patriarch of their Jinyu tribe, the ancient **** of Guangyu.

At this time, several old gods who were old and behind the stone platform came to the side of the passage and took out some instrument props in their hands.

These instruments flashed in various colors and enveloped in the passage.

"The patriarch, the channel can accommodate the strongest repair, is the fifth-order true God"

The old man’s eyes flashed.

It is a wild and ancient mysterious place. It is opened once every year, and the highest repairer who can enter it every time is the third or fourth order. Like the remote area of ​​the Blue Bay, the disciples who can enter it will be lower.

It is rumored that 30 million years ago, some of the forces in the wilderness of the wilderness had entered the fifth-order true God. Since then, the strongest people who entered the wild and ancient secrets are the fourth-order true gods.

But somehow, this time, the passage of the remote and desolate areas of the Blue Bay will allow the fifth-order true God to enter.

"Even the fifth-order true God can enter"

"Well, I didn't expect that my **** Tianhua had the opportunity to enter the wild and ancient mystery."

In the crowd, an old man wearing a jade gown has no wrinkles on his face, and his body exudes a golden jade glow, and his look is very exciting.

He is the strongest fifth-order true **** in the family. If the fifth-order true God can enter the wild and ancient mystery, he must be the first person.

The Jinyu clan sighed for a moment and sighed: "If even the blue bay is near, the fifth-order true **** can enter it. It is only feared that the forces in the center of the continent will have six-order true gods, or the ancient gods will enter it."

Therefore, in the eyes of the Jinyu clan, this is not a good thing.

"First let the quasi-divine disciples who have obtained the quota enter it"

The voice of the Jinyu nationality patriarch just fell, and a group of young children not far from Shitai could not wait.

There are endless opportunities in the wild, and there are restrictions on cultivation, so this secret is almost the exclusive secret of the disciples.

Those who can get the title of quasi-divine are all half-gods who have complete divine power, can hit the heavens and gods at any time, and have a 10% grasp.

Although their realm is half-god, their strength is incomparably strong. For example, the Jinyu people's strongest quasi-sacred celestial gods and priests have the record of killing the second-order true God.

Although it is known at this time that even the fifth-order true gods can enter, these quasi-psychic disciples have all won quotas, and naturally they cannot deprive them of their quota at this moment.

"The first person, Di Lin Zhun Shen"

With the announcement of the elders, the Jinyu people were strict with the gods and slowly entered them.

There are a total of 16 people in the Jinyu nationality. In the penultimate position of the 16 people, there is a young man in white. His handsome face is slightly nervous at the moment.

This person is a hurricane. He believes that he is the first genius in Tianyu Island. Because of his relationship with the Master, he has won a quota. However, his strength is the third last in the quasi-divine disciple who entered the wild and ancient mystery. .

Soon, all the disciples will be involved.

"Tianhua true God, pay attention to protect the disciples in the family"

The Jinyu clan chief said indifferently.

"Yes, patriarch"

Tianhua Zhenshen is the strongest of the fifth-order true gods of the Jinyu people. He first entered, and all the ethnic groups in the Jinyu ethnic group had no objection.

Originally, he had no quota, because the Jinyu people never had a fifth-order true **** into it, and even the fourth-order true God did not go in.

But this time I don’t know why, this vision has appeared. In the eyes of Tianhua, this is the creation that God has given him.

call out

Tianhua Zhenshen directly enters it.

At this point, the passage suddenly swayed, seemingly fuzzy.

Everyone knows that the passage has been unstable, and the fifth-order **** is afraid that it will be hard to enter.

"Fourth God"

The Jinyu clan said.

Later, the strongest fourth-order true **** in the family entered, and the white channel became more blurred.

Without entering one person, the passage will suddenly become bleak, so only two fourth-order true gods enter it.

"The third-order true God"

A third-order true **** in the family directly entered it, but just entering the passage, there were several space cracks around it, and then a space of the yin wind blew out and tore him into pieces.


The entire Jinyu tribe was silent, and the third-order true **** was easily degraded.

"Second-order true God"

Get the second-order true **** of the quota, carefully enter it and pass it safely.

Until the passage was completely dimmed, the strong Jinyu people did not enter it again.

However, some of the older gods who were present at the scene suddenly discovered that this time the wild and the ancient secrets, the number of Jinyu people entering it is very large, almost twice the last time.

Ancient 陇 domain.

A sacred place admired by thousands of people, in the sky above this sacred land, has a huge white light ball, floating in the ball of many palace buildings.

At this time, on an ancient ancient plate, a pair of people with cold eyes and a strange inscription on their faces entered into them.

"Swallow the gods and go in."

In the rear, countless gods and true gods reveal deep awe and worship.

"The rumor that the gods have already had the qualification to attack the fourth-order true God, this opportunity, he is only afraid to take it to the next level, and he will become one of the gods and become one of the elders of the heavenly land."

There are countless beautiful women in the rear, and the twinkling eyes are shining and blurred.

If this is the case, the people of other forces in the ancient Shu area will be shocked. The gods and gods above the ancient gods are only in the celestial beings.

However, some four-star peaks or strong five-star powers may not be surprised to hear the ‘Holy Land, the second word.

The holy land of the gods, the taboos in the wilderness domain, some four-star, four-and-a-half-six forces, perhaps have never heard of this term.

The Holy Land of the Gods, the supreme ruler of the 18th domain of the wild gods, the mysterious and unpredictable land of the wild gods, but not every domain has a holy land.

After the swallowing of the gods, the rest of the disciples entered it one after another.


An old man with a stature in the back said indifferently.

At this time, a token appeared in his hand and a message was sent to his mind.

"At present, only some areas of the ancient sacred area can be riddled with the ancient and ancient mysteries. Other large areas of the wilderness are not showing signs of integration."

Knowing this important news, the old man changed his face and hurried away.

Subsequently, other sacred places in the wilderness of the gods gradually got this news: only some areas of the ancient scorpion domain successfully connected to the wild and ancient mystery.

However, they are not surprised.

The vast wilderness is vast and endless. This time, the wild and ancient mystery may start from the ancient sacred domain and slowly overlap with the whole wilderness. Perhaps it will not take long before other domains in the wild domain can be successfully connected.

It can only be said that this time the ancient squatting area took advantage of the cheap, while the power of other big domains can only wait, and the wild and old secrets are slowly coming together, maybe a few days or a month...

The dream is too ancient.

Zhao Feng is still practicing the golden wind, and the left index finger is constantly integrating the power of the gods. In the mind, he is deducting the third layer of "The Soul of the Soul", and some ideas are sitting on other things.

Suddenly, Zhao Feng’s perception of a humanoid race appeared, which surprised Zhao Feng.

For so long in the dream of Taikoo, the Taikoo race that Zhao Feng encountered was a form of ontology. This is the first time he saw the transformation of the ancient race.

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