King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1182: Capture tail feathers

There are three huge battlefields flickering around the Phoenix Nest.

The forces of the three parties promoted at the same time, and launched an earth-shattering battle with the Phoenix.

Under the lure of interests, the potential of all people has been stimulated more or less, not to mention the fact that among these huge teams, there are a large number of Tianjiao quasi-god, and their talents are most obvious.

"Fast attack, the front is the phoenix nest."

"I saw the golden marrow fruit, the sky lotus and the grass..."

The main attackers who rushed to the forefront, their gods slowly infiltrated into the phoenix nest and saw many crazy cultivation resources.

At the end of the team, Zhao Feng, with his strength, dealt with the weak-paced pintails, and there was no problem at all.

Compared with the people who rushed to the front, there is no danger behind the team, but behind the team, harvesting is far less natural than the front.

However, there are exceptions.

At this moment, everyone has not yet rushed into the Phoenix Nest, Zhao Feng has already received the rare resources of the Phoenix Nest.

Zhao Feng’s gaze was once again fixed on a herb.

"Golden scales, it's you."

This time, Zhao Feng’s treasures of heaven and earth are more precious.

A concealed water ripple appears on the golden scales, and the center of the watermark shows a faint vortex outline.

The next moment, the golden scales, disappeared from the air.

"it is good"

Zhao Feng is excited and looking for the next goal.

In this huge phoenix nest, precious treasures of heaven and earth, such as stars and stars, are inexhaustible. For a time, Zhao Feng is even dazzled.

At this moment, the punctuation and the forces of the three parties fought hard, and no one thought that the rare resources in the Phoenix Nest were being reduced a little.

Every time Zhao Feng ingests the same treasure, he will change to a place and ingest the next treasure.

Around the Phoenix Nest, the forces of the three parties continued to advance and slowly approached the Phoenix Nest.

"Go, the three forces are about to attack the Phoenix Nest."

In the dark of Fenglin, an old man shouted.


Eight people shadowed the phoenix nest, these eight people are really blue-scale people.

At the same time, around the Fenglin, several figures were also flying in succession.

These people are almost all four-and-a-half-power. They have been hiding around the phoenix nest, waiting for the opportunity to fish in troubled waters.

"It seems that it will take a long time for the three forces to completely break into the Phoenix Nest."

Zhao Feng’s heart is estimated.

If the three forces approached the phoenix nest, the punctuation will be forced to retreat into the phoenix nest. At that time, Zhao Feng could not take the treasures of heaven and earth again.

"The three forces have not yet entered the phoenix nest, and take more..."

Zhao Feng will enlarge the courage.

Among the phoenix nests, a concealed sturdy water-grain pattern directly covers two kinds of heaven and earth.

Zhao Feng directly ingested two kinds of cultivation materials.

carry on

After Zhao Feng’s battle, he constantly observed the phoenix nest and locked in the treasures he needed.

Every time you ingest, there are two or three kinds of precious materials disappearing in the Phoenix Nest.

"Who, stealing my ancient branch"

A third-order prawns in the middle of the battle, suddenly furious, released the mind to observe around.


The flame on the tail feather of this prawns suddenly increased sharply, and it was extremely angry, controlling countless colored inflammation nets and killing them.

"This punctuation has actually left a mark on the ancient branch."

Zhao Feng wiped a cold sweat, but fortunately, this phoenix can not sense the ancient spirits that Zhao Feng inhaled into the space of the gods.

However, let this prawns make trouble, other prawns also noticed the strangeness of the phoenix nest, and the treasures inside the phoenix nest were significantly reduced.

These prawns live in the phoenix nest every night, and what happens inside them can be seen at a glance.

"Despicable and shameless, dare to steal the treasure nest treasure"

Suddenly, the prawns flocked and furiously attacked the three forces.


The colorful flames of the sky are densely packed, and they are quickly rushing through the phoenix forest. They will be cut and pierced by the sputum.

"How did these prawns suddenly go crazy?"

"Suppressed, they are burning blood, not lasting."

The old man of the Scorpio people shouted.

The old man in the cloth is extremely prestigious in the whole team. It is like a mainstay. He does not fall, and the whole team does not lose their war.

Zhao Feng’s eyes are on the whole picture. Now the punctuation has already had a vigilant heart. Zhao Feng must not take the treasures as unscrupulously as he did just now.

"I have got enough resources, and the last time I will, I will stop."

Zhao Feng whispered in his heart and decided.

The treasures that Zhao Feng ingested just now are all outside Fengchao. These treasures are extremely precious to Zhao Feng, but there are more precious treasures in the Fengchao Center.

Therefore, this time, Zhao Feng will target the Phoenix Nest Center. This is also the last time. After the arrival, Zhao Feng will close.

Zhao Feng’s left squat went to the center of Fengchao.


The Fengchao Center is a separate space, like a seven-footed bird's nest. It is filled with colorful fog, all of which are scented by exotic treasures.

"Purple night Xuanlong branch, six turns to Yuanhua..."

Zhao Feng's heart is beating, every treasure here, even Zhao Feng is very excited.

"Pigtail feather tail"

Zhao Feng’s gaze gaze at a few gorgeous and gorgeous feathers. Although it is only a feather, it still burns a faint fireworks.

Regarding the preciousness of Fengwei, Zhao Feng also heard from the Golden Arms and others that the powerful punctuation will leave a tail feather when leaving the phoenix nest in the past. When the powerful punctuation falls, it will also Handed over to the race.

"These tail feathers can be placed at the center of the phoenix nest and must be a gem."

Zhao Feng’s heart beats.

There are other precious resources in this small space, but Zhao Feng is purely curious about the tail feathers of the punctuation, so he decided that the last thing he ingested was the tail feather of the prawns.

"This space clearly has the ability to counter the space stealing. It cannot be directly used to steal the emptiness. This is the same as the crystal wine cabinet in the semi-god cellar.

Zhao Feng did not act rashly. Once the stealing failed, it is likely to be immediately noticed by the phoenix.

"It seems that a small thief cat needs to be out."

Zhao Feng has no choice but to smile.

Meow meow

Zhao Feng's shoulder, suddenly appeared a silver-gray thief cat, the black jewel-like eyelids, flashing thief light, looked at the distant phoenix nest.

This is the first time Zhao Feng has let the little thief cat come to the dream too old, but the little thief cat is not curious, and did not ask anything.

The appearance of the little thief cat did not attract much attention. After all, in the eyes of others, this is the usual weak and weak pet.

After a moment of communication with the thief cat, Zhao Feng’s left shack once again locked the separate space in the center of the phoenix nest.

A layer of sturdy water ripples spread out in it, and then the little thief cat appeared in the center of the Phoenix Nest.

However, when the little thief cat broke into the separate space, several phoenixes fighting outside the phoenix nest suddenly looked shocked.


These prawns are the strongest of all the prawns, and they are angry at the moment, and their **** eyes stare at the humans in front of them.

"Despicable and shameless, I want to move the treasure of the Phoenix Nest"

Almost all the prawns roared in anger, they wanted to return to the phoenix nest, but they were worried that they would leave, and humans would directly attack the phoenix nest.

"Little spirit, you go"

A fifth-order phoenix bird shouted.

Immediately, a fourth-order pintail was directly turned into a blue-violet flame and returned to the phoenix nest.

In the face of the punctuation, the three forces that are fully attacking are inexplicably inexplicable.

"This is already the second wrath of the Phoenix."

"In the end what happened?"

Many people are very confused.

call out

The punctuation quickly entered the phoenix nest.

I saw, a thief cat, open mouth to the most precious items in the phoenix nest, directly swallowed into the mouth.

"thief cat, stay"

This phoenix tail suddenly drank, the whole body was full of flames, and countless flame filaments were rolled to the little thief cat at the speed of thunder.

Suddenly, a layer of water and water will cover the cat.

The figure of the little thief cat disappeared out of thin air.

"Not good, the ancestors tail feathers were stolen"

The prawns look terrified and panic, and immediately convey the powerful punctuation in the family.

Soon, the news that the ancestors’ tail feathers were stolen was directly spread in the Fengweilings.


Around the Phoenix Nest, nearly a hundred phoenixes burned the blood, and a horrible Taikoo blood pressure spread to the surrounding.

"Kill, these people are killing the light"

"They stole the tail feathers left by their ancestors."

All the punctuates are furious and roaring wildly.

The ancestor tail feathers of the phoenix nest center were stolen, and the phoenix was completely irritated and desperately attacked wildly.


These races that attacked the punctuation are not as strong as the punctuates, and even some four-and-a-half-star races are still the ancient blood of two thousand.

Under the absolute suppression of the ancient times, the three forces have fallen into a weak position.

"The tail feathers in the phoenix nest were stolen and all the phoenixes were furious."

"Impossible, we are not yet close to the Phoenix Nest"

The forces of the three parties were extremely depressed and attacked for a long time. This was the case when they were close to the Phoenix Nest.

That is to say, the efforts of all people are basically in vain, but it is still important to save lives.

The phoenix finnature guarding the phoenix nest has been ignoring life and death, pushing everything out and desperately fighting the enemy.


The dense horror flames are strangled by everyone in the rapid cutting, leaving no gaps.


The old man of the Scorpio clothed his face was deep, lamented and suddenly drunk.

"Oh, this breath of flame"

The fifth-order phoenix, which is playing against the old man in the cloth, sensed a familiar flame, and his eyes swept away and fell directly on Zhao Feng.

"not good"

When the fifth-order phoenix was stared at it, Zhao Feng’s body was cold and cold.

Zhao Feng hurriedly retreated and became the whole team and the fastest person to escape.

"weak, waste"

"Retraction is very positive"

Among the teams of the Scorpio people, many people saw Zhao Feng’s panic and hurriedly retired.

But Zhao Feng has managed so much. At this moment, it’s important to keep alive. These people don’t get anything, and what they get, it’s estimated that even the fifth-order true **** will be jealous.

"It’s a prawns, and the control of the flames has reached such a point."

Zhao Feng’s heart is shocked.

After the thief cat captured the tail feathers, Zhao Feng moved out and stayed on his shoulder for a moment, so Zhao Feng's body may be contaminated with a faint **** flame.


This prawns gave a crisp, loud tweet.

Suddenly, the eyes of all the prawns in the Phoenix Nest were locked in the ranks of the Tianzhu people.

"Kill them and recapture the ancestors' tail feathers"

This fifth-order phoenix is ​​majestic.


A large number of prawns transfer their targets to the Scorpio.

At this moment, all members of the Tianzhu squad were shocked and pale.

The prawns gathered in front of them, less than fifty, said that the number of such horror can even destroy them.

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