King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1183: Five-line transformation

Watching more than 50 phoenixes attack directly, everyone in the Tianzhu squad has only one thought left, and that is to escape.

"Oh, why are the phoenixes only targeting us?"

"It’s not so much, it’s important to keep your life."

The Scorpio squad, desperate, used the fastest speed and fled.

However, the phoenix is ​​good at speed, and is very familiar with it, far faster than most people.

call out

Zhao Feng retreats at the forefront of the team. He is low, but not slow, and at this time he has not started full speed to avoid being suspected.

The Tsing Yi old man is a third-order true god. He is good at thunder, and the speed is not slow. There should be no problem.

"Ah... save me"

The crowd only heard a scream of screaming behind them, but the screaming sound did not last long and disappeared.

Feel the death crisis behind, many strong people are physically and mentally cold, and directly display some cards.

call out

The rapid increase in the speed of several quasi-divines is obviously the application of some secrets of escape.

There are also a few people who crush a bead, and suddenly a deep esoteric force wraps it, and the idea is fretting, which can control this power and make it close to the speed of the fourth-order true God.

At the time of retreat, Zhao Feng was at the forefront, but soon there were some people chasing Zhao Feng, such as the old man of Bu Yi, and the Tianzhu strong who are good at the wind.

"Zhao Xiong, you are too prescient, you have no choice but to be the main attacker. It is also convenient to escape now."

Yu hate slowly catch up with Zhao Feng's pace, and he is accompanied by two Golden Arms.

The tall man relied on his own speed, while the pink palace women played a card to make their speed very fast.

"Good luck"

Zhao Feng smiled slightly.

This time, everyone who attacked the Phoenix Nest had no gains, and Zhao Feng, the weaker behind the pad, had the most gains and even got the tail feathers of the phoenix ancestors.

Zhao Feng was really a little embarrassed. The swordsman ordered them to join the team. As a result, Zhao Feng gave the whole team a pit.

"Bastard, nothing was done"

At this moment, there was an angry roaring sound behind him, the silver-gray man.

He was an ice stalker and the main attacker of the attacking phoenix nest. Therefore, when the phoenix was fighting back, he almost died.

At this time, at his feet, there is a sense of feng shui, it is this arrogant force, so that his speed in a short time, far beyond the third-order true God, escaped the dead.

"You waste, you are still alive."

The silver-gray-skinned man saw Zhao Feng safe and sound, and his heart was very unhappy.

When attacking the Phoenix Nest, he also laughed at Zhao Feng's weakness and incompetence, but it was because Zhao Feng was behind the team that he was safe and sound. And he himself as the main attacker, almost died at the time of the attack, just a large card in the hands of the show, only escaped.

"Waste, give you to the phoenix, give us some time."

The silver-gray-skinned man showed a hint of ochre and took a direct shot to Zhao Feng.

A chilly ice force suddenly slammed into Zhao Feng, and the surrounding plants suddenly formed a layer of ice.

This man is very strong, close to the rest of the hate, if Zhao Feng is hit by this palm, the action will be greatly damaged, and the Phoenix can catch up.

Only Zhao Feng knows that the phoenix is ​​so angry because of himself, once Zhao Feng falls, it is sure to die.

"Raylight flashes"

The golden light wing behind Zhao Feng suddenly turned into a pair of Thunder Wings.


A group of thunder and lightning power burst open, Zhao Feng's figure directly flicked forward a distance, the silver-grey man's attack fell through.

"This person who is full of mysterious light has such a means."

"A good and deep hollowing out"

Many of the strongest people who are fleeing are somewhat impressed by Zhao Feng.

" actually escaped"

The silver-gray-skinned man was a little surprised, and a man of great glory was actually hiding his attack.

"I will also give you a big gift."

Zhao Feng turned back and looked at the man with a cold look.

Fortunately, Zhao Feng realized a new flying secret, ‘Thunder flashing, can be displayed in an instant, otherwise he can only expose other cards.

He and the gray-skinned man have never met each other, but the other side has repeatedly died. Zhao Feng did not care much, but at this moment the other side wants to put him to death, Zhao Feng is also polite with him.


Zhao Feng waved his hand and an invisible dark yellow field shrouded the man.


When the thunder and lightning field wrapped the silver-grey man, a terrible thunder and lightning gravity came out.

Lightning can be paralyzed, and the gravity field can suppress each other's speed.

"How is it possible, your strength..."

The silver-gray-skinned man was shocked. The speed at which he showed his cards was actually suppressed. Zhao Feng’s strength in this field is extraordinary.

However, although his speed was suppressed, he was not slow, so he was not caught up with the Phoenix.

"Local gold, gold thunder"

Zhao Feng's palm wave, the earthy meaning of the earth covered in the gray-grey man's body, suddenly turned into the essence of gold.


The horrible golden light directly pierced the man's body.

"How can it be……"

The man did not expect that the district was full of light and had such a means to suddenly change the field of gravity into a terrorist attack.

Under the circumstance, the silver-gray-skinned man was seriously injured by Zhao Feng’s golden wind.

However, this golden wind thunder quickly turned into a thunder of water, flowing into his body, crazy destruction.

"Ah, no……"

The gray-skinned man, the sensitivity is reduced, and the speed is gradually slowing down.


His body was cut by several colored flames, divided into several pieces, which slowly disappeared in the flame.

"A good means to transform the power of the five elements, come hand in hand"

"Even if it is a low-level god, you can't do this unless it is the owner of Vientiane."

The strong man who fled with Zhao Feng, with a glimpse of his heart, began to pay attention to this young man with a bright light.

The strongmen who attacked the gods will almost always understand the five elements of the righteousness and consolidate the light of the Holy Spirit, but they are only properly enlightened. There is not so much time to put each kind of power into a very high level.

Therefore, some low-level real gods can transform the power of the five elements, but it is impossible to be like Zhao Feng, so easy to come.

"I didn't expect that I could convert the power of the Five Elements so well."

Zhao Feng reveals a hint of happiness. Among them, there should be Zhao Wan’s reason.

Zhao Feng's soul is separated, but with the ambiguity of Vientiane, the cultivation experience of all kinds of omnipotence has been continually penetrated into Zhao Feng's mind. Even if Zhao Feng studies it, he has learned some.

Zhao Feng found that since the second avatar Zhao Wan, Zhao Feng's "Five Winds and Thunder" cultivation speed has greatly increased.

"Don't chase, Fengchao has already been attacked by two other forces."

A powerful puffin said suddenly.


All the prawns return immediately.

Although the tail feathers of the ancestors are important, they cannot be used to make the Fengchao attacked by the enemy.

"Xiaoling, you become a human figure, secretly follow this person, recapture the ancestors tail feathers, with the strength of your fourth-order true God, there should be no problem."

The prawns told another prawns, and the tail feathers of this puffin burned with a gorgeous blue-violet fire.

call out

A flame of light poured into its mind, showing the appearance of Zhao Feng.

"Little spirit obeys"

This prawns immediately cast a secret method, turning into a human figure in a gorgeous blue-violet flame.

A blue-violet long skirt, white and graceful body, exquisite facial features can not pick any flaws, especially the smart eyes are blue and purple, touching.

The prawns, one of the four most beautiful races, is still like a fairy, and it is a beautiful city.

Xiaoling is the one that sees the phoenix cat swallowing the tail feathers of the ancestors.

"This person should be the owner of the thief cat."

Xiaoling stared at Zhao Feng’s face in her mind, and her eyes burst into a cold killing.

Although they are very disdainful and even disgusted to be humanoid, in order to recapture the ancestor's tail feathers, Xiaoling has no way, but can only be turned into human form, mixed into those human beings, and took the opportunity to kill this person.

On the outskirts of Fenglin, the Tianzhu squad stopped.

At this time, there were only 16 people in the entire squad. Nearly ten strong men with real powers were degraded, and all the people who survived were not in the state. They had injuries of big and small.

"They went back"

"Damn, we have brought out a large number of phoenixes, and the two external forces must be attacked on the plane, maybe they have obtained some treasures."

One person in the crowd said with anger.

The old man of the Scorpio is also silent. The Scorpio is good at the wind and has less loss, but the Fengweilings seem to be able to target them, which makes him afraid to attack the phoenix.

"Temporarily adjust here"

The old man of the cloth said to the people of the Tianzhu people.

"Next, the Scorpio will move to other places of opportunity, and willing to continue to follow the Scorpio"

The old man in the cloth looked at a few people around him and stopped a few eyes on the Golden Arms and Zhao Feng.

In the wild and ancient mysterious world, if you can follow a fourth-order true god, you will undoubtedly have more opportunities. However, the area that the fourth-order true **** wants to explore is not as dangerous as the general **** and the true god.

For example, Fengchao, there is a penguin that reaches the fifth-order true god.

"Sorry, Yu Xiong, Zhao Xiong, pull you in, and there is nothing to gain."

Swordsman smiled and walked to Zhaofeng.

"Where, I can see the strength of the fourth-order true God, and the legendary Phoenix Nest, which has been satisfied."

Zhao Feng smiled, and some embarrassed said that his harvest can be quite a lot.

Afterwards, everyone will recover here and adjust their injuries.

There are many crises in the wild and ancient world. It is not a state of prosperity. It is best not to act rashly.

Part of Zhao Feng’s thoughts, sinking into the space of the gods, observing this harvest, another part of the idea, practicing its five elements of wind and thunder.

The "Five Elements of the Thunder" is the next level of the five elements. It requires resources and comprehension. Now Zhao Feng has been able to convert the power of the Five Elements, and Zhao Wan's help. It is not difficult to return to the Five Elements.

Suddenly, in front of the Scorpio squad, there was a strong breath of oppression.

Everyone immediately opened his eyes and swept forward.

"What do you mean by this?"

The old man in the cloth stands up, and the invisible momentum spreads out, affecting one side of the world.

"Hey, the Scorpio, hand over what you got in the Phoenix Nest."

An old man with black scales and binoculars, like a poisonous scorpion, shouted.

On the other side, it is the squad of the Tianshui Yaozu.

Although the Tianzhu people took away most of the phoenixes, they succeeded in attacking the phoenix nests, but when the phoenixes returned, they almost encircled them.

Although the two forces have gained something, the damage is even more serious, and only 28 people are left together.

They believe that the Scorpio must have received an important jewel in the Phoenix Nest, otherwise the Fengquetails will suddenly become angry and attack the Scorpio.

Therefore, the two forces joined forces and forced the Tianzhu squad.

At this time, in the Tianshui Yaozu team, Hou Qing’s eyes suddenly shocked and fell on a young blonde.

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