King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1204: Blockbuster

No one is on the summit, this round of tests will not end, unless everyone admits to lose, take the initiative to leave this slate.

Zhao Feng is kneeling at the foot of the mountain. On the surface, he is practicing and comprehending the meaning of time and space. In fact, he divides a small part of his mind and observes everyone who is climbing the mountain peak.

With the power of the gods, through the performance of these people, Zhao Feng can figure out which step he can take.

At this time, the empty yuan is ready to lead everyone.

He is very powerful and has many means. Resistance to gravity is not a problem. He uses the power of time to slow down the speed of stone platform retreat. The progress is the most obvious and it becomes the existence of all people.

The second highest ranked is the fourth-order true **** of time and space.

Secondly, it is a third-order true god. He is a lower-level player, but his talent is very strong.

Then he was the strongman of the refining body, and he relied on a strong body and an unyielding will to climb up.

Of course, their position has been floating up and down.

Compared with these people, Xiaoling is a fourth-order true god, but it is not outstanding.

“Cultivating high does not mean that there is an advantage. The key is strength, means, and heart.”

Zhao Feng observes everyone and constantly sums up experience.

"In these people, the empty yuan is strong and powerful, and it is most likely to reach the top."

Zhao Feng focused on observing the empty yuan.

The time of the empty yuan and the peak of Zhao Feng are the first, but Zhao Feng is not as good as him in the use of time.

At this moment, the empty yuan is focused on using the power of time and righteousness to slow down the speed of the steps. Zhao Feng naturally has to observe and learn.

"If I can also control the time and the speed of the steps, I can possibly surpass the rest of the people."

Zhao Feng studied while evaluating.

“Hey? Some are wrong”

Zhao Feng suddenly opened his eyes and locked the empty gods.

After a long time, Zhao Feng’s look eased.

"It turns out that this step is because the time and space supernatural powers will go backwards, and the empty yuan is using the time and the righteous power to offset some of the time and space in the steps, so that the step back speed will slow down."

Zhao Feng’s eyes suddenly brightened.

Because the time and space around this place is very obvious, the time and space in the steps are covered up.

This point, I am afraid that even the empty yuan is not found, he must believe that it is the characteristics of time and meaning, let the steps go backwards slower.

If the empty yuan is aware of this, it is not difficult to use his four-space space to add a time to the righteousness and to counteract the uprising power in the steps.

However, the authorities are fascinated by the observers. This is the truth.

The empty yuan is arrogant and arrogant. If you want to climb to the top, you will think of this.

"Sure enough, the key point of this round is still in time and space."

Zhao Feng will clear his mind.

In time and space, the time and space of the steps can be offset, and the speed of the step back can be slowed down.

Of course, it is also good to use other esoteric forces, but the effect is definitely not as good as time and space, because the space and time are right in this space, and the power is stronger.

"My space has only two meanings, and there is only one time for the righteousness. It is still difficult to climb to the top."

Zhao Feng brows slightly wrinkled.

Once Zhao Feng used this method, there was no instant summit.

This method will be known to anyone at the place, including the empty yuan. At that time, the empty yuan is likely to follow this method and climb to the top.

"However, if I don't act quickly, I will soon think of this method."

Zhao Feng’s eyes are heavy.

The empty yuan is not stupid, just too proud.

Suddenly, Zhao Feng’s eyes flashed through a fine mans.

In front of Zhao Feng, there are many cultivation treasures, a golden god, a golden flame giant...

Subsequently, Zhao Feng began to practice the "Five Elements of the Thunder."

"Well? Master is practicing here?"

The annihilation of the black dragon was speechless, and he even wondered if Zhao Feng would give up the fight for "the robe of time and space."

"That is, Jin Shenjing, the golden horn of the golden horned rat, and the golden yang blood flower..."

Many strong people who are climbing the mountain peak, see the cultivation treasures floating in front of Zhao Feng, suddenly gave birth to greed.

"not good"

A strong man was suddenly distracted at the crucial moment of climbing and was directly bombarded by gravity.


After ten steps back, this strong man is able to stabilize his body.

On the white mountain, more than one person is distracted.

Everyone else has been affected by Zhao Feng suddenly, and even the empty yuan is no exception.

"When I get the robes of time and space, it is your death."

The empty yuan is calm and calm.

In the battle of the cross, the empty yuan was defeated in the hands of Zhao Feng; when he knew the true face of Zhao Feng, his martial arts heart was shocked.

The empty yuan is not allowed to lose himself in the hands of such a weak ants, so he must kill Zhao Feng and untie the knot.

"Oh, it seems that the robe of time and space must be obtained by the empty yuan."

The annihilation of the black dragon sighed and continued to repair the injury.

The time is slow and the test is still going on.

At some point, the black-and-white dragon suddenly felt next to it, and there was a deep, rounded awe-inspiring atmosphere.

"The master's practice has broken through?"

The eternal black dragon looks a little.

However, if the practice breaks through a small layer, it will not change anything.


Zhao Feng stood up and his mouth rose slightly.

"Using time and meaning, acting on oneself, can speed up cultivation"

Zhao Feng felt the power of time is strong.

Just now, he consumed a lot of Jindao cultivation materials, and broke the "Five Elements of the Thunder" to the eleventh floor - the five elements are one.

After all, Zhao Feng has been able to carry out the transformation of the five elements, and breakthrough is not difficult.


Zhao Feng stepped directly onto the steps.

"Does the owner have to act?"

Although he did not think that Zhao Feng could defeat the empty yuan, he had such a slight expectation.

"Hey? I thought the kid didn't dare to come up."

A strong man of time and space, can not help but laugh.

"not self-reliant"

The empty yuan said to the cold.


Zhao Feng took a few dozen steps in a row, and the invisible gravity suppression made him somewhat depressed.

"Gravity, I also have"

In Zhao Feng’s body, a gravitational force emerged, which resisted the gravity on the stone steps.


Zhao Feng is like a wind, flying fast on the stone steps.

After a hundred steps, Zhao Feng’s speed began to slow down.


Zhao Feng shouted and his body suddenly rose a few points.

The five-color lightning outlines the radiant light, which is covered with Zhao Feng.

At this time, Zhao Feng, like a five-color Leishan, is a powerful earthquake.

Zhao Feng’s speed has increased, and he has run five lines of power and has never been ahead.

There are a total of eight people climbing the mountain peak. At this moment, one person was directly overtaken by Zhao Feng.

Soon, the second person was overtaken by Zhao Feng

"This person, strong strength and physique"

The strong man who was overtaken by Zhao Feng exclaimed.


When Zhao Feng overtook the third person, his speed finally slowed down.


Xiao Ling stared at Zhao Feng and only spit out these two words.

"Kid, here will be your destination"

The height of the fourth place in the time and space holy place strong, angry and shouted.

"is it?"

Zhao Feng could not help but smile.

"Space is righteous, time is righteous"

Zhao Feng runs these two forces of righteousness and slams into the steps.

Suddenly, the steps at the foot of Zhao Feng slowed down.


Zhao Feng's five elements of divine power, once again impacted, will be less than the spirit.


Zhao Feng is getting closer and closer to the strong man who ridiculed his time and space.

"Impossible, you can't surpass me"

The strong man of this time and space holy place, kneeling in the same place, with a look of panic.

However, just as he said this, Zhao Feng has already exceeded it.

Today, Zhao Feng has become the fourth highest person on the mountain.


After using time and space, Zhao Feng’s speed was not fast, but he never stopped.

Another strong man was overtaken by him.

Today, on top of Zhao Feng, only the empty space of the Holy Land and a fourth-order true god.

"I understand"

The empty yuan is a deep understanding of the time and space.

Zhao Feng used the means of time and space to understand him instantly.


The empty yuan is ready to run in time and space, and the speed of the step is reversed.

"It turned out to be"

Another fourth-order true **** also understood.


The pace of the empty yuan is quicker and faster.

"Your space has only two meanings, you can't surpass me, ‘the robe of time and space, it’s mine.”

The empty yuan is trying to follow the example of Zhao Feng and quickly approach the peak.

But in the next moment, the empty yuan will perceive Zhao Feng there, the huge volatility of the forces

"This is? A lot of good meaning"

The empty yuan is shocked.

All along, Zhao Feng has only played a time and space, so he thought that Zhao Feng will only be time and space.

But at this moment, the number of the righteousness around Zhao Feng’s body has made the empty yuan almost forgotten to climb.

"I feel that there are at least seventy-eight kinds of righteous forces on him. How is this possible?"

After Zhao Feng, many people exclaimed.

It is difficult for low-level gods to have multiple kinds of esoteric meanings. Unless it is an ancient god, the realm is high, and it is relatively simple to comprehend the meaning of the mystery. It is also common to have a variety of esoteric forces.

Zhao Feng smiled slightly, did not speak, and continued to climb.

The "Five Elements of the Thunder" reached the eleventh level and the five elements were unified. Zhao Feng's five elements of the righteousness and the wind and the righteousness were successfully nurtured.

Although every kind of righteousness has just stepped into a heavy one, but the five elements of the righteousness plus the wind and the righteousness are seven kinds of mystery, plus the time and space of the righteousness, is the nine kinds of meaning.

The steps at the foot of Zhao Feng slowly retreated at a snail-like speed.

And Zhao Feng, step by step, will soon surpass the fourth-order true **** of the time and space holy land, highly close to the empty yuan.

"It’s just a half god, nine kinds of righteousness."

The transparent old man on the top of the mountain is full of horror.

"No, I can't lose."

The empty yuan screamed and shook the various means, pushing the limit to the summit.

He will never allow himself to lose to Zhao Feng again.

"My strength is stronger than you, my space is up to four, I climb the mountain peak before you, I must be the first to reach the top."

The empty yuan is snarling in the heart.

At this moment, everyone here looks up at the top of the mountain.

The empty yuan is getting closer and closer to the summit, but Zhao Feng will catch up with him soon.

In the end, who will win?

"Hey, Fengshen Stone"

Zhao Feng’s palm turned over, and a piece of a half-human **** stone appeared in the hands of Zhao Feng.

Sealing force, instantly spread, gravity is weakened, the step stops backward

(See double monthly ticket)

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