King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1205: Refining time and space robe (question for monthly pass)

At this moment, the steps at the foot of Zhao Feng stopped falling, and Zhao Feng’s huge gravity suppression also cut a lot.

"No... how is it possible?"

The empty yuan is horrified, and the round eyes of the eyes are almost falling out.

"The steps at the foot of the kid are not moving."

"What treasure is in his hand?"

Some people's eyes in the place, suddenly look at Zhao Feng.

Originally, the contest between Zhao Feng and the empty yuan was undecided.

But at this time, Zhao Feng suddenly appeared a white boulder in his hand, exuding the seal power of suppressing everything, letting the steps stop and retreat, and let the gravity suppression weaken.

"This is, Fengshen Stone"

The fourth-order true **** of time and space, staring at the white boulder in the hands of Zhao Feng.

Although the stone in the hands of Zhao Feng is ordinary and unpolished, the power contained in the stone is generally the same as the legendary stone.

"Is this person a descendant of the Protoss?"

That fourth-order true god, a great shock.

Before they, they also tried to obliterate Zhao Feng. If Zhao Feng is really a descendant of the Protoss, it is incredible.

"It is forgotten, the master still has a stone."

The black cockroach dragon screamed and smiled.


Zhao Feng's pace is light and he climbs slowly.

At this moment, everyone forgot to move forward, their eyes stared at Zhao Feng and watched him step by step.

Because everyone knows that Zhao Feng is the winner.

The empty yuan is in the same place, and every step of Zhao Feng seems to trample on his heart and make him humiliate.


At the top of the mountain, the transparent old man looked at Zhao Feng, and he smiled.

From the first round of tests, he began to pay attention to Zhao Feng, at that time because Zhao Feng's understanding of time and space is very good.

But now, this old man understands that Zhao Feng has different talents in terms of time and space, and other insights are also extraordinary.

So far, Zhao Feng has shown that the power of the righteousness has five elements of righteousness, the wind and the righteousness, and the time and space. It is the righteousness to comprehend the nine kinds of meanings. This kind of thing is unheard of.

Zhao Feng is at the top of the mountain climbing peak under the eyes of everyone.


Suddenly, the entire white mountain peak, in a shadow of space, was torn apart and dissipated.

" Lost, lost to him"

At this time, the empty yuan is not willing to admit it.

In the battle for time and space, when he was a treasure in time and space, he actually lost.

"The empty yuan is accurate, don't be discouraged. This person just used the Fengshen stone, maybe he is a descendant of the Protoss."

The fourth-order true **** of the time and space holy land immediately gave a voice to the empty yuan.

"Is that right?"

The empty yuan is dubious.

If Zhao Feng is really a descendant of the Protoss, then he will not lose.

The Fengshen family, the Taikoo Wanzu ranks fourteen, and many devils in the wild gods are suppressed by the protoss.

The territory of the Protoss is also a great sanctuary, but a sacred place.

As the mountain disappeared, everyone except Zhao Feng was also sent out because the test of "the robe of time and space" has ended.

"Predecessors, can you leave these two people here?"

Zhao Feng saw Xiaoling and the extinction black dragon disappeared, and immediately said.

Zhao Feng’s big hand waved, and the portrait of the black dragon and the little spirit appeared in the void.

"Okay, help you"

The transparent old man nodded.

The next moment, the annihilation of the black dragon and the small spirit, appeared in this space again.

"What is the situation outside?"

Zhao Feng asked directly.

"When we just went out, we were questioned by the strong people of time and space. There were countless deaths and injuries outside, and the battle between the fifth-order **** and the ancient gods was over."

The death of the black dragon and the dragon have a lingering saying.

Fortunately, they have returned to this place, otherwise they really don't know what will happen to them in the time and space.

"The battle between the fifth-order true **** and the ancient **** is over? What about the rest of the treasure?"

Zhao Feng continued to ask.

"There is only the purple flame and the silver sword left."

The annihilation of the black dragon directly answered.

Today, four pieces of treasure, time and space of the robe was obtained by Zhao Feng, Tianyuan stone plate was obtained by the Sikong Zhun Shen of the heavenly sacred place.

The outside world experienced a big battle, and the death and injury were heavy. Many of the strong people got some benefits and left.

"Well, you have got the robes of time and space, and refining them."

The transparent old man suddenly said.


The figure of the old man gradually faded, but the robes of time and space on his body were brighter, and the texture on it was gorgeous and unpredictable.

In the end, the figure of the old man disappeared completely, and the brilliance on the robes gradually dimmed and floated quietly in the air.

Zhao Feng reached out and touched the robe of time and space.

"Refining the robes of time and space, you can leave this place on your own"

A message of thoughts penetrated into Zhao Feng’s mind.

"Zhao Feng, the cooperation is over?"

At this time, Xiaoling took the initiative to open.

At this time, the attitude of Xiaoling is different from that of the team that just joined Zhao Feng.

"It's over, but you don't have to rush to leave, people in time and space can wait for you outside."

Zhao Feng said directly.

"You should take the prawns tail feathers, and give it back to me."

Seeing Zhao Feng, Xiaoling seems to have forgotten this matter and asked for it directly.

Zhao Feng looked a glimpse, and then took out three tails of energy-consuming phoenix tail feathers.

"What? You..."

Xiao Ling's face was changed, his eyes were wide, and he wanted to spurt fire.

However, the phoenix patriarch just let her find the phoenix tail and did not ask for other requirements.

Moreover, although the energy in the phoenix tail is exhausted, the esoteric texture in the phoenix tail is still there, and it can provide the people with the esoteric power.

Xiao Lingbai took a look at Zhao Feng and took away the phoenix tail.

"The people of time and space will not leave for a while, you should practice here first, the time flow here is ten times slower than the outside world, and it is very easy to understand the time and space, and it is also a good for you."

Zhao Feng said.

Ten times of cultivation time, it is indeed very good. If Xiaoling breaks through to the fifth-order true god, it will become the youngest fifth-order true **** of the Phoenix-tailed family, and its status is lofty.

Sooner or later, she will reach the sixth-order true **** or the ancient god. When the time comes, Xiaoling will leave his tail feathers and go to a wider place.

“Recover as soon as possible”

Zhao Feng left a storage space for the black dragon.

The annihilation of the black dragon has no effect because it has destroyed a lot of power and destroyed it.

"Yes, master"

The eternal black dragon showed a hint of joy.

Following Zhao Feng’s long time, the heart of the black dragon was also changed.

In the view of the extinction of Black Dragon, Zhao Feng’s future achievements will surely surpass his peak period and even surpass the ancient gods.

Once Zhao Feng’s ninth **** is completely awakened, his achievements will be incalculable, and the whole **** domain will be shaken.

It is not a shame to be such a powerful mount.


Zhao Feng floated to the endless void of the mountain, kneeling in the air.

"The Robe of Time and Space"

Whenever he saw this heavy treasure, Zhao Feng was not consciously excited.

"I don't know the robes of time and space, what kind of artifacts are there?"

Zhao Feng lamented a sentence.

So far, the artifacts that Zhao Feng has been exposed to are almost all of them.

Of course, the treasures that Zhao Feng obtained from the transparent palace before, the quality may be obtained from the gods.


Zhao Feng began to refine the "robes of time and space."

However, Zhao Feng found that the process of refining the time and space of the robe was very slow.

At the beginning, Zhao Feng refining the gods and descending the gods, at most one or two hours.

However, this is also proof of the ranks of time and space.

Because the refining process is very slow, and this place is another excellent sanctuary, Zhao Feng immediately divided a few ideas to participate in other aspects.

"The "Five Elements of the Thunder", the eleventh floor and the five elements are one"

Zhao Feng’s consciousness sinks into the divine light.

At this time, Zhao Feng's five elements of wind and thunder were returned to one, and the power became a five-line power. Therefore, the source of the body naturally cannot continue to be called the Holy Light.

In the past, Zhao Feng’s five-color holy light was swirling, and the five colors were clearly separated.

But at this time, the five kinds of wind and thunder power in the divine light of the divine power seem to be integrated into one, like a complete jade plate, and the five colors of Guanghua are slowly running.

Running "Five Winds and Thunder", Zhao Feng began to familiarize and consolidate the new realm.

Before, Zhao Feng just rushed through the eleventh floor, and even had no time to get familiar with the new power - the five elements of power.

Five elements of divine power, the powerful strength of the five kinds of wind and thunder power, is many times stronger than destroying the thunder.

"The five elements of the gods have just been born, it is comparable to the power of the third-order true God."

Zhao Feng is a little excited.

The 11th and 12th floors of the "Five Elements of the Thunder" are completely different from the first ten layers.

These two layers belong to a small realm, the advance speed is faster, and unlike the top ten layers, which consume a lot of resources, what is more needed is comprehension.

Today, Zhao Feng's five kinds of wind and thunder force is the initial integration. When the power of the five elements of the wind and thunder is completely perfect, the eleventh floor will be completed.

"Five elements of power"

Zhao Feng’s thoughts were fretting, and a colorful brilliance emerged from his body.

A colorful power requires each to consume a wind and thunder force. That is to say, Zhao Feng uses five elements of power to consume five times faster than before.

However, Zhao Feng’s divine light is different from ordinary people, strong and deep, and energy is magnificent; with the gradual improvement of the eleventh floor, the five elements will become stronger and stronger.

Time passed slowly.

Above the void, the atmosphere of Zhao Feng gradually climbed up, and the five colors of Guanghua illuminate the stars.

But soon, this powerful atmosphere will be absorbed into Zhao Feng's body, making people unable to see the depth.

"The power of the Five Elements of Divine Power, I have been able to use it skillfully"

Zhao Feng's right palm is clenched, feeling that the energy in the body is huge and unstoppable.

"If it is based on the five elements of the divine light, plus the blood, body and other aspects, the impact of the heavenly position, at least to reach the third level of the true God"

Zhao Feng is very confident about this.

However, he only arrived at the quasi-god, and there is room for improvement in the "Five Winds and Thunder" and "Jin Kun Sheng Lei".

Therefore, Zhao Feng intends to continue to build up strength, increase the foundation, and set a higher goal for himself.

"It has been a month since the time and the robe of time and space has been successfully refining."

Zhao Feng is happy and smiles.

This month, the outside world has only passed three days.

"Look at this time and space robe, what the **** is it?"

Zhao Feng showed a hint of surprise.

The wisdom of this artifact is undoubtedly human and human, and its own self-contained space, the time flow rate is ten times slower than the outside.

Such a powerful artifact, I do not know what can help Zhao Feng.

(At the beginning of the month, ask for a double monthly pass)

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