King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1236: Strong ancient god

The whole world is dark, and there are only countless ghosts and snarls, roaring, like a ghastly hell.

In the trading hall, countless powerful people, under the pressure of the ancient gods of the darkness, were terrified and trembling.

They feel that this ancient **** is the master of this whole world, and their lives are allowed to be slaughtered by each other.

At this time, in the trading hall, the guardians of the ghost river family directly took out.

"Predecessors, why should we target the trading hall of the ghost river?"

This sixth-order true god, who guards the trading hall, has a heavy gaze.

The true nine steps, the gap between the first six levels is not big, and many powerful gods can compete against him.

But the gap between the sixth-order true **** and the seventh-order ancient **** is huge, just like the world.

Looking at the ancient gods in the dark and empty air, this sixth-order true **** feels extremely depressed, and his heart trembles.

Because he can see that the other party is the 82nd black demon of the Taikoo people.

In the trading hall, the pace of Zhao Feng’s escape is also a meal.

He did not expect that the ancient soul temple where the **** of heaven is located, this time is actually the ancient **** strong.

Zhao Feng once faced an ancient **** in the Star Building, but the intuition told him that the ancient **** in front of him was even more terrifying and powerful.


Zhao Feng’s wing behind the Thunder condenses and flies.


The ancient gods of the black sky whispered, and the whole world was also a loud bang.


The wing of the Thunder, which was condensed behind Zhao Feng, was directly dispelled.

At the same time, Zhao Feng was also impacted by an invisible force, and the soul was subjected to certain trauma.

The buildings around Zhao Feng were also grayed out under the impact of the powerful esoteric forces.


Zhao Feng’s heart was shocked.

At this moment, he felt the space of the heavens and the earth, the power of thunder and lightning disappeared, and his thunder flashed, unable to play any role.

This is the ancient god, the ancient god's mysterious power is extremely powerful, able to squeeze the power of other attributes out of this space.

Of course, not only Zhao Feng was affected by the ancient gods of the Black Heaven, some of them were close to Zhao Feng, and their strength was lower, and they were almost directly killed.

"Predecessors, please stop."

That sixth-order true god, some depressed.

He does not understand the ancient gods of the Black Demons, why do they want to come to the ghosts of the rivers.


The ancient **** of the black sky slammed.


An invisible black whirlwind swept away toward the sixth-order true god.

For a moment, the sixth-order true **** was repulsed thousands of miles away, and the whole body was bruised and scared.

Subsequently, the eyes of the ancient gods of the darkness fell directly on Zhao Feng.

At this moment, Zhao Feng felt as if he had been suppressed by a piece of Tianzhu, and he was under tremendous pressure and could not move his body.

"Tell me, how did the **** of the gods die?"

The ancient **** of darkness asked coldly.

The **** of the sky is the descendant of the ancient **** of the black sky. He is very puzzled. With the strength of the **** of the gods and the artifacts, the task will actually fail and fall.

Therefore, the ancient gods want to know the reason.

Zhao Feng looked at this ancient god, and the soul had a cold feeling.

The other party is also a black demon, and he is so concerned about the **** of the sky, Zhao Feng dare to tell the other side, Tianqi Zhun Shen is killing himself.

Today, Zhao Feng is thinking about the law of escape.

But Zhao Feng found that in the face of such a powerful ancient god, he seems to have no resistance.

"The only way to do this"

Zhao Feng’s eyes sank and his thoughts sank into the left.

The next moment, Zhao Feng's body disappeared in place.


The black gods and gods were suddenly shocked, and then they showed a sinister smile.

"I didn't expect you to have such a high space. Although this space is very close to the space of the wild world, it is almost perfectly hidden, but do you think I can't take you?"

The black gods laughed and looked very happy.

Originally chasing Zhao Feng, just took back the ancient **** seal, but now he can harvest such a high space, how to make him happy.

"Let you see the power of the ancient gods."

The ancient **** of the black sky smiled and smiled.

"Go fast"

In the trading hall, countless strong men fled.

When the ancient gods shot, they would surely break down, and they dared to stay nearby.

The black **** is in the black double claws, aiming at the place where Zhao Feng just disappeared, and violently tears.

At that moment, all the power between heaven and earth gathered in the place where Zhao Feng disappeared.


That powerful attack contained a high level of space, and the bombardment was in the void, causing a sharp shock in the space.

In the dream of Taikoo, Zhao Feng’s left-handedness suddenly came a sting.

"Ah... this person is so strong"

Zhao Feng suddenly stayed on the left.

In Tianyu Island, there are a few gods who are narrow-minded and even unable to move in space. Naturally, there is no way to take Zhao Feng, who is hiding in a dream.

However, the ancient gods of the ancient soul temple are the best in the ancient gods. They have high spatial ambiguity, can detect Zhao Feng, and exert devastating attacks, vibrate the void, and penetrate into the hidden space of Zhao Feng.

The dream of Taikoo is the original source of Zhao Feng's gods, so it will continue to cause damage to Zhao Feng's god.

Zhao Feng put on the robe of time and space and left the dream too old.

Where Zhao Feng appears, there are also dramatic spatial fluctuations that cannot be directly teleported.

Just as Zhao Feng was about to try to escape again, he suddenly discovered that there are some strangers in the distance.

"咦? Time and space robe"

The ancient **** of darkness reveals the color of surprise.

It seems that this is not a white run.


The black gods raised their left hand and were ready to kill Zhao Feng and take away everything on him.

"I know how God is going to die."

However, at this time, Zhao Feng suddenly opened.


The black gods have a face.

" killed by me"

Zhao Feng smiled.

"you wanna die"

The ancient gods of the black sky are changing like a fierce god.

He felt that Zhao Feng was just playing him.

And just when the ancient gods were ready to kill Zhao Feng.

"You dare not kill me"

Zhao Feng laughed again.

"The ancient gods in my family came here, and you are dead."

Zhao Feng stared into the distance.

At this time, a world of heaven and earth that belongs to the ancient gods is slowly coming.

For the first time, the body flashed purple and silver, with a search instrument in hand, and the crystal light ball on the search instrument, the flashing frequency is fast to the extreme.

Come, it is the original dragon of the night dragon.

At the beginning, Zhao Feng escaped from the ancient Shu area, and the Purple Night Temple lost its face in the three major five-star forces in the ancient Shu area.

So, under the discussion of the Purple Night Hall, several squads were sent to enter the Tianyun domain for secret search.

The squad of the ancient dragon **** is one of them.

They are expected to, Zhao Feng believes that he has got rid of the pursuit, will definitely relax his vigilance.

Therefore, the main search location of the Purple Night Hall search team is the trading hall.

As it happens, when the ancient dragon is about to reach the trading hall, the searcher has a situation.

"The two ancient gods do not seem to be in the Tianyun domain. What happened?"

The person who sits in the trading hall is amazed and retreats.

At the same time, the nearby strongmen are far away.

"Ancient God, Black Demon"

The ancient dragon of the night dragon gaze at the black god.

"Bad, I didn't expect the ancient **** of Tianyun domain to catch Zhao Feng first."

The ancient dragon of the night dragon and the other two true gods.

"The treasures of Zhao Feng must not fall on the bodies of other ancient gods."

Another sixth-order true god, the voice.

They thought that the ancient **** of darkness caught Zhao Feng because of the five-color crystal palace.

But this treasure is too precious, the Purple Night Hall must not let other forces get, and they can't return empty-handed in order to save the face of the Purple Night Hall.

"I will stop him later, you will quickly kill Zhao Feng and then retreat."

The ancient dragon of the night dragon and the other two true gods.

"Purple night, you should have nothing to do with this kid?"

The black gods are pale.

In his view, Zhao Feng is not the blood of the Purple Nights, it should not be the people of the Purple Night.

But at this time, the ancient dragon of the night dragon rushed directly to him.

"court death"

The ancient **** of the black sky was furious.

In the other fields, the ancient gods of the black sky have been converging their temper. Now the ancient **** of the purple night family dares to shoot him directly.

In the distance, Zhao Feng was surprised and smiled. He didn't know what the reason was. The ancient **** of the Purple Night Temple actually shot directly to the ancient gods of the Black Heaven.

call out

Because of the instability of space, Zhao Feng can't use teleportation, and can only fly directly.

At this time, the other two people in the Purple Night Hall directly killed Zhao Feng.

"Kid, die for me"

The black gods have been determined to kill, regardless of the ancient **** of the night dragon, facing Zhao Feng is a claw.


I saw a purple-black whirlwind giant claw, tore the scorpion, and slammed it toward Zhao Feng.

"This ancient **** is so strong"

The true gods of the two purple night halls were shocked and immediately withdrew.

"When the kid is dead, he directly searches for his body."

The middle-aged man said with a smile.


Another purple skin woman nodded.


The black gods attacked and shook Zhao Feng.

"Not right"

The middle-aged man, his brow wrinkled.

The black and purple smoke dissipated, a five-color crystal palace, and returned to Zhao Feng’s hands.

And Zhao Feng turned into a golden streamer and went to the distance.

"Fast chase"

The purple skin beauty is discolored and abruptly changes.

However, after Zhao Feng escaped a certain distance, he directly applied space teleports and disappeared without a trace.

On the other hand, the ancient gods of the black sky and the ancient gods of the night dragon have already fought.

At that moment, the heavens were full of thousands of miles, filled with black and purple rays.


The night **** of the ancient dragon was surprised.

The same as the ancient god, but the strength of the other side is much stronger than him.

"That kid, not dead?"

The ancient **** of the black sky swept over the moment and found that something was wrong.

He just made a move and decided that Zhao Feng would die.

But as a result, Zhao Feng did not know what means to resist it and fled.

On the other hand, using the five-color crystal palace, Zhao Feng, who blocked the black gods, put on the robe of time and space, and continuously cast teleports.

Behind him, the five-order true **** of the two purple night halls, the space is lower than Zhao Feng, and there is no such thing as the robe of time and space, and the trace of Zhao Feng is gradually lost.

In the void, a ripple of water is formed, and Zhao Feng’s figure jumps directly from it.

"It seems that I am careless. I did not expect that the Purple Night Temple has not given up yet, but thanks to them, it helped me solve the trouble of the ancient soul temple..."

Zhao Feng looks gloomy and continues to look far.

At the time of the road, Zhao Feng’s thoughts entered the storage space and took out the Fengshen stone, which suppressed the ancient gods.

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