King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1237: Purple spirit domain

When Zhao Feng was attacked by the ancient gods in the dark, when the accident escaped, the two ancient gods began to communicate.

Then everything will be clear.

"This time I am abrupt."

The ancient dragon **** apologizes a little, just now he first shot.

"It turned out that this child also stole the items of the ancient soul temple."

The ancient dragon of the night dragon continued.

Of course, he will not believe in the saying of the ancient gods, Zhao Feng is the quasi-god, how could it be in the field where the ancient soul temple is located, and also steal the things of the ancient soul temple.

However, as long as the ancient **** of the night dragon knows, the ancient **** of the black sky is not for the palace of the five-color crystal.

"No, the kid escaped."

The ancient dragon of the night dragon received the voice of the other two people in the Purple Night Hall, and his face was somewhat angry.

The two fifth-order true gods he brought were actually taken down by Zhao Feng.


The two ancient gods moved directly away.

"You rest assured, I have a special search tool in my hand... and I know the destination of the kid."

The night dragon ancient **** laughed.

Zhao Feng used the space teleport to escape a certain distance and immediately changed direction.

The ancient gods have a wide range of thoughts, and there are search instruments in the hands of the ancient dragons. As long as they follow the direction of Zhao Feng, they will soon catch up with themselves.

During the period, Zhao Feng always used the space to teleport, and when the consumption reached the limit, Han Ninger would use his life to help himself recover.

After one day, Zhao Feng stopped a little.

"Ancient God, sooner or later, I will step you under your feet"

Zhao Feng’s eyes are full of firmness and bite his teeth.

Nowadays, his strength is comparable to that of the oldest priest in the ancient sacred world. Since the swallowing lord has the confidence to prove the fourth-order god, Zhao Feng also has this possibility.

Directly prove the fourth-order **** position, and the road to promotion to the ancient gods will be smooth in the future. If there is no accident, it can reach the peak of the ancient gods.

Therefore, Zhao Feng is sure that as long as he lives, he will be able to wash away the shame that is now suffering.

"You must do it"

Aside, Han Ninger’s eyes swayed and continued to help Zhao Feng recover.

Han Ninger has never seen such a talented person like Zhao Feng. She has witnessed the miracle of Zhao Feng. She also believes that Zhao Feng can do it.

After returning to the peak state, Zhao Feng continued on his way.

This time, he changed his route and was careful along the way.

The night dragon ancient **** can meet Zhao Feng so skillfully, certainly knows the final destination of Zhao Feng, Zhao Feng is not a fool, naturally can think of this, so he changed the route.

In the blink of an eye, twenty-five years have passed.

Purple spirit domain, one of the most prosperous large domains in the wilderness domain.

There are four major five-star forces in it, each of which is extremely powerful.

Some uninhabited areas in the Purple Spirit area are either particularly harsh or extremely powerful.

At the border of the Purple Lingyu, a huge ancient tree grows straight into the sky.

From a distance, the continuous clouds are like the leaves of this ancient forest.

In the dark ancient forest, the six-person squad is rushing forward.

"Everyone is careful, and many of the teams that have entered the purple spirits have suffered from losses in the ‘street forests on this border.'

A gray-haired old man, holding a dark purple ring in his hand, leads the way.

He has a dark red hair and a more pronounced purple scale on his body.


The team of six other people nodded.

Among the six-person squad, the gray-haired old man is a fourth-order true god, and two strong men are third-order true gods, and the remaining three young people are quasi-god.

"He Shu, there is a dark soul ring in your hand, what crisis can we have?"

In the team, a red girl, laughs.

The rest of the team also smiled and did not speak.

He Shu nodded, and the artifact in his hand, the "Dark Soul Ring", increased the distance of the gods and covered the gods, and belonged to the rare artifacts of the surveying class.

But there is no absolute thing, except for the Taikoo people, there are also some powerful demon gods who are very powerful and have a supernatural power.


At this time, He Shu’s face changed slightly.

The entire team suddenly stopped.


Soon, a huge bang sound gradually came.

The six-person squad tens of thousands of miles away, four figures, swiftly passing.

These four people are black and purple, and it is the ancient **** of the black sky and the ancient **** of the night dragon.

Wherever the three men passed, the heavens and the earth changed, and all the obstacles in front of them were crushed by the powerful impact.


Around the heavens and forests, there was a tremulous sound of a beast.

Subsequently, the entire piece of ancient forest, sounded a continuous booming boom.

"What is that kid coming to the purple spirit domain?"

The ancient **** of darkness asked.

"It is said that it is the time to send life to this place. It is estimated that I want to take advantage of life and climb the big forces."

The ancient dragons of the night are not clear, they can only guess.

call out

The four are like a sword that runs through everything, straight through the towering forest, destroying everything along the way.

In the distance, the six-person squad is standing in the same place.

"There are two ancient gods among the four."

He Shu took a deep breath and said immediately.

"Ancient God"

Among the team, several younger ones are all revered.

They want to go through the towering forest and need to be as good as ever.

But the team of the ancient gods, in this rough and barbaric way, full flight, ignoring everything.

"Continue to hurry"

After the departure of the two ancient gods, He Shu said directly.

However, the six people did not advance for a long time, they slowed down, and He Shu’s face was so deep that his knowledge swept away.

"No, just two ancient gods passed through this place, causing the riots of the towering forest beasts."

He Shu is a little embarrassed.

"How could this be?"

A red-haired girl, her face changed, and her watery eyes were full of fear.


Gradually, a murderous enchanting atmosphere of the stock spread out from everywhere.

"Retreat, wait for the monster to calm down and then move forward."

He Shu immediately ordered.

Nowadays, the monsters in the towering forest are all alarmed, and the emotions are more violent. They rushed forward and will only incite endless crises.

Subsequently, the whole team was huddled together, and the three weaker quasi-souls stayed in the middle. The team formed a whole and quickly retreated.

At this time, in the dark and primitive ancient forests, there are several fierce figures in the clouds of the sky.


A huge golden lion, carrying a golden storm, first hit.

Then He Shu only saw standing, and a dark red sword appeared in his hand, slamming a slightly distorted hot ripple.

At the same time, some powerful monsters in other directions are also coming.

Among these monsters, at most, they are also the third-order demon gods. It is not the opponent of He Shu, but they win in the number.


While the six-person squad resisted the attack of many monsters, they quickly retreated.

However, at this time, the uncle looked at him and stared at somewhere in the cloud.

Suddenly, the world is surging, and a black giant shadow, like a black thunder, flashes.

"Not good, is the fourth-order demon, instant eagle"

He Shu suddenly drank.

There was no fourth-order demon before, and he was able to stabilize the situation. Now they have no chance of winning.

Six people immediately applied the cards, while holding down many demon gods, they hurried back.

Two months later, two figures appeared in the towering forest on the border of the Purple Spirit.

"Finally, Zi Ling domain"

Zhao Feng's eyes blinked.

In twenty-five years, he finally crossed three domains and came to the Purple Spirit.

This is Zhao Feng’s longest walk so far.

At this time, Zhao Feng, handsome and cold face, sharp and angular lines, more tough; deep and quiet eyes, crouching with a sharp edge.

"What are you doing for the Purple Spirit?"

At this time, Han Ninger asked with a smile.

Along the way, the two experienced too much and the relationship gradually narrowed.

"Find someone"

Zhao Feng looks away from the distance.

He did not expect that the wilderness domain would be so vast, it would be so difficult to find someone.

It’s been a long time, I don’t know how to rain, how is it going now?


Han Ninger saw a hint of tenderness from Zhao Fengping’s deep and deep eyes. Somehow, her heart was somewhat lost.

At this time, Zhao Feng’s eyes were slightly moving, looking to the right.

Han Ninger also slowed down and seemed to hear something.

"Hello, please save us"

At this time, a voice of the soul swept to Zhao Feng.


Zhao Feng gave a low drink and flew directly.

He knows nothing about the purple spirit domain, and there is no map information. Now it is just right, you can get it from the person who asks for help.

At the entrance, the six-member squad was seriously wounded and was besieged by ten demon gods.

"Two quasi-god?"

In the team, two strong men swept over Zhao Feng and stayed on Han Ning's body for a moment, then lamented.

"Little brother, let's go, there is a fourth-order demon god, four third-order demon gods... you can't help me."

He old brow wrinkled, said directly.

He just relied on the Dark Soul Ring, and he felt that when someone else passed nearby, he directly called for help.

I did not expect that the other party is only two quasi-god.

The rest looked at Zhao Feng, and the face of joy suddenly sinked.

Two months ago, they were entangled in these demon gods. They couldn’t get rid of it. Under the constant fighting, they were gradually besieged. If they were not prepared before coming, I am afraid that they have already died.

I thought I was saved, but I found that only two quasi-gods passed through this place.

Zhao Feng saw He Lao’s eyes and then flew forward.

"Well? He actually came over, is he really looking for death?"

The red girl said in amazement.

At this time, there are already a few demon gods, and Zhao Feng was discovered, showing the fierce awn.

"It seems that he is really looking for death, unless he has the power of the third-order quasi-god, otherwise it has no effect."

A third-order true **** in the team said.

"court death"

At this time, a third-order demon **** of the six-person siege team turned into a fierce shadow and flew away to Zhao Feng.

At that moment, the six-person squad seemed to have seen the picture of Zhao Feng being torn.

Zhao Feng stared at the third-order demon god, and suddenly appeared a cold and chilling intention.


Zhao Feng's right arm flashed five-color Thunder Guanghua, and then immediately launched a palm.

That huge five-color Thunder slaps the light, dazzling and shining, dazzling.

The third-order demon **** that rushed directly collided with the palm of Zhao Feng.

The next moment, the third-order demon **** made a stern jealousy.

The five-color Thunder and the light of the palm push, the huge five elements of the wind and thunder power all bombarded the third-order demon.

When the palmlight stops, the third-order demon becomes a blackened cheekbone and is scattered on the ground.

(Organize the outline, there is only one more today)

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