King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1252: Shocking the gods (on)

Within a few days, Zhao Feng came to a black forest.

The trees here are called black condensed wood, and the branches of the trees are as sharp as steel.

In the bottom of this forest, there is a whole line of gods.

"Just here."

Zhao Feng came to the center of the forest and sat down on his knees.

In the space of the gods, some of the successfully reproduced Taikoo treasures were taken out by Zhao Feng.

Subsequently, Zhao Feng inhaled another batch of Taikoo treasures for reproduction.

A few days later, another Taikoo race came to Zhao Feng and left a storage space to leave.

At the same time, in the space of the gods, the reproduction of the last batch of precious materials was completed.

"Now, I have a 90% grasp and hit the fifth-order true God."

Zhao Feng has a well-behaved road.

"Shocking the true God, the first step, shaping the gods"

Zhao Feng’s consciousness completely sinks into the divine light of the body.

A huge five-color disc, which is filled with white crystal lightning, runs slowly in his body.

The divine power of the average person is just a whirlpool, and Zhao Feng’s divine light is a five-color disc.

It can be seen that Zhao Feng’s divine power is so strong and solid, and the five elements of the robbery that are bred are powerful.


At the center of the divine light, a trace of the five-color Thunder Guanghua was extracted.

Soon, a huge rectangular frame was outlined by Zhao Feng.

The true **** is nine steps, one platform for each stage.

As the lowest level of the platform, it must be strong enough and hard, otherwise it will not be able to carry the subsequent Shentai, then it is destined to reach the nine-order ancient **** for a lifetime.

The shaping of the gods and gods requires the extraction of the energy of the divine light, as well as the strength and potential of all aspects.


In the divine light, a strange five-color Thunder brilliance emerged, and the first Shentai was slowly filled in a special structure.

"The first platform, can't be careless"

Zhao Feng is concentrating on shaping the platform.

The first platform is vital. He also incorporates the power of life in his body, as well as the blood power, into some of these platforms.

At the same time, in the storage space in front of Zhao Feng, the same and the same cultivation of treasures.

Most of these treasures are five-line cultivating treasures, and some are conducive to shaping the gods.


The energy in these treasures disappears at a speed visible to the naked eye and quickly blends into the platform.

The first Shentai, Zhao Feng spent a full month.

During this period, he constantly operated the eyes of the gods, cooperated with the shaping of the platform, and carefully examined every inch of every inch to minimize the flaws of this platform.

"The "Five Elements of the Thunder" and "Jin Kun Sheng Lei" are complete, and the strength grows far beyond my imagination. I may have a hope of hitting the sixth-order true God."

According to the shaping of the first Shentai, Zhao Feng speculated.

This thought made him breathe a little.

Directly proved the sixth-order god, he has never heard of such a presence.

But now, Zhao Feng seems to have such a glimmer of hope.

Outside, every few days, someone will come outside Zhao Feng and leave a challenge book.

"He has been in it for two months."

"I don't think he dared to come out. I plan to keep shrinking inside and avoid all this."

Several foreign children, see Zhao Feng did not appear in these two months, can not help but boldly, casually talk about sarcasm.

"If he does not come out, he will be expelled from the spirits after ten months."

A younger child who just passed through here, said coldly.

Foreign children must complete an intra-ethnic task every month.

However, some foreign children will not be able to do tasks because of retreats or special events. The family also considers this point and postpones this task to a maximum of one year.

If it is a year, Zhao Feng will not be directly contributed to the spirits.

In fact, most foreign children also have a few years of retreat, but they will complete the task ahead of time.

And Zhao Feng, I don't know this.

Suddenly, around the palace of Zhao Feng, the strength of the heavens and the earth was inexplicably shaken.

Centering on his palace, he formed a huge and faint vortex, inhaling a hint of heaven and earth.

At the same time, above this huge vortex, it seems to outline a square virtual shadow.

"This is to shape the platform and shock the gods..."

The child of the inner family, his nose was slightly shivering and he was surprised.

"He is attacking the gods?"

This news quickly spread around the surrounding area, allowing a large group of foreign children to gather.

"It seems that Zhao Feng was forced to rush, so he began to attack the gods."

"Hey, he can beat Wei Ze, and he can hit the fourth-order true **** at most, and still can't cope with these challenges."

Many foreign children have been talking about it.

"No, why is the vision of the attack on the gods so weak..."

The child of the inner family quickly left here.

Next to the Crystal Lake, Zhang Yutong received a message and revealed a smile.

"What is it, Zhang Xiong?"

The young man named Lu, who is in Shenmuhai, immediately asked.

"Zhao Feng is now in the midst of the impact of the heavens"

Zhang Yutong showed a sinister smile.

When this was said, everyone was shocked and then laughed.

"He thought it was our opponent after the sign of the gods?"

"I think he is being rushed, and he has no choice but to attack the gods and use it to improve his strength."

Many core children, ironic and ridiculous, have some smugness in their hearts.

"Let's go, since Zhao Feng has chosen to attack the gods, it will prove that after he succeeds, he will accept our challenge."

Zhang Yutong suddenly got up.

"Zhang Xiong, you are more worried. I think he just borrows the spiritual treasures and attacks the gods. After he succeeds, he will take the initiative to leave the spirits."

Another core child is attached.

Later, the core children gathered here are all scattered.

Foreign territories.

Around Zhaofeng Palace, there are more and more people gathering.

"Zhao Feng is forced to rush, but even if he hits the gods, he can't get out of trouble."

Zhao Lanying, two brothers, looked at the front with a cold look.

"Quickly let go, a lot of core children are coming"

At the rear, a sound is heard.

The foreign and ethnic children who gathered around the Zhaofeng Palace immediately dispersed.

Then, the core children who came together came to the front of the palace.

"It turned out that he was attacking the gods in another space."

Zhang Yutong brows his head and says freely.

The vision of the heavens and the earth that impacts the gods is very large, and there is only one vortex that is not very obvious outside the Zhaofeng Palace. The virtual shadow of the gods is even weaker.

This proves that Zhao Feng is hiding in another space and hitting the gods.

However, this is also very normal. If Zhao Feng directly attacks the gods in the residence, it is too stupid. If his enemies are desperate, obstructing and calculating, his promotion will fail and he will lose.

Not far away, Pan Hao also came here.

"What is he going to do? Even if he succeeds in attacking the gods, he is not the opponent of those challengers."

Pan Hao is a little anxious inside.


Around the palace, the scope of the vortex of the vitality has doubled, and the second sacred shadow of the gods has gradually formed.

"Second-order gods"

Zhang Yutong said softly.

"Yu Fei, Yu Fei, Zhao Feng is hitting the gods"

Kong Die flew to Zhao Yufei's residence and shouted.

"Feng brother is attacking the gods?"

In the Amethyst Palace, Zhao Yufei looked awkward and immediately became angry.

In her opinion, Zhao Feng must have been forced by the Lingzu, only at this time, shocking the gods.

"This kid, what do you want to do?"

Near the Zhao Yufei Palace, the ancient **** of the floating spirit whispered.

His first feeling: Zhao Feng shocked the throne in order to enhance his strength, then he refused to compromise and chose to resist.

But even if Zhao Feng hits the fourth-order god, it is not the opponent of the challenger.

"Is this child, sure to hit the fifth order?"

In the heart of the ancient spirits, there is a bold thought.

The last time Zhao Feng and Wei Ze were fighting, he was also present.

He always felt that Zhao Feng still seems to be hiding a lot, not doing his best.


At this time, Zhao Yufei came to the mouth of the palace.

She knows that her master is always nearby, just to stop her from seeing Zhao Feng.

"Go ahead"

The ancient **** of floating spirit said plainly.

call out

Zhao Yufei turned into a purple streamer and disappeared into the sky.

At the same time, the figure of the ancient **** of the floating spirit suddenly broke into the void.

Inside the Zhaofeng Palace, a huge vortex of vitality, the scope is wider and wider, gradually solidified, and turned into a five-color vortex.

The two shadows of the gods on it also gradually have a hint of color.

A purple light flashed and Zhao Yufei came nearby.


Zhao Yufei looked worried.


The world is changing, the clouds are rolling, and a few super-transparent figures appear in the depths of the sky.

"This kid chooses to attack the gods, that is to refuse to compromise?"

A black robe ancient god, the tone is a bit cold.

This person is just some time ago, looking for the ancient **** of the spirit of Zhao Feng negotiations.

"In any case, after he successfully breaks through, things will have a result."

The ancient **** of the floating spirit said indifferently.

"However, the space that this child enters is somewhat extraordinary, and it is so compatible with the heaven and earth framework of the wild gods."

Another ancient **** exclaimed.


Around the Zhaofeng Palace, the five-color vortex, the range doubled again.

At the same time, the third Shentai virtual shadow, slowly emerged

"It has been three orders"

"There is a strong five-line power, a strong platform."

The ancient spirit of the floating spirit flashed.

With his experience, the situation of Zhao Feng Shentai can be seen only by the three shadows of Shentai.

In the darkness of the dream, Zhao Feng’s body, the divine light has been reduced by a factor of two.

The divine power is on the spiral, and there are three gods on the platform. The crystals of the Shentai are translucent, and the various colors of the stream are running. The outer stream is filled with the deep and mysterious texture, which seems to contain the heaven and earth avenue.

"Continue, the fourth seat"

On the three gods in Zhao Feng's body, a group of five-color Thunder Guanghua was suddenly smashed, trying to outline the fourth platform.

But at this time, his movements were a little bit.

Zhao Feng’s attention shifted slightly.

"this is?"

His look suddenly changed.

Because he found that there was a change in the color of several hairs in his long hair with a mad dance.

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