King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1253: Shocking position (middle)

The hairs, like life, danced in the air with great beauty.

The hair is silvery, but occasionally it flows red, yellow, green, blue, black and other colors. The change between each color is subtle and natural.

Of course, now Zhao Feng has no intention to carefully observe these.

He only knows that he is at the crucial moment of shaping the platform, and his god's eye has ushered in a transformation.

"How to do?"

Zhao Feng is anxious in his heart.

According to past experience, the transformation of the gods' eyes may make him completely sleep.

And the time of sleeping is not fixed.

Nowadays, he has already shaped three gods, but if it is at the last critical moment, the gods' eyes will change and let him sleep, how can it be good.

Once the **** platform is broken, he will be returned to its original shape, and it will take a long time to recover.

The oppression of the Ling family is also imminent. He must attack the gods as soon as possible to solve these threats.

After a moment of entanglement, Zhao Feng decided to continue to attack the gods.

According to past experience, the color change of the hair is only a sign of the change of the gods. It has to wait for a while to change the moment.

"You must successfully attack the gods before the gods change."

Zhao Feng’s eyes are shining with a firm color.

Outside the palace, the huge five-color vortex and the speed of the Shentai absorption of energy suddenly collapsed.

This phenomenon attracted people from nearby and looked surprised.

"Is it over? There are only three gods?"

"Oh, it seems that this is not the case, although he can defeat the fourth-order true God, but his potential is limited..."

Many of the recent core children rely on ridicule.

Concentrate on three Shentai, the vast majority of the spiritual core children can do it.

"No, it's more than just..."

In the distance, Zhao Yufei believes that Zhao Feng, the three Shentai is not the end.

At this time, on the huge palace, there was another phantom of the gods, which was outlined.

"Four Gods"

Surrounded by a sensation

Being able to defeat the fourth-order true **** does not mean that you can converge on four gods, but if you can do this, it means that its talent and potential are excellent.

Above the clouds, several ancient gods have changed.

"This child has no high blood, but the talent potential is very good."

"The four gods are sturdy and incomparable. Once formed, the fourth order is invincible and can fight the fifth order."

Several ancient gods were sinister and sinister, and based on this vague vision, they made judgments.

Just at this time, not far away, there were several figures.

"That is, the ‘the holy land of life,’

The nearby people who focused on Zhao Feng’s breakthrough vision were immediately attracted to the three younger children.

"I didn't expect Xia Houxiong to come here..."

The core children of the nearby spiritual family immediately greeted them.

The sacred place of life, the dominant force of the purple spirit domain, the spirits in front of them, also had to bow.

Among the three, the first one was in a neat and light green robes. The body was straight and majestic, and the green eyes were twinkling and sparkling.

"What's happening here?"

The macho man looked at Zhao Feng’s palace and was slightly surprised.

This person is the sixth-order true **** of the life holy place, Xia Houwu, the owner of the life, one of Zhao Yufei's pursuers.

"Xiahou brother, you know that there are many children in the spiritual family who are pursuing Zhao Yufei, but this kid has won the heart of Zhao Yufei, so we will challenge the book to it. This kid is not good enough, so he is eager to break through. God position..."

Zhang Yutong smiled and greeted.

Although he is also a sixth-order true god, he has the blood of the spiritual family, but he is not the opponent of Xia Houwu.

In addition, Xia Houwu’s power is also higher than the Lingzu.

"Xiahou brother, are you coming to challenge him?"

Asked a core child of the Ling family.

"No need"

Xia Houwu said coldly, and turned his eyes to the distance, where Zhao Yufei was.

In his view, even if Zhao Feng breaks through the position of God, it is impossible for him to be the opponent of these spiritual people. He does not need him to shoot.

In addition, Zhao Feng is, after all, Zhao Yufei's fancy man. If he humiliates Zhao Feng in person, he will definitely make Zhao Yufei hate.

It is better to let the people of the Lingzuo take the shot and drive Zhao Feng away, and he directly went to comfort and please Zhao Yufei.

"Yes, yes, how can this kind of Xiaoyan be worthy of Xia Houxiong?"

Zhang Yutong still smiled and complimented.

Above the sky, the eyes of the ancient gods of the spirits are also looked at the three people in the holy land of life.

"They are very strong in body, coupled with superb self-healing power and resilience, as long as they bring a few soul defense artifacts, they are invincible."

"It is a sacred genius, and the core children of the spiritual family are in contrast to it."


The spirits of the heavens and the earth near the spirits are madly captured by the five-color vortex, and transported to the dream of Taikoo, Zhao Feng.

At the same time, Zhao Feng’s bottom line of the gods, the endless world of vitality and divine power, for Zhao Feng to extract.

In addition, the treasures of the heavens and earth he prepared for the impact of the gods have already been exhausted.

Half a month later, the fourth platform was finally condensed.

"Next is the fifth seat"

Zhao Feng’s heart is a little uplifting, and there is also an anxiety.

At this point, he had a blond hair, a little half, and turned silver.

But the silver hair, in the natural dance, the color gradually changes, giving a dreamlike flow.

And his left aunt, there is also a sense of tiredness.

In the space of the gods, the mysterious golden ball, spinning rapidly, the color is also changing.

The golden ball gradually approached the silver, but the surface was full of colorful fascination.

It’s like this little ball is filled with a dreamy liquid.

When the shape of the fifth platform was outlined, the outside world was completely sensational.

"The fifth platform, this kid is really dare."

"Oh, once you start to shape the platform, you will be weak, then it will be abandoned, everything will be abolished."

A lot of children around, suddenly laughed.

But at the same time they are a little embarrassed, and Zhao Feng has the courage to shape the fifth platform, so that he can shape the fifth platform.

"Hey, I don't care."

Xia Houwu snorted.

It is only possible that the fifth-order gods can be proved, for example, the sacred land of the Holy Land.

"Oh, this kid is afraid to fail. Every time he fails, he will lose some potential. He is abolished..."

Zhang Yutong laughed.

The impact of the gods failed, Zhao Feng has what face to stay in the spirit.

Above the Scorpio, the ancient gods who observed the bottom are also sighing again and again.

"Original, as long as Zhao Feng compromised, the Lingzu would do his best to train him. Even if he saw that there was no problem with the rain, it is impossible now..."

The old man in black robe smiled coldly.

"Hey, I hope he can succeed."

The ancient spirit of the floating spirit sighs inside.

In his view, Zhao Feng is carrying out a gamble. If he directly proves the fifth-order god, the Lingzu will certainly not stop him and Zhao Yufei.

But once it fails, it means that Zhao Feng is not worthy of Zhao Yufei.

"Well? There is an ancient **** close"

The eyes of the ancient gods of the spirits are immediately vigilant and look into the distance.


A cluster of purple clouds rolled in and connected with the thick clouds that shielded the ancient gods of the spirits.

"Who is you, come to my spiritual family, what is it?"

The black robe ancient **** looks majestic.

He can see that the other is the ancient **** of the Purple Nights, and the Purple Nights is ranked twenty-nine, far less than the Lingzu.

"I am the ancient **** of the ancient night in the Purple Night Temple"

The ancient dragon of the night dragon is quietly transmitted.

"I don't care. I went to the Purple Spirit Domain in order to chase one person. This person committed a sinful crime in the ancient Shu area, and even trapped many of my geniuses in the Purple Night Hall...

The night dragon and the ancient gods showed a hint of hatred, and they voted for Zhao Feng, who was breaking through.


The ancient gods of the spirits are slightly glimpsed.

The purple spirit field is far from the ancient scorpion field. What happened to the ancient scorpion field is really unclear.

However, Zhao Feng can stir up the ancient 陇 domain, and it is really remarkable.

"If the Spirit is given to me, the Purple Night Hall will be thankful..."

The ancient dragon of the night dragon directly said the request and payment.

The ancient gods of the Ling dynasty suddenly fell into meditation.

Although the purple night family is not as good as the spiritual family, it is also a big five-star force, and the reward given by the ancient dragon **** is quite rich, and the value is hundreds of thousands of times of Zhao Feng.

However, they will hand over the children of the spiritual family in this way, I am afraid that the other children will be chilled, and they will let Zhao Yufei completely disappoint the Lingzu.

"I know the worries of all of you, but after Zhao Feng’s breakthrough, I have to go out and perform the task. Now it’s not very flat outside, and it’s inevitable that an accident will happen...”

The ancient dragon of the night dragon showed a hint of gloom.

The ancient gods of the spirits naturally understand the meaning of this. As long as they agree, the ancient **** of the night will secretly kill Zhao Feng and will not let this matter relate to them.

The ancient gods of the Ling dynasty looked at each other and exchanged ideas.

"Zhao Feng is a trouble. Now he is adventurously attacking the fifth-order true god. It is very likely that he will fail. It is better to use him and make this transaction with the ancient dragon god. You can get rid of Zhao Feng and let Zhao Yufei die..."

The black robe ancient gods flashed cold.

"This is a bit bad..."

The ancient **** of the floating spirit protested.

"I think Zhao Yufei, and Xia Houwu of the Holy Land of Life, are more suitable."

"Zhao Feng is a man who is too stunned. How can he attack the fifth-order god?"

The rest of the ancient gods, although not directly given the answer, but the euphemistic words have agreed to the proposal of the ancient black god.

But at this moment, there was a burst of sound coming from below.

"Five Goddess, it is about to become"

"Impossible, Zhao Feng actually has the ability to shape five gods?"

Many children are shocked and questioned.

"The fifth platform, it is about to become, how is it possible?"

Zhang Yutong was shocked and his face was a little crazy.

I saw that on the palace, the fifth god, the shadow of the god, is about to take shape.

Directly prove the fifth-order **** position, this is the holy place of the gods, it is possible to do it.

Even the Scorpio, many ancient gods, can't believe it.

On the other hand, the ancient **** of the night dragon, the face is gloomy, the purpose of killing is as solid as the essence.

The potential of Zhao Feng makes him feel terrible. Once he grows up, it may pose a huge threat to the Purple Night Hall and must be killed.

In the dream of Taikoo, Zhao Feng’s mouth is slightly raised.

"The fifth platform is about to take shape, but my remaining strength is not enough to shape the sixth platform."

Zhao Feng feels a little pity.

His attention was concentrated on the platform of the gods, and the fifth platform was slowly filled.

At this time, in the space of his god, the speed of the mysterious ball reached an amazing speed.

Within it, gradually swaying a group of colorful colors

With the dreamy and fascinating color, overflowing from the ball of light, Zhao Feng’s consciousness was in a painful sigh.

The outside world, the spirit.

In the palace where Zhao Feng is located, the huge five-color whirlpool, and the fifth shrine that is not completely condensed, suddenly disappeared.

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