King of Industry

Chapter 449 Fulfilling the Mission

In the office, Xia Qingshan and his two assistants couldn't help but click their tongues when they saw the model that Zhao Guoyang built with ease.

"Researcher Zhao, what should we do if we find excessive local deformation or excessive load during the calculation process?" Xia Qingshan suddenly remembered something and asked quickly.

Zhao Guoyang made a gesture to signal Minister Xia to be calm and calm.

Then, he circled two circles on the frame support beam and roof beam on the original body structure diagram, and patiently explained.

"Minister Xia, when the problem you mentioned arises, it is necessary to change the section form of the local beam. In other words, adjust the amount of deformation and stress by changing the section coefficient."

"For example, in the two places I drew on the picture, we might as well make some partial changes..."

While Zhao Guoyang was explaining, he was already drawing on CAD.

Not only Xia Qingshan and his two deputies, but even Wang Ziqing and Lu Zhixing were a little surprised to see Zhao Guoyang change the originally hard and bulky top beam and longitudinal beam into a hollow cross-sectional shape.

After coughing, Wang Ziqing asked, "Well, Guoyang, let me interrupt. If the two beams you modified are hollow, will it affect the strength?"

Zhao Guoyang paused for a moment, and said with a smile: "President Wang, don't worry, the problem you are worried about will not happen."

"These two beams now look like hollow tubes, but in the subsequent design, filling materials will be added inside."

Speaking of this, Zhao Guoyang explained in passing: "In order to effectively protect the safety of the occupants, we should comply with the principle of soft ends and hard middle when designing the body structure of the vehicle."

"To ensure that when a longitudinal collision occurs, the front or rear of the body absorbs more than 80% of the collision energy. I am now modifying the shape and structure of these two beams based on this principle."

After being explained by Zhao Guoyang, Wang Ziqing nodded repeatedly, quite convinced.

Xia Qingshan seemed to have some troubles with Zhao Guoyang's modification, so he couldn't help asking: "Researcher Zhao, I have no doubts about your change in appearance."

"It's just...just adjusting the design of the beam, can it really ensure that the front and rear parts of the car body can absorb enough energy in the event of a collision?"

Zhao Guoyang waved his hand and said: "This is necessary. Generally speaking, when a vehicle collides longitudinally, 70% of the energy is absorbed by the longitudinal beams of the vehicle body."

"Now I have changed the shape of the longitudinal beam to make it a hollow and filled structure. During a collision, the local deformation of this piece can be relied on to absorb energy, thereby reducing the possibility of deformation of the middle passenger seat."

Chen Qian on the side seemed to have figured something out, and he slapped his head hard and said, "I see, Researcher Zhao, you designed the top beam and the longitudinal beam to be hollow, so that in the event of a collision, it is easier to rely on the local bending of the longitudinal beam. Or local wrinkles to improve its ability to absorb energy."

Zhao Guoyang gave a "hmm", nodded and said, "That's right, that's the reason."

The few people present here are all people with a solid professional foundation.

After Zhao Guoyang's in-depth explanation, they can naturally understand it.

After seeing Zhao Guoyang gradually complete the design of the two beams, the eyes of Wang Ziqing and Lu Zhixing were full of splendor.

After a few minutes, Zhao Guoyang slowly moved his hands away from the keyboard.

Pointing to the completed design of the two beams, he turned to Xia Qingshan and said, "Minister Xia, the shape and structure of the longitudinal beam and the top beam are probably like this."

"In the future, your technical department only needs to improve it a little bit, and then check its carrying capacity, and it will be fine!"

At this moment, Xia Qingshan's eyes were fixed on Zhao Guoyang's new design, and he only woke up after being reminded.

"Ah! Okay! Thank you so much for Researcher Zhao's help, thank you!"

Zhao Guoyang waved his hand indifferently, glanced at the design of the front of the car body, and reminded him: "Also, Minister Xia. When designing a passenger car, it is generally necessary to reserve 50 ~80cm of space for transformation."

"Compared to Apennine's 'Proud' series, our Iveco is obviously not doing enough at this point..."

When Zhao Guoyang said this, Feng Shanwei on the side quickly picked up his own blueprint and compared it with the "proud" appearance drawing.

Indeed, although the total length of the two cars is similar, it is obvious that "proud" is better in terms of the reserved space at the front and rear of the body.

After seeing the drawings, everyone suddenly realized: the reason why they always felt that the structure of their own car was not round and comfortable enough, and that they did not pay attention to the reserved space were also important reasons.

Just when everyone was sighing, Zhao Guoyang spent a few strokes on the wheel cover of the CAD, then stood up and gave up the position of the computer control.

Looking at the few strokes Zhao Guoyang drew with "thick dots and lines", Lu Zhixing asked a little puzzled: "Researcher Zhao, is there any problem with the design of the wheel cover?"

Zhao Guoyang smiled and waved his hands: "No, Mr. Lu, you misunderstood. The design of this piece is generally not a problem, but the choice of materials can be better."

"After all, when a car collides, 30% of the energy is absorbed by the wheel covers. Therefore, the connection between it and the floor and side members needs to be strengthened..."

Hearing Zhao Guoyang's reminder, Xia Qingshan signaled Chen Qian to go over and reform according to his ideas, and didn't stop until Zhao Guoyang smiled and nodded.

Seeing the re-rectified body structure diagram, Zhao Guoyang looked at it with his chin in his hand and said, "Well, after these changes, some small defects in the previous body design should basically be made up for, and I'm not ashamed of it." Mission..."

When Zhao Guoyang said this, everyone nodded repeatedly in agreement.

Wang Ziqing patted him on the shoulder affectionately and said: "Not only that, but I think the aesthetics of the car body has also improved a lot compared to before. Guoyang, thank you!"

Lu Zhixing looked at Zhao Guoyang with piercing eyes for a long while, then shook his head and sighed, "It's a pity, our factory is a step behind, and now we can't recruit Researcher Zhao..."

"That's right, if Zhao Research joins our company, I'd rather help him!" Xia Qingshan also said very seriously.

Chen Qian and Feng Shanwei looked at each other and agreed with Minister Xia's point of view.

Regarding poaching, Wang Ziqing got the final reply from Zhao Guoyang early in the morning. Of course he knew that there was nothing to do.

Therefore, when everyone was full of emotion, he waved his hand and changed the subject: "Okay, let's not embarrass Guoyang anymore. After all, he is still a 'special researcher' of our Jinling Automobile Group Company Well."

"However, Guoyang! If you come to our company from now on, you have to be diligent. If you had come earlier, our first-generation Iveco might be even more popular than it is now!"

Facing the "threat" of Mr. Wang, Zhao Guoyang could only scratch his head and agreed.

In less than an hour, Zhao Guoyang solved the problem that Jinling Automobile Group had not been able to solve for two or three months.

Such a result made Lu Zhixing and Xia Qingshan a little unexpected, and it also increased their admiration for this "Researcher Zhao".

As for Wang Ziqing, he was the one who knew Zhao Guoyang best at the scene.

If he hadn't firmly believed in Zhao Guoyang's ability, he wouldn't have forced Zhao Guoyang to take this trip.

"Okay, the problem that has plagued our company for so long has finally been resolved. We have nothing to thank Guoyang, so let's treat him to a meal!" Wang Ziqing said cheerfully.

Upon hearing this, Lu Zhixing clapped his hands and laughed to express his agreement.

He turned his head to look at Xia Qingshan, Chen Qian, and Feng Shanwei and said, "Minister Xia, Chen Qian, and Shanwei, at noon today, you three should pay respects to Researcher Zhao and thank him, you know?"

"Understood! Don't worry, Mr. Lu, the three of us will definitely accompany Researcher Zhao well!" Xia Qingshan responded with a hearty smile.

Seeing that it was still early for lunch, Wang Ziqing discussed with Lu Zhixing and invited Zhao Guoyang to the company's newly built test track.

The test track is also under the management of the technical department, so the minister Xia Qingshan will naturally accompany him.

He explained a few words to Chen Qian and Feng Shanwei, and then led the way.

After arriving at the test track, Zhao Guoyang looked at the somewhat crude site and fell silent.

Indeed, the test track of Jinling Automobile Group Corporation is far behind the test track of Songqi Group in terms of scale and advanced level of facilities.

Of course, it was even worse than the test track of "Volkswagen Latin America" ​​he saw in Sao Paulo.

Wang Ziqing on the side also saw the strange color on Zhao Guoyang's face, so he said calmly: "Guoyang, what, do you think the scale of our company's test track is too small?"

Looking at Lu Zhixing who looked over in surprise, Wang Ziqing explained to him: "Mr. Lu, you may not know that Guoyang has not only been to Songqi Group, but also visited the Latin American branch of Volkswagen."

"So, of course, he doesn't like our proving ground."

After hearing this, Lu Zhixing suddenly realized: "Ah, it's no wonder..."

Hearing Chairman Wang's teasing words, Zhao Guoyang waved his hands quickly, indicating that he had no such intention.

After all, Wang Ziqing once served as the head of the Provincial Machinery Industry Committee, and took this opportunity to sigh: "Speaking of which, because of the difficult conditions in our country in the past, the road test of the whole vehicle was basically simple, using the existing national highways, and domestic Automobile test under natural conditions."

"However, after visiting the test track of other people's Songqi Group, my thinking has changed a little bit!"

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