King of Industry

Chapter 450 Tips for Preparing for a Rainy Day

Zhao Guoyang nodded in agreement, and then said: "Mr. Wang is right. With the increase of domestic automobile production capacity and the improvement of product requirements, the old-fashioned road test method before can no longer keep up with the market's demand for products. It is required, so it is imperative for your company to build a modern proving ground!"

"Mr. Wang, Guoyang, the expansion cost of this test track is not a small amount!" Lu Zhixing said with a frown.

"Moreover, no matter how the test track is expanded, the area is limited. After all, our factory building is only this big."

Listening to Mr. Lu's doubts, Xia Qingshan also nodded and agreed: "Yes, our cars are different from motorcycles. The endurance test may run tens of thousands of kilometers. If you don't run on the road, you really can't find a good place to run it. Son!"

Hearing this, Zhao Guoyang couldn't help raising the corners of his mouth and said, "Minister Xia, from the theory of foreign auto companies, running 6,000 kilometers on the test track is equivalent to running 80,000 kilometers on ordinary roads. So, your worries don't exist. of!"

Xia Qingshan froze for a moment, then nodded in a daze.

After talking about Xia Qingshan, Zhao Guoyang turned to Wang Ziqing and Lu Zhixing and analyzed: "Mr. Wang and Mr. Lu, as far as I know, the construction of a modern automobile testing ground by a well-known automobile manufacturer in the world is It's getting more and more important.”

"In this way, various modular roads can be concentrated in one place, which solves the problem of poor comparability of test results in different periods due to changes in road conditions, saves time, and can effectively improve test quality and driving test safety."

"In addition, many modern automobile test sites can also set up various test devices and instruments for different test purposes on the same site according to requirements."

"In this way, not only can the test accuracy be improved, but it can also provide the possibility to realize modern control and management..."

Zhao Guoyang's words have clearly expressed his attitude - there is no doubt that he is very much in favor of Jinling Automobile Group Corporation to build a modern test track.

Seeing Wang Ziqing and Lu Zhixing's embarrassment, Zhao Guoyang smiled and said in relief, "You two leaders, that's what I said."

"Indeed, it takes a lot of investment to build a comprehensive and modern automobile testing ground, and you can only make a decision after careful consideration by the two of you..."

When Wang Ziqing and Lu Zhixing heard the words, they both showed relief on their faces.

Indeed, if Zhao Guoyang tried his best to persuade them to build this modern automobile testing ground at this moment, maybe the two would grit their teeth and agree.

But in this way, Zhao Guoyang felt a bit pretentious.

Now he puts his identity on the "special researcher" and only makes personal suggestions, but does not have strong directional opinions, which undoubtedly makes the two bosses Wang Ziqing and Lu Zhixing feel much better.

Wang Ziqing thought for a while, then smiled and said: "Guoyang, Mr. Lu and I know about your suggestion. Later, let's study this issue carefully."

"Yes, yes, researcher Zhao's suggestion is definitely for the benefit of our company. I think it is definitely necessary to build this modern automobile testing ground." Lu Zhixing also echoed.

"But how much to invest and what scale to build, really need to go through research, and then sit down and discuss it carefully..."

"Qingshan, later on, your technical department will come up with a research report on this issue. After all, this automobile testing ground will eventually be under the control of your technical department!" Wang Ziqing pointed to Xia Qingshan and confessed.

Xia Qingshan naturally obeyed the opinions of the two big brothers, and immediately nodded in response.

In fact, Zhao Guoyang's suggestion to Jinling Automobile Group Corporation to build an automobile proving ground is not just for the company to use it now, but more for the consideration of the rapid development trend of the automobile industry in the future.

Based on Zhao Guoyang's understanding of the automobile proving ground before his rebirth, it can be said that in the process of designing and manufacturing automobiles, it can be said that this field is always inseparable.

Another reason is that in the 1990s, domestic traffic control laws and regulations were not so perfect.

With the passage of time in the future, when there are more vehicles on the market, the traffic management department will need to regularly test and analyze the condition of the vehicles.

If Jinling Automobile Group Company has such an advanced automobile testing field, then some tests of the traffic control department can be carried out directly at this field.

Invisibly, this is a soft advertisement for the company, and the benefits are obvious.

It is precisely because of these various considerations that Zhao Guoyang took this opportunity to mention to Wang Ziqing the expansion of the automobile testing ground.

In any case, I am from Jiangnan Province after all, and I still hope that Jinling Automobile Group can occupy a place in the fierce competition of the domestic automobile industry in the future, and even stand out in the international market.


For lunch, Wang Ziqing hosted Zhao Guoyang in his company's restaurant.

Although Zhao Guoyang declared that he would drive and not drink alcohol. But after finally catching him once, how could Wang Ziqing let him go so easily.

First, Minister Xia, Chen Qian, and Feng Shanwei from the technical department took the lead and walked around with Zhao Guoyang.

Next, Liu Renhe and Lin Feng, who were called by Wang Ziqing and Lu Zhixing to accompany them, went to "fight" with Zhao Guoyang for several more rounds.

After these few waves, Zhao Guoyang was stunned.

In the end, when Wang Ziqing and Lu Zhixing wanted to drink with him, he was already shaking his hands and his speech was a bit vague.

Seeing that they had finally won Zhao Guoyang in the wine fight, the two bosses had smug smiles on their faces.

When the banquet was over, Zhao Guoyang's face was flushed, and he stumbled a little when he walked. Wang Ziqing waved his hand, and naturally a waiter came to help him to rest.

When a group of people went downstairs surrounded by the two big men, Wang Ziqing remembered something.

He raised his finger and said, "By the way, Xiaolin, Guoyang is probably going to rest with us all night today. Like this, go buy some local products from our Jinling City in the afternoon, put them in his car, and let him Bring it back tomorrow!"

When Wang Ziqing said this, Lu Zhixing echoed him: "That's right, that's right, I almost forgot about it if Mr. Wang didn't say it."

"That's right, Xiao Lin, Researcher Zhao has come here twice and helped us a lot. You should prepare your things carefully. After this, we will need his help in many places!"

The two bosses spoke at the same time, and of course Lin Feng obediently responded.

While agreeing, he muttered in his heart: It seems that this researcher Zhao has a high position in the hearts of the two leaders.

Looking at it now, when I met this researcher Zhao yesterday, I made the right choice to lower my stance. No matter what I say, it can be regarded as a good relationship with this hot person. "


Zhao Guoyang only woke up near the evening.

Just after sobering up, the symptom of splitting headache is unavoidable.

Zhao Guoyang rubbed his head, got up and went to the bathroom, rinsed his face with cold water, and finally relieved his physical discomfort a little.

After returning to the room and sitting for a while, after drinking two large glasses of water, Zhao Guoyang was about to get up and go out when the big brother beside the bed rang.

After picking it up to connect, the factory director Mu Aijun's deep voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Hello, Guoyang?"

"Uh, Director Mu! It's me!"

Mu Aijun could clearly hear that Zhao Guoyang's tongue was a bit big, so he couldn't help laughing and said, "What's the matter, you were drunk again by Mr. Wang... Uh, Mr. Wang? It seems that Guoyang still needs to increase his drinking capacity... ..."

When Zhao Guoyang came to Jinling City this time, he was going to Jinling Automobile Group Company. He had told Director Mu in advance, and it was not surprising that he could guess something.

Hearing Director Mu's ridicule, Zhao Guoyang scratched his head a little.

He coughed and asked, "Director, why are you calling me?"

Mu Aijun let out a "huh", turned to the main topic and said, "There is indeed an urgent matter..."

After hearing this, Zhao Guoyang secretly speculated in his heart, not knowing what it was that made Director Mu call here.

"This is the situation. The province issued a notice yesterday, saying that there will be a 'Provincial Industrial Economy Symposium' to be held in Jinling City tomorrow, requiring several state-owned enterprises directly under the province to send representatives to attend."

Mu Aijun paused for a moment, then continued: "Originally, I discussed this meeting with Lao Zhang, and I wanted him to come."

"But it's no coincidence that Lao Zhang suddenly had some problems at home today, and he has to ask for a few days off, so it's inconvenient to go there..."

Hearing this, Zhao Guoyang almost understood.

Needless to say, it must be that Director Mu felt that he was running out of time, so he simply let himself go.

Sure enough, after Mu Aijun explained the cause and effect, he said bluntly: "Guoyang, it's not impossible for me to come here overnight. But this is too much trouble; another thing, I may not be able to bring up anything if I participate. Good idea."

"For the symposium, you know, it must be for the participants to put forward some suggestions and opinions. I am a big old man, and I could only stare blankly in the past."

"So, after thinking about it for a while, I entrust you with this glorious task!" Mu Aijun said cheerfully.

Zhao Guoyang couldn't help rolling his eyes when he heard the words: Director Mu is treating himself like a "strong man".

Mu Aijun was not worried about Zhao Guoyang's refusal at all, and continued to say to himself: "Guoyang, tomorrow's industrial symposium will be held at the Provincial Bureau of Machinery and Electronics Industry."

"I've already greeted Director Liu Yaohong of Guangling City. After you pass by, just ask him to get the conference pass..."

When Mu Aijun talked about this, Zhao Guoyang could only nod in agreement.

Putting down the phone, Zhao Guoyang couldn't help but shook his head and smiled wryly, remembering that after attending this symposium tomorrow, he didn't know how long it would take to go back.

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