King of Industry

Chapter 460: Too Many Souvenirs

Zhao Guoyang said with a smile: "It's nothing, just some local products. Didn't I go to Jinling Automobile Company on this business trip to help them solve their problems?"

"Before we left, Mr. Wang asked someone to stuff a cart full of local specialties. I definitely couldn't finish eating all of them, so I had to rely on a few leaders to help me digest some of them!"

Speaking of, the relationship between Zhao Guoyang and Jinling Automobile Group Company is clear to several leaders present, and they also know how important he is as a "special researcher".

Everyone didn't find it strange that he was given a cart full of souvenirs.

Hearing Zhao Guoyang's meaning of "borrowing flowers to offer Buddha", Mu Aijun smiled and said to Zhang Zhizhong who was beside him: "Old Zhang, how about it, how about we see the things that other big companies gave to Guoyang together?"

After Mu Aijun said this, how could Zhang Zhizhong refuse, and he immediately responded.

Ma Jian nodded with a smile on his face and said: "Guoyang is so polite, then we will be disrespectful."

Wang Youchang was more honest, and said with concern: "Guoyang, you said you have a lot of things? Then how about I and Lao Ma help you get them..."

Hearing Wang Youchang's words, Ma Jian kept rolling his eyes, and thought, "Guoyang was just saying something polite, and he was going to bring up something casually. What you old Wang said, isn't it a run on him?"

Mu Aijun admired Wang Youchang's straightforwardness very much, and he said cheerfully, "You're right, you're right! Old Ma, you and Old Wang will have a hard time, go down and help Guoyang take it down."

After Director Mu spoke, Ma Jian had no choice but to shake his head and sigh, followed Zhao Guoyang and Wang Youchang, and went downstairs.

Even the Red Army wanted to go down to help, but was stopped by Mu Aijun.

Indeed, even though the rank of the Red Army is not as high as Ma Jian and Wang Youchang, he is much older and more qualified than them.

For this kind of thing, if he was asked to work, it would be a little disrespectful to the old and the young.

Zhang Zhizhong also had the same idea as Mu Aijun. Looking at Lian Hongjun who was sitting a bit cramped over there, he smiled and said, "Old Lian, you sit in your seat, let's chat with the factory manager about sending warmth to poor workers next month." about..."

"Uh." Lian Hongjun was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, then nodded and began to talk about the preparations in this area.

The three chatted for a few minutes before Zhao Guoyang brought Ma Jian and Wang Youchang back into the house.

Looking at the stuff that Ma Jian and Wang Youchang were carrying, Zhang Zhizhong couldn't help shouting: "Hey, old Ma, old Wang, you are going to make Guoyang 'bleed'. Why did you take so many things?"

Mu Aijun also had a look of surprise on his face, and said repeatedly: "Yes, old horse, old Wang, you are a bit unkind..."

Even the Red Army on the side opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

Hearing the criticisms from Director Mu and Zhang Shu*ji, Ma Jian couldn't help calling Qu Qu: "Director Mu, it's not me and Lao Wang who want to take so's really Guoyang who brought it back. There are too many of these local specialties."

"Yes, factory manager." Wang Youchang also chimed in, sweating profusely.

"It's only a small half of what we're bringing up now. Guoyang originally wanted us to bring some more, but Lao Ma and I firmly refused."

Mu Aijun and Zhang Zhizhong heard the words, you look at me, I look at you, they are all stunned.

Both of them were thinking in their hearts: How much did Guoyang help the Jinling Automobile Group Company? Is he worth so much?

To Mu Aijun and Zhang Zhizhong's astonishment, Zhao Guoyang remained calm.

After he piled the things on the conference table, he said with a smile: "Director Mu, Secretary Zhang, the things will be placed here first. As for how you distribute them, I don't care about them!"

Although Mu Aijun was extremely puzzled, she also knew that this was not the time to ask questions.

Immediately, he said with a "huh": "Okay, Guoyang, you go to your own business first. Anyway, this time, we want to accept your affection..."

When Director Mu said these words, other people in the meeting room nodded in agreement.

Zhao Guoyang greeted several leaders with a smile, and then withdrew.

After coming out of the conference room, Zhao Guoyang raised his hand to check the time, and it looked like there were still about ten minutes before he got off work.

He thought for a while, then simply called Zhang Tingting out and helped her deliver the souvenirs home.

Thinking of this, Zhao Guoyang went to the office of the human resources department.

The newly established Human Resources Department is actually a facelift of the original labor management department.

Basically, there are still the same few people as before, but a new college student was added later.

Seeing the famous man in the factory coming, several people from the human resources department greeted him warmly.

One of the middle-aged women greeted her with a smile: "Assistant Zhao, are you here to see our Minister Xiao Zhang? She is in the office inside, go in by yourself!"

"Hey, thank you, Miss Wang!" Zhao Guoyang nodded to the middle-aged woman, coughed and entered the inner office.

Zhang Tingting in the back room was looking at the information at the moment, and when she saw Zhao Guoyang coming in, she said "ah", "Assistant Zhao, are you here? Yes... what's the matter?"

Thinking that after returning from a business trip today, Ms. Wang in the office said seriously that she and Assistant Zhao had a husband and wife relationship, Zhang Tingting looked at Zhao Guoyang a little bit dodged.

Seeing that this "factory flower" blushed when she saw her, Zhao Guoyang felt a little strange.

However, he quickly put these little things behind him, and said to Zhang Tingting: "Zhang Tingting, are you free now? I'll help you send those souvenirs to the dormitory."

"Uh, I'm free, I'm free!" Zhang Tingting froze for a moment, and then said.

Seeing that Zhang Tingting agreed, Zhao Guoyang nodded to her indifferently, and led her out the door one after the other.

Before going out, Zhang Tingting couldn't help but glanced at that Sister Wang. Seeing the playful smile in the other's eyes, her face felt hot.

Speaking of which, when Zhao Guoyang was first assigned to the factory, Zhang Tingting paid attention to him.

Zhao Guoyang has a handsome appearance, extraordinary appearance, and is a college student. He is really an ideal object for girls of the right age.

Of course, it's impossible for her as a girl to tell others about it, but she just knows it in her heart.

Later, as Zhao Guoyang's status in the factory improved step by step, Zhang Tingting paid more attention to him.

Especially during this trip to Jinling, she saw Zhao Guoyang's excellence in all aspects outside the factory, and she felt even better about him.

It's just that Zhang Tingting also knows in her heart that a boy as good as Zhao Guoyang must be admired and admired by many girls.

Although he looks good, if he walks with Zhao Guoyang, he really doesn't deserve him.

For some reason, Sister Wang in the office seemed to have guessed what Zhang Tingting was thinking, and from time to time, she would say something about Zhao Guoyang in front of her.

She talked too much, Zhang Tingting naturally felt a little uncomfortable.

Fortunately, Sister Wang still knew how to behave today, and she didn't say anything in front of Zhao Guoyang, which finally let Zhang Tingting secretly breathe a sigh of relief.

After leaving the office, Zhao Guoyang brought Zhang Tingting to the car again.

He tidied up the remaining souvenirs, shrugged at Zhang Tingting and said, "If you want anything, just tell me, and I'll get it for you!"

"I... I can just take any two!" Zhang Tingting said in a low voice.

Seeing her evasive appearance, Zhao Guoyang was overjoyed: "Come on, let me help you choose."

"Well, girl, eating more cherries is good for beauty!"

"Uh, if you live in a dormitory, the usual food conditions must be mediocre. When there is no food, it is also a good choice to get a salted duck and eat it..."

While muttering, Zhao Guoyang unpacked a large bag of things from the back seat and the trunk of the car.

Seeing that he carried so many souvenirs, Zhang Tingting blushed a little.

She said again and again: "Enough is enough, really enough, Assistant Zhao!"

Zhao Guoyang glanced at her with his head tilted and said, "That's enough? You don't have to worry about how much you take here, just listen to me, okay?"

Zhao Guoyang's unquestionable attitude made Zhang Tingting's heart beat a little faster.

Seeing Zhao Guoyang put forward a large package of things in a daze, Zhang Tingting's mind went blank for a while.

"It should be almost there, then let's go, and please lead the way!" After closing the trunk, Zhao Guoyang smiled at Zhang Tingting.

Zhang Tingting was awakened by his voice, and then she reacted: "Ah... good, good!"

Because the house allocated by the factory has never had time to decorate, Zhang Tingting is temporarily still living in the dormitory of the factory, sharing a room with a girl.

This was the first time Zhao Guoyang had the opportunity to enter the girls' dormitory in the factory. Seeing that the things in the dormitory were neatly sorted, he couldn't help but recall the messy scene when he lived in the dormitory with Xu Dongfeng, and he couldn't help shaking his head secretly.

After Zhang Tingting placed all the souvenirs, she was about to move when she saw Zhao Guoyang's gaze on the bed, on which her personal belongings were placed.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Tingting blushed like a red apple.

"Assistant Zhao, we can go..." Zhang Tingting finally mustered up the courage to say after coming over for a while.

Zhao Guoyang let out an "ah" before reacting and said, "It's finished, right? Then let's go out for dinner."

Zhang Tingting gave a "hmm" and said, "I'm treating guests today, Assistant Zhao, you said the place is ready."

Zhao Guoyang touched his chin, thought for a moment, and said: "How about, let's go eat hot pot."

"Okay, okay!" Zhang Tingting's eyes lit up after hearing this.

Needless to say, this "factory flower" must also be very keen on hot pot.

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