King of Industry

Chapter 954 This should be called fate

After finishing the call with Bai Rou, Zhao Guoyang finally figured out the situation.

It turned out that things were just as Bai Rou said, "Huaxia Daily" really published an article introducing herself.

In fact, this is not difficult to understand. After all, the "high-speed railway project" has been officially approved by the country, and everyone is very concerned about this project.

If you don't reveal some information, it will definitely be unreasonable.

But the technical aspect of this project, because it involves too much, must not be disclosed.

So we can only start from other aspects to satisfy the curiosity of the masses.

From this perspective, it is not surprising to push yourself out.

After thinking about this, Zhao Guoyang did not reject Bai Rou's endorsement.

He is very clear in his heart that in this era, when the Internet and other possible information channels have not yet been opened, newspapers and magazines have a great influence on people.

Especially for newspapers of the "Huaxia Daily" level, there are at least tens of millions of audiences across the country.

After this article was published, his fame was really not small.

Let alone Yao Meng, at least filming a commercial with her is definitely qualified.

If the advertisement is more successful and refined, it may even take the opportunity to promote its own "Fashion beauty" brand.

With such thinking, Zhao Guoyang felt relieved.


The next morning, Isabella, Olivia and Zhao Qian came to the hotel very early to pick up Zhao Guoyang.

Sandro, because he has already made an appointment, will meet with everyone directly at the gate of "McGill University", so naturally he will not appear at this moment.

The group arrived at "McGill University" in Isabella's car, met with Sandro and went straight to "Bombardier".

Because he had made an appointment with Pierre Ebola, the executive chairman of "Bombardier", after Zhao Guoyang and the others arrived, they went in without much questioning.

At the headquarters of "Bombardier", Zhao Guoyang finally met Mr. Ebola.

After some pleasantries, Zhao Guoyang introduced his entourage to the other party.

Ebola didn't care much about Isabella, Olivia and others.

But when Zhao Guoyang introduced Sandro, he was surprised for a while.

"Sandro? Mr. Sandro, an expert in industrial design from 'McGill University'?"

After listening to Ebola's inquiry, Sandro nodded quickly and responded: "It's me, Mr. Ebola. I'm Ian Sandro from McGill University's School of Industrial Design."

"Ah, it's really Mr. Sandro!" Ebola showed a surprised expression after hearing the other party's confession.

Now, Sandro is still quite famous in the field of industrial design in Canada.

"I've heard about Mr. Sandro's name for a long time, and I've always wanted to invite you to come to our Bombardier Company to take on important responsibilities... But, why did Mr. Zhao give him the head start!"

After sighing for a while, Ebola looked at Zhao Guoyang with some resentment in his eyes.

Zhao Guoyang said with a "ha": "Chairman Ebola, this should be called fate."

This is the end of the matter, and of course Ebola can only be like this.

After chatting with Zhao Guoyang for a while, this Mr. Ebola said: "Mr. Zhao, I already have a general understanding of your purpose for coming this time."

"Speaking of which, your country is preparing to engage in the 'high-speed rail project'. These days, several media in Canada have reported it. There are many opinions and speculations about this."

"But personally, I absolutely believe that Mr. Zhao has such ability!"

Hearing the words that Ebola does not seem to be false, Zhao Guoyang smiled and expressed his gratitude for his support.

After a few polite words, Ebola brought the topic back.

He tilted his head, looked at Zhao Guoyang and said, "Mr. Zhao, maybe you should also know that although we'Bombardier Rail Vehicle Design and Manufacturing Group' has been immersed in rail train technology for many years, we have never Not involved."

"Of course, this is not to say that our company does not have such scientific research strength, but that it has not developed and developed in this area..."

After hearing Ebola's explanation, Zhao Guoyang nodded in agreement.

Indeed, the main research direction of "Bombardier Rail Vehicle Design and Manufacturing Group Corporation" has always been based on intercity railway transportation.

In other words, the technology they mainly sell is about subways and light rails.

Long-distance rail transit system, although "Bombardier" is also doing it, but it is not the mainstream.

Therefore, regarding Zhao Guoyang's visit this time, Ebola did not understand his true thoughts.

After carefully listening to the introduction of Ebola, Zhao Guoyang nodded and said: "Understood, Mr. Ebola! In fact, I came to your company this time not to ask you about track design and railway train design. Asking for help, but designed for your company's control equipment..."

"Control equipment?" Hearing this, Ebola couldn't help frowning.

Zhao Guoyang gave a "hmm", nodded and said, "That's right, it's the control equipment."

"Actually, we at 'Xingtai International' already have a rough idea of ​​the train and track design of this 'high-speed railway project'. The only thing we lack is the theory and experience of the control system."

"I know that your company has always been the leader in the industry in this area. Therefore, we want to cooperate with Bombardier in the technology of the control system."

When Zhao Guoyang said this, Ebola probably understood his intentions.

Needless to say, Chairman Zhao definitely wants to obtain the patent rights of "Bombardier Rail Vehicle Design and Manufacturing Group" in railway control systems.

For Zhao Guoyang's idea, Ebola does not mean to criticize anything.

In his opinion, selling his own patent rights to anyone is no different than "Xingtai International".

It's just that if you just sell a few patent rights and transfer part of the technology, then you will be at a loss.

After all, Ebola knows the technical ability of Chairman Zhao.

This person only needs to get a small amount of patents, maybe he can "create something out of nothing" and figure out the rest of the patents and technologies by himself.

If this is the case, the loss on the company's side will be too great.

However, if he forced Chairman Zhao to buy all the patent rights and technologies of his "Railway System Control", it would be unkind, and he would not be accepted by the other party.

After thinking about it, Ebola was in a bit of a dilemma, not knowing how to make a choice.

Seeing his hesitant look, Zhao Guoyang immediately understood what the other party meant.

He smiled and said, "Mr. Ebola, don't get me wrong. I didn't mean to take advantage of your company."

"Actually, I want to cooperate with your company in the manufacture of railway control equipment."

"Cooperation?" Hearing this word, Ebola couldn't help but pay attention to Zhao Guoyang.

"That's right, it's cooperation!" Zhao Guoyang touched his nose, nodded and said yes, "Speaking of which, our Huaxia's 'high-speed railway project' is too large, so it is impossible for all parts to be domestically produced. produced."

"For control equipment, we have plans to invite external bids."

Looking at the thoughtful Ebola, Zhao Guoyang said sincerely: "In the world, there are actually many choices for the manufacture of railway control equipment. Whether it is your company or German Siemens, there are can choose."

"Of course, France's 'Alstom Group' and the island country's 'Hitachi Railway Systems' are also possible partners..."

Listening to Zhao Guoyang's plain words, some of Ebola's original self-esteem gradually disappeared.

Indeed, as Zhao Guoyang said, although "Bombardier" has a high level of railway control equipment, there are still many companies in the world that can compete with it.

With Chairman Zhao's contacts and appeal in the international industry, if he lowers his face to cooperate with others, many companies should readily agree.

If he really opened his mouth like a lion and put forward too harsh conditions, not to mention giving away this cooperation opportunity in vain, he would also offend Chairman Zhao, which is really not worthwhile.

After a quick turn in my mind, Ebola had an idea.

He put on a smile and said to Zhao Guoyang, "Mr. Zhao, the companies you mentioned just now are indeed well-known manufacturers of rail transit."

"However, compared to our 'Bombardier', they didn't have much contact with your company before. If you communicate with them, you must not communicate smoothly with our company."

"So, in my personal opinion, it's more appropriate for you to choose our 'Bombardier' ​​as a partner! Do you think this is the reason?"

After hearing this, Zhao Guoyang let out a "huh" and said, "Mr. Ebola's thinking coincides with mine! Indeed, although there is not much difference in technology, we'Xingtai International' Because we had a good cooperative relationship with your company before, the preferred partner must be your 'Bombardier'!"

"If it weren't for that, I wouldn't have flown here to see Mr. Ebola at the first stop!"

After hearing this, the smile on Ebola's face became brighter.

He nodded again and again: "Yes, yes, what Mr. Zhao said is true! Our two companies have a good foundation for cooperation before, and this cooperation is naturally no problem!"

"It's just that the process of this specific cooperation..."

Hearing this, Zhao Guoyang smiled and said, "Mr. Ebola, isn't this the purpose of my visit today? Next, let's talk about the process of this cooperation in detail!"

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