In the office, facing Ebola, Zhao Guoyang was very confident.

When talking about cooperation, he stretched out a finger and said: "Mr. Ebola, regarding this cooperation, first of all, I would like to declare that this is a technical cooperation between our two companies. The results of the research are also The two share..."

"For example, we'Xingtai International' purchased this railway control system technology from your company, and then developed a new control technology based on the characteristics of our own 'high-speed railway project'. This new control technology The ownership of the property is shared between the two of us!"

After hearing this, Ebola's face showed a hint of surprise.

He is very familiar with the technical attainments of Chairman Zhao.

He believes that as long as his own "rail vehicle design and manufacturing group company" comes up with original technology, Zhao Guoyang can easily complete the matching of this technology with the "high-speed railway project" and develop a new control technology.

To put it bluntly, my company just provided Zhao Guoyang with a design idea and a model of this control system, and it is possible to harvest a new technology.

This kind of business is really cost-effective for its own "Bombardier", and Ebola can't think of any reason to refuse it.

Therefore, Ebola naturally readily accepted Zhao Guoyang's statement.

After seeing that the executive chairman agreed, Zhao Guoyang told his true intentions.

"Mr. Ebola, since the two of us have decided to cooperate, and the new technology we have developed is to share resources. Then, in terms of the railway control system technology of your 'Bombardier', transfer it to us at the price of 'Xingtai International'. But it can’t be too high. I don’t know if you agree with this point?”

After hearing this, Ebola hesitated for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

He secretly calculated that instead of transferring this technology to Mr. Zhao at a high price, it would be better to tie him up with a "friendship price".

In this case, the relationship between the two companies will be one step closer. In the future, in terms of technical cooperation, it is absolutely possible to get back part of the lost benefits from "Xingtai International".

With such a plan, it is not difficult for Ebola to make such a decision.

Having said that, basically the matter is considered a deal.

Next, Zhao Guoyang and Ebola studied the details for a while, and soon signed a comprehensive cooperation agreement.

According to the agreement, "Bombardier" will transfer the railway control equipment and related technical documents needed by "Xingtai International" to "Xingtai International" within one month.

The amount paid by "Xingtai International" was only a mere one hundred thousand US dollars.

It is not an exaggeration to describe it as the price of cabbage.

When Zhao Guoyang signed the contract with Ebola, Isabella and Olivia standing behind them winked.

Obviously, they are complacent about the level of negotiations with their chairman.

In fact, Zhao Guoyang really didn't earn much from this contract.

After all, he also promised in the agreement that once the high-speed railway project is successfully developed and put into production.

This new railway control technology, he will share with Ebola and his "Bombardier".

Zhao Guoyang, who has two lifetimes of experience, will hardly fail in the "high-speed railway project".

Therefore, this new railway control technology, he is sure to give "Bombardier" a share of the pie.

Of course, Zhao Guoyang is not a fool, let alone let others take advantage of him for no reason.

The reason why he doesn't care about the outflow of this technology is because Zhao Guoyang is considering transferring the design and technology of the "high-speed rail project" to Canada as a whole in the future.

Speaking of which, Canada's land area is slightly larger than that of China.

In terms of transportation environment, the two countries have a lot in common.

If Canada also wants to engage in "high-speed rail", it will definitely be a huge project.

Given Canada's shortage of workers, it would be impossible for Canada to undertake such a large project alone.

Even if they turn to countries with mature high-speed railway systems like France and Germany for help, it is estimated that no one can provide so many people.

After all the calculations, the only one who can help Canada is Huaxia.

And once Canada decides to import the technology of the "high-speed rail project" from China, from "Xingtai International", then I'm sorry, the money required for this will be an astronomical figure.

It is precisely because of this idea that Zhao Guoyang did not bargain with Mr. Ebola on the technology of the railway control system.

After a pleasant signing ceremony, Zhao Guoyang and Ebola naturally shook hands to greet each other.

Seeing that it was still early, Ebola invited Zhao Guoyang, Sandro and others to visit several other branches of his company.

From "Bombardier Rail Vehicle Design and Manufacturing Group" to "Bombardier Special Vehicles."

Finally, under the leadership of Ebola, Zhao Guoyang and the others came to "Bombardier Aerospace Corporation".

Zhao Guoyang is most interested in the aerospace division of "Bombardier".

Because of the backwardness of basic industries, China's aerospace level has been difficult to fundamentally improve.

The aerospace industry is a little bit easier to say, after all, with the full support of the country, the progress in these years is quite obvious.

However, in the aviation industry, some domestic aircraft manufacturers have encountered considerable difficulties due to the stagnation of special steel and special materials.

According to the news that Zhao Guoyang got from Mr. Li, some state-owned aircraft manufacturers are already planning to restructure.

Once restructured, these state-owned aircraft manufacturing companies actually exist in name only.

Because if private companies acquire them, it is impossible for them to have the financial and material resources to continue to support the research of these aircraft manufacturers.

However, there are no absolutes.

The acquisition of a state-owned aircraft factory may not work in someone else's place, and there is no way out.

But here in Zhao Guoyang, it is a broad road.

This is not to say how high Zhao Guoyang is in aircraft manufacturing, but in terms of this design concept, he is twenty years ahead of this era.

With the latest design concepts, if we can obtain some aircraft manufacturing technology from some advanced foreign companies, then many things will be solved.

And the "Bombardier Aerospace Corporation" in front of him is undoubtedly the world's top aircraft manufacturer capable of providing technology to Zhao Guoyang.

Accompanying Zhao Guoyang and his party in the production base of their aerospace company, Ebola proudly introduced their company's products to them.

"Mr. Zhao, Mr. Sandro, this prototype is the flagship product of our Bombardier Aerospace Corporation - the Global 5000."

"It is no exaggeration to say that our regional jet is the best in the world in terms of spaciousness, privacy, luxury and comfort."

"Sitting on it can bring customers the enjoyment and experience of a top hotel!"

Listening to the introduction of the chairman of Ebola, Zhao Guoyang said with a "huh": "Global 5000, this aircraft is indeed very famous. I have heard its name more than once..."

While talking, Zhao Guoyang pointed at the prototype and said, "Mr. Ebola, you can't see anything from the outside. I wonder if we can let a few of us go in and have a look?"

When Ebola heard the news, he immediately expressed his opinion: "No problem, no problem! Mr. Zhao please!"

Zhao Guoyang and Sandro beside him nodded and boarded the plane next.

After entering, Zhao Guoyang saw the luxurious decoration inside the plane.

There are not only entertainment facilities, but also a kitchen for guests to cook for themselves, which looks exactly the same as the kitchen facilities of some villas.

Although Isabella and Olivia are Canadians, they have never experienced this kind of luxury, so they couldn't help opening their mouths.

As for Zhao Qian, her eyes widened even more, and she looked at everything in front of her without blinking, her eyes full of novelty.

Noticing the astonished expressions of the three girls, Ebola felt complacent.

He smiled and explained: "Mr. Zhao, three ladies, our Global 5000 has a cabin length of 14.8 meters, a width of 2.5 meters, and an area of ​​more than 31 square meters. It can be said that in any corporate jet, Our Global 5000 has the largest cabin space!"

"In addition, the endurance of our aircraft is absolutely guaranteed. The 13-hour non-stop flight can completely allow customers to fly directly from your country to Europe, Africa, Australia, and the west coast of the United States."

"The number of passengers it can carry is also unmatched among regional jets of the same specification. The maximum number of 8 passengers can fully meet the business needs of some large companies."

Speaking of this, Ebola paused for a moment, and then continued: "In particular, our regional aircraft can also provide customized business jet services according to customer needs."

"For example, the internal structure, layout, avionics and other optional equipment can be customized according to the needs of customers."

Listening to Ebola's proud introduction, Isabella couldn't help but sighed and said, "Chairman Ebola, your Global 5000 is really good, but the price is certainly not cheap." Bar?"

When Ebola heard the words, he looked at Zhao Guoyang with a smile and said, "Miss Isabella is right, the price of our business jet is indeed not low. However, to Mr. Zhao, it is just a drizzle... "

After Ebola finished speaking, Zhao Guoyang waved his hands with a smile and said, "Mr. Ebola, this is a bit exaggerated. The cost of your Global 5000 is conservatively estimated to be 100 million U.S. dollars, right?"

"This price, to me, is absolutely sky-high!"

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