King of Special Effects

Chapter 105 , Move Together!

The newly added staff made the atmosphere in the small courtyard active, and the "Liangyi New Media Studio", which has only had one name for a long time, became busy for a while.

Yi Yang and Tan Xincheng drove to the second-hand market first, bought some desks and cubicles, and then brought them back to the courtyard to install them themselves.

The two houses started out as offices, spacious for several people.

Whether it's actors or photographers, Yi Yang arranges a working position and a computer with decent configuration for none of them.

Except for the first two, the rest of them were bought from closed Internet cafes, and the configuration is not bad.

Now there is still some time before the movie goes live, Yi Yang will also go out to shoot some short videos to update his Zhiyin account while he is in the post-production of "Zi Gaodi".

More than 7 million fans are still increasing, and these fans are the guarantee of Liangyi New Media Studio's income so far.

Tian Li, on the other hand, started her office life, with a computer and her own notebook, and the daily accounts would be sent to Yi Yang for confirmation and signature.

Yi Yang has a separate office for special effects, and the editing is handed over to the film crew.

Yuan Zhengzhong, the head of the photography team arranged by Yi Yang, is a good photographer, and he is also skilled in film editing.

Yi Yang will do the special effects, and they will do the video editing and compositing, as well as art.

There is also the problem of dubbing. If you just use the dubbing function that comes with the 'Book of Changes', it will definitely not be explained clearly. Therefore, Yi Yang decided to follow the normal method except for the special effects.

In Shun Ning, Tian Jian's Lighting Entertainment was the only professional in post-dubbing. However, Yi Yang really didn't want to cooperate with his old club.

Leaving aside the dubbing, Yi Yang has to do the special effects first.

This day, Yi Yang just carefully selected the shots that needed special effects, and started to use the 'Book of Changes' software on his laptop to start production.

Counting the finishing, in one day, the production of two shots is only completed.

However, these two shots are already supersonic for professionally edited Yuan Zhengzhong.

These two shots that required special effects of explosions took others a day or even a few days to complete, but Yi Yang only took a few hours.

Looking at the effect produced by Yi Yang, Yuan Zhengzhong couldn't help feeling very curious, but when he saw Yi Yang's production software, he looked bewildered.

Yi Yang is not afraid of them watching it now. The various materials needed for this movie have been produced and saved by Yi Yang during filming, and now he only needs to select the application.

Yuan Zhengzhong watched it for over an hour, and said helplessly, "Brother Yi, what kind of software is this, better than PR?"

While making it, Yi Yang said: "I will make all the special effects in the future, you just need to complete the rest."

"Can you teach me this software? I'm willing to pay the tuition fee, 50,000 a year."


It’s really not Yi Yang’s nonsense, if the method of using this software does not have the blessing of “Book of Changes”, even the smartest people in the world will not be able to learn it, especially this software only recognizes itself now, as long as the computer interface is It, this cursor can only be moved by myself.

"I'm not bragging, just this, you can't even move the mouse."

Yi Yang let go of the mouse, Yuan Zhengzhong tried it, and the cursor on the screen still couldn't move.

"Filming requires a production team. In our studio, you only need to complete your work. No matter how much money you make, you will be rewarded with dividends."

On this point, Yuan Zhengzhong felt at ease, because Yi Yang was not stingy at all after cooperating with Yi Yang for so long.

After finishing another shot, Yi Yang turned off the computer, ready to call it a day and go home.

Ling Lan has been checking the materials here all day today, and she is preparing for the script of Yi Yang's next movie.

Ling Lan was originally a liberal arts student, and with the guidance of Niu Xiaodan, a professional screenwriter, she is not far from a professional screenwriter now.

She also turned off the computer, took out a stack of newly printed documents from the printer, and handed it to Yi Yang: "This is the outline I made today, take a look."

This outline is nearly 10,000 words. In addition to the outline of the story, it also involves the description of the characteristics of the main characters of the story and the location of the story.

These were all written down in detail by Ling Lan after reviewing the materials. How to finalize the draft has to be negotiated and adjusted with Yi Yang and everyone.

Yi Yang took a look and put it in his backpack: "Go home first after get off work."

It is said that distance creates beauty, and sooner or later two people will get tired of staying together every day, but they are busy with their own things during the day, and go home to cook together after get off work.

This is the life many people dream of.

I'm sorry, Yi Yang has already lived this kind of life now.

Driving home, it was still Su Qi's off-road vehicle. Yi Yang bought it from her for 100,000 yuan and became his first car in his life.

Su Qi, a new off-road vehicle that has only been driven for a few months, came easily, and bought it for Yi Yang at a friendly price, and he also found a great bargain.

If you go to a car dealership, you can't get this car for less than 150,000 yuan.

There are still three people in this family, Yi Yang and Ling Lan are boyfriend and girlfriend now, even if Su Qi gets acquainted with them again, sometimes she seems a little redundant.

So as soon as she got home today, she put forward her opinion: "Lan Lan, you might as well move into Lao Yi's room. You are tired of feeding me dog food in the living room every day. I've been getting fat recently."

Although she often slept on the same bed with Yi Yang, after returning to Shun Ning, she really didn't think about it.

Now that Su Qi said this, she was still a little embarrassed.

Su Qi said heartlessly again: "Why are you blushing, everyone is already so familiar, don't tell you that you lived separately in Hengdian for so long, I don't believe it."

"The two of you move into the same room, and you can get tired of lying on the bed as much as you like. I, Su Qi, are out of sight and out of mind."

"But there is one thing. When you two are doing business at night, keep your movements down. The sound insulation effect of our house is not very good."


Ling Lan looked at Yi Yang who was reading the outline, and asked, "What do you think!"

"On this issue, I listen to you!"

Ling Lan also went all out, and with a hard heart, she stood up and dragged Su Qi to move the things in the room of the two of them.

Soon, Yi Yang's originally empty room was filled with all kinds of things, clothes, shoes, cosmetics, and a giant panda doll on the bed.

Yi Yang looked at it, very strange: "It's okay for you girls to buy so many shoes, why do you keep so many shoe boxes, does it look like a sense of accomplishment?"

While tidying up, Ling Lan said with a smile: "You can...keep things for packing."

"What are you packing? There are so many shoe boxes that you can't even fit me into chunks of meat."

"Oh, anyway, just don't throw it away for me!"

Yi Yang originally thought that the two women's rooms would become more vacant because of Ling Lan's move, but it was not the case, Su Qi's things were more exaggerated than Ling Lan's.

"Let's go, we've only been working for more than a year, how many stores did you buy so many things?"

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