King of Special Effects

Chapter 106 , Post-production!

It is not surprising that women have more clothes, but it is strange that they often complain that they have no clothes to wear.

By the time Yi Yang and Ling Lan tidied up everything in the room, it was already past one in the middle of the night.

Ling Lan immediately lay on the bed and played with her mobile phone after washing.

As far as the present is concerned, the two of them are already used to sleeping in the same bed and hugging each other. It is not easy for Yi Yang to still be able to do nothing wrong. He really doesn't know how long this state can last.


the next day!

Arrive at the studio at nine o'clock in the morning to start work.

Recently, because of being busy with the post-production of "Zi Gaodi", the studio does not have any shooting tasks. The task of An Ming and Lu Yang when they come to the studio every day is to watch movies, all kinds of classic movies and TV series, in these They can learn something from film and television dramas.

Tan Xincheng and a girl in make-up continued to decorate the small courtyard, while Yuan Zhengzhong and the others began to edit some scenes of "Zi Gaodi".

The studio is currently in a state of extremely unstable income, Yi Yang has to finish the post-production of this movie as soon as possible, so that he can free up his hands to do other things.

Everything went well, and in about ten days, Yi Yang completed all the special effects shots.

The rest is the editing work of Yuan Zhengzhong and others.

The few of them watched Yi Yang's shots made these days from beginning to end, and they all expressed that they would let Yi Yang accept their knees.

Each of these dozens of special effects shots is undoubtedly comparable to a big production. It is no exaggeration to say that even the special effects of the best domestic theater movies cannot produce such effects.

I knew that Yi Yang's special effects production technology is very powerful, but I didn't expect it to be so powerful.

With the power of one person, the production of such high-quality special effects shots can be completed within ten days, even if a professional Hollywood special effects production team is hired, it may not be able to achieve such a speed and such an effect.

As for the software used by Yi Yang, Yuan Zhengzhong didn't know its name, and even after a few days, he couldn't understand the production method.

The complexity of this software is far from comparable to that of PR. To put it a little more exaggeratedly, even professional special effects software like 'Houdini' and 'Nuke' may not be so complicated.

Yi Yang said he couldn't learn it, and Yuan Zhengzhong really thought so after a few days.

However, he can't reveal the secrets of Yi Yang's software, it can be said to be the treasure of the studio, and only Yi Yang can master it, and he will have to rely on it to make money in the future.

In essence, now Yi Yang is not afraid that this software will be leaked, because as long as no one else finds out the secret of the phone, then this software is really just a piece of software.

As for the secrets on the mobile phone, Yi Yang will never reveal them. With unlimited power, unlimited memory and the legendary unlimited network, it seems that he hasn't paid the phone bill for a long time.

Yuan Zhengzhong and others spent more than an hour watching the special effects shots produced by Yi Yang, and started their work under Yi Yang's guidance.

Editing is also an art, and for them, this job cannot be done quickly, with three people and five computers, each responsible for a paragraph.

Now, all the shots are ready-made, just cut out the useless parts of these shots, and then stitch all the shots together.

Yi Yang moved a chair and sat behind them, carefully considering the sequence of each shot according to the script and what he thought in his mind.


special effects production.

Later clips.

Time is passing by in these busy jobs, and the temperature in Shunning has also been pushed to a high point in the past few days. The whole city is like a natural big oven that surrounds everyone in it, and the heat wave is sweeping the city Fortunately, there is an air conditioner in the studio, otherwise every day working here will be steamed sooner or later.

However, after so many days of hard work by everyone, the post-editing stage of "Zi Gaodi" has been completed, and the last thing left is the soundtrack and dubbing.

For dubbing, Yi Yang is really not professional, he needs professional dubbing equipment and personnel.

The entire Shun Ning, that is, Lighting Entertainment has a professional film and television recording studio, and the others only have a few inconspicuous small studios.

Yi Yang only needs a small recording studio now, and he can't afford a large recording studio.

Through the news published on the same city website, I quickly found a recording studio named 'Phantom'.

The business they often undertake is to record songs, and they have also taken over the recording work of several micro-movies. For this line of work, they are also professional, and the most important thing is that the rental price is very cheap.

A recording studio and equipment, plus a dubbing director and a few voice actors cost less than 40,000 yuan, just enough to spend the 5 million invested by Jiang Zhihe.

After the editing of "Zi Gaodi", the entire film is 125 minutes long. Yi Yang has never seen the dubbing of a movie, so he doesn't know how long it takes to make such a long dubbing.

Jiang Xin didn't have time to come to Shunning due to the recent announcement that the schedule was full, so he had to find a voice actor for his lines.

As for Lin Cong and the others who returned to Hengdian, they didn't have many lines, so there was absolutely no need to make a special trip.

And a large part of it can also be used by live radio.

After finishing the editing of the film, the dubbing task must be completed as soon as possible. It is still early today, so I have to go to see how the recording venue is.

Yi Yang spent another two hours watching the edited movie from beginning to end, and after confirming that it was correct, he was ready to go out to the 'Phantom' recording studio.

Bai Tang, who just came back from the live broadcast of the radio station, was covered in sweat. When he came into the studio, he stood directly under the air conditioner: "I'm going, it's really hot to death, Lao Yi, don't tell me, I kind of miss filming in Changning Day, how comfortable is the weather?"

Not to mention Bai Tang, even Yi Yang himself misses it very much. Although he has been in Shun Ning for five or six years since he was in college, Yi Yang really doesn't like the weather here at all. It's either too cold or too hot. die.

"We are going to find a recording studio now, do you want to come together?" Yi Yang asked.

Bai Tang shook his head: "I just came back, even if I'm killed, I don't want to go out."

"Okay then, if you have nothing to do, help me edit a picture and make a movie poster for use in publicity."

"Good to say!"

No matter how hot the weather was, the film's follow-up work had to continue. Yi Yang took Yuan Zhengzhong and others out, and directly navigated to the address of the 'Phantom' recording studio.

"Brother Yi, have you confirmed when this movie will be released?" Yuan Zhengzhong closed the car door and asked, "I just watched a movie that will be released recently. There is a theater movie called "Smoke". If we Being able to go online with it is estimated to be able to form a very sharp contrast."

Yi Yang was stunned: "What is the comparison, big online movies and theater movies, they invested tens of millions and we only have five million, what's the comparison?"

"No, Brother Yi, I bet you that their movie is definitely not as good as ours, and it will be released together with them, and there will be something for the audience to compare with, which will play a vital role in the word-of-mouth of our movie. "

"What if others do better than us, isn't this slapping yourself in the face?"

"That's impossible, Brother Yi, let's not talk about anything else, just show your special effects and you will definitely be able to throw away "Gunsmoke" by a thousand miles. Let him go to hell."

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