King of Stage

Seven hundred and twenty ninth, magnificent

There was a lot of noise.

Juliet's staggering footsteps smashed the things in the hotel room to pieces. She didn't care about the decoration of the room, or even her own body. She just embraced a faint hope, like grabbing a life-saving straw, and went crazy. He rushed towards the door of the hotel room.


Opening the door of the hotel room, Juliet's chest was heaving violently, and she had to rely on the door frame to stand, her right hand covered her heart, as if her heart was about to break through the shackles of her chest in the next second, her eyes looked at the hotel standing at the door with a hint of despair The waiter, couldn't say a word.

The waiter was a little frightened, stared blankly at her, and asked hesitantly, "...Miss Slate?" After receiving an affirmative reply, "There is a private car waiting for you downstairs."


Juliet's heart burst like this. She took a step forward and kissed each other, just like Ruth kissed Jack in "Titanic". Fall to the ground again.

The sun was shining and the autumn colors were thick. She, a 20-year-old blond woman, was about to take a private car to another strange city to meet the most beautiful man in the world and then become his wife.

It would be great if time could be frozen in this moment forever.

In the following week, the Detroit tour with King One Day is a classic rock paradise, a precious oasis in the desert, and a fantasy island of Neverland. Everything is so beautiful and so dreamy, even happier than Juliet imagined Even crazier and hotter.

She, the girlfriend of the bassist of the best rock band in the world.

She was the only girl allowed to go backstage. When the band checked the live program and details of the performance, the band members were dressing up, and she, sitting next to the band's manager Johnny Quaid, admired it closely A beautiful picture that is unique in the world.

Among the fans, Johnny has won the reputation of a "Pinocchio", not because the nose will grow longer if he tells a lie, but because he evolved from a puppet to a human but the core is still a puppet, cold, rigid, stiff, and without temperature; But, to Juliet, Johnny was like a father—

He's always there for "his boys" and has nothing to do with him, nothing over the band, and only for the band's sake.

Even with a deadpan face, Juliet found Johnny to be an affable guy.

That night, Juliet stood on the left side of the stage, watching Maxim's chic figure playing bass and his magic fingers,

Sky blue jeans wrapped a pair of long legs, and the unbuttoned shirt allowed more than 10,000 spectators to see the strong and strong chest. One look and one movement can set off a stormy sea, making the whole audience fascinated and fell into a kind of In an inextricable frenzy.

Juliet is sitting on the exclusive Maxim's stereo, feeling as if she is also a member of the band.

She can see what they see, she can feel what they feel, the enthusiasm that pours from the pilgrims, the madness that bursts from the admirers, seems to be able to ignite the air directly, a little spark will Let the scene evolve into a volcano, an extraordinary experience.

Juliet noticed the eyes of the three girls in the rock zone at the front of the stands, and they should have guessed who she was, which made her a little proud.

With a deliberate swing of her arms, Juliet showed off the four bulky turquoise onyx bangles that Cliff had given her to keep before she went on stage. Such bangles were once all the rage in the sixties and seventies, and now only Jeep Racers love it, but the retro trend is back, and Cliff is a big fan.

These bracelets are all handcrafted by local Indians in Arizona. Cliff cherishes them very much, but he is worried that the stage performance may be too intense, so he accidentally throws the bracelets out, so they are handed over to her for safekeeping. The honor makes Juliet feel special.

Dang bang bang bang.

Juliet shook the bracelet on purpose, trying to show the girls at the front of the stage how important their place was.

But soon, Juliet's eyes were drawn to the stage again——

Even though she has watched it five times and ten times, even if she has watched it from different angles at close range and far distance, Juliet still sighs again involuntarily.

When Ronan stood under the spotlight, the radiance was so bright and gorgeous, the charm that was enough to cut off the breath and stop the heartbeat, soaked in the melody of the notes, could easily penetrate the layers of protection of the armor, spilling In the depths of the soul, it is empathetic.

Juliet burst into tears.

Then, passing through Ronan's position, Juliet could once again see Maxim who was concentrating on performing. Unlike the usual casual and suave Maxim, Maxim on the stage was so devoted and focused, as if all the weight of the soul was immersed in the performance. over the strings.


The light outlines Maxim's profile, sweat drips down the facial features, and the depths of bright eyes are filled with stars and seas, reflecting the three-finger salute held high by the audience, as if there were more than 10,000 people in the audience. The souls of the audience are all condensed together, even their breathing and heartbeat are consistent.

The melody, like the tinkling sound of spring water, is also like a tsunami shaking the sky, constantly impacting the mind and heart, and it has fallen inadvertently.

The thought of being able to take off his sweat-soaked shirt after the show, tell him how incomparable and radiant he was on stage, and climb into the black car with him to the hotel to share in the center of the double bed. Going to Wushan, Juliet couldn't help crying.

The concert stage is so far away yet so close, so grand yet so small, as if the entire universe can be seen, the soul can’t help but kneel down and worship, the slight trembling of the heart makes tremors rush from the soles of the feet to the top of the head, one after another, one after another Wave after wave, can't stop.

At this moment, at this moment, she seemed to be able to see the magnificence and beauty at the end of time.

However, happiness is short-lived, so short-lived, it seems that it has slipped away from the fingertips with just one breath and one blink, and the lingering/softness of Detroit is still hot on the earlobe, and then Louisville, Nashville, Phoenix Falling into loneliness again.

There was no news, no phone calls, and no voice. Maxim "disappeared" again, as if she had never appeared in her life.

Juliet didn't know how much more she could endure the same thing, hot and cold, far and near, Maxim kept pouring out so much love that her soul was completely soaked, and at five o'clock in the morning The gentlest voice and all kinds of unimaginable excuses woke her up, but she disappeared without any sound after turning around.

Sweetness turns into bitterness.

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