King of Stage

Seven hundred and thirty 1 way knowledge

Juliet's nerves have been numb, and she is used to Maxim's sudden disappearance and no news, so she shouldn't even be surprised.

It seems that this is the natural direction of the story, and there is nothing surprising at all.

However, anxiety is still rolling in her stomach, as if she swallowed a few red coal balls with her mouth open, and then let them dance in her stomach, even if she tried her best, she couldn't control it. Like fish, struggling on land.

clatter clatter.

clatter clatter.

Weak beating and big mouth breathing can never feel any vitality, but more and more clearly experience the slow flow of life force from the fingertips, the so-called resistance is just a powerless struggle, eyes wide, mouth wide, but only to speed up death.

She just lay quietly on the dirty carpet of the motel, the world around her was completely silent, but the turbulent waves in her mind could not stop, as if a dementor was kissing her forehead, a biting cold snap Bits of frozen blood—but the blood was still rolling.

Perhaps, she should go to San Francisco, go to the city of angels to find Maxim, and burn the last bit of energy left in her body like a moth to a flame.

Perhaps, after the ashes were burned to nothingness, she would be fine again, no longer anxious or desperate, and regain the long-lost peace.

But this idea made Juliet faintly and a little scared, because it was too urgent, too crazy and too hot, as if she could feel the soul being torn apart, creating a pleasure of destruction, maybe during the long journey to Los Angeles, she would have a Little by little, it went with the wind, and finally disappeared without a trace in a ray of breeze.

She was a little curious, if she disappeared, would Maxim notice?

The scary thing is, she knows the answer: no.

Maxim didn't pay attention or care at all, perhaps, only Luo Nanhui showed a sad and unexpected expression, and sighed softly, "Oh, Juliet, that poor girl."

But... But, even if she knew it, she had to do it. She has no way to wait in place, because every minute and every second is in the flames and suffers repeatedly, either standing in place and self-destructing, or rushing towards the sun like Icarus.

She has to go to Los Angeles.

Maxim, this damn guy, how many times does he want her to wait? How many more times can she wait?

she does not know.

She didn't have time to think either.

Juliet then rallied and headed to Los Angeles.

She imagined herself as a poor abandoned dirty puppy, using lipstick to draw a perfect smile arc, dressed as a clown, hiding her broken heart, and holding the softest and most sincere emotions in the palm of her hand Here, dedicated to Maxim without reservation, trying to show the most brilliant and beautiful posture, begging for Maxim's attention.

"I want to see him."

With such a belief, Juliet set out on the road.

Taking a ride along the way to the east, in less than a week, Juliet met countless strange people and happened countless strange things—but they were all knights, men and women, and strange shapes All are of different colors, and all are knights who have followed in the footsteps of a king for a day.

There is no need to arrive in Los Angeles. In Salt Lake City, Juliet has successfully caught up with the one-day king's tour. A large group of knights gathered together to celebrate the successful conclusion of the one-day king's first performance in Salt Lake City. Discussing the details of the show.

In just a few weeks, the team around the One Day King seemed to grow stronger again, adding many strange faces.

In Juliet's impression, there are three main teams following the King of the Day. They gather in groups, go on the road together, live and live together, like moving gypsies, and then there are some scattered ones. Scattered retail investors.

But now there are a total of eight small teams embarking on the "Departure" tour.

Juliet couldn't tell who was who. The only thing she could be sure of was that the popularity of the king was still rising, and there were more than 3,000 spectators who hadn't bought tickets at the Salt Lake City venue. , and also sang loudly to join the carnival.

Some people say that Ronan sang like crazy in Salt Lake City, and his full-throated, wanton live performance was comparable to the baptism of the soul.

Some people said that Ollie almost fainted from exhaustion at the performance site, but he was not the only one, and a large area of ​​the audience also fainted due to lack of water.

Some say Kansas City is still unsurpassed, but Salt Lake City does show a whole new side of the band.


swish swish.

There are endless rumors, and those happy faces are enough to make people clearly feel the strong influence of the band. Compared with the Grammys, the Coachella Music Festival and the "Departure" tour are the real stage for fans, and they can get close to the band's stage.

Naturally, with the advancement of the tour, the charm of King One Day has conquered more and more audiences.

Juliet was not surprised by this result at all, but was slightly surprised. The speed with which the band grew was beyond imagination.

However, although there are more and more unfamiliar faces coming into sight, the familiar figure can still make Juliet feel at ease, especially the discussions about King One Day and Maxim, which are always in the ear, can always make the corners of Juliet’s mouth feel at ease. rise up.

"Joker" Joaquin arrived early in the temporary dormitory where twenty knights crowded together, a shy weirdo with low EQ, sitting anxiously and expectantly in a corner, wearing a clown costume, holding a bucket of balloons and a party Presents, apparently having this as a six year old's birthday party.

Whenever someone approaches, he can't wait to show off his animal hat, but he is afraid that the other party will not like it, so he talks incoherently.

Sometimes, Juliet couldn't help suspecting that maybe Joaquin didn't like the One Day King at all, he just had no friends and was afraid of being alone, so he followed the One Day King on the road just to surround the turbulent crowd, as if as long as this was the case, I will not face loneliness alone.

But even if that's the truth, Juliet can't blame Joaquin—after all, King One Day's music does have such a charm.

Apart from Maxim and her entanglement, Juliet also likes the music of King One Day, crazily, and whenever the melody sounds, she is willing to believe that she is not alone.

She likes "Chasing the Light", she likes "Embracing the Newborn", she likes "Falling Apart", but recently, her favorite is "My Devil", just like the face of Maxim, who looks like an angel but The core is an out-and-out devil.

Maybe, she just likes demons?

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