King of the Bay Area

Chapter 381: Captain title

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As we all know, in football games, the captain ’s armband is very important. The captain is not only the core person on the court, but also the soul of the whole team, or the backbone of the locker room. The role of the captain and deputy captain for the entire team cannot be replaced. Players who can qualify for the position of captain are bound to be an important task for the team.

Relatively speaking, the football game is slightly different.

Because the whole team is divided into three different parts of the offensive group, defensive group and special team; also because the division of labor on the court is extremely professional, the roles and responsibilities of each other are clear, a core player plays The role is relatively limited; more because there are too many factors that influence the outcome of the game, even the secret team has the possibility of a lore game.

Therefore, the captain of the football team is not so important.

In fact, the NFL has always had no hard requirements. Each team must appoint a captain. Whether or not to appoint a captain is entirely determined by the team. Later, after Roger Goodall took office, in order to regulate the rules of the league game, in 2007 Relevant regulations have been issued, requiring that each team must appoint a captain in each game, while allowing a team to have six captains on or off the field.

In general, each team appoints three captains, one each in the offensive group, defensive group, and secret service group. The captain's responsibilities include, but are not limited to, the right to open the coin to guess the ball, apply for a suspension during the game, choose to accept or reject the referee's penalty, etc.

In the league, most teams adhere to such rules, but some teams use their own style, such as the Green Bay Packers.

Among the Green Bay Packers, the captain of each week is different, and they are located in various places on the field. As the core leader of the team, Aron Rogers is not necessarily the captain on the field, and the positions of wide receivers, offensive tackles, centers, etc. may all serve as captains.

Rogers has never been a quarterback who likes to establish personal relationships, and strictly separates work and personal life. Among the teams, apart from games and training, he rarely has any intersection with other teammates, and privately rarely meet or communicate, can only be said to be teammates, not friends. Therefore, he may not be the best candidate for the captain.

For such a situation, it can be understood that this is related to the team's tactical arrangement, the atmosphere within the team and the player's personal style. The Green Bay Packers choose the captain on the field according to the specific situation of each game.

Nevertheless, the captain has a special meaning. As the team's tactical core, also as the team's spiritual leader, and as the team's metronome, it plays a special role.

In the official game, the captain will not wear an armband, but will mark a "C" on the left or right chest of the team, meaning "Captin"; under the letters, there is a row of stars, the number of stars means The number of consecutive years as captain, if you have been a captain for four or more years, then "C" will be golden, highlighting the core position of this player.

Of course, Green Bay Packers has no such jersey design.

In fact, the Green Bay Packers are a rare exception in the entire league. Among the other teams, although the New England Patriots and Pittsburgh Steelers also gave up the special design of the jersey, the captain ’s jersey chest will not be marked with a “C”, but these two teams also appoint the team like other teams. The core is the captain on the field.

The same is true of the San Francisco 49ers.

After Jim Hubble took office, he accepted the advice of team manager Trent Balk in the face of a turbulent team, a young and vigorous team, and a fully shuffled team. Appointed three captains, using their authority and ability, played a role in stabilizing the team, and truly connected the entire team.

Patrick Willis and Jonathan Goodwin needless to say, they are the veterans of the team, and they have outstanding strength. They deservedly assumed the role of captain and stabilized the offensive and defensive groups.

The Dragon and Snake mixed secret service team was handed over to David Arkens, who just joined this offseason. This veteran has been displaced in the league for many years. Naturally, he also has problems in dealing with the locker room problems and the team cooperation problems. Your own understanding.

To some extent, the role of the three captains in Hubble's tactical execution, game control, and team fusion cannot be ignored. In this regard, Hubble also strongly agreed.

Now, Goodwin took the initiative to say that he hopes to officially hand over the title of captain of the offensive team to Lu Ke.

Although the position of the captain is not so special among rugby teams, Hubble still showed an unexpected look. "Why? Isn't the situation right now? Why do we need to change? I can't see the need for change."

"Because Lu Ke is becoming the leader of the team." Goodwin said seriously. "For us, the biggest responsibility of the captain is to control the progress and rhythm of the game." As for the dressing room, it is another situation. "Now, Lu Ke has taken over the offensive team. In the game, the identity of the captain is more important to him."

In fact, Goodwin has his own considerations.

As a member of the team, as part of the game, Goodwin can feel that the San Francisco 49ers offensive team is gradually branded with exclusive Lu Ke, they are gathering with Lu Ke as the core group, and then form their own style .

Mike Rupatti and Joe Stanley started joining Lu Ke to discuss the tactical manual; he himself and Anthony Davis and Chino Hachar also did so. Shi always involuntarily communicated with Lu Ke.

This is a long process, a subtle process, and Goodwin does not know how much time it will take. But if Lu Ke can shoulder the responsibility of captain, this is a good thing for the entire offensive team; at least, the transfer of many commands does not need to pass through him as a transit station, which is simpler, more direct, and more deterrent and infectious force.

"In fact, in the past two weeks, Lu Ke has taken over the role of captain on the field." Goodwin said positively, "I think it is time to officially let Lu Ke take over in the official name. We There will be a long season next, eleven games, if we want to hit the playoffs, we need to unite. Now, Lu Ke is our best choice. "

As a lost rookie, Lu Ke is now the starting quarterback of the San Francisco 49ers. But strictly speaking, this is only the rookie season. What will happen next year and what will happen in the future, no one can predict.

Will Lu Ke get injured? Will the state fluctuate or even decline? Will it be unable to withstand the test of physical strength and energy at the end of the season and completely collapse? All this is unknown.

Therefore, the consideration of the coaching staff and even the team manager is naturally more profound. As a tactical core on the field and as the future core of the team, the two plans are still different. Now Lu Ke is the tactical core, and the starting position is temporarily worry-free; but as the future core, this still needs to be considered.

From Goodwin's point of view, whether it is for this season or for a more long-term future, Lu Ke is the best choice: entrusted with the role of captain, let Lu Ke truly grow into a team leader and lead the entire team Grow up. At least, as a member of the offensive team, he thinks so.

Hubble did not answer immediately, but fell into silence. The unpredictable expression barely concealed, but the miscellaneous information made it difficult to judge whether it was positively affirmative or negatively negative.

Hubble's way of thinking is simpler.

This season, there was a lot of turmoil, accidents, and chaos. After entering the regular season, they finally settled their feet and screamed all the way. The current situation is no better. He does not want to change, and he has no time to change.

As for the future development core, let's not mention it. Even the tactical core of next season, it is too early to consider. The top priority should be the playoffs this season. They must focus all their attention on the moment and go all out.

Therefore, Goodwin ’s proposal, Hubble did not think so far-reaching, next season ’s things will be considered after the offseason; and this season, Lu Ke is clearly the core of the team ’s tactics, and has gradually become The team's center of gravity.

Even Hubble himself is very satisfied with Lu Ke. The communication and execution of tactics, and the flexibility and concatenation of tactics, truly knocked out the West Coast offense in his mind.

So why should Hubble refuse? He had no reason to refuse.

Between thoughts, Hubble had already made judgments and decisions. He has never been a hesitant coach, otherwise he would not give up the veteran of Carson Palmer and choose Lu Ke as a rookie in the trial stage. At that time, the bold and generous gamble was almost shocking; now, it has become a turning point in changing the fate of the team.

Lifting his head, just as Hubble was about to nod his promise, the door knocked again.

This time, because the office door was not closed, the person came to reveal his body, and it was the defensive leader Patrick Willis.

Willis looked around, and immediately noticed the talking Hubble and Goodwin. He nodded gently and apologized. "Sorry, I'm sorry. I'm just talking about one thing, Leave as soon as you have finished, and will not disturb you. "Willis took a step towards the office.

Goodwin is preparing to stand up and say goodbye, wanting to say that his task has been completed, and the rest of the thinking and measurement is left to the coach.

But I did not expect that Willis did not leave a gap and said directly, "I want to suggest that maybe promoting Lu Ke as the captain of the offensive team is a good thing for the team." Willis immediately looked at To Goodwin, "Jonathan, there is no meaning for you. We can use the offensive team double captain mode. I just think that Lu Ke has a positive impact on the offensive team."

As he talked, Willis noticed that both Hubble and Goodwin's expressions were rather weird, and his words paused, "What's wrong? Is there anything on my face?"

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