
Chapter 101 The miserable goalkeeper

As a lord who paid attention to his commitment, after agreeing to deliver the goods to his door, Hudson immediately started to form a transportation brigade.

Fortunately, the situation in Wright and Wyton counties has stabilized, and the nobles who were personally beaten by Earl Pierce are now acting particularly calm.

Otherwise, there is a risk of his home being stolen. No matter how lucrative the profits are, Hudson would not dare to leave his nest with his team.

Even now, precautions must be taken. Just because no one dares to do anything openly does not mean that no one will sabotage secretly.

In this context, the main force still has to stay in its lair to intimidate the villains. In the event of an emergency, an effective counterattack can be organized.

In this context, the use of mercenaries is inevitable. Nominally the freight is borne by the other party, but in actual operation it is a package price, for example, the price of the product will increase by a certain percentage.

The specifics must be determined based on the actual situation. The freight charges for fighting and not fighting with the Skull and Bones Society must not be the same standard.

In these aspects, nobles are usually more particular. In all the business that Hudson does, everyone only talks about the general idea, and the specific details all rely on consciousness.

There has never been any trouble, and even the most stingy nobles rarely play tricks in these aspects.

Of course, this has something to do with the fact that Hudson, the second team, is too strong. Monopoly sellers can always gain more say in transactions.

Hudson restrained his inner greed and did not take advantage of the opportunity to exploit him, which was also the reason why these transactions were able to proceed smoothly.

If you meet someone you know well, you will inevitably be given a preferential price. Hudson also spent a lot of money on maintaining personal relationships.

"Tom, send someone to deliver these letters separately. By the way, make an appointment with Baron Catley, and let's go hunting in the mountains together tomorrow!"

Transport Brigade Hudson is only prepared to send out a hundred elite soldiers, and the rest will be all private soldiers hired by nobles. It's just a matter of money, and not all knights are as expensive as the appearance fee of his "Knight of the Divine Bow".

"Yes, sir!"

Maple Leaf Collar, as a good neighbor, Baron Kettle, after receiving the invitation, couldn't help but exclaimed:

“Are you kidding me, your master invites me to go hunting tomorrow?

It's not unusual for nobles to hunt together, but that's all done by reservation in advance.

We will set off tomorrow and will only notify you tonight. This kind of temporary invitation cannot be said to be non-existent, but it will only happen between nobles with good relationships.

If the relationship is not in place, it would be embarrassing if someone rejects the invitation simply because they have no time to do so.

After counting all the interactions between myself and Hudson, none of them were comfortable, let alone friendship.

What kind of misunderstanding can make the other party think that we have a good relationship?

Baron Kettle was very confused.

"Yes, the noble Baron Kettle. My master said that you will definitely attend, otherwise you will definitely regret it in the future."

The original text paraphrased by the messenger made Baron Kettle more and more confused. Isn't it just a hunt? If you don't participate, you will regret it. It will be as if something really happened.

It was certain that the soldier who delivered the message knew nothing about it, so Ketley didn't bother to waste time on him and sent him away directly.

"Uncle Holman, do you think that profiteer from Hudson is planning something bad this time? You can't invite me to hunt together tomorrow just to show off his superb archery skills, right?"

It was obvious that he had no favorable impression of Baron Hudson Kettle at all. A hero will only cherish a hero, no one will cherish a profiteer.

After being tricked continuously, he now despises even the Mountain Leader, let alone Hudson, the instigator.

"You can't say for sure. Maybe he just wanted to show off his archery skills. In fact, these are not important. Being able to get up close and feel the opponent's strength is a big gain.

Maybe this Baron Hudson has other plans, but if he sends someone to invite you openly, it can't be detrimental to you, right?

No one has any grievances. Even if there is a little quarrel, it will be a loss for us and he will not have to deal with you. "

Knight Holman replied calmly.

Nobles have their own rules of the game. Inviting people to their homes and killing them is a super stupid thing that even the most cruel nobles would not do.

Not to mention that we are not enemies, even if it is a life-and-death relationship, we don't play it like this.

"What, your master invited me to go to Qiaomu County with you?"

"My poor cousin must be out of his mind. He knows that there are skeletons coming out, but he still dares to go to Qiaomu County at this time."

"What are you talking about? Taking 20 guards for a round trip of 15 days/100 gold coins. The employer is responsible for the expenses along the way. The cost of fighting will be calculated separately and the losses will be borne by the employer?

Wait, I think you can still consider it. If there are many people participating, you can actually take the risk. "

It's definitely not that Adrian Knight is short-sighted, it's just that the other party has given him too much. It is absolutely impossible for the normal employment market price to be so high.

Looking at the twenty elite guards alone, the cost is only one hundred silver coins per day. The hiring price is only slightly higher, but the problem is that the combat expenses are calculated separately, and all losses are borne by the employer. (1 gold coin = 15 silver coins)

Mercenaries charge high fees because they are exchanging lives for money, and all casualties are borne by themselves.

There is no other conscientious employer like Hudson in the entire Aslant continent who guarantees compensation for losses.

However, this also reflects from the side that the risk of this operation will not be too high, at least it will not cause a large number of casualties, otherwise my shrewd cousin will not be able to promise to compensate for the losses.

"Yes, respected Knight Adrian. The contents of the letter are all my master's promises.

In addition to you, there are more than a dozen noble lords who have received invitations at the same time.

Our master will also personally lead the army to participate in the escort, and will ensure that there will be no less than ten knights participating in this operation, so the safety issue you are worried about is not a problem. "

Looking at the confident messenger, Adrian became more and more firm in his judgment. It was probably an enemy who paid to bribe his cousin.

The Skull and Bones Society is indeed powerful, but it is just a group of remnants, and its number cannot be too large.

A dozen knights + hundreds of elite soldiers escort, enough to deal with various emergencies.

After all, this world is the world of nobles after all. Once a fight breaks out, it will quickly attract the attention of the surrounding noble lords.

As long as the battle is not one-sided, reinforcements will soon arrive on the battlefield.

No matter how powerful the masters of the Skull and Bones Society are, they can't be killed as soon as they come up, right?

If he was so awesome, he would have reversed the outcome of the last war, so why would he be hiding everywhere?

If you can't meet the enemy, then earn some hard money to fill your dry pockets.

If you encounter an enemy and leave the enemy behind, it will be a bloody gain.

Not only can you earn money from your employer, but you can also get a reward from the Governor's Mansion. If you kill one of the big shots, you can also record a military merit.

Although there is no new territory to divide for the time being, no one can have too much military merit. Even if you join the kingdom's army, those with military merit will be assigned a higher position.

In normal times, it has no impact. In times of war, military rank will directly affect the survival rate on the battlefield.

"Tell Hudson that I will take this deal. If there is such a good business in the future, let him continue to take care of me."

Adrian Knight replied carelessly.

Unlike Hudson who was worried about having his home stolen, he had no such worries at all. The few unlucky guys who had sneak-attacked Master Adrian's territory in the past were still busy licking their wounds.

Let's do it again, that is, Earl Pierce is dead. To dare to overturn the result of the governor's personal ruling less than two months later is a provocation to the governor's majesty.

This kind of Tiehanhan does not exist in the southeastern provinces. Even if a noble dared to confront the governor, it would be within the rules and they would confront him.

If you break the rules and challenge the governor's majesty, you will feel the power of the kingdom's iron fist.

Similar scenes were also staged in many territories. Although not as exaggerated as Adrian Knight's performance, overall he was defeated by gold coins.

Maybe everyone is not as domineering as Adrian Knight, who directly taught the neighbors a profound lesson, but there are not many people who are as afraid of having their homes stolen as Hudson is.

The reason is very simple. Those invited were all poor knights. The most important wealth in the territory was the serfs, but no one dared to touch these things now.

The land is there and cannot be moved. Possessions such as livestock and farm tools can also be stored at a neighbor's house with whom you have good friendships before leaving.

Unless it was a cult attack, no noble would take a fancy to this kind of poor man's territory that couldn't produce any oil.

If you really encounter a cult attack, you should run faster. Because whether they are there or not, it will not affect the outcome.

If you are not at home, you can avoid the obligation to keep the land. You can also ask your employer to help suppress it afterwards. After all, the aristocracy is a humane society.

In name, Hudson is hiring guards. If you think about it differently, isn't this a favor?

In just half a month, I made such a round trip and earned back all the money for farm tools and daily necessities. This kind of good job is rare.

Without a certain degree of friendship, there would be no turn at all.

In the sunny Salam Mountains, only a few "swish, swish, swish..." sounds were heard, and a bunch of geese fell in the sky.

If you observe carefully, you will find that the arrows came from 300 meters away. Only five arrows flew out, but thirteen geese fell down. The most amazing thing is that these arrows all pierced the heads of the geese. Passed.

How this unreasonable scene was accomplished, no one knows, anyway, the facts are before our eyes.

"Baron Hudson, your archery skills are really good! Looking at the entire Alpha Kingdom, I'm afraid there's no one who can compare with you.

Even in the entire human race, there are not many people who can reach your level. Perhaps only some marksmen among the elves can compete with you. "

Baron Kettle was not deliberately flattering, but the scene before him really shocked him.

A layman looks at the excitement, an expert looks at the door.

While crawling and rolling on the battlefield in northern Xinjiang, it was not like he had never seen a magic archer, but he had never heard of such unreasonable archery skills as Hudson.

You must know that from the beginning to the end of drawing the bow and releasing the arrow, Hudson did not have any preparation and did it completely casually.

Not only was the hit rate incredible, but the most incredible thing was that the five arrows were fired in a row without stopping, as if there was no need to aim.

Once such a presence appears on the battlefield, it will be a complete massacre.

Especially the range of the arrow, Ketele clearly felt that more than 300 meters was not the limit. Arrows can only fly so far, and only this far can a perfect prey be taken.

Such precise force control should never appear in humans. Even among the elves who are best at shooting, few can do this.

Anyone with a bit of common sense knows that the power of an archer is usually directly proportional to his own strength. The archers in the army are often composed of the strongest soldiers.

Baron Kettle had seen the strong elf bow in Hudson's hand in the North, and it would not be enough without the strength of the great knight. If you want to retract and release freely, the requirements for strength are even greater.

Although Hudson was not full, Baron Kettle did not think that he was not full. Hudson's calmness and calmness during the shooting process alone has infinitely elevated his status in the mind of Baron Kettle.

There is no explanation, it is just for show. Naturally, the more bluffing you are, the better. As for whether it will scare the audience, that's not his business.

"Baron Kettle, that's ridiculous. There are hidden dragons and crouching tigers in the Aslant continent. The legendary Archer Saint shot out a giant dragon with one arrow. With my little skills, I can only dominate in a small place like the Southeast Province."

Hudson said unceremoniously, without any shame of cheating, as if he really had the strength.

Comparing them with legendary figures is a pretense, but Baron Kettle doesn't feel at all inconsistent. Judging from the strength that Hudson is showing now, it may not be a new legend. ,

Witnessing the birth of a legend should have been a happy event, but as a good neighbor, Baron Kettle was not happy at all.

Since ancient times, it is inevitable to be associated with legendary characters and become a foil.

Even though Baron Kettle was determined about his abilities, he was still shaken at this moment. Little Wright County has no room for two dragons.

The Sith Baron had already put enough pressure on him, but now this powerful neighbor, who should have been able to open up wasteland and farm with peace of mind, showed his fangs again.

"Baron Hudson, if you invite me here today, it's not really for hunting, right?"

Baron Kettle asked doubtfully.

Extending one's head is a sword, and shrinking one's head is also a sword. Just ask directly, don't bother to waste time here.

"Ha ha……"

"Baron Kettle, you are still so quick to talk. To tell you the truth, I invited you here today because I really have something to discuss.

Recently I am planning to take a long trip, which may take as short as fifteen days or as long as one month. During this period, it is inevitable that some young people who overestimate their abilities will come over and cause trouble.

The mountainous territory is remote, surrounded by mountains on three sides and plains on one side. The only road suitable for the army to march is Maple Leaf. So please ask your neighbors to take more care of it and don't let in all the messy people.

As good neighbors, we share hardships together. I doubt Baron Kettle would refuse this small favor, right? "

After hearing Hudson's shameless request, Baron Kettle almost fainted.

Is this the attitude of asking for help?

It was clearly a naked threat.

He was so unlucky that he got stuck just outside the entrance to the Mountain Territory, so he had to act as a goalkeeper for free?

However, Baron Kettle did not dare to refuse. The phrase "we share the suffering together" was too lethal, and it was clear that Hudson was relying on him.

All he had to do was tell him directly that if something happened to the Mountain Leader, the Maple Leaf Leader would also have to suffer the same fate.

If it weren't for the fear of the strength of the person in front of him, Baron Kettle would have wanted to hack this shameless person to death on the spot, but unfortunately he was not an impulsive person after all.

"Hudson, are you convinced of me?"

Baron Kettle said through gritted teeth.

It can be seen that he was really angry this time, and he started calling him by name, even omitting the word "baron".

"Sorry, Baron Kettle. Actually, I don't want to do this either.

But there is no way. The enemy hiding in the dark is really difficult to guard against before it emerges.

But the Maple Leaf Territory is right in front of us. As long as we take care of you, the enemy will not be able to get through. "

Hudson said with shame on his face.

I apologized profusely, but unfortunately I didn't change my decision. Whether Baron Kettle is willing or not, he must be forced to act as the goalkeeper.

They were all forced out. For the safety of the territory, Hudson could only be shameless once.

As long as Baron Kettle doesn't let the enemy in, there will be no other mountain trails. It is not an ordinary difficulty to get around from the vast Salam Mountains.

If he accidentally gets lost along the way, the enemy may not even be able to touch the gate of the mining area even if Hudson returns from Arbor County.

"Baron Hudson, this is too much to bully, aren't you afraid that I will kill you and defeat you all?"

Baron Kettle said angrily.

If looks could kill, Hudson would have been hacked to pieces, skinned and cramped.

"Your Excellency will not do this. Even if the Mountain Territory is attacked, I will suffer heavy losses at most.

No matter how much sabotage is done, it will only result in the loss of some money and food. No one would dare to massacre all the serfs in the territory, right?

With my reputation, many people are willing to help me in times of need. Coupled with the support of the family, it will be possible to recover within a year or two at most.

But you are different. If you fail once, you will lose everything. Even if your family is willing to continue to provide support, water from afar cannot quench the thirst for nearness.

Without the three hundred elites in your hands, your Excellency would not only be without a foothold in Wright County, but it would also be unknown whether you would be able to return to the Northland alive.

After all, after your Excellency entered Wright County, you offended more than one or two people.

Maybe they didn't dare to do anything when you were strong, but these people definitely have the courage to add insult to injury! "

Hudson said coldly.

His eyes were fixed on Baron Kettle, as if waiting for the final answer.

He knew that at times like this, he couldn't give in. Any concession will make the other party suspicious.

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