
Chapter 102 Ambition

Seeing Baron Kettle leave angrily, Hudson originally wanted to give him the wild goose he had hunted to appease his injured heart.

Just thinking of the meaning of the number thirteen in the Aslant continent, I finally gave up the idea of ​​​​looking for excitement.

Don't do bad things with good intentions. It takes a lot of effort for someone to agree, but if you stimulate them a little more, you might really drive them crazy.

It was estimated that the hunt for wild geese just now was just a coincidence, and that it fell into the eyes of Baron Kettle was a deliberate "intimidation" on his part.

The conscience of heaven and earth "Five arrows and thirteen geese, the arrows pierced the head." Is this something a normal person can shoot?

Even if Hudson cheats, Dayan must be willing to cooperate. If it weren't for the fact that the geese were changing their formation and were caught up by the arrows, such a miracle would not have happened.

Unexpectedly, Hudson's pretense was so successful that he completely confused Baron Kettle and didn't think about the coincidence at all.

Shooting only five arrows was not just for showing off; more importantly, to reach such a range, Hudson could only shoot five arrows.

Any more and your arm strength will be unbearable. Who told him that he was just a weakling who had just reached the threshold of an intermediate knight?

Ordinary bow and arrow shooting can easily throw more than a hundred arrows; the high-strength elf bow cannot be fully drawn under normal circumstances, so there are naturally limitations in its use.

Unless the shooting range is lowered and the arm strength output is reduced, the continuous output ability of his strong archer will be really impressive.

The formation of Hudson's transportation brigade has not yet been completed. The second infantry regiment that entered Qiaomu County has already joined forces with local nobles to complete two rounds of dragnet searches, and they almost turned over the ground.

After struggling for more than half a month, there was no sign of the Skull and Bones Society.

If it were not for the corroboration of the corpses of Knight Florian and fifty-seven soldiers, as well as the testimony of a number of witnesses, everyone would doubt whether the news of the Skull and Bones Society was a rumor.

No one could be found for a long time. Not only did everyone not relax, but they became even more nervous.

The reason why cult organizations are so scary is because they hide in the dark. If their identity is exposed, it will be easier to deal with.

Unfortunately, almost a month has passed since the day of the incident, and still nothing has been found.

"Perhaps the Skull and Bones people have left Qiaomu County. What these rats are best at is hiding. According to past practice, they will flee thousands of miles after committing a crime.

Although they failed to catch the Skeleton Holy Lord this time, everyone gained something.

We successfully destroyed the dens of multiple cult organizations such as the Cult of Evil, the Cult of Chaos, and the Church of Desire. We also destroyed three private salt gangs and arrested a total of 236 criminals of various types.

I believe that after this battle, the social order of Qiaomu County will..." Listening to Baron Raphael's summary of the results of the battle, Viscount Oran's face became gloomy and terrifying. Most of these criminals were picked out from Qiaomu City, and they were almost directly It is said that he, the city lord, cannot manage the place.

But the facts were right in front of him, and he couldn't find a reason to argue. The Baron Raphael in front of him was sent by the Governor's Palace to help, so there was no need to buy into his account.

"Baron Raphael is right, we have achieved great results during this period. But these are just a bunch of small fish and have nothing to do with our goal.

If we want to truly achieve long-term peace and stability, we must continue to work harder and wipe out all the Skull and Bones guilds.

This cult has launched five rebellions since entering my Alpha Kingdom.

The previous ones are far away from us and can be ignored for the time being, but the last rebellion that occurred in Wright and Wyton counties was experienced by everyone personally.

I thought they would flee thousands of miles away as usual after their failure, but now they appear again.

Does this mean that they have new plans in Qiaomu County or Southeast Province?

In short, if this cancer is not removed, our southeastern province will have trouble sleeping and eating! "

Viscount Oran said seriously.

It is impossible to stop the manhunt. Who knows if the Skull and Bones will come back after everyone disbands the team?

Taking action at the risk of exposing your identity can't just be to kill Knight Florian, right?

Where did a knight get this card?

The hatred for killing his father, the hatred for taking his wife, or maybe the Knight Florian dug up the ancestral grave of the Holy Master of the Skull and Bones Society?

No matter how you look at it, it doesn’t look like it!

Not only was the deceased Knight Florian a decent person, at least he was not a vicious person, and his reputation in the aristocratic circle was pretty good.

"Viscount Oran, the Governor-General has ordered martial law throughout the province and strictly inspects all traffic arteries and docks. Once members of the Skull and Bones Society show up, they will be discovered immediately.

Especially the roads in and out of Qiaomu County are the focus of monitoring. If the people from the Skull and Bones Society were smart enough, they wouldn't show up at this time.

Perhaps they have entered the province of Faerûn in the north or the Fengyun Province in the west. This is beyond our jurisdiction and can only be handled by the two provinces of the Governor's Office. "

Baron Raphael analyzed.

Unlike the local nobles of Qiaomu County who can spend their time here like this, the Second Infantry Regiment still has its own tasks.

It's okay to come over occasionally to help. I'll be stationed in Qiaomu County for a long time. What about the port?

After a long transfer, wouldn't it be embarrassing if the boss found out that the port could operate normally without them?

The slogan of preventing the invasion of the Sea Clan has been chanted for countless years. Unfortunately, the port where the Second Infantry Regiment has been stationed has been stationed for hundreds of years, and there has been no trace of the Sea Clan.

As for the invasion of the sea people, there has been no invasion of the sea people since the birth of the Alpha Kingdom.

The coastal defense lines that were once heavily populated with troops have now been abandoned, and the only remaining task is to fight against pirates.

But that is also the task of the navy. They are a group of landlubbers who usually maintain order at the port.

In fact, there is nothing to maintain. The port where the Second Infantry Regiment is stationed is the fiefdom of the Dalton family, and the family has the ability to manage it.

Now they are being sent here to deal with matters in Qiaomu County. In addition to being the closest, the most important thing is that they have the most time.

A number of nobles within the province have long called for the abolition of the Second Infantry Regiment. After all, no one wants to share military expenses and maintain a useless army.

As for the kingdom's coastal defense troops, they have been deployed to the northern frontline one after another. The task of defending the Sea Clan was directly delegated to the major provinces.

Without the enemy's coastal defense, there will naturally be no coastal defense. It is said that in the depths of the ocean, various ethnic groups are holding PK friendly matches, and the fight is more intense than on the mainland.

Without waiting for a result, the probability of landing is low.

After all, everyone is not a species of the same dimension. The marine race that comes ashore can easily become a delicacy on the human table.

In Beda City, after receiving the message from his subordinates, Count Pierce uttered two words indifferently. "big eater!"

The second thing is that we can't find any trace of the Skull and Bones Society. At least we can catch a few important guys to replenish our numbers!

After making such a big fuss and catching a bunch of rotten fish and shrimps, how could this end well for him as the governor?

If this is really not possible, it would be acceptable to catch the illegal salt dealers and dig deeper to uncover the salt gang behind the scenes.

Who doesn’t know that the salt trade in the Southeast Province is his Dalton family’s business?

Dare to sell private salt, it is clear that he, the "Southeast King", is not taken seriously.

There is no doubt that the private salt trade can proceed smoothly, and there must be the support, or at least the tacit approval, of the local nobles behind this.

There is no way, who makes the benefits of salt too great?

Tens of thousands of kitchen households along the coast create a large amount of profits for the Dalton family every year, and it is the monopoly trade that stabilizes salt profits.

To be precise, there was no such thing as illicit salt in the Alpha Kingdom at first, and the kingdom's laws did not stipulate who could only sell salt.

However, with the rise of the great nobles, they gradually monopolized the kingdom's salt trade. Everyone reached an agreement with the kingdom to hand over a certain amount of financial resources every year in exchange for the salt franchise in a certain place.

However, these are only hidden rules and have not been included in legal documents. Basically, whoever has the bigger fist will make the deal.

Once a large family falls into decline, these interests will also be transferred. Whether you can hold on to this interest depends entirely on your own strength.

It's too late now. Those who dare to sell private salt don't necessarily have to be strong, but they must have a good nose.

When danger is detected, escaping immediately is the basic operation. If they take a step slower, the nobles who originally supported them secretly will often be the first to raise their butcher's knives against them.

"Let the Second Infantry Regiment continue to hunt for traces of the Skull and Bones Society. If they can't catch anyone, they won't come back."

Earl Pierce said coldly.

It's not just about expressing anger, but more importantly, it is politically necessary for him to make a gesture. News of the Skull and Bones Society's appearance in Qiaomu County has spread, and letters asking for help have entered the Governor's Mansion early.

If the Governor's Mansion fails to do anything, then there will be changes in the local area, or the past events in Wright and Wyton counties will happen again, Earl Pierce will not be able to deal with it.

The kingdom cannot tolerate an incompetent governor, and the nobles in the southeastern province cannot tolerate an irresponsible governor.

Even if the Dalton family is powerful, it does not mean that the governor cannot be replaced. If it really gets to that point, the first person to ask for substitutions will most likely be my family.

Because if you take the initiative, you can still win the position of successor governor. It is better for the meat to rot in your own pot than to have someone sent from the kingdom.

In the mountainous area, after more than 20 days of overtime work and patchwork of other undelivered orders, Hudson finally got the goods together.

The whole mess was enough to fill forty carriages. In addition to weapons and equipment, there are also a lot of pots and pans.

On the contrary, I didn’t bring much food. Apart from some necessary dry food, I had to walk and eat the rest.

In this regard, Hudson was very relieved. With his reputation as the "Knight of the Divine Bow", he had no worries about not being able to buy food on the road.

If you are a bit thick-skinned, you can transport the goods even if you are freeloading all the way.

Looking at Hudson's lineup, Adrian Knight was shocked and said:

"Hudson, you're just going to take a hundred sergeants on the road?"

Everyone's expressions were not very good. Everyone who dared to take orders at this time relied on the elites in the hands of Hudson.

I have to say that Hudson is quite a thief. The knights invited to escort him are not only poor, but also don’t have any comrades in the Fifth Army.

Everyone has only heard of his glorious record, but they don’t know how much water there is in it. So much so that everyone's confidence in him is a hundred times stronger than his own.

"Don't we still have you? It's just forty loads of goods, and four hundred people are more than enough."

Hudson said calmly.

Just for transporting goods, this configuration must be high-end. On average, ten people per car can push it as far as Qiaomu County.

But now that traces of the Skull and Bones Society have been discovered, everyone is not that confident. In particular, it was said that the person who killed Knight Florian was a golden knight, which made everyone confused.

There are high-level knights, evil god sacrifices, and various evil summoning techniques. Once a fight breaks out, you can imagine how tragic the scene will be.

"Dear Baron Hudson, I beg you not to make such a joke, and take your main force with you on the road!"

Adrian said angrily.

Deep down in his heart, he couldn't help but secretly complained: We are all our own people, and we don't want to trick our brothers like this. If something unexpected happened, wouldn't it be a human tragedy?

Giving everyone a reassuring look, Hudson smiled calmly and said: "You are worrying too much! Things are not as bad as you think. As long as our luck is not too bad, this journey should be smooth sailing.

The Skull and Bones did make an appearance in Arbor County, but that was a month ago. The Governor's Palace has sent an infantry regiment to assist the local nobles in apprehending the remnants of the Skull and Bones Society.

No matter how low their efficiency was, they still cleaned Qiaomu County. It is unknown whether those rats who have been hiding in dark corners all day long are still alive.

Nobles from various places along the way have also stepped up their vigilance, and checkpoints have been set up on all traffic arteries, waiting for people from the Skull and Bones Society to come.

When moving forward with a convoy, we won’t take shortcuts or small roads. We are all on our own along the way, so what do we have to be afraid of?

Even if the Skeleton Lord really comes, he will avoid us. Is it possible that their remaining three or five followers can rob our convoy? "

He said it lightly, but in fact, Hudson was betting that the Skull and Bones Society would look down on his team.

Although the weapons and equipment are good, they must be used by someone. The most important thing for the Skull and Bones now is to hide. Even if they grab the convoy, they can't go on the road with such a big goal.

Taking action rashly will only increase the probability of their exposure and attract more hunting troops.

Everyone who couldn't find enough reasons to refute was reluctantly convinced by Hudson. You've already arrived, you can't just go home just because you're afraid of risks, right?

This kind of thing is not what a knight should do.

Besides, everyone needs the money right now, so there is no reason to withdraw.

Seeing that the people's hearts were barely usable, Hudson was too lazy to continue talking nonsense and just announced his departure with a wave of his hand.

Helping someone when they need it is much more valuable than adding icing on the cake.

While the nobles in Qiaomu County have not yet recovered from their fear of the Skull and Bones Society, if they send the goods there first, they can gain a lot of favors.

Later, when the risk has been completely passed, it is just a business.

The convoy moved forward slowly, and the biting cold wind hit everyone's faces, telling the story of the arrival of winter.

The winter in the South is full of magical attacks, so traveling in this season is really not a good choice.

Fortunately, the people accompanying him were all elites from each family, and they were not treated harshly. It was wrapped tightly from top to bottom to be able to withstand the biting cold wind.

Traveling sixty miles a day, this speed was slower than Hudson expected. The main reason is that the roads along the way are too bad, which slows down the speed of the convoy.

At this time, the benefits of broad communication are reflected. If you send someone to inform you in advance, the nobles along the way will prepare what you need.

Hot water, hot rice, hot dishes... everything is available. Basically, you can walk, eat, and live all the way.

It's all about friendship, so of course we can't talk about money. However, the sensible Hudson prepared many generous gifts early on. Basically, it's just walking all the way and sending it all the way. In short, the owner will not suffer any loss.

Unfortunately, I was in a hurry and had to decline the welcome banquet held by the nobles along the way, missing the opportunity to further exchange feelings and expand my circle.

However, this kind of thing should not be rushed. If you are determined to make friends, you can always find opportunities.

Proper arrangements made all the knights who were a little worried completely let go of their worries.

There is no reason to fear the remnants of the Skull and Bones Society when there are people of our own everywhere.

Soft power is also strength. The connections he showed along the way changed the way all the knights looked at Hudson.

Facts have proved that the famous "Knight of the Divine Bow" is not only good at fighting and has many relatives, but also has friends all over the world.

The most direct influence was the Knights of Coelho, Knights of Romano, and Knights of Valov. Three good neighbors privately expressed their willingness to attach themselves to Hudson.

Although there were signs of this before, it was just a prototype and the window paper was not opened. What they saw along the way undoubtedly made them determined.

The other knights also showed signs of getting closer, but due to the geographical location, they could not make up their minds.

The weaker we are, the more we need to unite. Before taking over the transportation business, Hudson had not felt the need for it.

After all, he is the local tyrant, and his neighbors are also average in strength. It would be nice if he didn't bully others, and he didn't worry about threats from foreign enemies at all.

However, with the development of the transportation business, Hudson suddenly discovered that his old nest was not so safe, otherwise he would not have the shame to threaten Baron Kettle to help guard the door.

It's just that this kind of thing can be done once and for all, and it must not be done again and again. If the oppression lasts for a long time, there will eventually be a backlash.

It was unrealistic to significantly increase the strength of the territory in a short period of time, so Hudson had no choice but to turn his attention to the outside world.

The more friends you have, the easier your journey will be; the more allies you have, the stronger your fighting skills will be.

It's just that forming an alliance is something that requires all-round consideration. While enjoying the benefits brought by the alliance, you must also assume corresponding obligations.

This kind of thing cannot be rushed, and we must constantly screen to select the most suitable allies to form a team with.

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