
Chapter 103 Peach Blossom Luck Peach Blossom Tribulation

"Master, I've got to find out. The team that passed by here just now was the Mountain Baron's team. It was said that they were transporting weapons to Qiaomu County. They seemed to be used to fight against the Skull and Bones Society.

The convoy was too heavily guarded and no strangers were allowed to approach. Even during meal time, there were people taking turns guarding the convoy. It was not possible to find out exactly what weapons were transported. "

The young man said to himself, not noticing that the old man frowned slightly when he heard the words "Skull and Bones".

"I understand, Ciel. Since it is the business of noble gentlemen, then this matter ends here and there is no need to continue to pay attention."

The old man said expressionlessly.

It was as if the person to be investigated before was not him. Ciel was already used to this scene.

Although my master has a bit of a weird temper, he is a very good person. Not only did he take in these orphans, he also taught them some skills.

After traveling all over the country for so many years, most of the money I earned was spent on them. How could I not make them grateful?

After sending Charles away, the old man's expression suddenly became serious, as if he was having a fierce inner struggle.

"Grandpa, I'm back."

A crisp voice sounded, interrupting the old man's thoughts. However, the old man could never lose his temper in front of the young girl in front of him.

"I know, my elf. If you keep shaking like this, your grandpa will almost fall apart."

The old man said with a loving look.

If there is anyone in this world that can move him, it must be the girl in front of him.

"Grandpa, you are lying again! I am so weak, how could I shake you apart?"

The little girl said with an unhappy look. She looked like an angry elf, but her two big rolling eyes revealed her true inner thoughts.

"Guna, you are being naughty again!"

As he spoke, the old man reached out and pinched the girl's pink face, his face full of love and helplessness.

"Grandpa, are we moving again?"

Guna asked rather reluctantly.

I don't know why, but her grandfather always likes to move. In name, the business was not doing well and she wanted to start over in another place, but the girl knew that her grandfather was simply moving.

Her grandfather was willing to rely on her on all other issues, but he was very firm on the issue of moving.

She seems to be only eleven or twelve years old, but the girl is also well-informed and has traveled to seven countries with the old man.

During her growing up years, nearly one-third of her time was spent traveling.

“Business is not easy to do!

I originally thought that the southeastern provinces were prosperous and we could make a lot of money.

Unexpectedly, when I arrived, I discovered that the property of the nobles was everywhere, and we, the traveling businessmen, could only make a living in the narrow cracks. "

The lame excuse came from the old man's mouth again, and the girl rolled her eyes.

Where in the entire continent of Asalante is not the territory of noble gentlemen?

Even the Holy See, which claims to be the Holy See, and the Free Federation, which claims to be a commercial paradise, are still the world of aristocrats, but they just use a different term.

In essence, they are still a group of nobles without noble status, exercising the rights of nobles.

Even foreign countries still have nobles.

This is not a coincidence, but is caused by the nature of the world in which the jungle prevails.

Knowing that Quan could not persuade the old man, Guna smiled slightly and said: "Grandpa, do you know what I saw today?

The Earth Bear, a cute and cute Earth Bear, even blinked at me, his expression was so cute.

Unfortunately, that bear had an unscrupulous owner. He actually asked Little Bear to grow bigger and drag him on the road.

I went up to argue with him, and he actually threatened to arrest me and make me his maid if I interfered any more.

Fortunately, the little bear is smart and turned into the size of a palm. He jumped on the guy's shoulders and couldn't get off..."

The girl was talking happily, but the old man's face gradually turned gloomy.

"Guna, listen carefully. Don't approach strangers, especially those unscrupulous nobles!"

"Why, I think that guy is very interesting! He actually negotiated the price with Little Bear Bear..."

Before the girl could finish her words, the old man sternly scolded: "Listen to grandpa and stay away from those guys. Sometimes they feel like they are lying.

Although your telepathy can detect the malicious intentions of most people, it is not omnipotent.

If you meet someone with special bloodline or someone with a certain level of cultivation, your telepathy will fail!

If you like the Earth Bear, grandpa will help you catch it..."

"Don't go, it's dangerous! I don't want the Earth Bear."

Guna said hurriedly.

"Ha ha……"

"Our little Guna has grown up and is worried about grandpa's safety. In the past, you asked grandpa for everything you wanted."

The old man said lovingly, as if he was happy for his granddaughter's growth.


"Grandpa, this time is different. I really feel the danger. It's more terrifying than anyone I've seen before!"

Guna said seriously.

But coupled with her cute expression, it really isn't very convincing. However, the old man who was familiar with his granddaughter's talent did not take it lightly and asked uncertainly:

"Is that Earth Bear already an adult?"

After traveling all over the country for so many years, they have come into contact with many people and things, including some of the top powerhouses in the continent.

The girl could describe it as scarier than anything else, and the old man could only think of the adult Earth Bear. As for the accompanying escort, they were simply ignored.

They all come out to fool around, who doesn’t have a bunch of younger brothers? Although he is just a traveling businessman on the surface, secretly he is a well-known "big boss" in the mainland.

Unfortunately, he is a rather miserable boss and cannot be as majestic as other big shots. Instead, he has to "hide around" all day long for fear of revealing his true identity.

Not staying in one place for a long time not only makes it easier to direct your subordinates to do things, but also worries about people noticing something is wrong once you become familiar with the local area.

It doesn't matter if the old man is alone. Even if his identity is discovered, he can still escape, but with a little granddaughter, it will be difficult to escape smoothly.

"No! Little Xiongxiong's strength is a bit strange. He is almost catching up with you, grandpa, but he is indeed just born, and it seems that he has not been weaned yet.

When I saw it, Little Bear was holding a baby bottle that was bigger than its body. It looked so cute..."

Looking at his granddaughter who was gradually wandering away, the old man reminded helplessly: "Guna, we will discuss whether the Earth Bear is cute or not later. Now let's talk about the things that make you feel dangerous?"

"He's not a thing!"

"No, it's the same thing!"

"It doesn't seem right!"

"Oh, grandpa hates it!"

"It's all your fault for interrupting me, and everyone was confused by you!"

The little girl's nonsensical explanation made the old man dizzy and his head was full of confusion.

"Yes, that guy is a person. He is the bad guy called the Mountain Baron. Some people also call him the Knight of the Divine Bow. In short, he is that annoying guy.

There is a mysterious power in him, which makes people feel very powerful. I can’t explain it clearly! Anyway, grandpa, just stay away from him. "

Hearing this explanation, the old man's heart sank. The little thought I had originally was extinguished by success.

There are many ways to create trouble to cover their departure, there is no need to choose the most dangerous one. Although there may be good things in the team, lives are still more important.

The Skull and Bones Society doesn't have much money to begin with, and the old man doesn't want to lose all the money he has saved so hard.

The great Lord of the Morning is still waiting to spread his glory. Don't waste precious manpower on unimportant people and things.

Little did he know that Hudson, who had escaped a disaster for himself through an accidental contact, was still talking nonsense with the knights.

As for the weird little girl he met before, it was just a small episode in his life, and he had no interest in studying it.

There are not many such unruly girls on the Aslant continent, but in the past life, there were a lot of them. Getting into trouble means getting into trouble.

The things were delivered to Qiaomu County smoothly, and everyone was both happy and disappointed.

Without encountering setbacks, personal safety is guaranteed, but it also means that the opportunity to make a fortune is missed.

There was no time to pay attention to the complicated thoughts of the hired knights. When they arrived in Hudson, Arbor County, they immediately got busy.

Transactions between nobles are different from street vendors. Equality of status is the basis for cooperation. This kind of thing can only be done by Hudson himself, and no one else can do it for him.

As he secured customers one after another and business deals one after another, Hudson was both happy and miserable.

No matter how busy you are, you still have to attend the banquet. As the host, Viscount Oran held a grand welcome banquet in the city, and it was impossible not to give face.

But soon Hudson felt that something was wrong. It seemed that today's banquet was a bit strange. He had just entered the banquet hall and was entangled by a group of noble ladies under the envious and jealous eyes of everyone.

There is only one word difference between "peach blossom luck" and "peach blossom disaster". Overheated peach blossom luck is a peach blossom disaster.

Hudson experienced it personally. If he only gained the favor of one or two noble ladies, he might be able to spend a wonderful night. Now he can only experience the power of the Shura Field.

There was no other way. In front of all the aristocratic ladies, Hudson could only pretend to be a gentleman. I don't dare to show any evil thoughts.

After drinking a few glasses of wine and clearing his mind, Hudson quickly understood what was going on. The more troubled the times, the more powerful people are favored.

The nobles of Qiaomu County who had just experienced a thrilling incident were naturally affected. In the aristocratic world, both men and women have their own ways of survival, and competition is everywhere.

High-quality objects are a rare species in any world. The most ideal marriage partner for noble ladies is always the heir to the title of each family, or someone who has inherited the title.

Marrying these nobles with titles and fiefs means that you will be protected for the rest of your life. Only when they lose in competition with the same sex will they fall back and choose the second son of a noble family.

As the famous "Knight of the Divine Bow", the still unmarried young Baron Hudson naturally became a attractor.

Any aristocratic lady in Qiaomu County who had some ideas came over at this moment. He wants to conquer Hudson with his own charm and become the final winner in this competition.

If the beauty is too much, it will be a disaster. Hudson felt this deeply. Even if he thought some of them looked good, he had no chance to get to know them further.

As for the imaginary aristocratic romance, it is best to find a widowed lady to play with, otherwise you will easily be hacked to death.

Especially these unmarried aristocratic ladies, once they cross the thunder pool, there is a high probability that they will be entangled.

If you don't have enough status to support yourself in raising a mistress, then it's best to stay calm. Otherwise, you will ruin your reputation and any subsequent marriages will be affected.

Hudson still has very high requirements for his partner. He must be eye-catching, brainy, and of good character.

As for being a good match, that's not a requirement at all. These aristocratic ladies in front of me can basically meet the requirements, and those with insufficient status will not be able to integrate into this circle.

"Viscount Oran is here!"

I don't know who said it, and it instantly attracted the attention of everyone on the field. The clever Hudson hurriedly took advantage of this rare opportunity to get rid of the entanglement of the noble ladies in front of him.

"Welcome everyone to come to today's banquet. Let us raise our glasses and pay tribute to our most distinguished guest, Baron Hudson!"

The voice of Viscount Oran came, and Hudson, who had just blended into the crowd, had to walk to the front desk again.

"Thank you, Viscount Oran, for your warm hospitality, and thank you all for coming to support me today..."

A series of polite words came out of Hudson's mouth for free. I don't care whether it is suitable for use here, it just sounds good anyway.

In the world of aristocrats, the last place where you don't need to be responsible for saying the wrong thing is at a banquet. As long as it is not deliberately provoking or causing trouble, no one will dig into the slight flaws in the language.

After all, after drinking several times, there are many times when you lose your temper. Some guys who don't have any liquor will often reveal some shocking and cruel information when they are drunk.

Most of the time, as long as they don't involve themselves, everyone will just take it as a joke. Meddling in one's own business is not the behavior of a qualified nobleman.

"Welcome again Baron Hudson, this is my daughter Melissa, a junior water magician who has just returned from the Royal Capital Magic Academy."

Viscount Oran introduced seriously.

Looking at the shy girl in front of him, it was difficult for Hudson to connect her with the magician. On this occasion, such a formal introduction still made him think more.

Could it be that the old man in front of me wants to recruit him as his son-in-law?

This kind of thing is not impossible. Although there is a huge gap between a viscount and a baron, Hudson is no ordinary baron!

The battle for county governor in Wright County has just begun. As a powerful faction among the local nobles in the southeastern province, Hudson is the seed player.

Although this kind of nominal viscount is not as good as a real fiefdom viscount, it is enough as a marriage partner.

After all, there is only one heir to a feudal noble, but there can be many children of a noble.

There are not many nobles of the level of Viscount Shifeng in the entire Alpha Kingdom. Rather than adding his daughter to the second son of a certain viscount, it would be better to choose a powerful person like Hudson.

With the innate advantage of being born locally, coupled with the support of the Koslow family, if there is another strong in-law, Hudson will still have a very good chance of winning in the next game of Wright County Sheriff.

"Nice to meet you, Miss Melissa."

Hudson greeted politely.

No matter what Viscount Oran thinks, you will never suffer a loss if you meet a beautiful noble lady.

"Nice to meet you, Baron Hudson. I heard that you are also a magician. I wonder which type of magic you are?"

It can be seen from Melissa's eyes that she seems to be more interested in "Magician Hudson" than in Hudson himself.

"Oh, I can't talk about being a magician. I only have a superficial understanding of magic. Maybe I share the talent of the magic pet, so I can practice earth magic more smoothly."

In front of professionals, Hudson would not dare to say that he was self-taught. If magic practice was really that simple, magicians would have already been ruined on the streets.

In order not to give the opponent a chance to go deeper, Hudson decisively chose to let the Cubs take the blame. Anyway, they are all magic obtained through talent sharing. Even if you don't know some common sense about magic, you can still explain it.

“Baron Hudson, you are so lucky to be able to get an Earth Bear as your magic pet.

I don’t know what method you used to recover it? If it is convenient, please give me some advice.

You must know that my mentor, in order to obtain a magic pet, has gone deep into the Warcraft Mountains seven times, but has found nothing so far.

There are also a few pretentious seniors and sisters who secretly took their guards deep into the Warcraft Mountains last year, but ended up feeding them all!


Listening to the girl's constant complaints, Hudson suddenly discovered that Viscount Oran's people were no longer there. The surrounding nobles also consciously gave up their space, leaving the two of them alone here.

It can be seen that everyone is very sensible and no one jumps out to make trouble. But in this scene, Hudson was also very panicked! As a single person, who can tell him what to do at this moment?

Should he continue to exchange magic with Melissa, or talk about magic pets? The problem is that his knowledge in these areas is all a novice!

Although Hudson also has a magic pet, Bear Stearns is obviously not a serious bear and is completely unrepresentative.

If he followed his trick of tricking a cub to find a magic pet, he would most likely feed it to a monster. Hudson just wanted to find something to talk about, but he wasn't planning on tricking anyone to death.

"Who can say for sure about luck? Miss Melissa, you are so beautiful, maybe someday a monster will come to your door.

Just like my Earth Bear, it actually came to my door by itself. The first time we met was in my camp.

As the owner, I just treated him to a big meal and we became friends. It was this chance encounter that made it enter into a partnership contract with me. "

Hudson said pretending to be helpless.

He didn't want to show off, but if he said that magical deception method, it would really damage his great influence as Baron Hudson.

Simply concealing it in good faith will be beneficial to everyone. Bear Stearns, as the bear involved, did not want the matter to leak out.

After all, that is the dark history of its bear life. If word spreads, all the Earth Bear clan's long-standing reputation will be buried by it.

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