
Chapter 104 Immigration

After a brief exchange, Hudson's reserve of magic knowledge slowly began to rise. As for the experience of magicians in taming familiars, Hudson simply ignored it.

Using strength to conquer the monsters, using power to conquer the hearts of the monsters, is that something that humans can do?

If it really comes down to a fight with its own bears, even ten Hudsons won't be enough for Bear Stearns. Any slap would make this little knight fall down.

It’s no wonder that so few people can obtain magic pets. It’s no wonder that such a primitive capture method is so efficient.

Not being beaten to death by monsters is a testament to your strength. In order to increase the chance of winning, it is best to challenge the Warcraft cub. If you are unlucky and happen to meet their parents, it will be a tragedy.

Facing Melissa's envious look, Hudson could only express his helplessness.

Not everyone can encounter a bear that is "hungry and full" from birth. It would be difficult to make an arrogant monster give up for food if he had not been hungry for several years.

During the entire banquet, the two of them communicated together, leaving Hudson unable to do anything serious.

From Qiaomu County to the Academy of Magic, from the Southeast Province to the continent of Aslant, the topics covered a wide range of topics and the thinking was so divergent that even Hudson admired himself for being able to handle it.

Under the envious and jealous eyes of all the nobles, Hudson spent a not wonderful night.

Although the beauty is good, it is not so easy to win. Unlike ordinary noble ladies who live in their hometown and travel no more than a hundred miles away, Melissa has seen the world.

Perhaps in the southeastern province, Hudson is among the best, but looking at the entire Alpha Kingdom, it can only be regarded as pretty good.

The most eye-catching ones are always the kids from the big families. Instead of following moths to the flame, Melissa already has some brains.

Having a brain is a good thing. Unfortunately, the smarter a person is, the more he knows how to weigh the pros and cons, and accordingly the harder it is to be emotional.

Others only saw the two of them chatting happily, but Hudson knew very well that the two of them were now ordinary friends at best.

Just like in a blind date, everyone thinks that each other's conditions are okay in all aspects, and they can continue to get to know each other in depth.

With the end of the banquet, things came to an end temporarily, and the window paper was not pierced after all.

The parties involved do not object, it is only one of the foundations of family marriage. In the follow-up matters, the two families will have to weigh the pros and cons of all aspects.

The duration in between can range from three to five months to two or three years.

This kind of thing will not be discussed outside until the two parties reach an agreement.

Everything became dull, as if nothing happened. However, Hudson's business in Arbor County has been much more convenient. Obviously, this is Viscount Oran releasing goodwill.

In less than three days, Hudson sealed the deal.

"One thousand nine hundred households of serfs, with a total of 9,845 men, women, and children, 523 cattle, 874 horses, 2,345 sheep, and various grains A total of 1.3 million pounds..."

The above is all the gains. As a price, Hudson not only paid for all the goods, but also owed the local nobles 34,576 gold coins.

The debt is piling up. But at this moment, Hudson didn't seem to be panicking at all. Instead, he seemed extremely calm and calm.

Debts do not necessarily have to be repaid with gold coins, other commodities of equal value can also be traded.

Although Mr. Hudson's products still continue to receive high negative reviews in the past, it still does not affect the sales of the products.

In an era when the price/performance ratio of substitute products is extremely low, products only need to be practical. The nitpicking in details can be completely ignored.

A debt of more than 34,000 gold coins has been added. To understand it from another perspective, is this not the addition of a huge order?

Originally, nobles were accustomed to buying their own pig iron to make agricultural tools and daily necessities. Driven by debt, everyone is now able to accept the finished product provided by Hudson.

Although I paid a small discount, it was all worth it compared to taking the money in advance.

The problem now facing Hudson is: how to transport these people and materials back.

The local nobles were willing to trade these things. In addition to the pre-agreed conditions, a large part of the reason was the local overpopulation.

This situation will occur as long as the territory is at peace for 180 years. The lords' handling methods were also very crude and simple.

It is directly mandatory to stipulate that within a certain period of time: men and women are not allowed to get married, and couples are not allowed to have sex.

Fertility comes to a standstill for a while, and within a few years the excess population will soon level out again.

In fact, the lords were in charge of more than just that. Some warm-hearted lords also formulated a fertility schedule, clearly stipulating the time for couples to have sex.

Through human intervention, the pregnancy time of the people in the territory is controlled, so that the birth of the child can avoid the busy farming season and cold winter, thereby improving the safety of women's childbirth.

There are many other weird laws like this. In this crazy world, only the noble lords can't think of it, and no lord can't do it.

In this regard, Baron Hudson, who lacks a population, can only feel envious. Not to mention restricting births, if the supporting infrastructure hadn't kept up, he would have enacted laws to encourage births.

The failure to exchange more people was not because these lords were unwilling to trade, but mainly because Baron Hudson, who had once again become a poor man, did not have enough funds to compensate other lords.

The credit is not unlimited. With the reputation of "Knight of Divine Bow" and "Dealer of Inferior Weapons and Arms", it is only worth this price in everyone's mind.

If it exceeds people's expectations, everyone has to worry about his ability to repay. Even if there is a mine at home, it cannot dispel everyone's concerns.

After a few days of delay, the huge team was finally organized. The cattle and horses that were traded were hitched to the carts, and not only did they have to haul food, but they also had to carry children with limited mobility and pregnant women on the road.

In order to reduce the attrition on the road, the kind-hearted Master Hudson spent a lot of money to hire three priests and more than a dozen priest apprentices to accompany him.

Although a medical team of this size is a drop in the bucket compared to a team of ten thousand people, Hudson has really tried his best.

There are only about four hundred miles left and right. If you still can't hold it, you will have to be eliminated by nature.

The original mercenary escort team has now passively transformed into the team manager. Hudson could fully understand the endless resentment deep in the hearts of all the knights, but gold coins had not been easy to earn since ancient times.

As the saying goes, "high prices" must have pitfalls. After taking Mr. Hudson's high salary, how can you not do more work?

Facts have proved that this trick is very effective. Under the nose of the noble master, all the serfs behaved extremely well.

Even though countless of them don’t want to leave their hometown. However, in front of the noble men, no matter how many complaints they had in their hearts, they did not dare to express them.

There was nothing Hudson could do about it. In order to boost morale, he even slaughtered thirty sheep in one go, plus a wild deer that he hunted by chance, so that everyone could have a good meal.

Not only that, in order to reduce unnecessary attrition, Hudson also spent a lot of money to purchase warm clothes for everyone, and even put shoes on everyone's feet.

For logistical support along the way, we also sent people early to contact the nobles we had made friends with to ensure that we could have hot meals when we arrived.

As for the house, it can only be left to chance. Not every noble family has the ability to arrange accommodation for a team of tens of thousands of people.

But just taking care of the old and young is still barely possible. As for the others, naturally they could only make do with sleeping around a campfire.

After all preparations were in place, the team slowly embarked on the journey. Traveling twenty-five miles a day is already the limit of the team's speed.

If the logistics support along the way had not been good, it is estimated that even traveling fifteen miles a day might not have been possible.

Riding a war horse and holding a sleeping bear cub in his arms, Hudson couldn't help but secretly complained: This damn winter is really annoying...

Almost at the same time, groups of ragged orc slaves in Northern Xinjiang were being driven southward by whips.

Kobolds, pigmen, ratmen, catmen, tauren, goblins... hundreds of orc races, all appeared in the team.

The tauren, leopard men, and wild boar men who had some fighting ability... had their hands and feet shackled, and often dozens of them were chained together, making it difficult to escape.

With so many orc slaves heading south, it's hard not to attract attention. If it weren't for those powerful races whose hands and feet were shackled, the guards guarding the border would probably not have dared to let them go.

"Captain, escort these tauren, leopard men, and wild boar men... south. You can also sell them to the colosseums in the south. You can make a fortune.

But what's the use of sending ratmen, pigeons, goblins...these rubbish? "

"What are you looking at? You guys are just talking about rubbish. Why are you still not convinced?

The same ancestors, although the wild boar people are not very smart, at least they have a lot of strength.

It's not like you, a bunch of lazy guys who only eat and sleep all day long. Even uncivilized pigs are more diligent than you! "

As he spoke, the soldier's whip was already drawn. The unlucky Pige, who just glanced at it, was instantly slapped and screamed.

"Okay, Aliches. You've already beaten three slaves to death along the way. If you continue like this, we won't be able to do business."

He said so, but it could be seen from the contemptuous eyes of the middle-aged officer that he did not care about the lives of these slaves.

In the North, no one cares about a slave like Pige, even if he is sold for only one silver coin. For worthless goods, life and death naturally don't matter.

"Captain, you can't blame me. The bodies of these garbage guys are too weak and they can fall down when the wind blows. I didn't even use any force, and they died.

With their bodies and bones, it is estimated that half of them would fall if they could not reach the southeastern province. If you are worried about their life and death, then you are worried about their fate. "

Aliches said with a look of gloating.

"You know that they are weak, but you bastard can still laugh. You know, these slaves were given to the Sith Master by the Grand Duke's order.

If there really are too many casualties along the way, I won't be able to handle your captain's duties, and your kid won't even think about having a good life. "

The middle-aged officer said with a depressed expression.

Although he called the Sith Master on his lips, deep down in his heart, he never regarded the Sith Baron as a master. Not being able to obtain the surname of the Felix family is destined to greatly reduce the value of the word "young master".

If it weren't for the instructions of the Grand Duke of Kavadia, he would not be willing to take on the drudgery of escorting slaves.

"Captain, what are you afraid of? These useless trash, I guess if the Sith Baron goes over, he will only be able to expose the new recruits to blood.

With the reproduction speed of these garbage, one or two thousand more or one or two thousand less can be quickly made up, and it is not a big deal at all.

As long as those strong slaves don't lose too much, it won't be a big problem. Especially the group of rabbit girls and fox girls in the carriage... are the focus of the Sith Master's attention. "

It was nothing at first, but after Aliches said it, he felt that things had changed a bit.

The cautious middle-aged officer hurriedly scolded: "Shut up, Aliches, you idiot. Do you think you can say these things because of your status?"

Remember, Aliches. The Sith Master wants these slaves for territory development. Even the bunny girl, fox girl, cat girl on the carriage... they were also used for socializing between nobles.

As for the rest, no matter who asks, you know nothing! "

Having worked for the Felix family for generations, the middle-aged officer also knew to some extent the cruelty of internal fighting among some large families through long-term exposure and hearing.

Maybe nothing big will happen to the big people above, but the little people involved usually don't have any good results.

There are many similar escort teams, and they all have a common destination, the southeastern province. By this time, the news had spread in the North.

Everyone knows that the nobles' territories heading south are short of labor. The problem of labor shortage also exists in the Northland.

Because of the frequent invasions of orcs, the population of the Northland has been unable to grow. Even with the continuous support of the kingdom, it can only be maintained at a minimum balance point, and it is simply unable to support the southern territory.

Transporting orc slaves became the only option. Anyway, the southeastern province is thousands of miles away and is completely unaffected by the orc empire, and the domesticated orc slaves don't have to worry about being disturbed.

As for whether orcs can become qualified farmers, no one can answer this question for a while.

After all, there are so many races of orcs, and there may be one race that is suitable for farming and can be domesticated.

When the truth was exposed, many families who followed the trend of slave hunting were very hurt.

Their hearts bleed as they watch their neighbors continue to send slaves to their southern territories.

After all the hard work and risk of going north to capture the slaves from the Orc Empire, they were just smashed into their hands.

In the Snow Peak Territory, Viscount Ricks is one of the unlucky ones. Thinking that someone had taken advantage of him and wanted to collect the garbage from the Orc Empire, he hurriedly ordered the family's slave-catching team to take action.

As a result, thousands of people were captured by all kinds of random slaves, and suddenly they discovered that there were no buyers at all in the market.


"Damn Hank Cage, the slave I worked so hard to capture, he actually wants to buy it in a package for five copper coins per person!

Isn't it just that he took advantage of having many sons to build a territory in the south? It's just a matter of fun on weekdays, but now he actually wants to take advantage of it.

If not..."

The furious scene scared all the servants in the mansion to tremble. Having few sons is Viscount Ricks' biggest shortcoming. Although he has worked very hard, unfortunately he still only has one seedling.

It is undoubtedly very dangerous for a family to have only one direct heir. Unfortunately, the Lord of the Dawn did not bless him, so Viscount Ricks had no choice but to accept his fate.

No matter what, having a single seedling at home is better than having no single seedling and having to work for others.

For this kind of self-comfort, Viscount Ricks can only secretly think that if others dare to say it, it will definitely lead to big things.

Every time this issue was brought up, the servants in the family would retreat, fearing that they would be angered and get burned.

The old butler, who happened to appear directly opposite and could not avoid it, could only influence his scalp and stepped forward to persuade him: "Master, Viscount Hank Cage cannot understand your kindness. If you don't want these slaves, then we won't take advantage of him."

There are dozens of nobles who have opened up territories in the south, and it is impossible for everyone to gather enough slaves. Selling at a discount, no need to worry about no buyers. "

Although deep down, he understood what Viscount Hank Cage was doing, his status forced him to side with his master.

"It's too late. The teams escorting the slaves from all the families have already set off, but that idiot Hank Cage is still dawdling.

Even a loser like him has gathered enough slaves, so how can there be a shortage for others? "

Viscount Ricks said angrily.

Just by staying a few more days when going out to visit friends, he missed the best time to get rid of the slaves, and thousands of slaves were completely lost in his hands.

Even if slave merchants occasionally express interest, they are only interested in a small number of races. More than 90% of slaves are given away for free and no one wants them.

They are sold mixed and matched, making them difficult to sell. If everyone picks out all the good stuff, there will be nothing left to sell.

If he wasn't worried about the reputation of being cruel, he would have wanted to order all the useless slaves in his hands to be pulled out and slaughtered, so as not to waste food.

You can't play massacre, and release is also impossible. Man and beast are incompatible, and the blood feud accumulated for countless years has already been deeply rooted in his bones.

Regarding the treatment of orcs, there have long been unspoken rules among the nobles of the North. I have never heard of an orc slave being released unconditionally after being captured.

If he really lets him go, at least the orcs will get some ransom, so that he can be embarrassed! Otherwise, he will be ridiculed for the rest of his life.

Unfortunately, no one paid attention to him during the whole process. Even though he sent a letter to the orc tribe, no one came to accompany him in this drama of redemption.

"Master, it's not an option to keep them for free. Leaving them to cultivate the land will easily lead to collusion with the orc empire, which will affect the security of the territory.

How about we follow the example of those families and transport this group of slaves to the south to see if there are any nobles there who are interested?

Even if it still can't be sold, with this back and forth, at least one-third of the staff can be reduced. If that doesn't work, hire someone to kidnap them along the way.

As long as the person is not in our hands, what happens next has nothing to do with us. "

The old housekeeper suggested helplessly.

My master is too shameless, and he is still worried about the difficulty in handling the slaves in his hands. Whenever they encounter a ruthless noble, these slaves will have been dealt with long ago.

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