
Chapter 105 Baojia System

As the large group of people marched forward, they gained envy and jealousy along the way. Especially after entering Wright County, it attracted countless eyes.

Looking at Wright and Wyton counties, the only one with a territory population of over 10,000 was the Hudson family. It was already enough to arouse people's jealousy, but now that it has made such a big noise, it only arouses hatred even more.

If everyone had not been beaten by Earl Pierce not long ago, and the aftermath had not yet passed, they might all have come out to block the road and rob.

But this kind of thing can only be thought about secretly. There are only a few nobles who have the ability to rob this team.

Unless it is a joint operation, any family coming alone must think twice before committing.

It is not a question of whether the robbery can be successful or not. The key is that the price to be paid is too high and few can afford it, not to mention having to worry about retaliation afterwards.

Theoretically speaking, the best way to get rid of the problem is to increase the toll tax and get a fair share of the money.

The local nobles were forced to do this because of favors. The nobles of the North do not need to give face to the "Knight of the Divine Bow", but it is a pity that they have to worry about getting burned.

The crisis of economic sanctions has just passed. Among the Northland nobles who have tried hard, no one wants to do it again.

If someone makes a bad start and causes their neighbors to follow suit, they themselves will be the unlucky ones in the end.

The worst thing is that I didn't receive the toll tax and got a beating instead. That's the tragedy of life.

After all, tax collection in the Aslant continent has always been the preserve of the strong. Only the weak have always paid taxes to the strong. It has never been the other way around.

Especially if you want the taxes from the nobles, the prerequisite is that your fist is harder than theirs. Otherwise, it would be impossible to put it away.

Although Hudson's logistical preparations were very adequate, the team still suffered double-digit attrition as they arrived at the territory slowly.

This is only four hundred miles away. I really can’t imagine the price those large immigrants have to pay for traveling thousands of miles without any logistical support.

According to the rules of the mercenary world, Hudson readily paid the commission and delay fee, and sent away the reluctant knights.

When there are too many people, there are too many things to do. Although Hudson made preparations in advance and arranged for his men to build houses early, the number of people greatly exceeded his expectations, and in the end he had to make do with the serfs.

Housing is only a small issue. As a serf at the bottom of society, his requirements in this regard have never been higher. As long as the house is protected from wind and rain, it doesn't matter if the space is a little crowded.

What's more, the difficulty is only temporary. The generous Mr. Hudson never hesitates to allocate land for everyone to build houses.

There is a reserve of food, and a lot of it has been brought over this time, so there is no need to worry about it for the time being; pots, pans, and pans can be produced at home, and there is never a shortage; there is plenty of firewood in the mountains, and the bare yellow leaves can make do with it, and the serfs can make do with it. We just need to do it ourselves.

Material difficulties are basically non-existent. The real trouble is the management problems brought about by population growth.

Without any hesitation, Hudson directly introduced the original Baojia system. The organization is based on households, with a household head; ten households are called A, and there is a chief; ten households are a security, and there is a chief.

Further up, only the Lord's Mansion can directly exercise jurisdiction. This is not a question of delegating power or not, but rather a lack of talent among the serfs.

Talents who can manage a hundred households well are rare among serfs. If you add more burdens to them, they will have to make a mess.

Anyway, there are only more than 3,000 households in the entire territory, and with more than 30 security chiefs, the management pressure of the Lord's Mansion has been greatly reduced.

There is no doubt that I have also learned the system of continuous protection and continuous sitting. Each household is issued a wooden stamp, which indicates the household's ID and employment status.

If someone in the house goes out or a guest comes to visit, they must indicate their whereabouts and report to the Chief A and the Chief Security Officer. If there is any suspicious person, report it to the Lord's Mansion immediately.

Each household jointly pledges security, and if one household commits a crime and fails to report it in time, the other households will jointly bear the punishment according to the law.

Feudalism can no longer be feudal, and it is the pinnacle system of the feudal system. But Hudson no longer cared to think about it that much. Regardless of whether the system was good or bad, having a system was better than not having one.

Looking at the performance of the serfs, we can see that there is not much resistance to this harsh system.

Mainly for serfs, most of the constraints were actually approximately zero.

Unless recruited by the lord, most people will not leave the territory from birth to death. All social circles and social relationships are also limited to the territory.

Looking around, they are all familiar acquaintances, and they are so familiar with each other. The family education we have received since childhood has made them despise restless existence.

If the population sources of the territory were not too complicated, Hudson would not have instituted this insurance system. It’s not that the system is bad, but that it really doesn’t need to be so complicated.

In the closed territorial economic model, as long as the lord can barely keep everyone fed, the order of the territory is guaranteed.

Solidified social classes and long-term enslavement education stifled the ideological development of serfs. Once a person gets used to everything around him, it is difficult to get out of his own cognition.

Hudson, who was focused on construction, naturally had no time for ideological revolution. Changing the world is such a great thing, but we should wait until we are on top of the world to consider it.

The same thing, done by different people, will yield different results.

The social innovation initiated by the big guys is called changing the world; the social innovation initiated by the little people is just seeking death.

As a struggling lord, everything Hudson did had only one core - to enhance the strength of his territory and improve his ability to survive in the Aslant continent.

Based on the substantial growth in population, the territorial development plan formulated in the early stage was once again overthrown by Hudson and started over.

The first thing to ensure was the production of the mining area. Without any hesitation, we took the lead in adding a thousand young men to increase the production of ironware.

It’s time to put infrastructure in some territories on the agenda. For example: roads, lord's mansions, and water conservancy projects all have to be considered.

There are so many complicated things that make Hudson feel numb, but he still doesn't have a capable assistant available.

Even though Hudson borrowed several housekeepers from his relatives, he could only barely ensure the normal operation of the territory.

These people have rich management experience and adequate execution abilities, but they lack decision-making ability. All important decision-making matters in the territory still fell on Hudson himself.

In order to reduce administrative pressure, Hudson had to reduce the number of projects and postpone the construction of the temporarily unimportant castle indefinitely.

Road construction is limited to widening the road leading out of the mining area. As for roads in other areas, they are mainly maintained.

Water conservancy projects mainly focus on repairing ditches in plain areas, and there are no large water conservancy facilities projects.

The main reason is that the southeastern province has good weather and the annual rainfall is enough to meet agricultural production. At least relying on the Huanhua River, the irrigation of crops in the plain areas of the territory is not a problem.

As for the hilly areas, even the land has not been developed, so it is too early to talk about irrigation. However, it is still very necessary to dig a pond above the small earth bag to store water.

These all need to be completed in the future, and the current task is to open up wasteland first. With the current productivity, just the tens of thousands of acres of land on the plains cannot support the more than 20,000 people in the territory.

In addition to adding some breeding staff to take care of the livestock, the rest of the labor force was sent to open up wasteland by Hudson.

One hill can no longer satisfy Baron Hudson's appetite. At least two hills must be developed before spring plowing.

The increased livestock and labor force gave him the confidence to implement the land reclamation plan. Twenty thousand acres is the most basic goal. Regardless of the yield of the new land, the land must be cleared first.

For a newly opened territory, the easiest way to calm people's hearts is to open up enough land and harvest enough food. As long as the granaries are filled with food, people's hearts will naturally be stable.

Of course, outsourcing like Hudson does not count. Serfs had no ideas, which was limited by social environment, but they still had the most basic common sense.

The food they bought will eventually be eaten up. No matter how rich the harvest from the mine is, they will not be able to feel it. Only food grown by one's own hands can make everyone feel at ease the most.

Even if the yield per mu is low, as long as the total yield is high enough, everyone will feel safe.

Only by achieving peace of mind can the territory truly begin to take root. This often takes time to settle and cannot be accomplished overnight.

Orc Empire, Behemoth Imperial Court.

The falling snowflakes covered the city with silver makeup. However, the severe cold cannot dispel people's enthusiasm. At this moment, countless people in the city are decorating with lights and colorful decorations to celebrate the 300th birthday of the great Emperor Behemoth.

As the great Emperor Beamon who brought the Orc Empire to its peak and outshone the other four emperors in terms of strength and reputation, there was no trace of a smile on his face at this time.

Sadness and joy often come in an instant. It was supposed to be a great day of celebration, but Emperor Behemoth once again faced the pain of losing a son in his life.

"The heir died again."

This topic sounds like a farce, but it happens again and again among the Behemoth royal family.

Suffering the death of four crown princes was already enough to make Emperor Behemoth sad, but he happened to arrive on this great day.

"Send the order to cancel all today's celebrations and mourn my poor prince!"

It can be heard from the trembling voice that Emperor Behemoth is heartbroken at this moment.

The guests attending the celebration banquet were also confused by the sudden scene. A happy event suddenly turned into a funeral, and everyone's emotions couldn't be adjusted for a while!

There is no way. Emperor Behemoth has just died. No matter how strong his mentality is, he cannot continue to celebrate his birthday on this day.

Countless guests present cursed the dead Crown Prince Behemoth secretly, "You can't drink, just drink less!"

Well, now, the unlucky Crown Prince Beamon is dead, but what about the guests who had toasted?

Although they are also victims and have no idea that the crown prince is addicted to food, it is obviously unrealistic to reason with an old man who is suffering from the pain of losing a son.

Even though he is the greatest emperor of the Orc Empire, at this moment, he is still just a father who has lost his son.

It is inevitable to suffer anger. If he did not explode on the spot, it was because Emperor Behemoth's heart was strong enough.

Perhaps it was a similar scene that had been experienced three times before. The first time it was fresh, the second time it was familiar, the third time and the fourth time, the inner endurance was exercised.

After suppressing the grief and announcing the mourning for his son, the grieving and angry Emperor Beamon hugged the dead crown prince and turned away directly, leaving a group of guests looking at each other with big eyes and small eyes.

Without hesitation for long, all the guests who had reacted took their leave one after another. If you don't run away now, it's still unknown whether you can escape later.

No one dares to bet on what crazy things a three-hundred-year-old man who has just suffered the pain of losing his son will do next.

It would be a tragedy if this coquettish old man got so angry that he dragged everyone to bury his unlucky son.

After leaving the banquet hall, all the guests unleashed their greatest potential and headed straight for the city gate as fast as possible.

I don't know if I thought they had done something bad and ended up running for their lives in a hurry. As parties involved, they no longer care about explanations.

An accident happened to the previous crown prince, which caused a bloody storm in the orc empire. Countless unlucky people who had nothing to do with it were all implicated, and no one wanted to follow in the footsteps of these guys.

If you observe carefully, you will find that representatives of the other four royal families are also in the running team.

Obviously, everyone is a smart person, and they know very well that their own life is theirs, and they have only one life. Unwilling to stay, he bet on whether Emperor Behemoth could maintain his sanity in the pain of losing his son.

Regardless of what these guys thought, Emperor Beamon held his son's body and moved forward with heavy steps. After going through many twists and turns, he entered a secret underground passage.

Under the illumination of the bright lights on both sides of the secret passage, the murals on the wall are constantly changing patterns, as if they are coming to life. The scene is particularly strange.

Emperor Beamon, who was walking in the secret passage, seemed to have been accustomed to all this and continued to move forward indifferently.

The pace became faster and faster, and even the wrinkles on his forehead gradually disappeared. He didn't look like a waning old man.

Walking and stopping all the way, knocking on the mechanism continuously, it lasted for more than half an hour before I came out of the secret passage and arrived at a mysterious underground palace.

The palace was already filled with densely packed coffins, among which the five hanging coffins floating in the center were the most peculiar.

Directly below the hanging coffin is a magic array carved with countless lines, arranged in a split pentagram shape, which should be a mysterious five-star array.

I saw Emperor Beamon slowly placing his son's body into an empty hanging coffin, and said sadly: "Terry, don't blame your father for being cruel, because your soul will not have peace after death.

You can only blame yourself for your bad luck. I have already given you a chance. As long as you can live longer and survive my immortal father, you can inherit this huge empire.

It's a pity that you and your careless brothers are all short-lived, and they are all ahead of their father's footsteps.

Since you are so unfilial and make me suffer the pain of losing a son again and again, then I will simply bear enough and let you continue my life for me!

Now it's up to your brother. As a father, I will also give him a chance. As long as he can survive me, he will be the new Emperor Behemoth.

If he is not worthy of being brought up, he will be like you short-lived ghosts and die before becoming a father. Then it is the will of the beast god. It is up to me to reverse the situation and seize this great opportunity to break through the holy realm! "

As they spoke, the four hanging coffins in the hall exuded endless resentment, as if expressing their inner unwillingness.

It's a pity that all of this has no impact on Emperor Bimeng. As an emperor, he has no regrets in his life.

From the moment they entered the secret palace with their bodies, the so-called relationship between father and son no longer existed.

As if being infected, the surrounding coffins began to tremble, and endless resentment continued to emanate, as if it was going to swallow Emperor Beimeng alive.

It's a pity that after these grievances came into contact with Emperor Beamon, not only were they unable to cause harm to him, but they were instead swallowed up by him.

Under the influence of the mysterious magic array, these devoured resentments were gradually stripped away, leaving only the purest energy remaining in Emperor Beamon's body, gradually transformed into a strange force of vitality.

The resentment that was stripped away did not disappear, but fell into the five suspended coffins. Faintly, you can still hear the cry from the depths of the soul in the coffin.

One of the five coffins was missing, and the last resentment seemed to find no one to place it on, and finally returned to Emperor Beamon.

Emperor Behemoth, who had regained his youth, was ravaged by resentment and returned to his twilight state again, but his complexion was much better than before.

Emperor Beamon seems to have become accustomed to all the changes in front of him, and even the most basic mood swings have not occurred.

"Although the resentment is still strong, it has weakened a bit compared to the last time. It seems that even the top powerhouses in the mainland cannot withstand the ravages of time.

But you can rest assured, I will appreciate the beauty above the sanctuary for you. If your souls have not dissipated by then, I will come back and tell you.

No need to thank me, this is what I should do. After all, without your support, it would be difficult for me to get the opportunity to take this step in this era. "

It was as if the corpse in the coffin still maintained its spirituality. After being stimulated by Emperor Beamon's words, the coffin began to tremble more violently, as if it might break out at any time.

"Okay, there is no need to be so enthusiastic about staying. If the beast god bless you, maybe we will meet again before long.

Who told my youngest son to be a short-lived ghost?

As a father, I have warned him countless times that he should practice hard and strive to break through to a higher realm as soon as possible, but that bastard only knows how to eat, drink and have fun all day long, so he deserves it..."

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