
Chapter 112 The debtor is...

The trade will begin.

Walking on the street, counters are filled with merchandise. The shouts of merchants can be heard all the time.

The prosperous Dadir City of the past seems to be back again.

It was obvious that the Sith Baron had done his homework. Apart from anything else, just gathering such merchants would take a lot of effort.

Like all the local aristocrats, Hudson just couldn't buy it. This is what everyone agreed in advance. No matter what products appear in the city, they will not be traded this time.

As for the future, let’s talk about it when the time comes. The memory of nobles also has a time limit. Although emotionally, no one wants to see the nobles of northern Xinjiang grow bigger, but the southern region does need a business center.

If some Dadil cities become business centers, they can bring enough benefits to everyone, and it is estimated that everyone will not refuse this convenience.

If the investors don't take action, the transaction volume will naturally not increase. The contribution of just a few dozen northern nobles is far from being able to support a business center.

Without any surprise, Baron Keterai still hasn’t sold any of his orc slaves. Not only did the local nobles not buy it, but the northern nobles also did not take care of the business.

Although the Sith Baron came out to greet everyone, it was a pity that all the Northland nobles had a large number of orc slaves in their hands. If they didn't know they couldn't sell it, they probably would have sold part of it to cash out.

There is no way, the orc slave is really difficult to use. Apart from some simple menial work, nothing else can be done.

The most important thing is the language barrier, which makes it difficult to conduct training smoothly.

Not every territory has endless hard work. When the number of slaves exceeds the demand, the lords will naturally not continue to buy slaves.

Even though everyone was very sympathetic to Baron Kettle's experience, it was only in words. It was not enough to ask them to spend real money to support him.

Besides, it’s not like everyone didn’t help. A group of northern Xinjiang nobles also collected several thousand gold coins and lent them to Baron Keterai for emergency purposes.

As entrepreneurs, all this money was squeezed out of everyone's teeth. Being able to do this is already very interesting.

After all, although everyone is a noble in Northern Xinjiang, the land in Northern Xinjiang is also extremely vast, and most of them have never interacted with each other before.

If it hadn't been for a chance, they would have gone south together as a group, and they probably wouldn't have the friendship they have now.

"Baron Kettle, it seems that no one wants these slaves. Keeping them has no meaning other than wasting food. Find an opportunity to get rid of them!"

Sith suggested sincerely.

Although the reputation of slaughtering slaves is not good, you can always find a way to cover it up. If you continue to support this group of freeloaders, your reputation will not be damaged, but your wallet will not be able to bear it!

After just two days of helping to raise him, Baron Sith felt the pressure. If Baron Ketley stayed here and refused to leave, he wouldn't be able to withstand it.

"Dear Sith Baron, this is really cruel. Otherwise, wait and see, no one wants these slaves now, that's because it's the off-farm season.

After two months, spring plowing begins, and lords in need of labor may purchase it.

You can rest assured that the daily expenses of the slaves will be lent to you by me. As long as these slaves take action, I will definitely return them as soon as possible. "Baron Kettle said with a sincere face.

Those who don't know think that he attaches great importance to the life and death of the slaves in front of him, but in fact he is just fighting for profits. Anyway, now that the slave is being raised by the Sith Baron, his pressure has been greatly reduced.

If we can delay the plowing until spring and sell these slaves, we will make a lot of money.

However, this is only a possibility. No one can guarantee whether the local nobles will be short of labor during the spring plowing season.

At least during autumn plowing, people relied on the help of relatives and friends to complete the sowing.

During spring plowing, it is not impossible to borrow money again. Most nobles would sell this kind of favor that has no risk and does not cost much.

If these slaves are still unable to be sold after the spring plowing, not only will Baron Kettle be finished, but even the Sith Baron will go crazy.

Poor people are unable to pay back the money. More than 20,000 slaves spent a lot of money on eating, drinking and eating every day.

Even based on the daily expenditure of three copper coins per person, 25,000 people would have to spend 75,000 copper coins a day, which is equivalent to 50 gold coins.

After two months, at least three thousand gold coins will be wasted. This is only the most basic expenditure. The military expenditure to guard the slaves has not been included.

In the event of an accident, a slave riot or something, we don't know how much damage will be caused.

What's even more troublesome is that after all the money has been spent, the big problem of orc slaves has still not been solved.

It is impossible to return goods. Slave traders these days do not have the option of returning goods.

Perhaps the unlucky Baron Kettle would be chased all over the world by creditors in the future, but the Sith Baron who took over the slave Thunder would inevitably suffer heavy losses.


"Baron Kettle, if you insist on keeping these slaves, then take them home and raise them yourself!

Slave traders are not welcome in Dadir City, and I will immediately enact a set of laws prohibiting the slave trade here. "

Sith said coldly.

As a lord, he has the right to legislate in his own territory.

If the creditors were not so powerful, Baron Kettle could have made his own laws to keep out all the creditors.

"Dear Sith Baron, I don't want this either. But there is no way. If I deal with these slaves now, all my investment will be in vain.

According to the agreement, my debt period is only half a year. If you cannot repay the debt within six months, you can imagine the consequences.

If you can come forward and get the creditors to agree to postpone debt recovery, I will immediately do what you want!

If you can't do it, then there is no other way but to let you go first. Do whatever you like, I won't take them away anyway. "

Baron Kettle said with a broken look.

Even if he offended the Sith Baron, it was better than being hunted down by his creditors. Now among the two counties of Wright and Wyton, Baron Sith has the strongest family fortune.

Apart from relying on him, Baron Kettle could not find a better way.

"This is impossible! You have too many debts, and I don't have the face. If I have the time, I might as well beg your father.

If Viscount Hank Cage is willing to come forward, maybe everyone will give you another chance.

Maple Leaf's territory is fertile, and as long as you manage it carefully, you can still hope to pay off your debt within five years. "

The more he spoke, the lower his voice became. It was obvious that the Sith Baron himself did not believe this nonsense. No matter how fertile the Maple Leaf Territory is, the territory still has expenses!

A wealth accumulation model that only calculates income and does not consider expenditures is purely rogue.

There are many territories that can earn tens of thousands or even tens of thousands of gold coins a year, but there are only a few territories that can still have a balance of tens of thousands of gold coins after all expenses.

Not to mention the Maple Leaf Territory, even if Dadir City is managed, the Sith Baron cannot guarantee that he will be able to have a balance of tens of thousands of gold coins every year.

If we simply calculate the territorial income, each of the five wealthy families in Northern Xinjiang occupies more than one province, with an annual income of millions of gold coins. But in the end, are they still unable to make ends meet?

It can be maintained because the great nobles have other industries.

Including the Sith Baron who wants to build Dadir City into a commercial center in the south. On the surface, it is for tax purposes, but in fact it is to gather popularity and develop his own industry.

Relying solely on that little tax might not even be enough for daily expenses.

The real money comes from leasing/selling shops and residences in the city, as well as selling food, vegetables, meat and some daily necessities produced in the territory.

Similar gameplay cannot be copied by Maple Leaf Collar. It's just income from farming, and it's okay to live a small life with peace of mind, but it's impossible to get rich overnight.

Perhaps because he thought the idea was too bad, after a pause, the Sith Baron added again: "Maybe you can go talk to the mountain baron.

If we say who has the greatest demand for labor among the two counties, it’s that guy.

With that guy's appetite, even if the territory's population exceeded 20,000, it still wouldn't be able to meet his needs.

Anyway, you have already dealt with him, so just sell the slave to him at a discount. As long as the price is cheap enough, he won't object.

It's better to lose some money at worst than to keep putting it off like this. You must know that every day of delay like this will increase your loss by nearly a hundred gold coins. "

This was true, even though the Sith didn't want to be an enemy. But compared to having a hot potato smashed into one's own hands, it is better to give the enemy an advantage.

After this period of contact, he discovered that Hudson's strengths lay in military and territorial development, but he didn't really see how strong his political skills were.

At the very least, he won't give compliments to his competitors when he's changing positions.

Since political means cannot keep up, the level of danger has also been reduced. There is nothing wrong with developing a territory, but focusing headlong on territory development is a huge failure.

"It's useless, that guy is also heavily in debt now. In order to develop the territory, that fool invested all his money.

Now that the situation is stable, the junk goods produced by that guy cannot be sold now. He can only sell some farm tools and daily necessities.

If it weren't for the fact that he could use the iron products he produced to pay off his debts, his situation would not be much better than mine.

I invested more than 60,000 gold coins in the cost of these slaves. Even if I sell them at a loss, do you think that bastard can afford them? "

Baron Kettle said pretending to be helpless.

In front of the Sith Baron, he would not say anything good about Hudson. What's more, he didn't have a good impression of Hudson to begin with, so what he said now was from his heart.

The Sith Baron was left feeling bittersweet after receiving an unexpected answer. It is undoubtedly a good thing that competitors have financial problems, but the tragedy is that the trouble seems to be inevitable.

"Kettle, what do you want?

If it's stupid to ask me to settle your debt, then don't say it.

We are all smart people, and you should know how big the trap you have created is.

With an investment of more than 60,000 gold coins, a pile of garbage was collected. Even if some of the high-quality slaves are sold, the loss this time will not be less than 50,000 gold coins.

No one can bear such a huge financial loss for you. Even if the plan fails because of this, there is no way I can agree.

I've tried my best for your sake. All your colleagues in Northern Xinjiang have a large backlog of slaves, and it is impossible for them to accept your offer. "

Baron Sith said coldly.

If it weren't for the wrong situation, he would have wanted to kill the annoying guy in front of him immediately. Compared with this guy, he suddenly felt that "Hudson" who was hostile to him was as cute as a little white rabbit.

“Among the more than 60,000 gold coins, there are more than 50,000 arrears, and these must be resolved.

The high-quality slaves among this batch of slaves who can be sold can probably get back 10,000 gold coins, and the funding gap is still as huge as 40,000 gold coins.

I can probably borrow 10,000 gold coins from my relatives, friends and family in the North, and my family can also lend me 10,000 gold coins.

A group of colleagues also lent me thousands of gold coins. The weapons, equipment, and war horses in my hands can still be cashed in for several thousand gold coins. Now I only need 10,000 gold coins to tide over this difficulty.

So I hope you can be generous and lend me 10,000 gold coins to help me tide over this difficulty. "

Baron Kettle said sincerely.

The number of holes dropped from 50,000 to 10,000, and the Sith Baron looked much better. But whether he should lend the money or not was still weighing in his mind.

His intuition told him that things would definitely not be that simple. If in normal times, Baron Keterai asked to borrow money, he would most likely be able to borrow it from relatives and friends.

But it's different now. Everyone knows that he lost a lot of money. Before borrowing money, one must first consider his ability to repay.

What if you know you can’t fill the hole and just take the money and run away?

Similar things have not happened in the Aslant continent. If this happens, everyone can only admit that they are unlucky, and they can only think about pursuing cross-border debt collection.

"If I don't agree, do you want to lead someone to rob the caravan?"

The Sith Baron asked uncertainly.

Going out to rob when you have no money is perfectly normal for the nobles of the North. Other times, the Sith Baron wouldn't mind his own business.

But it doesn't work now. Before Dadil City's reputation has been established, big news comes out that merchants were robbed, and the rest of the story cannot be told.

"If it really comes to that point, there's nothing I can do about it."

Baron Kettle spread his hands and directly admitted that he had that plan.

With the gold coins he had extorted, Catley knew that he had offended the Sith Baron to death, and it would be difficult for everyone to maintain even superficial friendship in the future.

"Get the car ready, let's go visit Baron Hudson."

"Caitley, I'm afraid it's not good to go there now, isn't it?"

Knight Holman said worriedly.

It was really unethical to go visit his enemy just after receiving money from the Sith Baron on his own territory.

"If I don't find him, what will happen to these slaves in my hands? Do they really have to be disposed of and bear the name of cruelty?

Baron Sith can lend me 10,000 gold coins, which is already very interesting. I can't push him into a hurry.

But even with these ten thousand gold coins, what should I use to fill the remaining big hole?

Uncle Holman, don't you think that at this time, anyone is really willing to lend me money?

Even within the family, if they knew the news, they would probably complain.

Rather than embarrass everyone, it is better not to say this at all to avoid hurting feelings. "

Baron Kettle said mockingly.

If you don't ask to borrow money, you will never know how popular you are. The nobles who had good relations with each other in the past only spent two to three hundred gold coins to deal with it this time.

In the future, everyone will have to support and watch each other, but now we are only willing to lend this small amount of money. Then it would be even more difficult to ask relatives and friends who are far away in the north and will have difficulty communicating with each other in the future to pay for it.

After all, what nobles pay attention to is mutual benefit and reciprocity, and they cannot let others pay unilaterally without seeing any return!

Baron Kettle, who had seen through all this, did not blame others, but chose to deal with it actively.

At least in the last conversation, he was sure that Hudson was interested in these orc slaves. Although this buyer may not necessarily have money, he is still a buyer after all.

After going around in a circle and tricking the Sith Baron, the two appeared on the negotiating table again.

Hudson has not changed much, but Baron Kettle's mentality has undergone a transformation. The cruel reality told him that the personal connections he had built before were not reliable.

In the last negotiation, he still had some confidence. I thought that the worst outcome would be to lose a fortune, but with the help of relatives and friends, the worst possible outcome would be to keep the territory.

The reality is very embarrassing. If the kingdom's fiefdom system were not strict, there might be people who would like him to go bankrupt so that they can come and take over the fiefdom.

"Baron Kettle, I'll tell you the truth. I am indeed interested in these slaves, but the Mountain Territory is currently short of financial resources, and the cash it can use is only 20,000 gold coins at most.

If the transaction is made at this price, I'm afraid you will suffer a heavy loss this time. It's not in line with the spirit of chivalry to take advantage of others, so I didn't make an offer last time. "

After hearing what Hudson said, Baron Kettle groaned secretly.

A crooked businessman talking about "chivalry" was originally very funny, but now he can't laugh at all.

The only buyer had insufficient financial resources and kept saying that he would not take advantage of the situation, so why not let him take the initiative and let others rob it?

Typical of being both responsible and independent, yet unwilling to bear moral pressure. Later, word spread that it was not Mr. Hudson who took advantage of the situation, but Mr. Hudson who came to the rescue.

As for him, Baron Kettle, he is naturally a gold medal supporting actor who is hopelessly stupid. Who made him now known as the "stupidest slave trader"?

"Baron Hudson, thirty thousand gold coins! For only thirty thousand gold coins, these slaves will be sold to you in a package.

Now that things have reached this point, I will no longer hide it. In order to acquire these slaves, I invested 60,000 gold coins in total cost alone.

Now that it is being sold at a 50% discount, I still have to borrow money to settle the final payment. If the price were to drop further, I would have no choice but to go bankrupt. "

Baron Kettle said with a helpless expression.

It is estimated that he should be the most failed businessman in the entire continent. Others bargained for more and less, but he was different, just to avoid going bankrupt.

"Baron Kettle, don't worry. Even if I raise 30,000 gold coins to trade, I'm afraid your life will not be easy in the future.

Territory development is very expensive. No matter how good the foundation of the Maple Leaf League is, it will be difficult to break even in the first two years without sufficient liquidity on hand.

How about we change the way of cooperation and I buy these slaves at the original price. It's just that they don't settle with cash, but trade with iron products produced in the territory.

You can take these iron products to talk to the slave traders. They are all farm tools and daily necessities. There will also be a large market in the North, so you don't have to worry about not being able to sell them. "

Hudson encouraged.

Frankly speaking, he really wasn't planning to trick anyone this time. After all, you can't keep lugging a sheep until it's wool, otherwise the sheep will become bald and you won't be able to lull it later.

As a tool man, Baron Keterai overfulfilled his task this time. Not only did he deceive the Sith Baron, but he also divided the Northland nobles.

It would be a pity to abandon such a valuable chess piece.

It just so happened that we needed to expand our market, so we simply took this as an opportunity to test it out. It would be best if we could open up the Northland market, but it doesn't matter if we can't.

As a high value-added product, a product worth 60,000 gold coins costs less than 30,000 gold coins!

As long as it doesn't sell locally and doesn't compete with its own market, Hudson doesn't mind hitting the outside market at all.

"Baron Hudson, this may be a bit difficult, right? Unlike the southeastern provinces, the iron products market in the North is actually monopolized, and foreign goods cannot be squeezed in at all..."

Before Baron Kettle could finish his words, Hudson interrupted: "Your Excellency, you are thinking too much. You can't sell it, and you are not allowed to use it for yourself?

Even if you can't use it yourself, you can still sell it to the Orc Empire, and you might be able to earn more. As long as it is not sold in the Northland, it can be explained away.

What's more, it was the slave traders who were responsible for the sales. You just put the product in their hands, what happens next has nothing to do with you. "

There is nothing wrong with it, whoever sells it is responsible. Even if the interests of a local snake are really violated, it is impossible for people to go all the way to the southeastern provinces to find a middleman to settle accounts.

"But, cash has become a commodity, can they agree to it?"

Keiteli was really unsure, at least if it was on him, it was unacceptable for cash to be turned into commodities.

"It's not up to them. Anyway, if you don't have money now, they will either accept goods to pay off the debt, or wait until you have money to come and collect them. At most, they will beat you up and make you angry.

Even if they really want to kill you, for the sake of money, they still have to keep you alive.

Even if one of them is impulsive, others will help stop him. After all, if you do have an accident, the debt will be even harder to collect. "

Hudson said nonchalantly.

It is the uncle who owes the debt, and the same applies to the continent of Aslant. If creditors are irrational, it means you don't owe enough.

Few creditors can give up like Baron Kettle, who owes more than 50,000 gold coins at a time.

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