
Chapter 113 Single industrial chain

Except for the small episode of unsalable slaves, the first business exchange meeting in Dadir City was a complete success.

The local nobles who originally thought they were going to cause trouble simply used non-trade as a means of resistance and did not take any drastic action.

The punch hit the cotton, which made the Sith Baron who had prepared so painstakingly depressed.

If the guests don't cause trouble, he, as the host, can't take the initiative to stir up trouble!

The Sith Baron, who could not understand his opponent's operations at all, could only choose to take one step at a time, and his intuition told him that the matter was not over yet.

"What did you say?"

"All those slaves went to the Mountain Territory?"

Sith asked in disbelief.

"Yes, Master!

The spies we sent to keep an eye on the Mountain Territory found a large number of orc slaves there.

In the entire southeastern province, the only one with so many orc slaves is Baron Kettle. "

The old housekeeper replied affirmatively.

"I was fooled!"

This was the Sith Baron's first reaction.

Then I felt something was wrong. On that day, Baron Kettle came to the door, looking like he had smashed a jar and smashed it. He was obviously planning to kill everything.

We are nobles, not actors. If there is a way out, that kind of despair will be difficult to interpret.

If the two did not collude beforehand, then they colluded together afterwards.

The reason doesn’t need to be analyzed to know – interests.

In any case, Hudson was the most likely person to buy the slaves in the Southeast Province.

Regardless of the price at which the transaction is made, for Baron Kettle, it is all about stopping the loss.

It was an established fact that it was useless for the Sith to object even if they wanted to.

"Kettle, you bastard!

How dare you play tricks on me.

I remember you, we'll see! "

In the Mountain Territory, Master Hudson, who was constantly directing his men to settle slaves, became busy again.

With so many orc slaves added at once, the original territory development plan is bound to undergo major changes.

In order to manage this group of slaves, Hudson had to announce the expansion of an infantry regiment specifically to monitor the work of these guys.

No output was seen, but military expenditures rose first. Fortunately, the weapons and equipment are all produced in-house, which saves a lot of money.

Suddenly he became the noble with the largest army in the two counties, but Hudson still felt that he was short of manpower.

If he were not worried about the rapid expansion of the troops and affecting the combat effectiveness, he would not mind forming two infantry regiments at once.

It is not a matter of resorting to militarism, it is actually a practical necessity.

Since slaves are to be used in large numbers, they must be prepared to suppress rebellion at any time. It is impossible to do without soldiers.

As the business continues to expand, more and more special customers request door-to-door delivery.

As long as the donors are willing to spend more, their demands for door-to-door delivery must be met, and armed escort services will be provided sooner or later.

Reason told Hudson that the military expansion could not be rushed and could only be completed gradually.

The most urgent task is to adjust the territorial development plan first, or to improve the original target requirements.

First, expansion of mine production capacity is necessary.

Regardless of whether the market in the north could be opened, the goods used to offset the value of slaves had to be produced for others.

There is no surprise. They are mainly daily necessities, pots and pans, with farm tools accounting for only a small part.

The main reason is that they are worried that the unscrupulous slave traders will really sell these products to the Orc Empire.

They are just daily necessities. They can at most facilitate the way of life of the orcs, but they cannot increase the overall national strength.

But farm tools are different. If a large number of farm tools flow into the Orc Empire, it can increase farming efficiency and output.

As a patriotic aristocrat, Hudson would not do such unscrupulous transactions.

As for whether the pot will be turned into a sword, Hudson said generously: Even if the smelting is done, if he can produce a qualified weapon, he will lose.

At least ordinary smelting methods will not work.

If you find a few alchemists or master blacksmiths from the dwarves, there is no guarantee.

However, such high-end talents are only a minority everywhere. Even if high-quality weapons can be produced, mass production cannot be achieved.

In addition, Hudson expanded several business lines.

Baron Tosis's great fortune invited many merchants from the southeastern provinces to Dadir City, which created an opportunity for Hudson.

Although on the surface he was in Dadir City and did not make any moves, but secretly his little moves never stopped.

After a short period of contact, Hudson found several partners who had certain financial strength and were willing to sell Shandi Ling products on a consignment basis.

If Baron Sith knew this news, he would probably understand why Hudson didn't cause trouble at the trade fair.

Compared with nobles, merchants were often at a disadvantage. Therefore, when looking for partners, try to find nobles who abide by the rules.

In order to reassure everyone, Baron Sith chose to abide by the rules of the game even though he knew he was being cheated. The same applies to Hudson.

Compared with developing agents and building your own business network, doing things in Dadir City is obviously not that important.

With the addition of shipping channels, there will definitely be a lot more orders in the future. Production capacity must be prepared in advance.

Road planning must also be arranged.

With so much hard work, it is not wasted if it is not used.

These guys with a single head are just perfect for cracking mountains and cracking rocks. If you are exhausted every day, you won’t have the energy to do anything.

Developing transportation early would also help strengthen Master Hudson's control over the territory.

I don't know if the orc slaves are capable of such technical work as clearing up wasteland.

If that doesn't work, let them fight in the swamp.

Hudson doesn't know how to play high-tech, and doesn't need to know that much.

Directly use rough open channel drainage to drain away the water that can be drained first.

For water that cannot be drained, "bamboo fences" are built to separate rivers and cultivated land in the swamp.

Thanks to the abundant rain in the southeastern province, the salt brought by the sea water has been washed away. Judging from the plants growing in the swamp, the salt content in the swamp is not too high.

There is no need to worry about wasting the excavated silt. It is all good fertilizer and can be used in newly opened land.

As for how much labor it would cost and how much loss it would suffer, Hudson couldn't care less.

With more than 20,000 more mouths, the territory's daily expenses have nearly doubled. If he doesn't get results soon, his wallet won't be able to support it.

In fact, this is the result of preparation in advance. If Hudson hadn't stored a large amount of grain in advance, he would probably have cried when faced with the high price of grain on the market.

It was all the fault of the orc slaves. Although the Governor's Mansion promised to provide affordable food, it was only limited to the previously registered residents. The orc slaves who came in later could only buy food from the market.

Fortunately, the southeastern provinces are major producers of grain. If it were left in some poor places and tens of thousands of mouths flooded into it during the lean period, even those with money would not be able to buy enough grain.

Needless to say, a group of Northern Xinjiang nobles were tricked again. Baron Kettle's failure to borrow enough money was also related to the rise in food prices.

Fortunately, these days will not last long. Winter has come to an end, and the harvest of new crops is not far away.

When new grains are put into storage, grain prices on the market will inevitably fall. As for how much it can drop, Hudson doesn't know.

Anyway, this has little to do with him. Although the food in the territory is not enough, he has already reserved the food produced in the territory of several relatives of the family.

The price is naturally based on the market price, but if you can’t afford it, you can take it on credit! The foreign debt is getting heavier and heavier, and Hudson is now numb.

If it is considered operating debt for undelivered goods, Mr. Hudson's total foreign debt at this moment has exceeded the 120,000 mark.

This kind of debt, even if it is placed in some middle-class noble families, will make the scalp numb and stay up all night.

I guess selling Bear Stearns can probably fill the hole!

Of course, selling bears is out of the question. I have never heard of contracted monsters that can be transferred.

Mr. Hudson is not a man who needs to sell bears to pay off his debts. Although the foreign debt is huge, the cash flow of the Mountain Territory is still sufficient, and there are 20,000 to 30,000 gold coins lying in the warehouse at any time for use.

Among the foreign debts of up to 120,000 gold coins, more than 80,000 gold coins are operating debts, including the "60,000 gold coins" expenditure for purchasing orc slaves.

There is also a debt of 30,000 gold coins, which is being continuously converted into operating debt. What really needs to be filled with real money and silver is only more than 10,000 gold coins.

That's right, the last more than 10,000 gold coins were owed to my father, Baron Redman. Father and son must also settle accounts clearly, and help cannot be given in vain.

Weapons and equipment, pots and pans, farm tools, anything that could be used to pay for it, Hudson paid for it.

Now my hometown is short of everything, and if there is really no way to replenish it, we can only pay with cash.

As for when to pay it back, it depends on when the mountain territory's finances will become rich.

With the funds currently on his account, Hudson did not dare to touch them. If something unexpected happens one day, these are life-saving money.

It can only be said that too many debts are not a burden. Hudson, who owed huge debts, was still very popular in the aristocratic circle, and no one even thought he was poor.

There are more than 20,000 subjects + more than 20,000 slaves. Simply counting the population, they have caught up with some fiefdom viscounts.

If it takes a few years to settle, the operating debts will be settled. After opening up hundreds of thousands of acres of fertile farmland, a middle-class noble family would have the foundation.

"Master, today I received an advance payment of two thousand gold coins. It is mainly a batch of farm tools and daily necessities sent to the three counties of Hansen, Kadar, and Warren, and there are also a small number of weapons.

The three agents are waiting outside, do you think..."

Before the old butler could finish speaking, Hudson interrupted directly: "I won't show up. You will be responsible for receiving such small things from now on."

Although it is Party B, it is also a domineering Party B that has mastered the core competitiveness. Being able to receive the advance payment and then organize production is enough to explain everything.

Coupled with the gap in status between aristocrats and ticket dealers, Hudson has the capital to remain anonymous.

In fact, this lack of presence benefits everyone. Businessmen pursue profits and like to spend every penny, so it is just right for them to quarrel with the housekeeper.

If Hudson were to come to the table to negotiate in person, even if a deal could be reached, I'm afraid everyone would not feel comfortable.

Operating debt increased again, and Hudson didn't bother to do the math. According to the current operating model, Mountain Territory will have to operate under high debt for a long time to come.

The main reason is that there are too few upstream suppliers, otherwise the debt will be even greater. Having deeply realized the benefits of using other people's money to develop his own territory, Hudson seemed to have opened Pandora's box.

Looking at the account list on the bamboo slips, Hudson deeply felt that the products in his territory were too single.

Everything revolves around "iron". If several more iron mines are discovered in the southeastern province one day, Mr. Hudson's business will be shattered to pieces in an instant.

But if it doesn’t revolve around “iron”, how else can one make a fortune these days?

Since ancient times, the feudal dynasties have relied on "salt" and "iron" to make huge profits. Being able to share a cup of "iron" is purely luck.

"Salt," if Hudson dared to reach out. It is estimated that on a dark and windy night, the mountain territory was wiped out.

There is no doubt that, driven by huge profits, the Dalton family can definitely do this kind of thing.

According to rumors, salt accounted for half of the Dalton family's income. If anyone dares to touch this piece of cake, they will fall out in a minute.

Even if some nobles were unwilling to do so, they would at most secretly instruct a few merchants to sell private salt, and they had to be careful lest any information leaked out.

Many times, the slightest disturbance can scare them into killing and silence them. So much so that more private salt dealers died at the hands of the mastermind behind the scenes than were killed by the Governor's Mansion.

As for whether these guys made any money from it, Hudson believed that they didn't, at least they didn't make huge profits.

The reason is very simple. Salt sales in various places are generally stable and have increased slightly over time. Once sales decline, it immediately attracts the attention of the Dalton family.

Under this background, not to mention wanting to make money, being able to avoid being caught is all because of the blessing of the Lord of the Dawn.

If the most profitable industry is out of reach, we can only settle for the next best thing - "tobacco and alcohol".

Let’s get rid of the tobacco first. It’s something that’s not available on the Aslant continent. Even if Hudson can find the tobacco leaves, he doesn’t know who to sell them to.

"Wine", it must be wine. At the many banquets that Hudson attended, wine was served.

It's a pity that the southeastern province is located in the south of the kingdom just by listening to its name.

There is indeed plenty of rain, but as for the light, it just depends on luck.

In years with less rain like this year, there will be plenty of light, and the grapes grown will be in good quality.

However, it has been a year of continuous rain. It would be great to see the fruit of the grapes. What else can we expect from the quality of the grapes!

The main buyers of wine are nobles, although most nobles are rough and can't tell the quality of wine from bad.

But some of them are "people-oriented", but they have studied this stuff very deeply and have the right to speak in the industry.

Even if Hudson could produce it, it would only be able to get by among the most competitive "low-end wines."

Instead of making that hard-earned money, it would be better to develop liquor and slowly cultivate the market.

Of course, this is just imagination. Before finding users, the steady Mr. Hudson will not blindly develop products that run counter to the market.

Besides these products, what else can you do?

"Match" seems to be a bit difficult to produce. Purely manual work, just think about it and you will know how high the production cost is.

It's just easy to use, but I'm afraid it will be difficult to sell it at a high price. After all, aristocratic gentlemen do not need to live and cook by themselves, so is the convenience of servants important?

"Soap", a must-have product for time travellers. But that smelly thing is mainly used for washing clothes.

If you want to stand out, you have to change the production process and produce new products without odor.

Anyway, pure animal oil cannot be used as raw material, otherwise the odor cannot be eliminated. It's no different from the stinky soaps on the market. Hudson doesn't think that there are huge profits in low-street products.

It seems that you can try vegetable oil instead. However, given the current production of vegetable oil, we may not be able to count on it in the short term.

This new thing can only make quick money. Once a technology is deciphered by others, followers will quickly appear.

Patent protection is not popular in Aslant. Even if it does have patent protection, Hudson does not have the strength to fight piracy across the mainland.

If it can make a fortune, Hudson has decided to increase vegetable oil production. Once you have accumulated enough raw materials, go out and make quick money.

As for the technology leaks, at least it can occupy a place in the market by virtue of its reputation as a starter.

People's hearts are made of flesh, and when the prices are comparable, everyone still prefers to use genuine products.

Unless the quality of the genuine product is not as good as the pirated version, then there is nothing to say and it deserves to be eliminated from the market.

If he really wanted to get into it, Hudson would admit it.

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