
Chapter 132 The battle between the governors

In the royal capital, the insect king who was escorted over was not immediately sent out to cause trouble. Instead, he was secretly kept in captivity.

The season is wrong, summer is almost over. Obviously this is not a good time to start a locust plague. After raising them for a year to get fatter and stronger, the effect will definitely be better when they are released.

But for the Insect King, it was indeed cruel. As the unlucky one who was captured, he would spend the next year in the magicians' laboratory.

There are many ways to artificially ripen Warcraft, most of which have sequelae. If it is a contracted monster, these extraordinary methods cannot be used at all.

But it doesn't matter if you use it to deal with the Insect King. There is a long way to go from Insect King to Insect King, and the success rate is pitifully low.

Most of the insect kings died before they left the army. With humans, the biggest natural enemy, the Insect King's promotion path cannot be peaceful.

In order to cause as much trouble to the enemy as possible, under the special instructions of Caesar III, these unlucky insect kings enjoyed special treatment.

Various methods to ripen Warcraft are constantly being tried on them. In order to cultivate a stronger insect king, the magicians are also very creative.

Although the methods are a bit cruel, there is no better choice for the Alpha Kingdom.

If you don't inflict serious damage on the enemy and just bear the losses alone, the gap between the two sides will only widen.

The fire was lit by the enemy. If others dared to target the Alpha Kingdom so unscrupulously, Caesar III would not mind fighting back in kind.

A plan is a plan after all, and the first thing to face is reality. Looking at the statistical damage report in his hand, Caesar III felt a headache.

Under the influence of the locust plague, several major grain-producing provinces in the south have either experienced a significant reduction in production or have lost their harvests.

The resulting losses are completely astronomical. You don't need to think about it to know that this year's taxes in these provinces will definitely not be counted on.

At this juncture, the boss cannot make trouble for the younger brother. No matter how tight the finances are, we can't catch all the benefits.

Not only will the tax revenue disappear, but the food and grass that should support the front line in northern Xinjiang will also shrink significantly.

The only good thing is that except for a few thick-skinned guys, most of the lords and nobles did not ask the kingdom for help.

It is enough to prove that the younger brothers can manage their families diligently and thriftily, even if they encounter a natural disaster of this level, they can still live a small life.

In this case, the letters of request for help from the noble lords of the northern frontiers of Wyton and Wright counties seemed very annoying.

Facts have once again proved that you cannot offend your immediate superiors. Under normal circumstances, the Governor-General's Mansion would first withhold such a useless letter for help, process it artistically, and then report it to the superior.

The situation this time was special. Earl Pierce, who wanted to put some shoes on them, did not summarize, refine or artistically process it at all, and directly transferred it to the royal capital.

Falling into the eyes of Caesar III, the disgust naturally started to rise. When he was stationed in northern Xinjiang, he faced the threat of orcs. He reached out for help every now and then, but he could barely understand it.

But the situation is different now. They have all gone to the south to enjoy the blessings, and they are still so troubled. Compared with the performance of other disaster-stricken nobles, this performance is undoubtedly a big loss.

All I can say is that if you look at a group of people and you don’t like them, you will find them unpleasant no matter what they do. The best choice is not to show up, as long as you show up, it will be an eyesore.

"Let each province deal with the disaster as appropriate!"

Caesar III said with a facial expression.

As a king, you cannot make decisions based on your own likes and dislikes. However, this wave of eye drops was still in place, making Caesar III increasingly dislike the noble children of the North.

This kind of contradiction is inevitable. Even if there is no ancestral grudge, it is difficult for anyone to have a good impression of a group of people who ask for money, food, and materials every day without seeing anything in return.

A small episode, for the king who has many things to do, it is not worth mentioning at all.

A group of small nobles asking for help is not a big deal to a group of princes and ministers.

Even if the families of these people asked someone to plead for mercy, it would not be enough for everyone to reject the king's decision.

The most critical thing is the word "deal with it as appropriate". There are so many answers that can be interpreted that it is impossible to find any fault at all.

If it was not handled well, it must be because the governor below did not understand the king's meaning. It is definitely not because the great king failed to make arrangements.

"Your Majesty, what are the arrangements for the heroes who captured the Insect King?"

asked the Grand Duke of Newfoundland.

It can be seen that in the eyes of the prime minister, appeasing these meritorious ministers is more important than dealing with a group of small nobles asking for help.

After all, those who can capture the Insect King are the top masters in the kingdom, representing the highest combat effectiveness in the southern provinces.

"They are all the pillars of the country, and it is difficult for them to be tempted by worldly fame and fortune. Then open up some precious resources and let them exchange them freely!

If there are other requirements, they can be discussed as long as they are not too excessive. Let the governors in various places do a good job of communication and appeasement and avoid making jokes. "

Caesar III said thoughtfully.

When dealing with strong people, all countries in the mainland always try to win over them. There is no one who dislikes the many masters in China.

One or two masters may not mean anything to a kingdom. But when this number expands to dozens or even hundreds, it can affect the rise and fall of a country.

Especially for the Alpha Kingdom, which needs to compete with the orcs, the number of top experts is particularly important.

In all the wars, these people were able to play an important role in the war.

I have been busy and happy for more than half a month, and there are people and a bear in almost all the hardest-hit areas.

Bear Stearns suddenly became the richest bear in the Aslant continent, which is still far from the unprecedented bear. The main reason is that the ancestor of the Earth Bear was so awesome that he once "mastered" artifacts to compete with giant dragons.

The value of the artifact is really difficult to measure, and it certainly cannot be bought with gold coins. Even if it's a mountain territory, it still can't match the value of the artifact.

Of course, evil weapons like the "Blood Moon Horn" don't count. Because it had such a bad reputation and everyone was shouting about it, it could not be used publicly, resulting in a significant loss in value.

However, no matter how rich Bear Stearns' net worth is, he is still a bear, and it is Hudson who attracts the attention of the aristocratic young lady.

If it was still a potential stock before this, it has now transformed into a high-speed growth stock.

Everyone knew that if they didn't place their bet quickly, they would miss the opportunity.

In fact, for many, the opportunity has been missed.

While eradicating the locusts, Hudson took a trip back to his hometown. I learned from Baron Redman that the quality of the nobles interested in marrying him has generally improved to a higher level.

Ordinary knights' houses and most of the baron's houses, knowing that there was no hope, voluntarily withdrew.

Instead, a group of middle-level nobles joined the candidates, and even the branches of the big families entered each other's candidate lists.

Before finalizing a marriage partner, it is common in aristocratic circles for children of nobles to act as backup for each other.

Baron Redman has a bunch of information on aristocratic women, and the woman's parents also have a bunch of information on aristocratic children.

If you think it's suitable, add it, find someone to test it out with, and if you both think it works, then that's the candidate.

The final decision depends mainly on family interests, personal wishes, and the development of the situation.

The marriage of ordinary children does not matter, even if it is messed up, things will not be too bad.

But for a son like Hudson, who had high hopes for his family, not only Baron Redman was concerned about his marriage, but other people in the family were also paying close attention to it.

The person who probably cares the least is Hudson himself. Even if he is single, does he still have two brothers in front of him?

As usual, before deciding on his marriage, the two singles must be arranged first.

Hudson, who is still young, can continue to wait. After all, many candidates are still little kids now. The so-called suitability is just that the family background is suitable.

But Nelson and Evola, who are a few years older, are most likely to be in the last one or two years. Anyway, before Hudson's marriage is finalized, they will definitely be arranged first to avoid making people laugh.

With the drop in temperature and the desperate hunting efforts of noble lords from all walks of life, the vigorous insect plague soon came to an end.

The Insect King, who everyone shouted to beat, disappeared from people's sight early. No one knows whether they became extinct or secretly hid to wait for the weather.

In short, this disaster is over for the time being.

Thanks to Bear Stearns' efforts, the areas with the worst insect infestation in the province have also been able to maintain their autumn plowing.

The neighboring provinces were in dire straits. Although Hudson didn't mind taking Bear Stearns on a trip, it was still too late.

Anyway, the locust army is gone, and the autumn plowing has been missed. We don't want to spend the unjust money, so we simply organize the serf army to continue to consume the scattered locusts.

No one knows whether this decision is right or wrong. But I have to admit that Bear Stearns does have a talent for doing business, and is better than Hudson in this regard.

At least Hudson can still be kind, but in front of Uncle Bear, he doesn't bother to care who is who.

One silver coin per acre of land, if you can accept it, do it; if you can't agree, you can pull it down, and Uncle Xiong won't take care of you.

If you want to play with package prices, that's impossible. Bear Stearns is a bear who accepts death. One more silver coin will be accepted, but one less silver coin can tip the table.

It's useless to deal with the Hudson. Uncle Xiong directly said: If you are not afraid of encountering bears while walking at night, you can get a "50" discount on the price.

Facing the shameless bear, none of the nobles dared to ask for a discount in order to avoid being "broken".

Whenever a poor person needed credit, Hudson would advance the payment on his behalf. Compared to owing money to Uncle Xiong, everyone felt that it was better to owe money to Baron Hudson, even if they needed to owe a favor, they would not hesitate to do so.

In line with the principle that the meat rots in his own pot, Hudson did not stop Bear Stearns from collecting money. After all, it is really difficult to get money out of the pockets of nobles.

In contrast, entering the pocket of Bear Stearns is equivalent to entering the pocket of Mr. Hudson.

The mountains of gold coins are piled up, even if I try to count them, I can’t count them all! Hudson was in charge of the left and right, and all Bear Stearns had was a number on the books.

It seems that Hudson is providing loan extensions, but in fact it is Bear Stearns who has the money in the left hand and the right hand. The use of all the funds was given away for free without a penny of interest. Naturally, Hudson could exchange favors with ultra-low interest rates.

Not only borrowing, but also investing. As long as the reputation remains intact, this game can continue to be played.

Without experience, no matter how smart the bear is, he would never have thought of such a shameless way of playing.

Beda City, revisiting the old place again, Hudson's feelings are different.

Although the treatment was still the same as last time, all top-notch, everyone looked at him with obvious awe in their eyes.

The solid adult Earth Bear directly led him to become the number one master in the Southeast Province. At least that's the case on the surface. Hudson doesn't know if there is a more powerful character secretly.

Unlike in the past, when you had to queue up to enter the Governor's Mansion, this time Count Pierce came to greet you as soon as you entered the door, which was a good deal.

The previous unpleasantness between the two seemed as if nothing had happened. Hudson is still happy to see this change.

Deep down in his heart, Hudson had secretly decided that for the sake of Earl Pierce being so sensible, he would not go to his grave in the future.

After some polite greetings, Hudson decisively took out a bottle of "locust luring potion" and placed it on the table, and said casually: "Your Excellency, this is the alchemy work of Baron Caillaux.

Judging from the appearance, he already has sixty-seven points of skill. Congratulations to the Dalton family, a new alchemist is about to be born. "

"Alchemist" is not "alchemist master". The gap between the two is like a chasm. Those who are gifted leap over in one leap, while those who are not gifted stay where they are forever.

Count Pierce could naturally hear the irony.

If there is a new alchemist master, it will naturally be a great joy for the Dalton family. But just being a quasi-alchemist is a joke.

Who doesn’t know that if you want to be an alchemist, you first have to throw money into it. I don’t know when the results will come out. Anyway, the way to lose money must be arranged first.

"Baron Hudson, what does this mean?"

Earl Pierce asked sharply.

Giving face back does not mean that he is afraid. As the master of the Southeast Province, just being a bear of the earth is not enough to make him bow his head.

Especially since the owner of this bear is still within the rules of the game, the threat he can pose is even smaller.

"Your Excellency, please don't misunderstand me. I came here with good intentions. If you don't believe me, you will understand as soon as you open the potion."

Hudson said calmly.

If Baron Cayo had released the locust luring agent before this, he would have decisively chosen to let it rot in his stomach. Even if there is sufficient evidence, he will not come forward.

But it's different now. Hudson, who pretends to be Xiongwei, has some negotiating power.

Even if the talks break down, the Dalton family will not have the intention to kill people and silence them. An adult Earth Bear must run away with one, unless a dragon is sent to intercept it.

Hudson doesn't think the Dalton family has an adult dragon. If there really was such a powerful weapon, it would have become famous throughout the continent.

The moment he opened the bottle cap, Count Pierce's expression changed drastically. He said with a trembling voice: "How is this possible?

No, there must be a misunderstanding here!

Baron Hudson, are you doubting Caillot..."

“Your Majesty the Governor, there is a misunderstanding.

I don't know anything, I just stopped by to congratulate the Dalton family on the upcoming addition of an alchemist.

As for the locust luring agent, it is natural that the Governor's Office should send people to investigate and deal with it. I was just a bystander, and happened to see some unimportant clues, so I brought them over. "

Hudson hinted nakedly.

Everything is sent here, naturally in exchange for benefits. If you want to deceive the Dalton family, these things, along with the clues in Hudson's hands, should be sent to the royal capital.

Once this kind of hatred is exposed. The Dalton family should not want to hang out in the aristocratic circle. The affected nobles will beat them to death for the rest of their lives.

Even if it is a matter of righteousness and righteousness, no one will believe it. Maybe they could be blamed for causing the locust plague this time.

If the political opponents were more aggressive and labeled as colluding with the Holy See, the Dalton family could be removed from the kingdom.

Of course, the probability of this situation occurring is low. After all, they are a long-established noble family, and the connections and connections the Dalton family has are by no means as simple as they appear on the surface.

As long as you deal with it properly and are willing to pay a certain price, it is still possible to suppress the matter.

If the charges are not proven, they are just some rumors, but they cannot shake their foundation.

In this case, it was Hudson's turn to be unlucky. There have been too many incidents in history where people were killed instead of complaining.

The big forces on the same side are fighting to the death, and Hudson feels that for the sake of his own life, it is better not to try it easily.

What's more, the current Mountain Territory is too weak. Even if it defeats the Dalton family, it won't get much of the cake.

Hearing the implication, Earl Pierce's expression suddenly turned cloudy, and he said with a smile: "Baron Hudson is right, this is indeed a misunderstanding.

Kayo's talent is limited and he is only an intermediate magician so far. How can he become an alchemist!

Your Excellency has come all the way here for a reward. Your family and I have been on good terms for generations. As long as it can be solved, I will solve it for you. "

After hearing "Friends of All Generations," Hudson almost laughed out loud. To put it bluntly, even now, Earl Pierce probably can't pronounce his father's name.

The level gap between the two sides is too big, and a small family like Koslow cannot catch the eye of Earl Pierce at all.

Even now, the two sides are still people from two different worlds. Being able to sit here and talk calmly is because Earl Pierce is unwilling to take risks.

Mainly, Count Pierce didn't know how deeply Baron Caillot was involved, and whether he was involved with anyone from the Holy See.

Compared with the heavy price that needs to be paid if the matter is exposed. It is obviously much easier to bribe Hudson to keep silent.

"Your Excellency, the position of Sheriff of Wright County has been undecided for a long time, which has affected the development of the area. As a noble, I want to get this opportunity to share the worries of the kingdom."

Hudson has always been unsure about the battle for Wright County Sheriff. The most critical reason is that there is no one in the government.

Hudson didn't think that the Dalton family would fight for him just because of the local sentiment of the local nobles.

"Baron Hudson, you are here too late. In fact, before the fiefdoms were divided last year, the position of county governor was already decided in the royal capital.

The so-called unresolved situation was actually just a scene deliberately arranged by the Grand Duke in order to train his son. "

Earl Pierce said helplessly.

It's not that he doesn't want to help, it's just that the dust has settled. If you want to overthrow the Royal Capital's decision again, unless the Sith Baron himself causes problems.

Designing a grand duke's son is not so easy to arrange. It's just a small fight. If he is directly deposed, the Grand Duke of Kavadia will definitely interfere.

Hudson was not surprised by this answer. He has seen a lot of similar weird things, and relatively speaking, this is already quite impressive.

Even if it was just for show, they had gone through the entire process. If Hudson hadn't come out of nowhere, the Sith Baron would have been able to rise to power amid public expectations.

Typical: "Three points depends on hard work, seven points depends on luck, and the remaining 90 points depends on dad."

A duke's father is enough to erase all of Hudson's efforts. Even if he is now famous and is considered by countless nobles in the province to be the most suitable person to serve as the Sheriff of Wright County, it will have no effect.

"I understand, thank you Earl for your advice!"

What should have been expected has now actually happened. Hudson found that he still couldn't face it calmly. After all, his previous life was too smooth, which made him ignore the cruel nature of the world.

"There is nothing you can do about the position of Sheriff, but if you don't want to succumb to the Sith Baron, you can still do it.

Based on your previous achievements in capturing the Insect King, I am somewhat confident that I can help you create a viscount position.

However, there is no way to increase the fiefdom. It's nothing more than giving you the Salam Mountains and the swampland that you currently operate. "

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