
Chapter 133: Be cautious when investing

Coming out of the Governor's Mansion, Hudson's head was buzzing.

Whether this transaction resulted in a loss or a profit is a question that will be hard to figure out for a while.

I have to admit that Earl Pierce is an old political player, and he hits his weak spot as soon as he takes action.

Perhaps for Hudson personally, there is no substantial difference between Baron and Viscount. Just changing the title does not bring substantial benefits.

But for others, the gap between the viscount and the baron is an insurmountable gap, a leap in class.

In the eyes of the outside world, after taking this step, even if you have crossed the threshold of a middle-class noble, the only thing left is time to accumulate.

If the dust hadn't settled yet and the news hadn't spread, the Koslow family would have celebrated.

It is estimated that the leaders of various branches across the country will come to participate in the celebration in person.

Baron Caillot, who was unaware of the incident, was busy handling official affairs in the territory when he was summoned to the Governor's Palace by the family knights.

Seeing the crowd of close servants kneeling in the hall, Baron Caillou was stunned.

Before he could react, Count Pierce's whip had already been whipped. Fortunately, his father died early, otherwise this wave would have been a doubleheader.

After beating him until his skin was torn and he fell to the ground wailing, Earl Pierce managed to suppress his anger.

No need to say anything, Baron Caillot knew that his bunch of losers must have betrayed him.

What he just couldn't figure out was why his uncle would get so angry over such a trivial matter.

"You bastard, tell me honestly, how involved are you in this matter?"

Faced with Count Pierce's questioning, Baron Caillot was completely confused.

"How much to mix"?

What the hell is this?

It seems that apart from placing a few bottles of locust attractant in Wright and Wyton counties, he has done nothing else recently?

"You still don't admit it, look at what this is?"

While he was speaking, an inconspicuous vial flew out of Count Pierce's hand and landed steadily in front of Baron Cayo.

Looking at the familiar vial in front of him, Baron Caillot became even more displeased with the servants. The potion used to deceive people actually appeared here intact. Isn't this a naked betrayal?

No wonder he was caught without any news to the outside world, and his relationship was betrayed by an insider.

"Uncle, I was also prepared to discuss this matter with you. It was just that at that time, you were busy organizing manpower to suppress the locust plague and did not give me a chance to communicate alone, so..."

Before Baron Caillaux could finish his explanation, Count Pierce became more and more angry, pointed at him with his finger and tremblingly cursed:

"You idiot, you want to kill the family!"

Seeing this scene, Baron Cayo became more and more confused. Just putting in a few bottles of locust luring potion could lead to the death of the family.

If the Dalton family were so fragile, they would have been swallowed up long ago, and how could they be as glorious as they are today.

"Uncle, this is a misunderstanding! How could I..."

It's okay if you don't explain it, just explain it like this. Earl Pierce's whip whipped at him again, his expression as if he wanted to eat someone.

"What a misunderstanding!

Colluded with the Holy See and released locust-attracting chemicals in the southeastern provinces. How dare you, a bastard, do such a life-threatening thing. What else are you afraid of doing?

Today I won’t…”

After figuring out what was going on, Baron Cayo was about to cry. "Colluding with the Holy See" is a deadly label.

Although there are no explicit provisions in the kingdom's laws, there has long been an unspoken rule among the nobles - not to associate with the Holy See.

With such a crime, not only could he not survive in the Alpha Kingdom. In more than 90% of human countries, there is no place for him.

Even if a powerful force like the Dalton family is found to be colluding with the Holy See, they will not have a place in the kingdom.

"Uncle, you are wronged!

I have nothing to do with the Holy See!

In accordance with your instructions, I have always treated people in the Holy See at a respectful distance. How could he collude with them if he didn't even say a few words?


Baron Cayo explained hurriedly.

Now he is really scared. Just putting locust luring chemicals in the two counties can still be done with one's own strength, but if it involves colluding with the Holy See, it will be over.

After listening to his nephew's explanation, he realized that there had been a misunderstanding. Count Pierce's face looked much better, but his anger was still difficult to calm down.


I can't do just that little thing well. After staying in the royal capital for so many years, he has not made any progress at all.

Now someone comes to the door with evidence, and he doesn't even know it. Why didn't I realize that you are such a waste?


It is not a sin to commit evil acts, but if someone catches you doing evil acts, it is a serious sin.

As a noble, you must have a bright appearance. Dark means can only be kept under the table.

Now that Baron Caillaux has been caught, even if he is not accused of colluding with the Holy See, it is still a stain on his life that cannot be washed away.

Once the quarrel breaks out, not only will Baron Caillot be finished, but the Dalton family will also be humiliated.

Facing his uncle's reprimand, Kayo was on the verge of tears. He was obviously very careful. In order to hide his identity, he didn't even send one of his own people to do it.

Afterwards, they sent people to silence all the unlucky people they hired. The plan was perfect, but unfortunately it still failed to prevent the incident from happening.

"Uncle, I did this very covertly. Except for these few cronies, all the other executors were silenced.

Logically speaking, it shouldn't be exposed. Where did you get this thing? "

Baron Caillaux asked bravely.

Even if you are going to die, you have to be an understanding person. What's more, he can't die this time. If he really plans to kill his relatives out of righteousness, Earl Pierce won't bother to teach him a lesson.


Self-righteous stuff!

Things have been delivered to my door, and I still don’t know who brought them. You are really awesome.

Think about it for yourself!

If you can't figure it out, just stay here and don't go back.

To avoid further embarrassment and shame on the family..."

Earl Pierce said angrily.

He didn't know how to complain that the nephew he had worked so hard to cultivate turned out to be such a thing.

However, the life path of a noble is not always smooth sailing. If you don’t suffer setbacks in your youth, the social beatings you will encounter in the future will only be more serious.

Almost all the children of the great nobles are sent out to practice, just to make them suffer setbacks.

Failure is nothing to be afraid of, as long as you can learn lessons and accumulate experience, the great nobles will have their own teaching fees.

Geniuses are in the minority after all, and in a system based on family bloodline, the probability of a genius being born is even lower.

Most of them have the appearance of a middle-aged person, slowly honed through acquired education.

Including Earl Pierce himself, he also came out after experiencing countless setbacks.

But for Baron Cayo, the reality was too cruel. I am afraid of comparison in everything. If you are surrounded by players of the same level, you will not be discouraged even if you fail.

What Baron Cayo faced was obviously no ordinary player. There were so many talents gathered in Wright and Wyton counties that he had to be cautious.

Unfortunately, no matter how cautious you are, you still have to take action. But this first step resulted in him being severely beaten by society.

After calming down, Baron Cayo reviewed the recent events in the two counties, and Baron Cayo suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

The areas where the locust plague was released were basically devastated, with the exception of the Mountain Territory.

I originally thought it was because of the Earth Bear, but now it seems that the medicine that was supposed to be put in the mountain territory did not work, but appeared here as evidence against him.

It's too late to regret, the incident has been revealed and the butt has blossomed. Now that the beating is over, I can’t beat him back.

The annoyed Baron Caillaux wished he could slap himself twice. He obviously made a decision not to cause trouble before Hudson ran out of energy, but he didn't expect...

In the Mountain Territory, Hudson was busy dividing the spoils with Bear Stearns. To operate the title, the rewards from the kingdom are probably gone, but the rewards from the province are still there.

Through a series of insider transactions, a total of two million pounds of rye, ten copies of life liquid, a pile of magic crystals, and some basic training resources were obtained.

There is no way. Food prices have soared in disaster years, and now there is no market for them. If it weren't for Bear Stearns' sake, I probably wouldn't have been able to exchange so many things.

Hudson has never been stingy with great heroes. Directly placing all the gains in front of the cub, he declared domineeringly: "Bear Stearns, you have the greatest contribution this time.

Here is the magic crystal, and on the other side are food, life liquid, and basic cultivation resources. Anyway, the value of both sides is about the same, so you choose first! "

Seeing this scene, Bear Stearns rolled his eyes angrily and unceremoniously took the magic crystal for himself.

Multiple choice question?

It's simply an insult to the bear's intelligence. Apart from magic crystals, what else are they?

The basic training resources are just right for Hudson to use. When it comes to Bear Stearns, the effects of fart are endless, and even the desires of the mouth and stomach cannot be satisfied.

The original liquid of life is similar. The little energy contained in it is not as good as the feed pellets made by Hudson for Bear Stearns.

Food is even worse. Despite Bear Stearns' big appetite, it doesn't gnaw bread every day. Two million pounds of rye, more than a bear could eat until it turns moldy.

Based on past experience, once you choose food, storage fees, care fees, fire prevention fees... will all follow.

As a rancher, Bear Stearns is most tired of all kinds of messy expenses. Uncle Xiong gets annoyed when he sees the thick bill.

At this scene, Hudson just smiled. No matter what you choose, the end result is the same.

Magic crystal also cannot survive the night in the hands of Bear Stearns. Compared to slowly absorbing the energy in the magic crystal, cheating is more refreshing.

Xiong, who is used to living a luxurious life, can no longer go back. If he really wanted to go back to the speedy practice of the past, Uncle Xiong would rather go back and have a good sleep.

After the division of the spoils was completed, Hudson was about to leave when he was stopped by the cub.

"Hudson, don't forget your Viscount, and Ben Bear's share."

Looking at Bear Stearns who looked serious, Hudson nodded. It is not his style to default on debts, and the important role played by his own bear must be recognized.

"Don't worry, Bear Stearns. I will never forget your contribution to this kind of thing. I will add your profile picture to the family crest so that you can share the glory..."

Before Hudson could finish speaking, Bear Stearns threw his paws on the ground and said angrily:


Don't even think about deceiving Ben Xiong!

Obviously you want to put my face on the family crest, show off your achievements, insist on sharing the glory, but those who don't know think I'm taking advantage.

To tell you the truth, that old man Redman has already prepared the badge. It’s just that the carving was too ugly, so I was rejected by Ben Xiong! "

Engraving World of Warcraft on the family crest is a routine operation. There is an awesome monster, and if you don't show it off on the family crest, it would be disrespectful to the vanity of the nobles.

There are so many tribesmen who have this idea. It's just that in the past, Bear Stearns' reputation was not good enough to show off.

Now that his reputation has become famous, Hudson is ready to do the same, but he didn't expect that he would be the first to do so.

"Okay then, our Viscount Bearsten. After the title is finalized, you can also enjoy the title of Viscount in the territory."

Hudson said nonchalantly.

Bear Stearns didn't say he was called viscount, even if he was called earl or king, no one would pay attention to him.

What does the king of the earth bear clan have to do with humans?

Whoever has enough to hold on should care about who becomes the king of the Warcraft race.

As for whether other earth bears will come knocking after receiving this news, no one knows.

But Hudson thinks the probability of this happening is low. Just look at Bear Stearns and you will know that if his owner hadn't worked hard to help him become diligent, this guy would be a useless bear just waiting to die.

There are many races known for their laziness, but there are really only a few who are as lazy as they are. Even the laziest person in the territory is more diligent than Bear Stearns.

"Where's the territory?"

As expected of a highly intelligent bear, he immediately discovered the key to the problem. What's the point of having the title of Viscount and no territory of his own?


What territory?

Bear Stearns, aren't you too sleepy?

Someone has divided a new territory for us, why didn’t I know?

I told you to sleep less and dream less, but now the sequelae are coming. Don't bring things in dreams into real life.

The territory of the Mountain Territory is still as large as before. Not even an inch of land has been added, so where can I go to give you territory?

If you insist on wanting it, it's not non-negotiable. We can work together to open up wasteland, and you can count on your share of the developed land. "

Hudson encouraged.

The biggest risk these days is to open up wasteland and start a business. It’s just the hilly areas of the Salam Mountains, and I can finally see the rewards.

Even though it's slow, it's rewarding. It is estimated that the newly developed land will be able to recover its capital in the next eighteen years.

The endless swamp is just a huge pit.

How others developed the swamp, Hudson had no idea. Anyway, the mud, which is often more than ten meters long, brings a hellish experience to the development.

After more than half a year of hard work, it seems that nearly 10,000 acres of land have been developed, and the amount of manpower and material resources that can be invested is also an astronomical number.

If it weren't for the Swamp brand fertilizer, which helped restore some health, Hudson would have doubted whether he could persevere.

Optimistically, if we don't encounter any disasters and have good weather and good harvests for 20 years, we may be able to recover our capital.

The actual situation will definitely be worse. In the short term, this will be a bottomless pit. With the current productivity and without using supernatural means, it would be a series of projects within our lifetime.

The investment risks were huge, and the pressure to go it alone was too great, so Hudson had to find a partner with his enemy.

Bear Stearns, who is wealthy and has magical construction capabilities, is undoubtedly the best partner.

Magic combined with manpower to open up wasteland may be the most correct swamp development model. Otherwise, this bottomless pit will bring down the mountain sooner or later.

"There is no need to open up wasteland. As long as I give you dozens of hills for grazing, I won't care about you anymore."

As he spoke, he seemed to have thought of something. Bear Stearns, who was originally weak, suddenly became lively.

"No problem, as long as you pay on time. Anyway, you know the rent. There are few mountains in the southeast, and things are rare and expensive.

But do you really not think about it anymore?

Mountainous areas are not ideal pastoral areas. Once the scale of breeding is expanded, various troubles will be encountered.

The best place for grazing is grassland. The Forgotten Swamp is a flat river. As long as the water is drained, you can plant grass on it, or you can plant your favorite magic bamboo shoots...

The Earth Bear clan has a lifespan of thousands of years. With your talent, you may be able to break through the limit and live longer than ordinary Earth Bears.

Bear Stearns, you are not yet three years old, and you are at the age of struggle. You cannot be decadent so early.

Think about it, owning your own pasture, raising tens of thousands of cattle and sheep, endless animal milk and honey, endless magic bamboo shoots...

In this kind of life, wouldn't there be countless she-bears coming to your door and opening up branches and leaves for you? When the time comes, you can completely establish your own Earth Bear Dynasty and give birth to a bunch of bear cubs.

If your pursuit is higher, you can also raise meat monsters. Those are the hybrids of monsters and beasts. You have eaten them before. Doesn’t it taste good?


The pie gets bigger as you draw it.

As he talked, Hudson was almost lost in the beautiful blueprint he had carved. Bear Stearns, who was led to the rhythm, could not help but drool at the moment.

Although the development of swamps is time-consuming and the risks and benefits are not proportional, considering the long lifespan of the Earth Bear, it seems that the long payback period is nothing.

"How to divide it?"

As soon as he asked the question, Bear Stearns noticed something was wrong. It seems that it has been tricked again and just followed Hudson's ideas. It really didn't find any problem with this plan.

"Of course it will be distributed according to the size of the output! There are two cooperation models: the first way, everyone contributes money for development together, I contribute the labor and technology, and we split the final results 28/20.

The second way is that everyone still contributes the money together, as well as the labor force and technology, and the final results are split 50-50.

Do you think it's fair enough?

I didn't take advantage of you! "

Hudson said boldly.

It doesn't sound like there's anything wrong with it, but it's hard to tell when it's actually implemented.

Not to mention how to calculate the cost, just the labor force and technology will be a huge pit.

Hudson had a large labor force at its disposal, but Bear Stearns did not. As a bear of the earth, the identity of Warcraft destined it to be unable to recruit troops in the human world.

"You don't want me to do hard work, do you?"

As he spoke, Bear Stearns kept shaking his head. It's okay to do it once in a while, but working on land reclamation for decades is simply killing a bear.

"What are you thinking about, Bear Stearns? Do you think you can do as much work as a bear as more than 20,000 slaves?

Everything requires technique.

You only need to go over and release a magic at the critical moment to assist everyone in the construction.

I remember some bears said that their solidification technique could cover a mile and last for half a month. They couldn't be bragging, right? "

Hudson avoided the important and took the easy way out.

If there is only one construction team, then it only takes half a month to cast a magic to solidify the mud on both sides of the ditch, and the remaining time can be left to the slaves to dig.

But with more construction teams, there are more places where bears are needed. What's more, when developing swamps, you also need to deal with all kinds of strange creatures, which also requires the efforts of bears.

There is no need to talk too much about these extra tasks for the time being. As long as Bear Stearns nods, its assets will become project investments.

Disinvestment is impossible, and Hudson will turn the funds on its books into means of production as quickly as possible.

Either accept the sunk cost of investment failure or devote yourself to land reclamation. No matter how you choose, Hudson will not lose.

All these things will be specified in a written contract. Don't give the bear a chance to play tricks.

Seeing the cub's interest, Hudson added again: "Think about it carefully, such a large investment must be cautious.

Although the opportunity is rare, if you miss this one, it will be difficult for you to encounter it again in your life. But opportunities and risks always coexist, and there is no business in this world that is guaranteed to make money without losing money.

Swamp development is also fraught with risks. In the event of an unexpected situation or some bragging, the project may be lost.

If you can't bear the risk, just pretend I didn't say anything. After all, it's all your hard-earned money. If you lose it because you're too lazy, you can't blame it on me. "

risk warning!

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