
Chapter 134 Coal Mine

A shareholder was added, and the land reclamation operation that had been stalled was started again. The reduced ration supply has also returned to normal levels.

Autumn plowing has been preserved, and we only need to wait until the spring of next year to have new grain enter the warehouse. This grain shortage in the southeastern province has been overcome.

Some are happy and some are sad.

The unlucky Baron Caillot, as the most tragic failure, is still lying on the hospital bed to reflect on himself.

As soon as he came out of the ivory tower, he suffered the most violent social beating, which plunged him into deep self-doubt.

Life is not easy for the nobles of the North. The disaster has passed, but there are still few people selling grain in the market.

While watching a group of local nobles holding a banquet to celebrate overcoming the locust plague, they were still anxiously waiting for the king's rescue.

Unfortunately, the person responsible for executing this order was Earl Pierce, who regarded them as a thorn in their side.

Meetings in the province on rescuing noble lords in difficulty were held every now and then, but no results were produced.

Every time I go to appeal, I have a meeting to study it. When the results will be released depends on the integrity of the bureaucrats.

As time passed day by day, everyone's granary was gradually bottoming out, and the noble lords finally couldn't sit still.

I don’t know who made the bad start, but suddenly there were more people doing business without capital in the southeastern province.

At the beginning, they only targeted teams transporting food. In the later stages, they would rob caravans whenever they encountered them.

The chaotic social order has further pushed up prices. Not only did the business travelers suffer, but the free people in the city also went bankrupt in large numbers.

It's easy to rob, but it's difficult to take away a large amount of loot. Such a big movement naturally attracted the attention of the noble gentlemen.

Doing the robbery yourself would ruin your reputation too much. But after wiping out these bandits and robbers, the loot is legal income.

Among them, the northern nobles were the most active, often arriving at the scene as soon as a crime occurred to exterminate these "bandits and robbers".

It doesn't matter if it happens once or twice. If it happens more times, the situation will change.

The attitude of the lords and nobles in various places has become increasingly bad, and they have expressed strong hostility towards their group of "bandit eradication activists".

“You can’t do this anymore!

No one is a fool. If problems arise one after another, people will already suspect you.

If you are unlucky one day and get caught in the act, things will not end well! "

The Sith Baron said in a stern tone.

"Respect the Sith Baron, we are different from you. If we had the choice, we would not want to do this.

But there is really no way. The Governor's Office has made it clear that it is just laughing at us and has no intention of providing relief at all.

Since they don't help, we have to figure it out on our own. Although the method is a bit despicable, there is nothing we can do to prevent the people in our territory from going hungry. "

Baron Kettle said indifferently.

Everyone was involved in the robbery. The Sith Baron was able to restrain his desires because of his strong willpower.

Mainly because we started early and grabbed a lot of food. The number of slaves in the territory was also reduced, barely able to survive the famine.

But the other noble children of the North were different. What they grabbed wasn't enough to fill their teeth. Stop now, what will you want to eat next?

Reputation is indeed important, but the prerequisite is to have it. It is a pity that the Northland nobles robbed merchants and travelers, it is now an open secret.

The reason why there was no interference from the Governor's Office was because they had very bright eyes and specially selected some people who were not tough in the background.

Aware of this, for the purpose of attacking competitors. Many big businessmen with strong backgrounds also deliberately mobilized their personal connections to help them cover up.

However, as time goes by, things get bigger and bigger, and it becomes more and more difficult to cover up the matter.


Who doesn’t know the close relationship between you, Baron Kettle, and the Mountain Territory.

Are you still short of food?

As far as I know, the mountain baron just purchased a batch of grain from the outside world not long ago. Just judging from the number of carriages, we know that it is at least one million pounds.

This is just a purchase.

If you are willing, the master behind you can raise tens of millions of pounds of food.

Even if you defect to the new master, there's no need to use old people like us as surrender certificates, right? "

the Sith Baron taunted.

It was obvious that he was really angry.

Otherwise, I would never bring this invisible matter to the table.

Nobles must have some dignity, even if they are as powerful as fire and water, they must restrain their appearance.

This kind of direct betrayal without leaving any room, blocking all room for maneuver, is completely inconsistent with the style of the aristocracy.

"Sith Baron, you must speak responsibly.

Since you say I am a traitor, please show me the evidence for everyone to see.

Otherwise, I’m afraid no one will feel at ease.

After all, no one wants to be convicted without evidence. "

Baron Kettle said with a gloomy expression.

Originally, he didn't want to have a head-on conflict with the Sith Baron, but now that he was forced into a corner, he had no choice but to fight hard.

No matter what, the name of a traitor must not be forgotten. Otherwise, there would be no place for him in the aristocratic circle.

"Sith Baron, this must be a misunderstanding!

The relationship between Keterai and the Mountain Territory is indeed a little closer, but it is not enough to be called a traitor.

Everyone knows how deep the grievances between us and the nobles of southern Xinjiang are. This kind of hatred cannot be resolved overnight.

I think everyone has had contact with the local nobles, and everyone knows what results have been achieved.

If the nobles of southern Xinjiang were willing to accept us, the situation would definitely not develop to this point.

Even if someone does turn out to be a traitor, it will be to defect to the Dalton family.

As barons on the same side, even if the Mountain Territory is stronger, it is not so strong that everyone must defect to it. "

Baron Calvo said with a smile.

As an ally, he must step forward at this time.

If Baron Kettle was kicked out, the fragile balance would be upset. The small group, which was already at a disadvantage, has even less say in the alliance.

"Calvo is right. Although the mountain baron has a great reputation, his background is too low.

Among those sitting here, who has a family that is not stronger than the Koslow family?

Reduced to the status of a young aristocratic child, Hudson's suffering has now reached its limit.

Although he is hailed by the outside world as the person most likely to become a county guard, we all know that he has no hope.

Even if Hudson has all kinds of advantages, they are not as good as having no one in the capital!

Everyone knows what Baron Kettle is like, so how could he join a baron whose potential has been exhausted? "

The naked connotation seems not to mention Baron Sith at all, but in fact every word spoken by Baron Reno is directed at him.

On the surface, he was belittling Hudson, but in fact, he was stepping on the Sith Baron. As the son of an archduke, he couldn't suppress the son of a baron.

It's a joke in itself.

Although he also belittled everyone, everyone didn't care.

Deep down, everyone has a reason to convince themselves - they are afraid of the Felix family and don't want to cause trouble to the family, so they are suppressed by the Sith Baron.

Apart from the ridicule, only Baron Reno knew clearly, and he was the one who was unwilling to accept it.

"There is no one in the capital" seems to be talking about Hudson, but in fact it is also talking about himself.

Ever since he learned that the position of county governor had been decided in advance, Baron Reno had become depressed. Now being dragged into the water by his allies, there was a general explosion on the spot.


Make as much trouble as you like, then make trouble as you please!

Whoever caused the incident will be responsible. Don't try to drag the alliance into trouble when something happens.

We cannot afford to do this kind of thing that ruins our reputation, and we have no obligation to do it for some ambitious people! "

After saying that, the Sith Baron walked away directly. He seemed to be really angry and didn't even care about his image as the boss.

It was just the faint smile on his mouth that revealed his true thoughts. No one can tell the winner until the last minute.

The only thing that is certain is that things are really getting serious now. It's only a matter of time before the Governor's Office intervenes. If it wants to end smoothly, someone must take responsibility.

As the eldest son of a group of nobles in Northern Xinjiang, Baron Sith must be to blame if he follows the normal steps.

If you don't want to take the blame for your subordinates, you will naturally take action. Even if there is no such fuse, there will be other excuses.

In the Mountain Territory, after receiving the news of the internal division of the Northern Xinjiang nobles, Hudson not only did not feel happy, but was deeply disappointed.

After the seemingly split, the impact on the Sith Baron was huge. But no matter how great the impact is, it is better than taking the blame for an ally.

The crime of "robbing a business traveler" is not a big one. As long as you keep your eyes open and don't offend the people you shouldn't offend, that's all for the nobles.

As long as you don't care about your reputation, even if you are caught, you will have to pay a sum of money and not the noble's life.

But for the Sith Baron who was vying for the position of county guard, this stain could bring him down.

It is impossible for the king to appoint a master with a history of robbing merchants as the head of a county. Even if he is the son of the Grand Duke, it is useless. The Alpha Kingdom cannot afford to lose this man.

Unfortunately, the Sith Baron acted too quickly. By the time Hudson noticed him, he had already given up, and there was no time to take advantage of him.

If you are an ordinary person, you can also look for evidence. But when it comes to the son of the Grand Duke, most likely nothing will happen if he is exposed.

If you can't kill it with one blow, you can only settle for the next best thing. If it weren't for the efforts of Hudson and a group of local nobles, just a few big businessmen would not be able to suppress the big news of "robbery of business travelers".

Suppressing the news seemed to be helping the northern nobles cover up the truth, but in fact they were digging a hole for them to make even bigger mistakes.

According to the plan, in an inadvertent moment, they would accidentally grab something they shouldn't grab, and then receive a thunderous strike.

Unfortunately, while the net was being set up, the biggest fish swam away first, leaving only a group of small fish and shrimps.

Hudson had never been interested in catching small fish. After escaping the Sith Baron, the subsequent plan was simply useless to him.

There was no time to waste time on "useless things", so Hudson's focus once again shifted to territory construction. The tasks in the second half of the year are very heavy, and the progress delayed by the locust plague needs to be made up.

The development of hilly areas is no different from before. The residents are working hard for a better life in "Huabing".

The most advanced agricultural tools + sufficient livestock + sufficient material supplies ensure the smooth progress of the land reclamation operation.

Two-thirds of the "100,000 acres of wasteland" plan was completed in the first half of the year. If it weren't for the delay caused by the locust plague, it would have been easy to overfulfill the task.

However, for emergencies like the locust plague, Mr. Hudson simply pretended not to see it. The original plan remains unchanged and the rewards are still valid.

If you want to get it, just keep rolling!

I have been working on it for more than half a year, and if I give up now, all my efforts will be in vain.

The most important thing is that none of the armor captains want to be at the bottom. If others are working hard and the team they lead is at the bottom, it will be a disaster.

The system worked effectively, and Hudson did not add any unnecessary extravagance. Focused efforts on swamp development.

The original progress of swamp development was slow, but with the addition of Uncle Xiong, the progress increased tenfold.

The only problem was that Bear Stearns was in a bit of a mood. The promised ten days and a half went by for a stroll, but it turned out to be a near-permanent stay at the construction site.

In order to appease the "bear" heart, Hudson, as a spiritual mentor, also accompanied him on a daily basis and supervised the work.

It doesn't matter whether you are supervising the slaves' work or supervising Uncle Xiong's work.

Now that you've fallen into the trap, it's already too late to regret it. The cruel reality told Bear Stearns that even if he blew off his front teeth, he could only swallow it in his stomach.

Who makes the swamp too boring?

The solidification magic can cover several miles around at the same time, but that is limited to the topsoil. The mud in the swamp is more than ten meters thick, so the magic range will naturally shrink.

In order to increase the speed, Bear Stearns usually used magic to separate a crack in the swamp mud to facilitate digging by the orc slaves.

What's even more embarrassing is that there are more than 20,000 orcs, divided into more than 200 construction teams, all of which are assisted by Bear Stearns.

All kinds of small lives hidden in the swamp also need Bear Stearns to take care of. Occasionally, when encountering special terrain and requiring magic assistance, Bells can still only climb up.

Not to mention that he was busy all day long, but most of the time, the cub had no time to spare.

Fortunately, the Earth Bear's magic power was replenished quickly enough, and Hudson was on hand to help with the trick, otherwise it wouldn't have been able to withstand such a torment.

The main reason is that the cubs are not strong enough. If they can release the forbidden spell, directly create huge pits in the swamp, connect them together to create a lake, the progress of land reclamation can be increased by more than ten times.

Of course, this is just Hudson's fantasy. Not to mention the continuous release of forbidden spells, even the smallest powerful forbidden spell can make an adult Earth Bear collapse from exhaustion, and it is impossible to recover without a few months of cultivation.

After several attempts to withdraw capital were rejected by Hudson with the contract text written in black and white, Bear Stearns, unwilling to let its investment go to waste, could only curse and work.

It can only be said that the interests are touching, even for a bear. Looking at the divided pieces of land and thinking of his "Fort Bear Plan", Bear Stearns persisted.

Peaceful days, spent every day without any disturbance. Hudson worked hard and was finally promoted to a senior knight.

From a junior knight to a senior knight, it took Baron Redman, who lacked resources, a full fifteen years, while it only took Hudson less than two years.

The mysterious compass is the main contributor, but the assistance of cultivation resources also plays a vital role.

Without these resources, if Hudson wants to break through, it will take at least half a year.

Compared to knight training, magic improves faster. After all, he only needs to improve his mental power and use magic to cheat.

Unfortunately, this increase is not unlimited. As mental power continues to improve, the auxiliary effect of the medicine will become smaller and smaller.

The great magician can barely be considered a strong man. If Hudson is willing to register with the Kingdom's Magicians, he can also receive a salary.

The strong always have privileges. The noble magicians can't stand the pain of centralized training. The training of the magician group is also different from that of the ordinary army.

In peacetime, you only need to be on duty for half a year out of five years, and the rest of the time is completely free.

If the strength is further improved, the rotation period can be shortened. Top experts only need to show up during wartime. If they are on duty during normal times, they will have to pay extra.

"Sir, the orc slaves discovered the coal mine while digging the silt. Lord Bearsten, would you please go over and discuss the distribution rights of the coal mine?"

Tom whispered.

Discussing the ownership of coal mines with the lord is undoubtedly a very treasonous thing in his opinion. But if the person making the request is the Earth Bear, then everything is a different matter.

The name "Greedy Bear" resounds throughout the Alpha Kingdom. So many people suspected that Bear Stearns had the blood of a dragon.

Of course, Hudson also took the blame for the Cubs. There are also many people who suspect that he, the master, was the instigator, and that the Earth Bear was just the executor.

The forest is big and there are all kinds of birds. There are more monsters, and there are also all kinds of strange beasts.

They are both highly intelligent races. In the Aslant continent, Warcraft mounts are not slaves. They also have their own style of doing things.

Those who are greedy for money, those who love gambling, those who are lustful, those who love pranks, those who like... In short, all kinds of monsters with weird hobbies are not uncommon on the mainland.

The main reason for the controversy is that Bear Stearns' image of being greedy for money is completely inconsistent with the position of the Earth Bears in people's minds.

As the ceiling for lazy people, there has never been a diligent bear in the Earth Bear clan. Wanting them to work and make money is simply a dream.

The emergence of Bear Stearns completely broke this law. Not only can you work and earn money, but you can also negotiate the price yourself.

Now to carry it forward further, we must not only talk to outsiders, but even our own people - "clearly settle accounts."

"I know, I'll be there right away."

Hudson said helplessly.

The "bad kid" you raised by yourself can only be tolerated by yourself.

Facts have once again proved that it is better to fight the "naughty child" as early as possible. If it's too late, you can't win!

Hudson is undoubtedly a tragedy. He has been suppressed by force from beginning to end, so that when facing Bear Stearns, he can only be reasonable.

After coaxing and deceiving him, he managed to cultivate a diligent bear. How can I help this bear...

Just don’t mention it!

Bears travel thousands of miles to eat meat. If you want bears to work, you can’t expect bears to eat grass.

Discovering a coal mine is ultimately a good thing, but we don’t know what coal it is. It was discovered that in the swamp, steelmaking was highly unlikely to be possible.

These are all minor problems for Mr. Hudson, who started his business selling inferior weapons. The quality of the coal doesn't really matter, as long as it's coal it's enough.

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