
Chapter 135 Closing the Net

After some on-site inspections, the amateur Hudson still could not determine the coal reserves. We can only use Bear Stearns' dancing gestures as a reference.

Judging from the excavated finished products, they are mainly peat and some lignite.

They are all associated mines that are common in swamp areas, and no miracles happen.

There is no hope of making steel, but it would be good to use it as fuel. Producing inferior iron is not a big problem.

When the book is used, it will be less regretful.

Hudson had only heard of coal washing, but had no idea how to operate it.

Wash coal in water?

This is too much...

No matter what, just arrange for someone to try it and you will know.

Not to mention coking. As a pure novice, instead of studying that technology, it is better to buy a set of magic smelting equipment from the Mage Association.

It is said that when using this equipment, the highest quality steel can be produced no matter what fuel is used.


This is an awkward question.

If it were cheap, the price of iron products would have been reduced to cabbage prices, and it would not be Hudson's turn to make a fortune.

Generally speaking, discovering coal mines is also a good thing.

The main function of peat is agriculture, and it can be regarded as an enhanced version of "marsh fertilizer".

There are many other functions, but Hudson is temporarily unable to develop them.

The production of building materials, drilling stabilizers and diluents, ceramic industry raw material regulators... are all beyond the technological level of the Mountain Territory and can be produced.

Lignite is not sufficiently carbonized, but it can still be used as a substitute for charcoal in iron smelting.

The current restriction on raw iron production capacity in mountainous areas is insufficient charcoal production capacity. Although there is a lot of wood these days, it cannot afford to squander it every day.

With lignite that can be directly mined and used, not only can production capacity be expanded, but smelting costs will be further reduced.

While Hudson was immersed in the blueprint planning, a bear paw appeared in front of his eyes and swayed back and forth.

"Bear Stearns, why are you making such a fuss? Didn't you see that I was thinking about something? To be a bear, you have to be qualified."

As soon as he finished speaking, he was greeted by a bear of contempt.

“That’s almost it, who doesn’t know who!

If it weren't for my reminder, some people's saliva would almost flow out.

In front of so many slaves, you are not ashamed, but I am too!

Without further ado, let me first state that Ben Xiong is responsible for the discovery of this coal mine.

If not..."

After giving the cub a contemptuous look, Hudson said boldly:

“Okay, I can’t do without you.

You will receive half of the profits from the coal mine. Is this okay?

Bear Stearns, when will you be able to curb your selfishness?

Don't forget, now you are no longer the poor bear with nothing.

As a bear with more than a thousand cattle and sheep, and a farmland that is about to exceed 10,000 acres, you must learn to be tolerant.

Don't think about three melons and two dates all day long. If you spread the word, other bears will laugh. "

It's true that "three melons and two dates" mean that the mine boss may not be able to win on his own.

The geographical location of this coal mine makes it difficult to make a profit.

For hundreds of miles, there is only one buyer, Hudson. If you want to make money, just dream!

Of course, as a conscientious owner, Hudson would not let the coal mine lose money.

At the very least, the annual dividends will definitely allow the bears to eat melons and dates.

"Sir, a group of agents are coming from outside to visit us.

It is said that their goods outside have been robbed, and I would like to ask your help to find them. "

Nick said expressionlessly.

It can be seen that he did not take the agent being robbed as a serious matter.

It's all a transaction with clear money and goods, and Mr. Hudson's interests are not lost, so there is no need to care at all.

If there weren't too many people coming, he wouldn't have reported at this time for fear of losing customers and affecting the territory's business.

"Were the iron products we produced or were they robbed of other businesses?"

Hudson asked concerned.

He is not a holy mother. Doing business these days is inherently high-risk.

Having your business robbed is just a minor problem. Those who are unlucky will die immediately.

If you want to meddle in other people's business, you can't do anything about it.

But if the goods being robbed were iron products produced in the Mountain Territory, Hudson wouldn't be able to watch the show. This will affect business.

Such a shameless thing has never happened since the news of the Earth Bear reaching adulthood.

"All of them!"

Upon hearing this answer, Hudson instantly understood what was going on.

A shrewd businessman would naturally not come to his door for no reason.

The Northland nobles are not stupid either. They know that Mr. Hudson is not easy to mess with, but they still take action against his business.

The only explanation is that some clever businessmen mixed the goods in an attempt to use the name of Hudson to scare the robbers.

Or maybe there was someone behind the scenes who wanted to provoke a conflict between him and the nobles of the North, and deliberately arranged a good show.

No matter what the outcome is, he will come forward to solve it. Otherwise, future transactions will be impossible.

"Tell them and wait patiently. The results will come soon. Please don't go out to sell goods for the time being."

Hudson said expressionlessly.

Although I don’t know what role these merchants played in it, it is certainly not just a simple accident.

It's normal for a family to be robbed by mistake, but it's ridiculous for a group of people to be robbed by mistake.

If it weren't for the fact that these guys were always quick to pay and never caused any trouble, he wouldn't even bother to say these words of comfort.

It is rare to be confused in life.

The water in the business world is too clear, but you can't catch fish.

If we dig deeper, there will be no partners. It is difficult for honest partners to survive in the Aslant continent.

Serious people, who deals in arms?

When things got to this point, it was obvious that a group of merchants were forced to have no choice but to come up with such a bad idea.

Perhaps not only him, but also powerful nobles in other provinces also serve as lobbyists.

Looking at it from another angle, the time to close the net is coming soon.

Once the window paper is pierced, it will not only be the nobles of the two counties who have a stake in the matter, but also the local nobles of other regions who will take action.

I just don’t know if the northern nobles have grabbed enough food for the winter, otherwise they will suffer a huge loss this time.

In the Governor's Mansion, magical image stones appeared in front of Earl Pierce as evidence.

Accompanying the viewing were a group of bureaucrats from the southeastern provinces. It's just that the style of painting is a little abnormal.

Seeing such rotten affairs within the aristocracy, everyone who should have been furious was laughing and talking nonsense, commenting on the acting skills of the northern aristocrats from time to time.

If this scene were to spread, I'm afraid it would immediately cause an uproar.

In the eyes of these old men, the result of everyone's painstaking planning and gaming is just a big show for comment.

"These businessmen are still willing to spend a lot of money. They even took out the rare picture stone. It seems that they are really being bullied."

The tax officer said with a smile.

As a bureaucrat stationed by the king in the southeastern provinces, Earl Simic was not a local noble and was a complete bystander in this dispute.

However, as a foreigner, he had to collect the full amount of taxes every year. In addition to routinely selling taxation rights to nobles, he also had to deal with merchants.

This process is obviously not very beautiful.

Not many businessmen like to pay taxes, and those who evade taxes and those who collect taxes inevitably have to compete with each other in wits and courage.

Although as a tax collector, it is a source of wealth, but it does not affect Count Simic's dislike of these guys.

To be precise, most nobles looked down on merchants deep down.

Ninety-nine percent of the land in the southeastern province has been entrusted to noble lords, but control of some prosperous big cities is still in the hands of the kingdom.

When the central government is strong, these places are under the direct jurisdiction of the kingdom; when it is weak, they are controlled by the local nobles.

There is no doubt that when faced with a powerful monarch like Caesar III, tax collectors still have some say in the local area.

"It's indeed enough for them. But it just gives them a lesson, lest they live a life of ease and comfort and make them forget who is the master of this world.

The little guys down there are pretty much making a fuss.

Almost all the aristocratic children of the North have been recorded on the image stones. The winner of this battle has been decided, and there is no need to wait any longer.

Count Simic, why don't you hand it over to His Majesty the King? "

Governor Pierce said with a complicated expression.

There is no doubt that the local nobles did a great job this time. In addition to helping to suppress the news, the rest was done by encouraging the businessmen.

If nothing goes wrong, the contents recorded on these photo stones will be spread throughout the world in the shortest possible time.

The already bad reputation of the Northland nobles will become even more infamous.

For many families, the loss of family reputation far exceeds a fiefdom.

This fierce attack also hides itself behind the scenes. The maturity of the political methods shown is enough to make everyone sit up and take notice.

It's a pity that in such a wonderful performance, no children of the Dalton family appeared.

For a big family, the rise and fall are no longer limited to the gains and losses of one city or one place. What is more important is whether future generations can produce talents in large numbers.

Cayo, who has high hopes, has indeed demonstrated a good political vision. Unfortunately, being able to see through it does not mean being able to operate it.

It sounds very clear and logical, and it can also hit the nail on the head when analyzing problems. Unfortunately, the first time I put it into practice, I was hit hard and bleeding.

Maybe after suffering a few more losses, we can grow in the future, but that is only a possibility after all.

The problem of having high vision and low hand is not so easy to get rid of.

The nephew is not strong enough and the son is too young.

At the age of thirteen or fourteen, he was in the middle of middle school. Count Pierce did not dare to let him go out into society so early.

There is actually a talent gap among the direct descendants. For a big family, this is not a good thing.

There is nothing you can do, too few children are born. The previous generation had few offspring, and the only brother died in infancy.

In this generation, Earl Pierce worked hard to farm, and the ending was even more unhappy. Not only did the harvest come late, but the yield was only a single seedling.

If he hadn't had too few sons, he wouldn't have worked hard to raise his nephew.

As for the collateral descendants, there is no shortage of them. As for quality, most of it comes from outsiders.

If you are willing to spend money, you still have the value of training. If you don’t want to spend a lot of money to pay for tuition, you will have no choice but to lose sight of everyone.

This is one of the reasons why the Dalton family pays attention to their appearance, tries to deal with problems within the rules, and avoid making enemies everywhere.

The population is thin and cannot withstand the hardships. If you play too hard, problems can easily occur.

Even if they are from the same family, Earl Pierce does not want to see the branch family grow bigger and the family foundation fall into disrepair.

"Your Majesty the Governor, you should handle this matter yourself! As a tax officer, I cannot overstep my authority."

Count Simic waved his hand and said.

The conflict between the nobles of the northern and southern fiefdoms, he, the court earl, was too weak to participate in it.

If you show up at this time, you can easily offend others. If the Northland nobles put the account on his head, wouldn't it be an injustice?

Seeing this scene, all the local nobles looked at each other and smiled. Although he didn't say it with his mouth, the contempt in his heart was indeed indispensable.

Compared with the palace nobles, the advantages of the feudal nobles are really too great. Even though Count Simic is now in a high position, all glory comes from the king.

Only by making tremendous achievements can it be possible to complete the transformation of identity. However, this change will most likely result in a downgrade.

Except for the early years of the founding of the country, every subsequent great nobleman who rose up must not only have sufficient strength, but also must be able to save the kingdom from crisis.

These are far away from Count Simic.

Rather than looking forward to such a small probability event, it is better to serve the king for generations and enjoy power and wealth with the help of the royal power.

At least Count Simic can sit here and talk and laugh with everyone. No matter what other people think in their hearts, they will never show it on their faces.

"Count Simic, you are still so humble. Who doesn't know that you are the king's right-hand man and the most trusted by His Majesty.

Since you don't like to get involved in these nonsense, we won't force it.

Military officer, the task of catching the murderer is left to you.

Except for the gang of brats from the North, I arrested all the other robbers who appeared on the Picture Stone.

If necessary, local nobles can be recruited to cooperate. If these guys dare to resist, they will be killed on the spot!

As for how to deal with these gangsters, let’s wait for the ruling of the Kingdom’s Noble Council! "

Earl Pierce said coldly.

The crime of robbing a business traveler was not fatal to the nobles.

Especially when it comes to those tough guys in Northland, it's even harder to beat them down.

When it comes to the Council of Nobles, there is a high probability that it will still be nonsense. The only value is to embarrass the Northland noble and try to reach out to his back garden in the future. This is the best reason to refuse.

After all, everyone hangs out in aristocratic circles, and Earl Pierce doesn't want to get things done.

Taking action on these guys' men now will not only reduce the strength of the Northland nobles in the southeastern provinces, but also leave room for maneuver for the other party.

The face lost will definitely never be regained. But if you are thick-skinned, you can still cover it up.

Although it is unsatisfactory and hard to believe in passing the blame to these unlucky guys, it is better than directly admitting that it was one of his own children who led the team.

The aristocrats themselves are a bunch of hypocritical guys.

Many times, even if you know you are deceiving yourself, you still have to continue acting.

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