
Chapter 139 Turbulent Situation

Hundreds of flowers are blooming in the spring breeze, and the mountainous area wrapped in wild flowers looks particularly enchanting. Decorated with lanterns and colorful decorations, it looks like a divine kingdom on earth.

With the completion of the main building of the Lord's Mansion, the first appearance is the beginning of glory, as if telling the birth of a legend.

Guests coming and going were chatting and laughing, and the lively atmosphere pushed the emotion of the scene to a climax.

"Viscount Oran is here!"

"Viscount Nicholas is here!"

"Count Simic is here!"

"Lord Longwell is here"

The arrival of every big shot will cause a sensation.

The nobles who appeared earlier were okay. Even if we didn't have the chance to make friends, we had met each other and became familiar faces.

The strong men who appeared later were different. Although these cultivators rarely show up, their popularity in the aristocratic circles has never been low.

It is human nature to worship the strong. When facing a group of top strong men, even nobles have to call them "Sir" to show their respect.

Of course, these people will not lack noble titles on their heads. In order to win over these strong men, the titles of honorary nobles were arranged early.

Viscount is just starting out, he has made several contributions to the kingdom, and it is not surprising to be given the title of earl or marquis.

If you are willing to devote your life to the kingdom, then it goes without saying that it is possible to obtain the title of Grand Duke. With a bit of royal blood, a title of prince is appropriate.

The title of honorary noble is worthless, especially when it comes to attracting powerful people. The kingdom has never been stingy with titles.

Perhaps because there is no need for a salary, all countries in the mainland like to give a bunch of false titles when wooing powerful people.

The arrival of a group of powerful men from the province suddenly raised the standard of the banquet, leaving all the guests attending the banquet speechless.

Compared with the two previous high-profile banquets, this banquet was completely different. The terrifying network resources displayed by Hudson forced a group of small nobles to reconsider their alignment.

Especially the nobles in Wright County, who were originally planning to move closer to Viscount Sith, suddenly woke up.

There is a grand duke whose father is really awesome, but this is the Southeast Province. What determines everyone's life and death is the local powerful factions.

Although I don't know how strong their support for the Mountain Territory is, they have finally expressed their attitude. This means that the forces behind the Sith Viscount want to exert political pressure, but it is impossible to achieve success here.

The five wealthy families in the North are indeed powerful, but it is just one of them. It is purely a dream to want the powerful factions in the southeastern province to bow their heads.

If core interests are really involved, even if the five companies are put together, no one will make concessions.

In essence, the northern Xinjiang region is seriously dependent on the southern Xinjiang provinces.

Although it is slightly weaker than the Southeast Province of Northland, the large amount of money and food it supports every year gives everyone enough say.

It can be seen from the reactions of all the guests that the purpose of shocking people has obviously been achieved.

It's just the northern Xinjiang nobles who came to join in the numbers. Their background determined their position. Coming to the banquet was just a courtesy congratulation.

The local nobles in the county were really frightened. Many people were secretly glad that they did not rush to accept the invitation of Viscount Sith.

The guy who had leaned forward first and wanted to take a chance was now even more anxious and wanted to make a cut with the Sith Viscount immediately.

The cruel reality tells them that their origin determines their stance!

If you want to lean in as a wallflower, you have to first ask the local big guys if they will agree.

Wright County's David and Goliath knockout match has only entered the midfield at this moment, and it is far from the time to decide the winner.

The position of governor only means that the supporters behind him have a stronger voice in the royal capital. Now here is the stance of all forces in the province.

True and false, false and true.

The asymmetry of information allowed a group of small nobles to directly draw the conclusion based on what they saw with their own eyes: "all" the local forces were supporting Hudson.

Even if someone tells them, this banquet means nothing. No one would believe it if it was just an ordinary mutual show of goodwill and icing on the cake.

In terms of face, how do the Koslows compare to the Daltons?

Viscount Caillaux's celebration banquet was of much lower standard than this. Not to mention a group of powerful people, even many middle-level nobles just prepared a congratulatory gift, and no one was seen at all.

The two sides were pressed for time, and the nobles who were not in both camps and did not want to offend others naturally had no choice but to be absent at the same time.

It turned out to be just the sequelae of bumping into each other during the banquet. Now it has been over-interpreted by many people as: a political statement by various forces.

This misunderstanding is exactly what Hudson wants to see. He never had too many younger brothers, even those who had their own agendas could still shout a few times.

If it works well, it can also be used to bluff people. Hudson is experienced in bluffing.

Many of them may seem accidental, but they are actually inevitable. This grand banquet was no exception.

There are so many people here because the connections are mutual. Today, others came over to support him. If someone else needs it one day, Hudson will also have to run over and help stand up.

The connections and resources of nobles are terrifying, and it is essentially a drama of mutual flattery. The reason why the performance can go on and on is because the actors are so deeply involved in the play that they take it seriously when they act.

There is nothing wrong with this idea when you are strong. Everyone is happy to do the icing on the cake and enjoy the dividends brought by network resources.

Once the power declines, it's another story. Generally speaking, having many friends is definitely easier than having no friends.

As the protagonist of the banquet, Hudson was like a hard-working bee, constantly shuttling in the hall.

Important guests should be received with emphasis, and ordinary guests who come to support the ceremony should not be neglected either.

I had to say the words without nutrition over and over again, until my throat was almost smoking, before I met all the guests face to face.

Don’t lose your personality!

Arrogance is destined not to belong to small and medium-sized nobles. If you want to get ahead, you must be courteous to the corporal and show kindness to everyone as much as possible.

Compared to Hudson's secret complaints, Baron Redman, who was also hanging around the banquet, was very proud of himself, which made him sigh at the power of his spiritual power.

It's normal to think about it. After living in the same place for most of his life, he finally crossed the class with his son. He can show it off, which naturally makes him feel full of energy.

After wandering around for a while, he returned to the group of strong men, and his style of painting became bold and bold again.

Fortunately, the banquet was divided into two parts, otherwise the scene of people and monsters cooking together would be seen by people outside. While they were heartbroken, they would have to clap their hands and shout - OK.

It was all the fault of Bear Stearns. He messed up last time at the Governor's Mansion, and now he is getting retribution.

Simply, Hudson was prepared and prepared the Warcraft package in advance. Although the standard is not as high as the banquet at the Governor's Mansion, it is more successful because of its large quantity and full capacity.

Roast sheep and cows are served whole, and animal milk and honey are also served in pots.

Unfortunately, not all monsters are good at this. Except for the bear monster, the other monsters are mainly interested in meat.

“The mainland is afraid of chaos.

The orcs in the north began to become restless again, and there were various signs that they were preparing their troops and the invasion of the south was imminent.

The only uncertainty is where they will focus their attack. I hope it’s not the Alpha Kingdom, otherwise we’d be in trouble.

What is even more despicable is that at this critical moment, the Holy See is still restless. The conflict with us ended not long ago, and it has recently come into conflict with the Frankish Kingdom.

They shamelessly claimed that their king was illegal. Do you really think they were still dominating the continent?

What do you mean?

Just wait, as the most powerful country on the mainland, the Frankish Kingdom will not give them face.

If I wake up one day and a bunch of new Holy Sees suddenly appear, I won’t be surprised at all!

Now it depends on which country is willing to take the lead. Anyway, our Alpha Kingdom will most likely follow suit. "

Longwell said mockingly.

As an earth knight, he had personally practiced on the orc battlefield. But it was just a medium-sized raid south, and only two of the five orc royal courts came.

Even so, the Alpha Kingdom suffered heavy losses. It took 200,000 troops and 500,000 civilian casualties to drive the orcs out.

In Longwell's view, it was not so much driving the orcs out, but rather relying on the fortress defense line to wear out, which made the orc empire's logistics weak and forced to withdraw.

It's not a question of being cowardly or not. No one really wants to face such a difficult big guy like the Orc Empire.

Originally, the invasion of light orcs from the south would be troublesome enough. However, the Holy See is still worried and keeps causing trouble on the mainland.

The last time they supported the Skull and Bones Society, they accidentally exposed the existence of the "Blood Moon Horn", and the Alpha Kingdom followed the clues and found their way to them.

This time, due to the change in the throne of the Frank Kingdom, the selected supporters had some minor accidents, and accidentally got involved.

There is no doubt that the Holy See's investment must have failed and it lost all its money. If not, the Pope would not have declared the new king illegal in anger.

It's a pity that this means nothing. The nobles voted directly with their feet, and the support of the Holy See's opposition was correct.

Illegal, right?

After the Holy See announced this decision, all the human nations that were still waiting to see the situation and did not immediately recognize the new king of the Frankish Kingdom expressed their stance and recognized his legitimacy.

As for the lack of the pope participating in the coronation ceremony, it is also very simple, just downgrade it and hold it. If there is no pope to preside, then just pick a random bishop to make up the numbers.

Anyway, this is nothing new. In the Alpha Kingdom, the king appoints an archbishop, and the archbishop presides over the coronation ceremony of the king's succession.

Because the Frankish Kingdom is the most powerful country in the human race, its cards are bigger. Every time there is a change in the throne, the Pope personally presides over it.

Now that the two sides have completely fallen out, let's just play it by ourselves. Anyway, in terms of military strength, the Frankish Kingdom is almost the same as the Holy See.

“Not only these, it is said that the South Bank Kingdom recently had a conflict with the Ash Dwarves, and the Hessian Kingdom had another conflict with the Mountain Dwarves.

The Dante Kingdom in the east seems to be in conflict with the Elf Kingdom now due to the issue of slave hunting.

There are countless similar small conflicts. It feels like overnight, the human race has become the enemy of the whole world. "

Magister Antar sighed with emotion.

"Antar, you are making too much fuss. Since we became the overlord of the continent, when have we, the human race, not been the enemy of the entire world?

No matter which race becomes the overlord of the continent, they will all enjoy this kind of treatment.

Even if they were peace-loving elves, when they ruled the continent hundreds of thousands of years ago, weren't they the same enemies in the world?

As the overlord of the mainland, how can we be afraid of these conspiracies and tricks? If you want to come, come and come. It's just a matter of time to resolve all the troubles.

As long as the human race countries don't fight among themselves, even if they are put together, they will not be enough for us to fight. What's there to be afraid of?

As long as we withstand the invasion of the orcs, other battlefields have nothing to do with us. Even if it wanted to take care of it, the Alpha Kingdom didn't have the strength.

Today is different from the past. With the combined efforts of the three kingdoms, we may not be able to severely damage the Orc Empire.

If we can hurt the orcs' vitality, we will not only be able to regain the lost ground, but also push the front a thousand or eight hundred miles north.

Repeatedly three or five times, we can also turn the Orc Empire into history and completely eliminate this enemy that threatens the survival of our human race! "

Magister Claude said domineeringly.

A hawk among magicians is rare. Most magicians are known for their rationality, and only a few of them are full of passion.

The Magister Claude in front of him was undoubtedly an alternative among the alternative. As far as Hudson knew, this man not only talked about war, but also practiced various war weapons.

There is no doubt that these war weapons are inseparable from magic. No one knows what the specific results will be, but this spirit is definitely worth admiring.

If the human magicians come up with more powerful weapons, maybe the battlefield in Northern Xinjiang will not remain passive.

Seeing the heated discussion among the powerful people, Hudson could only be a silent listener. The lack of information sources robbed him of his right to speak.

Not to mention the entire continent, even the Koslow family was slower to receive news of the changes that occurred within the Alpha Kingdom.

The slower the message is received, the slower the message is delivered. Unless it might involve their own interests, everyone didn't pass this idea to each other at all.

It's all caused by poverty.

If each branch really took the initiative to collect information and conduct information transmission and exchange in a timely manner, it would cost at least several thousand gold coins every year.

There are hundreds of branches, large and small, and it seems that when amortized, it doesn't seem to be much. But the problem is that there are many branches in the middle, which is really poor.

Some even failed to keep their noble family status and directly became commoners.

If it hadn't been for Hudson's active invitation and becoming a civilian offshoot, he wouldn't have participated in this event at all.

Maybe something should be done?

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