
Chapter 140 Unreliable Plan

The celebration banquet is over, but the influence continues to spread.

The political interpretation gave this banquet a special meaning.

In the eyes of ordinary nobles, this was a statement by the major forces in the province to accept the Koslow family's "return" to the ranks of middle-class nobles.

Although the overall strength of the Mountain Territory is still somewhat lacking, considering the strength of other branches of the Koslow family, it can still support the lintel of a mid-level noble family.

In addition, the Koslow family originally fell from the ranks of middle-class nobles, and now it is logical to return.

If there are no such foundations, it will be another situation.

Whether they are envious or jealous, everyone is always full of contempt for the nouveau riche.

The counterattack of the small nobles is a copy of hell. It is not only blocked by vested interests, but also faced with the hindrance of the same small noble groups.

This is still a class jump within the aristocratic group. If it were replaced by civilians who wanted to counterattack, they would have to endure even greater criticism and pressure.

Having done everything he could, Hudson didn't dare expect to be liked by everyone.

Those who are on the same path, win over; the neutral camp, plant a seed while stabilizing; the hostile camp, shake the opponent's determination.

Now the goal has been achieved. The younger brothers who originally supported him have become more determined.

The wallflowers who were swaying left and right were preparing to stand in support of Viscount Sith, but now the balance has tilted again.

Even the Northern nobles, who were obviously hostile, did not have as much confidence in the Sith as before.

A strong dragon will not overwhelm a local snake.

They have experienced this principle personally.

The impact on the outside world is secondary, and the biggest impact is on the Koslow family.

The time to place your bets has come again. Now, Hudson is no longer a potential stock, but a high-growth stock that has completed its transformation.

It's okay to have a branch of the foundation. The fiefdom thing can't be moved, so it must be carefully considered.

Without the declining branches of the industry, there is nothing to hesitate about. They have been reduced to hanging around with common people, so what else is there to worry about?

It's better to hang out with your own family than to wander and struggle outside. At the very least, Hudson is willing to pay for the basic training resources of his descendants.

If you continue to mess around, you may not be able to get the fief.

But the most basic respectability of the nobility can be maintained. With the same family crest, they can confidently call themselves a son of the nobility when they go out.

How many descendants of the Koslow family are there?

This is a confusing account.

The strong fertility has created branches of various sizes. It is hard to even figure out how many branches there are, let alone how many clan members there are.

But this doesn't bother Hudson.

In the continent of Aslant, which pays great attention to bloodline inheritance, there are many ways to identify bloodline, and it is impossible to try to get through the test by trying to muddle through.

Anyone who is willing to come over will accept the order, and then all bloodline identification will be completed. It just so happens that Hudson has this magic in his hands.

Talents are always better when they are more.

No matter how miserable the fallen nobles are, the upper limit of their training potential is still much higher than that of ordinary people.

Although the family was in decline, there was still a lot of knowledge that was passed down through word of mouth.

If you have close blood relatives who are doing well, you can also foster your children with noble relatives and enjoy educational resources together.

These children all have a certain foundation, and with a little training, they will be good management talents.

For the current mountainous areas, basic talents are enough. Higher-level talents can be screened out slowly.

“Hudson, these younger generations are all left to you.

You are not required to train them all to become talents. At least you cannot let them live worse than they are now. "

Baron Redman said earnestly.

Although there were many family elders present, due to his status, only Baron Redman was qualified to say this.

It seemed that it was meant for Hudson, but it was also meant for the whole clan.

The implication is very clear, care is necessary, but there are too many children in the family, and it is impossible to take care of everyone. The limited resources can only be tilted towards the truly capable younger generations.

Perhaps it is indeed a bit cruel to the younger generations of the family, but who makes the Koslow family too prosperous?

There were hundreds of young people present, and I don’t know how many there were before they came.

Even the great nobles could not do all the key training, let alone the new Viscount Hudson.

If they don't show some potential, no one is willing to spend resources on them.

"Don't worry, father!

I am experienced in leading troops, and I will not let my pearl become dusty!"

Hudson said confidently.

The unique geographical location of the Alpha Kingdom determines that the nobles of the kingdom are full of martial spirit. Quite a bit, everything is inferior, only the "strong" are superior.

The military is undoubtedly a place where strong men are trained. It just so happened that the Mountain Territory was famous for its "strong military" in the southeastern province. Everyone knew that Hudson was not only good at fighting, but also good at training troops.

Compared with other places, the military is undoubtedly the easiest to stand out. Even if he is just a junior officer, he still has potential and has more status than an ordinary steward.

They are all members of the family. After making great contributions, it is not too much to get a share of life essence, right?

Even after the age of optimal knight training, as long as you can become a knight, it will be a revival for many declining branches.

If Hudson directly said that these people would be used as ordinary management personnel, I am afraid that all the clan members present would be so angry that they would faint.

These are all minor problems, and the army also has a elimination rate. If one's own talent is insufficient and they are eliminated during training, no one can say anything.

After all, you could end up on the battlefield at any time while hanging around in the army. It would be irresponsible to everyone to let untrained children go to the battlefield.

After being eliminated, they will be trained in the direction of basic management talents, that is, Mr. Hudson cares about family ties.

Amidst the fun between the guests and the host, the Koslow family completed its first big gathering in a century. There are three main results:

1. Copy all the knowledge in each family's hands and store it in the mountain territory to enrich the family's heritage. Children from all families can come and learn for free.

2. All sectors should contribute their talents and efforts to jointly promote the development of mountainous areas.

3. Strengthen exchanges and cooperation, especially intelligence and military linkage, to prepare for the orc invasion.

There are more specific implementation details.

Generally speaking, it is to strengthen the family's strength as much as possible to cope with the upcoming big changes.

A group of branches with fiefdoms were even assigned army expansion tasks based on the actual situation.

Theoretically, once this army expansion plan is completed, the total force that the entire Koslow family can mobilize will exceed 12,000 people.

On paper, this military strength ranks among the top five among the middle-class nobles in the kingdom.

However, Hudson is not so optimistic. Plans are always just plans, and the details still depend on the implementation.

The Koslow family could not afford to maintain such a large standing army, so this large army was essentially composed of serf soldiers.

During the busy farming season, you definitely have to work in the fields. Only during the slack farming season would the lord organize regular training.

Whether it is to practice once a day, once every three days, or once every ten days and a half, it depends on your specific execution ability.

Maybe there are some lazy guys whose training intensity cannot keep up with the reserves of the Mountain Territory. At least Mr. Hudson has been training the reserves every ten days.

The only thing that is certain is that a trained army is stronger than an untrained army.

Even if the chance of seeing blood is limited to hunting with the lord, he still has more fighting ability than the serf who just put down his hoe.

They were all forced out.

Who made everyone obsessed with regaining their ancestral land and insisted that Hudson come up with a feasible plan?

Needless to say, the most feasible thing is to strengthen its own military strength.

As long as the Koslow family has tens of thousands of elites on hand after the next orc invasion is over, they can easily regain their ancestral land.

There is no doubt that this is an almost impossible task. We can't afford tens of thousands of troops now, let alone after the war.

The so-called plan to regain the ancestral land is actually the moon in the water and the flower in the mirror.

But you always have to have dreams. If you don’t have dreams, how can Hudson help everyone?

Without a high-level reason, why would each lineage send their children to support the development of the mountain territory?

When it comes to family honor, there are many things where there is no choice at all. Even though everyone is equally skeptical about Hudson's plan, it is still the most feasible in theory.

After finally returning to the ranks of middle-class nobles, if the Koslow family doesn't take some practical actions to regain their ancestral land, how can they be embarrassed to hang out in the noble circle?

Not being able to do it and not doing it are two different concepts. The former is a question of ability, and the latter is a question of attitude.

I really thought that everyone was doing well in the south, but they still wanted to jump into the sinkhole in the north?

Perhaps the older generation, who are deeply influenced by the glory of their family, indeed regard regaining their ancestral land as their lifelong wish; but most of the younger generation, including Hudson, have no love for the Northland.

Not wanting to do it and not doing it are two different concepts. Even Caesar III still shouted slogans every day to regain the kingdom's homeland?

The king cannot break away from the rules of the game, let alone the small Koslow family.

It's a pity that her beloved concubine's status is also limited. If it weren't for the contribution of offering the water of life, it is unknown whether she is still here now.

Since becoming the crown prince, Alex has had more fun. Now this is considered normal, but it is only exaggerated when holding a banquet, where you would directly bring your concubines to play and exchange with the guests.

It was a nightmare for all the concubines in the mansion. As long as they are asked to participate, it means that their good days are over.

What happens next depends entirely on Crown Prince Alex's mood.

According to this desperate method, the probability of Crown Prince Alex walking ahead of Crown Prince Beamon is almost 99%.

With such a large initial investment, I don’t know if the Holy See can afford the sunk cost. Anyway, Xander who came in undercover can’t afford it.

There is no point in persuading. The outcome of speaking will most likely be that you lie under that guy's body and enjoy it.

She was obviously disgusting, but she had to act like she was enjoying it. Xander couldn't bear it.

If possible, she wanted to kill the guy in front of her immediately.

It's a pity that people in the Holy See can't help themselves, they can't just follow their own tempers, they must prioritize their tasks.

Control Alex and influence the decisions of the Orc Empire?

Xander was very suspicious that the higher-ups of the Holy See who made this decision were out of their minds. With the performance of this guy in front of him, even if he succeeds to the Behemoth throne, he will still be ignored.

Maybe if the front foot ascends to the throne, a coup will occur on the back foot.

The concept of respecting the strong has long penetrated into every corner of the Orc Empire. Violence is written in their bones, and they cannot accept a useless emperor.

"Everyone, go down, I want to rest!"

This is the habit of Crown Prince Alex. No matter how much fun he has, he will not leave a group of concubines overnight when sleeping.

After watching everyone leave, Crown Prince Alex, who was originally full of lust, seemed to have suddenly changed, and his whole person became gloomy.

After quickly putting on his clothes, a secret door suddenly opened, and a vague shadow appeared in the hall filled with lust.

"Lord, please take care of yourself. If this continues..."

Before Shadow could finish speaking, Alex interrupted with a wave of his hand:

"Okay, Silver Charm.

There is no need to say this over and over again if it makes no sense.

I know what my body is like.

This romantic drama has been going on for decades, how could it stop at the last moment? What's more, I can't stop now just because I want to.

The old guy doesn't have a few more years to live. If he wants to maintain the current filial piety of father and son, this scene must continue.

There are no secrets hidden in this mansion, and it is filled with spies from all forces. In order to monitor my every move, they sent over elites who spent a lot of money to train me.

Since hospitality is hard to refuse, why should I reject their kindness?

How are your preparations going?

I guess the old guy's patience is about to run out. The pitiful love between father and son, after so many years of consumption, who knows how much is left? "

As he spoke, Alex couldn't help but burst into tears. For so many years, he seemed to be singing, dancing, and having fun every day, but in fact, he couldn't express the pain in his heart.

If possible, he would rather not know the secret and spend his life in confusion like the previous brothers.

Unfortunately, there was no other way. He accidentally broke in and found that his deceased brother's coffin was empty, which aroused his curiosity.

After this investigation, he discovered the shocking secret, which directly changed his life.

The original hard-working Alex no longer exists, replaced by the lustful and indulgent Alex.

I thought I could indulge myself, live a mediocre life despite being stigmatized by the outside world.

Unexpectedly, the unwillingness deep in his heart still failed to make him lie down.

In order to gain a chance of survival and to ask for an explanation from the person he was closest to in the past, Alex decided to resist the established fate.

After years of planning, it was finally time to close the net, but Alex was still suffering in his heart.

There is both the fear of impending disaster and the family affection that is difficult to let go. Except for that unspeakable thing, Emperor Behemoth was really impeccable towards their brothers.

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