
Chapter 142 Mysterious Meeting

Dadir City also received the edict from the royal capital, and Sith obviously knew more information than Hudson.

As early as a few months ago, the Grand Duke of Kavadia sent a warning letter, mentioning the smoke in the North, asking him to establish a foothold in Wright County as soon as possible.

In recent communications, he was frequently reminded that the situation in the North was tense, and a batch of supplies was also sent to him.

Sometimes knowing too much is not a good thing.

Ever since he realized that the war in Northern Xinjiang was imminent, Sith had never been happy. Even if he succeeded in getting the position of county guard, he could not let go of his worries.

Suddenly receiving an edict to confer a title in advance, Sith's mood became even heavier.

Second-generation children rely on their father to live a comfortable life.

Once the war in Northern Xinjiang breaks out and the Felix family has too much to take care of itself, will Grand Duke Cavadia still care about his illegitimate son?

There is no need to start a fight, as long as the situation in the north is tense enough, there is no need to worry about this side.

Without the support of the Grand Duke's father, life would be difficult for him as an outsider.

It was originally thought that by seizing the position of county governor, he would be able to gather a group of outsiders and establish his rule over Wright County.

The ideal is very full, but the reality is very skinny.

A group of big shots among the local aristocracy just went to the mountains to show off their appearance, and the outsiders started to distance themselves from him.

Without enough support from the younger brothers, just a group of northern aristocratic children holding together would obviously not be enough in the following troubled times.

"Master, don't worry too much. After so many years, the family will definitely be able to survive this time..."

Sith shook his head secretly at the persuasion of the Feren steward.

Now there is no time to worry about the family. How can an illegitimate son have any family cohesion? What he is worried about is himself!

Conferring a title in advance also means fulfilling obligations to the kingdom in advance. If a war starts in Northern Xinjiang, as a noble lord, he also needs to lead troops to the battlefield.

Under normal circumstances, the private armies of nobles on the battlefield were organized into geographical units, and the county guard often commanded the entire county's army.

If a full-scale war broke out, a large county like Wright County would have assembled an army of ten thousand people in the past.

The number sounds huge, but in fact, in a war of this scale, it is no longer possible to rely on the outside world for logistical supplies.

What's more, if you start fighting on your own land, there is no place to rob it.

In order to ensure logistics supply, the number of auxiliary troops is often larger than that of the main combat troops, usually accounting for 50 to 60%.

If the battle line is too long, the auxiliary army may account for 70% to 80% of the total. If fighting along the coast or along the river, it is possible that the auxiliary troops can be reduced to 20% to 30%.

Theoretically speaking, as the leader of an army, even on the battlefield in northern Xinjiang, Sith can be considered an upper-middle-class officer.

But that's just theory. The prerequisite for forming an army is that the little nobles below are willing to team up with him.

In order to increase the survival rate on the battlefield, the kingdom encourages grouping. The kind of nobles who are full of contradictions and who can tell at a glance that they are going to stab each other will never appear on the same battlefield.

It is a common phenomenon in the kingdom to form legions based on family members and neighbors.

They were all forced out by the orcs.

On the northern front, the Alpha Kingdom has always been at a disadvantage. In order to survive, everyone must unite as much as possible.

With the current situation in Wright County, Siss doesn't think Hudson will team up with him.

Without the participation of the local nobles, it is a miracle that the Northern Xinjiang nobles, whose vitality is severely damaged, can muster an army of 3,000.

This number sounds like a lot. If there are three thousand elites, it will not be bad on the battlefield.

Unfortunately, the nobles of the North suffered a heavy blow not long ago, and the elite soldiers they brought over were exiled to the front line in advance because they participated in robbery.

Unable to gather an army, he only had two choices: either return to the northern Xinjiang army with his team, or mix with the army from a small local county.

If he could go back, Sith wouldn't have to worry.

The feudal nobles have the responsibility to protect their territory. If you want to make strategic changes, just dream!

When he follows the army of the northern Xinjiang feudal nobles, it's okay when he wins the battle. But if he loses the battle, others can't run away. Can he be allowed to leave with the team?

Like other small county armies, they had no good life. At the very least, the leadership cannot be in his hands.

Even if he has rich experience in Sith combat, it is useless. Governor Pierce will not let the Northland nobles get ahead of him. This is a matter of principle.

But these are bearable. The key is that the combat effectiveness of this kind of troops with inconsistent command is often very impressive.

If you are not careful, the whole army will be defeated. If you are lucky, you can save a life. If you are not lucky, you will be killed on the spot.

The Kingdom of Alpha has a strict system. Unless you suffer heavy losses while executing orders and achieving military exploits, you can go back to reorganize the army first and come back after resting.

Otherwise, even if the army is gone, there is no way to withdraw from the battlefield to recuperate.

Paddling on the battlefield does not exist.

If you don't have any soldiers, you can join other armies to fight.

Every knight is the main force on the battlefield, and it is difficult to leave easily before the end of the war.

Without these restrictions, the casualty rate among nobles would not have remained high.

Now let's see how high the status of these northern nobles is in their own family. Can we get family investment again despite the previous failure?

The main reason is that the time is too close. If it takes three to five years and everyone recovers, he won't have to worry so much.

Thinking of this, he envied Hudson. Although he is from a minor noble family, he can climb up the ladder very quickly!

He suddenly became the backbone of the family. Once the war broke out, all the branches would come to join forces.

The family alone can form an army, plus the younger brothers who follow the trend, the followers who follow the trend, and some relatives and friends who are willing to come and join forces, maybe two armies can be assembled.

Although the combat effectiveness of this patchwork of troops is worrying, as reinforcements to support the front line, most of the time they perform city defense tasks.

The kingdom's senior officials are not stupid. It is absolutely crazy to use a team cobbled together by small and medium-sized nobles to fight the orcs in the wild.

Looking at the densely packed castles and fortresses in the North, you can tell that when facing the invasion of the orcs, the Alpha Kingdom mainly focuses on defense.

Some important fortresses usually store enough water and food for the defenders to consume for three years.

The only ones who can really compete with the orc army are the kingdom's standing army and the elites of the great nobles.

“With great power comes great responsibility.”

No joke.

If the Alpha Kingdom hadn't united and faced the outside world every time it reached a critical moment, it would have been destroyed by the orcs ten times.

In Maple Leaf Collar, Baron Keterai's face turned even gloomier and terrifying after receiving the message.

I don't know if he encountered a curse, but everything has gone wrong for him since he went south.

Several attempts were made, but all ended in failure. Although losses were avoided by relying on super emergency response capabilities, failure is still failure.

Frankly speaking, among the territories in the two counties, the development of Maple Leaf Territory is not bad.

I am afraid of comparison in everything. Compared with the Mountain Territory next door, the development of the Maple Leaf Territory is simply indescribable.

If it were in peaceful times, slowly developing would not be a problem. Keterai has figured it out a long time ago, and now he no longer wants to compare with his good neighbor.

Unfortunately, the Lord of the Dawn did not bless him, and the increasingly tense situation in the North broke Baron Kettle's illusions.

"Uncle Holman, do you think I should accept the Sith's solicitation now?"

There are no eternal enemies among nobles, and with the settlement of the position of Sheriff, Keterai is no longer a competitor of the Sith.

Especially after the opposition faction's strength was severely damaged, now the two sides are not on the same level at all, and they are not even qualified to become competitors.

Without being a competitor, Baron Kettle has the value of being attracted. The elite soldiers in your hands are the best bargaining chips.

Although it can only be left outside and cannot return to the territory for a short period of time, as long as the war breaks out, all this will no longer be a problem.

"Caitley, this issue can only be judged by yourself. When it comes to strategic vision, no one in the younger generation of the family can match you.

This question should be based on the current situation and whether you are optimistic about the development prospects of the Sith.

But the problem is that our status is too embarrassing. If we return to the family, we will go back to the old path.

Northern Xinjiang is not a long-awaited place, it was left behind by the divination of our ancestors. Just because nothing has happened for so many years doesn't mean that nothing will happen to the family.

Most of the younger generation are now outside, and the family is obviously aware of the danger.

My identity is not enough, and the information I understand is limited. There may be greater dangers that are difficult to reveal. "

Knight Holman thought for a moment and said.

I originally thought that the nobles in southern Xinjiang were all soft persimmons, and they could quickly gain a foothold in the south. Unfortunately, their luck was really bad. As soon as they came here, they encountered powerful neighbors, forcing them to keep to themselves.

"Uncle Holman, you misunderstood. I finally jumped out of the vortex in the North, how could I send myself back again?

The problem is that the West is not having a good time now, and the biggest force in Wright County is next door to us. I think you have felt how strong the Mountain Territory is.

The accumulation of the Koslow family can support a middle-class noble family, and Hudson's personal ability is even more unmatched.

I'm afraid that if the battle in Northern Xinjiang continues, the Sith will be squeezed out. After all, it is much easier to annex ready-made land than to open up wasteland. "

Baron Kettle said hesitantly.

The county governor not only enjoys dividends, but also has to bear corresponding obligations.

Leaving aside everything else, whether taxes can be collected is still unknown.

Even if there are people in the capital, they are beyond reach. The Governor's Mansion will only put pressure on Sith, and it is impossible to personally send people to help him collect taxes from the local nobles.

If it cannot be done, the Governor's Office will hand over the job to someone who is capable. Kettle had no doubt that Hudson could persuade the provincial leadership.

The loss of taxation power is equivalent to the loss of fiscal power. The kingdom does not pay salaries to county officials. All income depends on profit sharing from taxes.

Not only is it financial power, but when a war breaks out, an army must be formed to go out. If the local nobles are left to their own devices, the Sith will also lose most of their military power.

A county governor who has lost both his financial and military powers is just a rubber stamp. Not only cannot they take care of their younger brothers, but they may also be targeted.

"You want to switch sides?"

Knight Holman asked in surprise.

Without waiting for Baron Kettle's answer, he added another sentence:

"What price did the Viscount of the Mountain offer?"

Taking sides has never been a problem for nobles.

Although they were from the North, it was only a loose alliance. It can be born because of interests, and it can also be dispersed because of interests.

He is not a vassal of the Sith and has never surrendered, so there is no question of betrayal.

As long as the interests are suitable, Holman doesn't have a problem with changing sides. Just like the former outcasts among the local nobles, they deliberately moved closer to the Sith.

"If he made a bid, I wouldn't have to worry about it. From beginning to end, that person was just secretly showing goodwill.

It should be the pressure from the local noble camp that prevented him from making up his mind. Maybe after the war breaks out, the environment will be more relaxed for us.

Not only me, most of the nobles in the North have received the hint. I haven't seen Sith in action yet. I don't know if he really doesn't know or is just pretending to be confused. "

Baron Kettle said helplessly.

The most troubling part is here, just showing kindness does not talk about treatment. This kind of wooing is the most annoying.

Agree, I'm afraid the treatment won't keep up and I'll be reduced to cannon fodder.

Refuse, and worry that other nobles of the same camp will switch sides, and eventually become the unlucky ones who are marginalized along with the Sith.

al-bayda city

Stepping into this familiar place again, Hudson's identity is completely different.

The imperial edict also caused an uproar among the provincial high-level officials. In order to cope with the upcoming changes, Earl Pierce initiated this high-level meeting.

As a representative of Wright County, Hudson was also honored to be invited.

No matter how much friction there is at home, once they appear on the battlefield in Northern Xinjiang, everyone is still the best ally.

If you form a team with people who are familiar with each other, you can at least get to know each other a little bit, and you can roughly judge the other party's lower limit.

Aristocrats like Hudson, who have a good reputation and never betray their teammates, are always the most liked by their teammates. It can be seen from the smiles in everyone's eyes that everyone welcomes him to join.

After scanning the participants, Hudson found that except for himself, who represented Wright County and replaced Viscount Heath, the rest were all county governors.

Counting Viscount Caillaux, seven of the fifteen counties in the Southeast Province belong to the Dalton family. The name of the first family in the province is fully deserved.

"This is intelligence collected by the Governor's Mansion. You can circulate it to each other, but you are prohibited from leaking any of the information to the outside world.

This confidentiality contract was made by a master alchemist. Before the meeting officially starts, please sign it first. "

Earl Pierce said seriously.

Trust does not exist. Governor Pierce obviously believes more in the power of magical contracts than everyone's moral integrity.

Perhaps this is also the reason why everyone can cooperate closely on the battlefield. There is a magic contract, and breaking the agreement will cost you a lot.

The bigger a person is, the more he cherishes his life.

Unless absolutely necessary, few people are willing to risk their lives for breach of contract.

After confirming that the contract was limited to keeping the conversation secret permanently and that there were no other traps, Hudson also signed his name.

Vaguely, he felt an extra restraint on himself. But this feeling passed away in a flash, obviously this was the power of the contract.

Without breaking the agreement, this mysterious power will naturally not be triggered. What will happen if there is a breach of contract? Hudson has not lived enough and is not ready to commit suicide for the time being.

After taking out all these treasures, Hudson became more and more interested in the conversation that followed.

But after reading the information that was passed around, Hudson was no longer calm.

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