
Chapter 143 The King’s Secret Order

The chaotic situation on the mainland is overwhelming. The various chaotic forces seemed to have made an appointment and jumped out to cause trouble together.

The Alpha Kingdom can be at peace because the big BOSS of the Orc Empire is about to kill him.

For all major human forces, goalkeepers are still necessary.

Even if the Holy See wants to cause trouble, it just wants to stir up disputes and then benefit from it.

No one is so stupid that they really want the Alpha Kingdom to end immediately.

Without this powerful goalkeeper, if the orcs marched straight in and attacked, it would threaten the dominance of the human race on the mainland.

To aliens, humans are not a good thing, but being unable to stand up to orcs is even more despicable.

The many races in the Orc Empire did not come together naturally, but were the result of an alliance formed by five rogue races and conquests in various places.

The fact that humans were able to seize the hegemony of the continent was largely due to the orcs' massacre, which severely damaged the vitality of all the alien races.

Two dogs fight, play off.

The human race was the one who took advantage. Taking advantage of the orc boss's unpreparedness, he united all races to give them a hard blow.

Now that the human race is in charge, essentially nothing has changed. The only difference is that humans have stronger political methods and have learned to cover up and frame things.

They don't seem to be as cruel as orcs. Most of the time they like to attack in secret, and they like to whitewash peace on the surface.

No matter how hard you try to hide it, there will eventually come a time when you are betrayed. Even if you don't react at the time when you suffer a loss, you will slowly come to your senses later.

Without any surprise, it was soon the turn of the human race to become the public enemy of the mainland.

They are all for the better survival of the race, and there is no talk of justice and evil. Whichever side you sit on is the right side.

As a member of the human race, Hudson would naturally not complain about the alien race. There is destined to be only one overlord on the mainland, and there will be no power without competition.

Putting down the information in his hands, Hudson took a breath and admitted that his knowledge had increased again.

Leaving aside the situation in various countries on the mainland, it has nothing to do with him for a while anyway. The key is that the Orc Empire has begun to prepare for war.

Just these things make him troubled at most, but definitely not surprising.

To the orcs, the southern invasion is as simple as eating and sleeping.

Almost all advanced orc races will participate in the southern invasion. It would be incomplete without the beasts that invaded the south.

The problem is that this military expansion and war preparations were first initiated from the Behemoth Imperial Court. The old Emperor Behemoth actually had no objection this time.

On the surface, it was a compromise with the war faction in order to promote Prince Alex to the throne, but Hudson knew that this explanation was pure nonsense.

For a crown prince who enjoys eating, drinking, and having fun, if you want him to succeed to the throne safely, the best way is to do nothing instead of starting a war.

Emperor Behemoth is not young, and has long exceeded the normal expiration date of Behemoth.

If Emperor Beamon suddenly disappeared during the war, how could Crown Prince Alex stabilize the situation?

When something goes wrong, there must be a monster.

I don’t know what Emperor Behemoth wants to play this time, but the pace of war is approaching. If a coquettish old man at the end of his life goes crazy, no one knows what will happen.

Faced with this strange situation, it is inevitable for the Kingdom to actively respond. Every full-scale invasion by orcs is a test for the Alpha Kingdom. If you are not careful, the country will be destroyed and the family will be destroyed.

"You have all read the information. There must be something wrong behind Emperor Behemoth's sudden change.

I don’t know what it is specifically, but once the orc invasion breaks out this time, it will definitely not be a small incident.

Although there are two more allies to share the pressure, once it becomes the main direction of the orcs' attack, the pressure they need to bear is still not small.

The Southeast Province is the kingdom's rear area. Once a war breaks out, we will not only provide money and food, but also send troops to participate in the war.

Now everyone must make preparations. If war suddenly breaks out, the troop dispatch assigned to our southeastern province should be between 150,000 and 250,000.

Although these troops are not sent out at once, the number of the first batch of expeditionary troops will not be less than 80,000 at least.

If the frontline is tense during wartime, it is normal for the amount of conscription to be doubled.

After the last all-out war and the defeat of the front line, the kingdom reached its most critical moment, but was forced to implement three-digit draw.

Sending a serf who has just laid down his hoe to the battlefield is simply giving the enemy a head. It's all about taking human lives and delaying the orcs' attack speed.

We must not make the same mistake a second time!

I invite you here today because I hope you can expand your armaments as much as possible and train as many elite troops as possible before the war breaks out.

Not only the standing army, but also ordinary serfs now have to participate in military training. Be prepared for the worst.

His Majesty has issued a secret order that from now on, the kingdom will be in a state of all-military warfare to welcome this orc invasion with the strongest possible attitude.

After you return, you must not only prepare for war with all your strength, but also urge the lords below to expand their armies and prepare for war.

The secret order cannot be leaked. I don't care how it is implemented. Anyway, once a war breaks out, you all have to provide me with troops capable of fighting a tough battle.

This is a race war and there are no conditions. The continent of Aslant follows the law of the jungle, and losers are not qualified to live in this continent! "

Earl Pierce's words made everyone tremble. Everyone's expressions became serious.

All the people are soldiers?

What a crazy idea.

It seems like it's just a secret order from Caesar III, but actually being able to get it here means that all the major forces in the kingdom have already discussed it in advance.

It’s unclear exactly what happened, but Hudson knew something was wrong. It was obvious that these big forces were aware of the danger and that was why they made such a big fuss.

Regardless of whether this plan can be realized in the end. Just making this political gesture is very scary.

This means that if there is a big defeat on the front line, the Alpha Kingdom will really enter a state of all-military status. Regardless of whether they can complete the training, young men will be armed and sent to the battlefield.

After hesitating for a while, Hudson finally did not speak. Race wars are always the most cruel. Either you die or you die.

The situation on the mainland is now turbulent. If a war breaks out and all human countries are stymied by all kinds of messy things, the situation may really deteriorate to that point.

It is better to prepare for the worst in advance and pull out all the serfs for training than to be unprepared when the enemy comes.

"Your Majesty the Governor, we will naturally implement the king's secret order. But the problem is that the expenditure required to include all people in the training is not small.

Our families can basically afford this expense, and we can get through it just by gritting our teeth.

The question is what to do with the little nobles below?

There was a locust plague last year, and everyone's grain reserves dropped a lot. Some small nobles who are not wealthy may find it difficult to bear this burden. "

Viscount Oran said worriedly.

As the front line for the entry of the locust army, Qiaomu County's losses directly ranked among the highest in the province.

Not only was the food in the fields gone, but many wooden houses were gnawed by locusts.

The granaries of some unlucky nobles were broken into by the locust army and completely looted.

As a good boss, he naturally has to consider his younger brothers. If you ignore the actual situation and follow the orders mechanically, it will be very sad.

It's just that Hudson found himself being connoted, and he was the poorest among those present. "Basically able to afford it", in other words: the Koslow family cannot afford it.

But everything has pros and cons. With so many people training, weapons and equipment are indispensable, right?

The nobles are all human beings. Seeing that the great nobles have begun to expand their armies and prepare for war, and have been organized for large-scale military training, but they are still unaware of the danger, there is no need to mess around.

In times of crisis, strengthening strength is naturally indispensable. No matter how inferior an iron weapon is, it is more lethal than holding a wooden stick.

Once business gets better, money will naturally flow from it. By then, Mr. Hudson will also not be short of money.

"Your Majesty the Governor, Viscount Oran is right. The impact of last year's locust plague has not yet completely passed, and it is still unclear what the summer grain harvest will be this season.

Especially in some hard-hit counties, if you want to include serfs in training, food is the first big problem that must be solved.

Come to think of it, His Majesty the King's order is not just for the southeastern provinces. By the time all provinces in the kingdom are trained, the increased food consumption will certainly not be a small amount.

Domestic food prices are likely to be pushed up. Nobles who are not wealthy may find it difficult to afford this expense.

In order to better fulfill His Majesty the King's order, I suggest that the Governor-General purchase a batch of grain from overseas to stabilize the price of grain in the province. "

Hudson suggested immediately.

While speaking, he glanced at Viscount Caillaux and motioned to follow him quickly.

Among the fifteen counties in the southeastern province, Wright and Wyton counties are currently the most economically disadvantaged. Even Qiaomu County, the worst-hit county, is in much better shape.

The price of food has skyrocketed, and those who have suffered the most are the northern nobles. But the local nobles are also uncomfortable.

Taking Hudson himself as an example, he purchases a large amount of grain every year. If you don’t want to pay a high price, you have to owe a favor.

The boss can't stand it, and the younger ones below have an even harder time. Now that something like this happens again, I have to fight for the younger brothers no matter what.

In fact, Hudson had long wanted to purchase food from overseas. Unfortunately, we not only have no port, but also no fleet.

Most of the overseas trade in the Southeast Province is in the hands of the Dalton family, and several other middle-level nobles have also followed in to get a share of the pie, but there is no Koslow family who has just returned to the ranks of middle-level nobles.

If you can't do it yourself, you can only place your hope on the Governor's Mansion. Only when the price of food in the province stabilizes will the mountainous areas have the opportunity to purchase and hoard in large quantities.

Perhaps aware of his hint, Viscount Caillaux frowned, hesitated for a moment, and said bravely: "Your Excellency, Viscount Hudson's proposal is not bad.

Food security is crucial. Although our southeastern province is not short of food, there are too few nobles willing to sell food now.

In order to stabilize the price of food, I propose that the Governor-General provide a limited amount of affordable food on a county-by-county basis, and then everyone present can take it back and distribute it. "

To be honest, Caillot didn't want to suggest this. If the matter is not put on the table and the Dalton family controls the grain trade, the benefits he can gain will only be greater.

But there was no way. With his understanding of his uncle, in front of everyone, there was no way that Count Pierce could refuse such a proposal that would help complete the king's secret order.

"Political correctness" is a rule that big figures must follow. Especially at this moment when unity is needed, we must not do anything that harms unity.

In this case, Viscount Caillaux naturally had to perform for himself. Wyton County is not completely under his control, and this batch of cheap food is undoubtedly a powerful tool to win over people.

It is proposed to distribute the supply of affordable food to everyone present, and by the way, it can also be sold to everyone.

You can know the status by looking at the position sorting.

Even if he is the governor's nephew, he can only be added to the bottom. Hudson, who is also a newcomer, was placed in the fifth position from the bottom.

This is definitely not the mistake of the official responsible for the reception, but the final ranking given based on everyone's comprehensive strength.

Since it is a reflection of strength, the order of positions can also reflect the level of speaking power.

As the most vulnerable existence, if you want to gain a foothold in this, you will definitely not go wrong by selling it to everyone first.

Maybe it was meant to be shown to Count Pierce. He told his uncle with practical actions that his political wisdom was not low and that he had the value of focusing on training.

After scanning everyone, Count Pierce said expressionlessly: "Well, I will arrange for someone to implement this matter.

However, it is not yet clear what the price of grain overseas is. After adding in the freight, the price of the grain shipped back may not be lower than the current market price, so you should be mentally prepared in advance.

If you are short of food, there is still a cargo of fish at the port. The price is relatively cheap, and you can send someone to purchase it. "

Fish meat, except for special species, most wild fish are difficult to taste in the southeastern provinces.

The market for marine fish is even smaller.

Nobles who could afford it were not interested in this stuff. Serfs and commoners who were willing to eat these fish had no money in their pockets.

Except during wartime, when dried fish must be stored and used as military rations, fish products are not popular most of the time.

The main reason is that fresh fish is inconvenient to transport, so it is easier to pickle it into dried fish and store it. The problem is that the price of salt is too expensive, which directly makes all pickled products not cheap.

For the Dalton family, which monopolizes the salt trade, these are naturally not problems. However, the dried fish produced is still not easy to sell in the market except for its own consumption.

Earl Pierce is bringing it up now, naturally not to sell dried fish. Just such a small amount of money is not worth the concern of the princes on his side.

The real purpose is to warn everyone to stay calm. In the event of a food crisis, he, the boss, would lend a helping hand.

Even if food cannot be purchased overseas, the Dalton family has the ability to help solve everyone's food shortage.

"Fish goods" may also be "surplus goods".

"Relatively cheap" clearly means that if you are calm, you can buy cheap goods; if you are restless, you will not be able to purchase supplies even if you have money.

It was an almost naked suggestion. If he couldn't understand the implication, Hudson would be embarrassed to sit here.

Don't worry about so much. At this critical moment, being able to buy enough food is the most important thing.

Regarding the price, he had already been mentally prepared to be ripped off. As long as the price doesn't skyrocket, Hudson is prepared to accept it.

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