
Chapter 144 The military power comes to your door

Leaving Beda City, there was a fleet of cars behind Hudson, which he hired to transport dried fish.

Just because there is inventory at the port does not mean that it cannot be purchased in Beida City. If you go to the port stupidly, you will really be a fool.

Don’t mention the price. It can't be cheap anyway, but it's not sky-highly expensive either.

With food prices remaining high, the price of meat products was a little more expensive, which was acceptable to Hudson, not to mention that it was cured with salt.

How does it taste? Bear Stearns looked disgusted anyway, and it was even less likely that Hudson would be this "dried fish" warrior.

However, this also serves as a reminder that it is necessary to reserve a batch of dried meat in advance for military rations.

In the event of an emergency, these highly nutritious foods can sustain the army for a longer period of time.

All relying on the kingdom's supplies, Hudson did not think that was a reliable thing.

It's not that I'm worried about the bureaucrats causing trouble, it's mainly that the battlefield is changing rapidly, and many accidents are unpredictable.

Maybe during a normal military maneuver, the troops and the grain transport team would pass by. When we meet again depends on whether the Lord of the Morning bless us.

Prepare for a rainy day, there is still time. The trouble is how to organize everyone to carry out nationwide military training.

Unlike a group of county guards, just organize a meeting for everyone, do ideological work, and issue orders.

Hudson, the newly minted military officer of Wright County, was nominally under the control of the county governor.

Although it is possible to dismiss the Viscount of Sith, but after all, the name is not justified. If a quarrel breaks out, it will be a troublesome matter.

After hesitating for a while, Hudson glanced at the direction of Northern Xinjiang and said:

"Tom, in the name of the county's military officer, I am sending a message to everyone, inviting all the nobles in Wright County to come over in three days to participate in the "Comprehensive Combat Skull and Bones Public Security Meeting."

There must be an excuse after all, and the news of comprehensive preparations for war cannot be leaked, so the Skull and Bones Society can only bear everything.

As a cult, it is their duty to take the blame. Any problems that cannot be solved can be blamed on them.

The results have been very good, and it has gradually become a routine.

This is the essence of politics. Even though it knew that the national war preparations were aimed at the orcs when they were launched, the Alpha Kingdom still could not admit it.

The responsibility for provoking the war can only be borne by the orcs. Although it may seem insignificant, the moral high ground must still be occupied.

"Have you not found out any useful information after such a long time?"

The masked man's question made Kallis very embarrassed.

I remember that when he was in the Holy See, he was also an elite person, and he was straightforward in doing things.

After joining the anti-Church organization wearing the vest of Skull and Bones, the situation changed. From the moment he took over the task of finding the "Blood Moon Horn", everything went wrong.

"Holy Lord, I have checked all the nobles who were most likely to come into contact with the Blood Moon Horn that day.

Now there is only the last one left, and the one with the greatest suspicion..."

Before Kallis could finish what he said, the masked man waved his hand and said: "Now that we have locked the target, why should we hesitate? Just go and check!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the masked man suddenly realized something was wrong, and then added:

"The closest to the place where Iman died is the Fifth Army. The suspect you mentioned is not that bastard Hudson, right?"

Kallis nodded without hesitation.

It's not that he doesn't work hard, it's just that the mountain leaders are too unfriendly to such strange visitors.

The Baojia system that goes down to the most basic level makes it impossible to keep his whereabouts secret.

Not only hotels had to be registered, but even visits to serfs' homes were recorded.

Several times I tried to go deeper, but I was questioned by patrolling soldiers. After more experience, Kallis also realized that someone had tipped him off.

In order not to alert the enemy, Kallis was forced to pretend to be a merchant who was going to purchase a bunch of iron products.

Even so, he could only operate on the periphery. It is simply impossible to get close to the Lord's Mansion.

Secret infiltration does not exist, and Kallis does not think that his stealth skills have been practiced to the point where he can hide it from the Earth Bear.

If you are unlucky and get slapped to death by Xiong Zai as soon as you pass by, that will be a big loss.

After getting this exact news, the masked man also had a headache. He was also unable to withstand the adult Earth Bear in the past.

What's more, that's their territory. Once their identity is exposed, they will immediately be surrounded and killed by the army.

"Suspend the operation. That bastard Hudson is too mysterious. He may be the reincarnation of a fallen evil god. It is not appropriate to confront him head-on."

Although the masked man spoke very carefully, there was always a sense of dissonance when the words came out of his mouth.

The leader of a cult formed and suspected that the enemy was an evil god, which was a bit funny no matter how you looked at it.

But there is no way, the masked man really thinks so. Others didn't know what the Earth Bear was about, but he knew it.

It is not easy to ripen a young Earth Bear directly without leaving any side effects and causing the bear to rebound.

Even the Holy See, which has a profound foundation, cannot do it.

Within his cognitive scope, only the power of the gods could make it possible to achieve this step.

Combined with his granddaughter's words that day, the masked man quickly connected Hudson with the gods.

Only the reincarnated gods and the energy carried in their bodies could pose a threat to the top powerhouses in the continent like him.

The older one is in the arena, the less courageous he becomes.

The masked man really didn't want to mess with someone who was suspected of being the reincarnation of a god.

"Then aren't we looking for the Blood Moon Horn?"

Kallis asked doubtfully.

For this "evil weapon", the Skull and Bones Society spent a lot of money. Letting go suddenly is completely inconsistent with the style of a cult organization.

"Why be anxious? We are not the only ones looking for the Blood Moon Horn.

When the news is released that the Blood Moon Horn is in the mountainous area, the guys from the Holy See will naturally go explore the way for us. "

The masked man said with a sneer.

The enemy who knows himself best is always the enemy, especially the enemy composed of internal traitors.

There is no doubt that the masked man who has been among the Holy See is very aware of the Holy See's behavior.

Even though it is no longer as powerful as it was at its peak, the innate arrogance is still inherited.

His behavior is basically as domineering as he gets.

The Mountain Territory is not enough to make the Holy See fearful. After receiving the news, they will definitely come to visit.

"Holy Lord, once the Holy See intervenes, won't we have no chance?

It was agreed with the Frankish Kingdom, but if we don’t get anything, I’m afraid it will be difficult to make friends with..."

Kallis said rather fearfully.

Carrying out the cause of opposing the Holy See is inherently dangerous. If they offend other major forces, their life will be difficult.

"Don't worry, this is the Alpha Kingdom. At most, the Holy See will quietly send a few experts to investigate. Once the true identity is revealed, their treatment will not be much better than us.

You have experienced how tight the security in the Mountain Territory is. It is not easy to steal the Blood Moon Horn from here.

If they tried to rob it, even if they could get the Blood Moon Horn, they wouldn't be able to take it out safely.

The main purpose of the Frankish Kingdom was to create trouble for the Holy See. The specific process is that the Blood Moon Horn is just a medium.

Essentially, this stuff doesn't mean much to them. "

The masked man said mockingly.

As the largest religion in the mainland, the Holy See of Dawn should be respected by the world, but one day it was reduced to the same level as a cult organization, enjoying the treatment of being beaten by everyone.

I have to say, this is a great irony.

If their identities were revealed, the Alpha Kingdom would probably be more enthusiastic about hunting down members of the Holy See than they were about hunting down the Skull and Bones Society.

Not only the Alpha Kingdom, but also many countries on the Aslant continent are unfriendly to the trouble-making Holy See.

With the execution of Caesar III's secret order, the war machine of the Alpha Kingdom quickly started to move.

Under the urging of various strange reasons, vigorous military training has been launched in various places. There are not enough weapons, even if you hold a wooden stick, you have to follow the gestures a few times.

However, military training is also a technical job. Some nobles train in a decent manner, but most nobles' military training is like a farce.

The quality of the lower-class nobles is really hard to compliment. Not every family has a profound foundation, and only a few can pass down military knowledge.

Leading his own soldiers to inspect the training progress of the nobles in the county, Hudson's face almost turned green with anger.

I often see a few people holding swords, guns and sticks practicing gestures there, while the rest are clapping and applauding.

Is this considered military training?

The thought of taking such an army to the battlefield reminded Hudson of the ragtag coalition that suppressed the Skull and Bones rebellion.

But the problem is that this time the enemy is a ferocious orc, unlike last time it was just a direct fight to the death.

Compared with the Orc Empire, the Alpha Kingdom was the weaker side, and Hudson had no intention of just paddling along and waiting for victory.

How can the eggs be completed under the whole nest?

Now Hudson also has a family and a career, and is not the poor little knight he was back then.

When the orcs invade, the little knight with nothing can run away, but as a noble lord, there is no way out.

With vital interests involved, Hudson had to worry about these "allies".

It's not that there aren't top students. For example, those guys in the Northland train decent soldiers.

It's just that the forces behind these guys are too complicated, and there are too many people to offend. Hudson doesn't want to get too close to them and cause trouble for himself.

Otherwise, he would have gone over to poach the Sith. The so-called Northland Alliance could not stop his hoe.

This was also true for this military training. He just said hello to those guys and didn't bother to care whether they wanted to carry out the training or not.

As a result, the guy who left things alone actually overfulfilled his task and pulled out all the young men for training.

A group of local aristocrats who were highly valued by Hudson had frequent troubles. It’s not that everyone is uncooperative, but that our capabilities are really limited.

No, it just won't happen. In the inheritance of most nobles, a small number of elite guards are cultivated.

Although the Alpha Kingdom was forced to fully mobilize once during the last all-out war, from a few words in the history books, Hudson knew that the result was not optimistic.

Considering how miserable the last war was, most of the nobles who participated in the war never returned.

Everyone is gone, and the experience accumulated on the battlefield, needless to say, will be buried underground forever.

"Uncle Chelsea, is this how you train your troops?"

Hudson said angrily.

I thought that Baron Chelsea, who had been on the battlefield and commanded the Fifth Army, would have learned a lot.

It turns out that it was simply Hudson who was overthinking. The guy's method of training soldiers in front of him is to teach soldiers how to practice fighting spirit.

If you have meat every meal and add some high-energy Warcraft meat from time to time, there is nothing wrong with this training method.

But the problem is that the serfs gnaw on low-quality black bread that is so dark and hard that it can be used as a stick to hit someone. They also have to eat it with wild vegetable soup to barely get enough water.

This is a treatment that can only be obtained during military training or during busy farming seasons.

In normal times, being able to be 70-80% full is the conscience of the lord.

If the nutrition cannot keep up, teaching the cultivation method is simply killing people's lives.

Of course, noble gentlemen also cherish talents. As long as you become famous in cultivation, your salary will immediately increase.

You can’t count on monster meat, but you’ll definitely be fine with a full meal. You can have some meat every day, and you can also mix in a meal of meat every now and then.

Unfortunately, there are only a few people who are talented, especially without any training resources, even fewer can become famous.

In Nuo Da's mountain territory, there are only a few hundred people who have cultivated fighting spirit, including many family members.

In the past, he suffered from the lack of life essence and was unable to follow the path of a knight, so he was forced to switch to fighting spirit, which was easy to harm the body.

But the younger generation has now returned to the path of knight training. Everyone looked at Hudson eagerly, counting on him to solve this problem.

"What, what's the problem?

But according to what you said, I want to train as many elites as possible in the shortest possible time. "

Baron Chelsea said matter-of-factly.

The army composed of cultivators is definitely the best among the best.

Because the number is too small, the tacit understanding developed by mixing together every day is the best cooperation.

When the troops are of equal strength, the combat effectiveness of this small group of guards clearly exceeds that of ordinary elites.

But the problem is that the number of people is too small and it is difficult to achieve scale effects.

Perhaps a big noble like Dalton could form an army of several thousand pure practitioners, but the small and medium-sized nobles below would never be able to do so.

"It's a big problem!

What we need is troops that can be quickly trained into an army and have a certain combat effectiveness. The most important thing is to form a large scale.

Just like the army I trained in the last war.

Uncle Chelsea, it seems that you took away a lot of veterans last time. Wouldn't they be gone so quickly? "

After hearing what Hudson said, Chelsea looked embarrassed.

I originally thought that by harvesting a group of veterans, I could copy Hudson's military training method, but it turned out that these stubborn serfs had learned two words - obedience.

The training process that he dictated intermittently was directly ignored by him.

"It's all the fault of those northern nobles. When they came over and had a conflict the year before last, I brought people to help my friends..."

Looking at the indignant Baron Chelsea, Hudson only felt a toothache.

Now I suddenly understand why the local nobles were at war with the northern Xinjiang nobles at that time. The feeling is that the veterans who have seen blood were also sent to the battlefield.

Fortunately, I reacted quickly and decisively rejected all invitations, otherwise I wouldn't know what would happen.

Soldiers who have undergone rigorous training and achieved continuous victories on the battlefield will soon become elites. At least they will think that they are elites.

Once a major defeat occurs and the commander fails to appease the morale of the troops in time, the anger will soon escape.

If you don't hold on with all your heart, you are an old soldier. In a tailwind battle, one is better than the other. Once the front line loses, these guys are also the fastest.

It is not even as good as a serf who has just put down his hoe and can fight hard for a longer time with the noble master.

Of course, it's also possible that the serfs wanted to escape but didn't know how.

After all, I didn't have enough experience and accidentally rushed to the front with the noble master. I wanted to run away but there were people blocking the way behind.

"Hudson, tell me the truth. Are you so eager to train the army? Is there something going on on the front line in Northern Xinjiang?"

Baron Chelsea asked with concern.

The nobles were not fools. At first, everyone suspected that Hudson was preparing to cause trouble and was waiting for an opportunity to squeeze out the Sith County Sheriff.

But as the news spread, and all nearby counties issued similar orders, everyone began to speculate that something had happened on the front line in Northern Xinjiang.

It was precisely because of this terrible guess that everyone actively organized serfs for training. Otherwise, the orders of the county military officer would not be easy to use in front of a group of noble lords.

"Uncle Chelsea, don't ask me this question, otherwise the skeletons will cause chaos.

You can guess the other things by yourself, but I won’t admit it anyway.

I guess you have also heard that after the meeting held in the Governor's Mansion, the entire southeastern province was in motion.

Not only the Southeast Province, but the entire Alpha Kingdom is now the same. In order to fight against the cult organization, the kingdom has tried its best this time. "

Hudson said meaningfully.

The contents of the meeting cannot be leaked, but that does not mean that the facts cannot be stated.

Now that the Alpha Kingdom is indeed in motion, it is up to Chelsea to figure out which cult organization is being attacked.

After receiving the precise answer, Baron Chelsea's face suddenly turned ugly. The final illusion is shattered and disaster is imminent.

After a slight hesitation, Baron Chelsea spoke again: "When things have reached this point, it seems that it is really unavoidable.

In previous wars, we have been mixed based on regions, but we also have strong autonomy.

If the war breaks out in Northern Xinjiang, Wright County will definitely send troops. I think most of the local nobles will choose to join your army in the expedition.

Seeing that everyone is about to go to the battlefield together, you should work hard and simply gather everyone's troops for training.

If we let everyone play freely and end up leading a ragtag group of people to the battlefield, I'm afraid..."

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