
Chapter 145 A hot potato

There was no rush to agree, nor was there any outright rejection.

What's going on here is not buying and selling.

It is not enough for Baron Chelsea to make such a request alone. More people must make similar requests.

Helping to train troops cannot be in vain.

You don’t have to accept the property, but after the war breaks out, you must first make it clear which camp you will join.

Hudson didn't have time to train for others.

If you are not your own soldier, do not follow you to the front line.

Who can afford to do such a thankless job when they are full?

All the news that should be released was released. Anyone with a little bit of brains knows that something is probably going to happen in the north.

The orcs invaded south and brought a ragtag group of people to the battlefield. This was purely irresponsible for their own lives.

The nobles may not care about the life and death of the serfs, but there are not many who can care about their own life and death.

Referring to the extremely high mortality rate on the battlefields of Northern Xinjiang in the past, if you dive in without a big leg, the probability of coming back alive is simply slim.

Frankly speaking, among all the players, Hudson is the most inconspicuous one.

His strength is average, far inferior to that of the great nobles. Even among the middle nobles, he is still in the middle and lower reaches.

Without any background to rely on, even on the battlefield, it would be difficult to get a good job.

There are a lot of shortcomings and a lot of advantages.

He has a good reputation, he is good at training and fighting, he is loyal and will not betray his teammates, and most importantly, he is lucky.

"Luck" is very metaphysical, but you have to believe it. Following a lucky boss, the probability of survival is definitely higher than following an unlucky boss.

This was actually reflected when suppressing the Skull and Bones rebellion.

The loss of the Fifth Army was tragic, but the family's private army, which had been following Hudson, obviously participated in the most battles, but had the lowest casualty rate.

After Hudson took over all the serf soldiers, the casualty rate plummeted. The most important thing is - never lost a battle.

It was impossible for Hudson himself to tell the outside world about fishing in the water. Judging from the final result alone, he is definitely a lucky star.

Coupled with the deliberate announcement in this regard, everyone is envious and jealous of Mr. Hudson's super good luck.

The battlefield in Northern Xinjiang is full of risks, and even the great nobles may be wiped out. In the history of the Alpha Kingdom, there were not two great nobles who fell because of their resistance to the invasion of the orcs.

Decline does not mean death. As heroes of the kingdom, as long as these families are not too unlucky, their bloodline can still be continued.

Viscount Oran, whom Hudson was most familiar with, was descended from a large noble family in the kingdom and was once the famous "King of the Southeast."

Unfortunately, with heavy losses on the battlefield, they had to abandon a large amount of territory and retreat to their ancestral land to recuperate.

There are many similar nobles, and those who can be passed down are considered lucky. The truly unlucky ones simply disappeared into the long river of history.

The boss is so miserable, so you can imagine the younger brother who follows him around. Death of one's own body is nothing, but the death of one's entire family is the worst thing.

In essence, choosing who to go to the battlefield with is a gamble on luck.

Theoretically speaking, as long as the boss can come back alive, the younger brothers who hang out with him can continue the family legacy even if they die in battle.

Nobles, no matter how fierce the internal fighting is, they still have to have a fig leaf. It is also the right thing to take care of the former Paoze family members.

The premise is: there is no crime in possessing a jade.

If the interests involved are too great and it's just the face of the noble lord, then it won't be enough.

However, there is no need to worry. The fiefdom in the hands of a small noble will most likely not be enough to "prejudice the crime of harboring jade."

After every major reshuffle, a large number of unclaimed lands will emerge, waiting for everyone to carve them up.

What should be worried about most is not that there is no fiefdom, but that one's own strength is limited and he is unable to occupy more fiefdoms.

There are many lessons learned from the past, unless there is a reason to have to choose. Otherwise, it would be impossible for everyone to ignore his "chosen son" and follow a guy with uncertain luck to gain a chance of survival.

It took two years to build a reputation, and now it's finally time to cash it in, and Hudson is becoming more and more rational.

It is easy to let everyone follow his script and hand over the power to train and command the army. But it is not that easy to integrate the team and train an elite division.

The real difficulty in training is not with the serf soldiers, but with the nobles.

Juniors need training, and officers also need training. Asking the noble men to put down their arrogance and go to the training ground together is even more uncomfortable than killing them.

There are exceptions to everything.

In the past, this kind of thing was definitely not negotiable, but that may not be the case now.

At the critical moment of life and death, many seemingly important bottom lines can be broken down infinitely.

It is embarrassing for a person to stand with the soldiers for training, but when a group of people follow and accompany him, it becomes "this is how it should be".

Rules always serve the makers.

Because of the interests of the framers, it is not a big deal to modify the rules of the game.

Although it does not represent all nobles, within the small circle, it is already possible to play like this.

As long as everyone doesn't tell these things, it will be a forever secret that will be sealed in the long river of history.

Holy Mountain of Light.

Along with a piece of shocking news, which came from the Alpha Kingdom, the top leaders of the Holy See immediately exploded.

"The Blood Moon Horn appears!"

"It even appeared in the Alpha Kingdom. It is suspected to have fallen into the hands of the mountain lord, Viscount Hudson."

Too detailed information makes it difficult not to suspect that this is someone secretly planning something.

But "Blood Moon Horn" involves too much. As a religious organization, even if everyone knows that the Holy See has connections with cult organizations, the Holy See cannot admit it.

Otherwise, if believers see it, it will be a big trouble.

The Holy See of Dawn has attracted so much hatred, yet it can still exist and live a comfortable life. A large part of the reason is that it has a huge group of believers on the mainland.

Although he cannot fool the big nobles, he still has great influence in the minds of the lower class people and some small nobles.

Various countries have been making small moves, but they have never taken action to destroy the Holy See. In addition to being afraid of the gods, they are also worried about the reaction of the people.

If they could completely destroy the reputation of the Holy See, turn the Holy See of Dawn into a cult organization, and completely cut off the foundation of the Holy See, no country would give up.

If it doesn't work once, do it twice. If it doesn't work twice, do it three, four, five, six, seven or eight times. As long as there is a chance, everyone will do something evil.

The Holy See of Dawn already has a lot of dark history, and if it continues to increase over time, it will eventually lead to a fundamental collapse.

"Blake, what do you think about this?"

Pius VII asked indifferently.

It can be seen that he is becoming more and more dissatisfied with the performance of the Judgment Knights.

The disaster was caused by the Judgment Knights. Even if the relevant responsible persons were dealt with, the aftermath was still a mess.

If it hadn't been for the fact that the actions of the Judgment Knights in the Orc Empire were beginning to bear fruit, and that they were about to go south to invade the Alpha Kingdom, I'm afraid Pius VII's face would have been even more ugly.

As the leader of the group, Blake's mood at the moment was more complicated than that of Pius VII. Because of the "Blood Moon Horn" matter, he had long been exhausted physically and mentally.

It's not a question of whether they want to investigate, but after the falling out with the Alpha Kingdom, their people sent there basically never returned.

It is difficult for people to escape unscathed, and the aftermath work will naturally not be completed. Even for the Orc Empire, it was purely a coincidence. It seemed to have provoked a dispute between the two countries, but in fact it had nothing to do with them.

In order to reduce his own responsibilities, he took the credit. It's just that what is fake is fake after all, and the situation in the Orc Empire is not under his control at all.

If the goal of the Orc Empire's southern invasion is not the Alpha Kingdom, but to find weak links in the other two countries to break through, Blake doesn't know how to end it.

A lot of troubles were mixed together, which was enough to give him a headache, but now the "Blood Moon Horn" message suddenly appeared, and he simply didn't want to live.

"Your Majesty, the news of the Blood Moon Horn came out too suddenly. Evil weapons are not easy to control. For nobles who cherish their reputation, this thing is useless.

If he is just a little viscount, if he has such a thing in his hands, what he should do is turn it over to the Alpha Kingdom instead of keeping it himself.

Even if it is really in the hands of this person, the information will be strictly blocked. Now suddenly there is news that someone is trying to lure us there deliberately.

According to the intelligence collected, the mountain lord is no ordinary person. Not only are there two elite infantry regiments, but there is also an adult earth bear.

Without the support of any major force. From the moment he stepped out of the house, Hudson went from an unknown little knight to a fiefdom viscount in less than two years.

The main thing he relies on is not his ability, but his terrible luck. It is said that no matter what happens to this person, it will become...

All in all, this guy is very difficult to deal with. Anyone who conflicts with him will encounter all kinds of unexpected and unknown things.

Including the son of a grand duke, they were all suppressed to death by this person. Even before Hudson did anything, the development of the situation automatically pushed him forward.

Now we are in conflict with the Frankish Kingdom, and it is not appropriate to provoke new enemies until the matter is over. The Alpha Kingdom has its own orcs to deal with it, so there is absolutely no need for us to take action ourselves.

Regarding the Blood Moon Horn, just send someone to investigate secretly first. It is not advisable to take any high-profile action, lest it trigger a strong backlash from the Alpha Kingdom. "

Blake suggested.

Taking away the Blood Moon Horn from the Alpha Kingdom is filled with too many uncertainties. Especially when the news is leaked, they can get wind of it, so how can local cowards know nothing about it.

It would be a tragedy if the enemy deliberately set up a trap and waited for them to come to your door.

After a series of failures, Blake's confidence has long been gone. In order to reduce the impact of failure, simply tout the "goal" first.

It's normal to not win when you encounter a "child of luck".

There are countless classic cases in history. Anyone who faced off against someone who was particularly lucky would end up dying ugly in the end.

If the Holy See in its heyday had nothing to fear. No matter how powerful the enemy is, they can find a way to kill them.

But the current Holy See cannot do that. If you toss unscrupulously, the little bit of vitality you have just recovered may soon be exhausted.

It was not enough for Blake to just praise his enemies, and by the way, he also brought the Frankish Kingdom into trouble.

The most powerful country in the mainland, no one can ignore it. In fact, after declaring the Frankish king illegitimate, Pius VII soon regretted his decision.

That's not how politics works. Although it was refreshing to fall out directly, the final result was a bit touching.

After all, he overestimated the influence of the Holy See. He thought that without their recognition, the other party would not be able to secure the throne, and in the end he had to compromise with them.

Unexpectedly, without him as the pope to be crowned, someone else would put on the crown by himself, completely trampling on the majesty of the Holy See.

At the very least, arrange for an archbishop to express his opinion. Even if the archbishop is appointed by the king, Pius VII will be able to admit it.

It's a pity that there are none of these. The arrogant Franks don't play with these nonsense at all. He didn't even bother to leave the last fig leaf to the Holy See and told the world directly: the change of throne does not require the approval of the church.

There is no doubt that this has definitely opened Pandora's box. The Frankish Kingdom cannot be suppressed, and the status of the Holy See must plummet.

Staring at Blake fiercely, Pius VII turned to everyone and asked, "What are your opinions?"

The Holy See, which has a serious bureaucratic atmosphere, has long since transformed into "whoever proposes it is responsible." In this situation full of uncertainty, no one among a group of old foxes is willing to plunge themselves into it.

"Your Majesty, the Knights of Judgment have always been responsible for the Blood Moon Horn matter. The relevant information is in their hands, so let them continue to be responsible!

The top priority right now is still the Frankish Kingdom. The intention of the newly succeeded Karmapa to be hostile to us is too obvious.

It is said that they are also plotting to establish a new pope. If we let him continue, I'm afraid it will be very detrimental to us. "

Gu Lei on the side took advantage of the situation and said.

As an old enemy, at this critical moment, how could he, the leader of the Judgment Knights, not make up for it.

The less the Judgment Knights want to clean up this mess, the more they have to tie them to the mess.

Ever since the Blood Moon Horn incident, life for the Judgment Knights has been much better in the past year or so. The Judgment Knights, who were too busy taking care of themselves, no longer had the energy to suppress them.

"Your Majesty, the main energy of the Judgment Knights is currently in the Orc Empire, and it is unable to send experts to the Alpha Kingdom in the short term."

Blake hurriedly excused himself.

It's not that he's a coward, it's just that things are too difficult. If the rumors are proven to be false, the trip will be in vain.

But once the Blood Moon Horn is discovered, it will inevitably trigger a new round of competition. It is very difficult to just grab things from the mountain leaders, let alone bring them back safely.

Along the way, the enemies they may encounter are not just the Alpha Kingdom, but the countries on the mainland along the way may also stab them.

If there is a problem in any link, the plan will fail.

The top experts are not cabbages. After a series of struggles, the Judgment Knights have suffered a lot of losses, and there are simply not that many masters available.

Facing the sharp gaze of Pius VII, Blake looked at him without changing his expression. It is better to refuse this difficult task than to fail the task in your own hands.

During the Mid-Autumn Festival, Haiyue wishes everyone abundant wealth, happy family, and greater success in career.

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