
Chapter 146 Hudson orders officers first

The Alpha Kingdom is not the only one entering war preparation mode. After receiving news of the changes in the Orc Empire, the Warhammer Kingdom and the Principality of Moxi also increased their combat readiness levels.

To the orcs, the Three Kingdoms are all human countries, and anyone who robs them is robbed. Once a fight breaks out in the north, none of the three families will be left behind.

Even if they had no grudges originally, the hatred accumulated over time after being visited one after another by the orcs made them regard the orcs as their mortal enemies.

The only difference is that the Warhammer Kingdom and the Principality of Moxi have only experienced small-scale invasions and have not yet experienced the horror of a full-scale orc invasion.

In the past all-out wars, the Alpha Kingdom took the lead. When the war spread to their doorstep, it was all in the middle and later stages.

In the middle and later stages, the various countries of the human race have almost reacted. Reinforcements came from all over the world, and the fight could not be said to be smooth, at least it was not a one-sided beating.

If you don’t have experience in dealing with it, you can only learn from your neighbors. Watching the Alpha Kingdom engage in nationwide mobilization, the two countries were also frightened.

"Are the orcs really going to launch a full-scale invasion?"

Chris IX asked with a gloomy face.

Even though they are both "gatekeepers", they are also strong and weak. If among the Three Kingdoms, the Alpha Kingdom, which has been fighting against the orcs for a long time, is the strongest, then the Moxi Principality in the slit is at the bottom.

Even though the Principality of Moxi once had the reputation of being the "First Principality on the Continent" and had stronger military strength than some weaker kingdoms, it was a pity that it was still not enough in front of the Orc Empire.

They were usually tired of dealing with small-scale harassment, but now they were suddenly told that the Orc Empire was going to invade in an all-out way. It was very difficult for Chris IX to accept it without taking a moment.

"Your Majesty, the orcs are about to launch a full-scale invasion. This is the news from the Alpha Kingdom.

They have been fighting with the orcs for hundreds of years and have a deep understanding of the orc empire. This judgment should not be wrong.

What's more, judging from the intelligence we received from the Orc Empire, the five orc imperial courts are all preparing for war.

Even if it is not a total war, this war is far from comparable to the past. It is always right to prepare for the worst in advance so as not to be caught off guard. "

Prime Minister Herceg replied with a cautious expression.

The orcs invaded in full force. Although the three unlucky guys were beaten together, the most dangerous one was the Principality of Moxi.

As the weakest entity among the Three Kingdoms, it is likely to become a breakthrough for the orc army to invade south.

Although there were dense fortresses on the border, Herceg was still completely unsure whether the Principality of Moxi could block the orcs' advance.

As "bad brothers", the Alpha Kingdom and the Warhammer Kingdom must not be able to count on them. Based on the experience of past conflicts, the orcs will not pull down the other two sides if they focus on one direction.

It just so happened that the military strength of the Orc Empire was higher than that of the Three Kingdoms, so even if they were to catch all three and beat them up together, there wouldn't be much pressure.

"Then prepare for war with all your strength! The Alpha Kingdom has not spared even the poor fighting power of the serfs, and we must keep up."

Chris IX said through gritted teeth.

It won’t work if we don’t follow up with all our strength. As the weakest entity among the Three Kingdoms, the Principality of Moxi is likely to receive the most severe beating.

If they fail to block the advance of the orc army, the country will be destroyed and the family will be destroyed in an instant. Even if Chris IX can personally go into exile abroad, it will be difficult to bring back the destroyed country.

There is no way, the orc army is too ruthless. Although the place we passed was not completely barren, it was inevitable that nine out of ten rooms would be empty.

There are no more citizens, so restoring the country is naturally a joke. When it comes to the struggle for racial survival space, expecting the other side to be soft is purely a luxury.

In the Emerald Palace, the carriage of war was turning, but Caesar III was idle.

Everything was in the service of war, and trivial matters disappeared from his sight. The nobles who were full of conflicts no longer struggled at this moment.

Even if it is a life-and-death feud, he has suppressed his hatred first. Everyone has only one purpose to concentrate their efforts - to survive this life and death catastrophe.

As for the issue of hatred, it depends on whether the opponent can survive the next war.

Based on past experience, the probability of the opponent dying on the battlefield is far higher than the success rate of killing the opponent themselves.

Things suddenly became less frequent. Although he was relaxed, Caesar III was still a little unaccustomed to it. Of course, it’s more of a lack of confidence.

He clamored fiercely, wanting to take revenge from the orcs and regain his lost territory. In fact, he was also panicking inside.

If there hadn't been a sudden change in the Orc Empire first, and it was certain that this war was unavoidable, he wouldn't want to start a war with the Orcs at this time.

"Your Majesty, there are signs of locust plague in the Orc Empire and Kuikkonen Peninsula at the same time. It is only a matter of time before a large-scale outbreak. Our first step plan was successful."

The Grand Duke of Newfoundland said in a deep voice.

Reason told him that he was playing with fire. At the same time, he attacked the two major forces and licked the blood with his knife. A slight mistake would be a big accident.

But what's even more cruel is that no matter whether the Alpha Kingdom takes action or not, they cannot avoid the fact that they are hostile to each other.

"Relax, my prime minister. Things are not that bad. The Holy See has just offended the Frankish Kingdom to death.

There is no one to act as peacemaker for them this time. The trouble that the First Kingdom of the Mainland can cause them is not so easy to solve.

As for the Orc Empire, they are preparing to invade, so why should they hesitate?

As long as their war potential can be weakened, even starting a war now is worthwhile. "

Caesar III said calmly.

He was panicking inside, but he had to show enough calmness to appease his subordinates.

If nothing else, the Grand Duke of Newfoundland also said similar words to his subordinates.

Everyone knew that these were just words of comfort, but everyone was still willing to listen. When people feel unsure, they most need recognition.

Even if this recognition has no substantive meaning, it can still provide spiritual comfort.

Caesar III, who was good at playing politics, would naturally not disappoint his subordinates in this regard. If the boss doesn't have confidence, wouldn't his subordinates be even more frightened?

Not only the Alpha Kingdom needs to pay attention to this kind of large-scale war involving the survival of the race, but the Orc Empire must also be cautious.

Just fighting against the three bordering countries of the human race is really nothing to the orcs, but the human race has dozens of countries.

how to spell?

When to fight?

To what extent?

These are all knowledge, if done accidentally, the entire human race will be offended.

If the overlord of the mainland who launched a ruthless attack could destroy an orc empire at all costs, he could still do it.

Therefore, every time the orcs invade, they mainly focus on robbery. In seizing territory, they showed considerable restraint.

Of course, this restraint is passive. In the later stages of all previous wars, almost all ended with the human coalition regaining the lost territory. The war will not end until the occupied lands are given up.

The last war was an exception. This exception was based on the background that the human race was at war on all sides. The Orc Empire, which took advantage, also paid a heavy price, that is, it abandoned its allies and ended the war with the human race in advance.

Similar betrayals and alliances are very common among races. If all the alien races had united, the human race would have been dethroned from its position as the continent's hegemon long ago.

The upcoming southern invasion seems to be an accidental event, but in fact there are countless political games behind it.

Only after weighing the pros and cons many times and feeling that war would be more beneficial to itself, did the Orc Imperial Court make the decision to launch a war.

"Your Majesty, the missions sent by the Principality of Moxi and the Kingdom of Warhammer have already set off and are expected to arrive in the royal capital in half a month.

They came here this time to discuss joint operations. This matter is very involved and requires you to personally come up with the charter. "

Earl Francis reminded.

As the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Alpha, he is very busy most of the time, but he is very busy during the war.

Compared with previous foreign ministers, Count Francis's task is heavier. This time there are two more allies to coordinate.

The three countries are now "brothers" in the same trench. If one of them falls, the other two countries will become more dangerous.

As much as possible, everyone still needs to look after each other on the battlefield.

Otherwise, if the orc army breaks through any country, it can go back to the rear and launch an attack, thus avoiding the dense fortresses on the front line.

“Let the Ministry of Military Affairs coordinate with them and cooperate with them if they can cooperate with each other, but everything must be based on the security of the kingdom.

In addition, the border provinces should be more vigilant and use the noble castle as a hub to secretly build a line of defense. If something unexpected happens, we must buy enough time for the kingdom.

Prime Minister, you are responsible for leading the Ministry of Military Affairs, the Ministry of Government, and the Parliament of Nobles to jointly form an inspection team to oversee the war readiness of each province.

Tell them, whichever province's war preparations are the slowest and whose army training is the worst, let the army of that province take the lead! "

Caesar III said fiercely.

The autonomy of the feudal nobles is indeed high, but that does not mean that the king has nothing to do with them. Especially during this war, it is even easier to wear small shoes.

They were all forced out, and the war was about to break out. If you don’t work hard now, even if you want to work hard later, you won’t have the chance.

Although there are two more unlucky guys to share the pressure, it also increases uncontrollable factors. If the two allies cannot withstand it, the Alpha Kingdom's originally shortened front will be stretched again.

Fortunately, these days the nobles are responsible for defending their territory and are not afraid that the fiefdom lords in the frontier provinces will not work hard. Otherwise, it would be difficult to improvise a temporary defense line.

In Wright County, ever since Hudson took over the military training of a group of "allies", the scene became grand in an instant.

Excluding the noble territories of the Northland, there were fifty thousand young people in Wright County. When he heard this number, Hudson was really shocked.

He soon calmed down, it was all the good deeds of his colleagues from the former Fifth Army. Not only did he bring over the young men from the Wright County territory, he also brought over the young men from his original hometown.

The power of the halo is so powerful. Although Hudson's name was brought out by them together, everyone recognized Hudson's luck and training ability from the bottom of their hearts.

Anyway, you have to bring your own dry food to train the team, so naturally you need to find a capable person to help train. The more elite the soldiers are trained, the higher their survival rate will be on the battlefield.

"Fifty thousand young and strong" is only defined in terms of age. Naturally, it is impossible for everyone to be suitable for joining the army, and screening is necessary.

Although the kingdom has made plans to mobilize the whole country, it is impossible for the kingdom to let all the young men go to the battlefield. Most of them play a reserve emergency role.

According to Hudson's estimation, after the Kingdom's recruitment order is issued, at most 7,000 to 10,000 people will be mobilized from here, and there is a high probability that they will not be sent to the front line at once.

In addition to these people, various branches of the Koslow family in the province also brought young people over for reference training. Some family friends and relatives who were planning to form a team also brought people over to join in the fun.

There are even more people who want to rely on connections and come over for military training.

Facing the increasingly larger team, Hudson was frightened and stopped quickly.

In fact, the ability is limited. Even if one of his own regiments is sent out as instructors, there will not be enough manpower. If it's more, there's really nothing we can do.

For the kind of master who recruits hundreds of thousands of recruits at a time and directly trains them into an army, Hudson has only Mobai.

Even if he has the foundation, if he throws hundreds of thousands of young men in front of him now, he will still be confused.

Fortunately, most serf soldiers only need to have some ideas and have a certain foundation. He only needs to select 10,000 to 20,000 people for training as an army for future expeditions.

Fortunately, the area of ​​non-cultivated land in the mountainous area is also vast enough. A military camp is placed on a hilltop, which disperses people and does not feel crowded.

As for building roads and leveling the land according to the situation, it is not because Mr. Hudson wants to take advantage of it, it is purely for training needs.

Except for the mountainous people, who would be willing to use such a large area of ​​land as a training ground for young people?

There is no road, and food cannot be transported in. The venue is uneven, making training inconvenient!

As for the weapons in the hands of the young men, they were not promoted by Hudson, but they followed suit after watching the serfs in the mountain territory each holding one.

Different from selling only low-quality weapons in the past, this time Hudson mixed a lot of quality products at a ratio of five to one.

The only drawback is that they are still out of stock. Only the most valued "future elites" have received iron weapons, and the rest can still only use wooden sticks to replenish their supplies.

Large-scale arms purchases are also a heavy burden for small nobles.

If it hadn't been for Hudson's generous statement: I could take the account on credit, or I could offset the account in kind. It is estimated that most nobles will give up passively because they are short of money.

"Stand still!"

"Stand still. Now that you are here, you must be prepared to endure hardships.

Don't worry about embarrassment, we all go through the same training and no one will laugh at you.

You are all nobles, so you must behave like nobles. If you can't even compare to a serf, wouldn't you be afraid of being embarrassed if word spread?

From now on, everyone must cheer up and study seriously in the next month.

A month later, you guys will go back to train the serfs. They are also undergoing training. If they can't learn as well as serfs, then they can just wipe their necks.

It's too late to quit now. Once training starts, it will be too late to regret it.

Let me get to know you first. The person on my shoulder is the great bear of the earth, Mr. Bear Stearns. He will be responsible for supervising your subsequent training.

This Mr. Bear Stearns has a bad temper, so you'd better not make him angry. Although there are chaplains in the military camp, I cannot guarantee whether the treatment will be..."

Hudson said seriously.

Train soldiers first and train officers first.

If you want to lead everyone to the battlefield, you can't do it without showing some real skills. If his subordinates were all useless, it would be easy to trick him, the boss, to death.

There is no need to worry about being stolen. These basic training methods can at best train junior officers.

The nobles can learn it in a short time because they have cultural background and have mastered more knowledge than ordinary people.

Hudson had personally experienced the training of poor serf officers. It took a full two years to barely meet his requirements.

In order to take care of everyone's face, Hudson also organized a training camp for nobles, and all participants were children of nobles.

The elderly noble master couldn't bear to accept the training, so he pushed his sons out.

"Exit" is just a joke.

Opportunities to learn military knowledge are rare. If anyone dares to quit midway, they don't need to do anything from Hudson, and their old father will leave them alone after his death.

As for Bear Stearns' oversight, it was just plain scary. Even if the cubs were willing to work for free, Hudson was afraid something would go wrong.

Uncle Xiong, who is neither gentle nor serious, would scare even Hudson himself once he made a move.

If Uncle Bear accidentally killed a few of them with a slap, Hudson wouldn't be able to explain it.

But Uncle Xiong’s hoarse grin and eager expression are really a bit disturbing...

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