
Chapter 149 Marriage

Autumn harvest is the most important season of the year. From the nobles to the serfs, everyone was very energetic.

The sequelae of the locust plague have not disappeared just because of a one-year gap. Many small-scale insect plagues still broke out in various places, but they were quickly extinguished by the efforts of local noble lords.

Wright County is lucky. In order to quickly eliminate locusts last year, most of the noble lords hired Bear Stearns to do it.

Xiong who has received money is still very reliable in doing things. Not only did the locusts get exterminated, but the eggs in the ground were also cleaned up.

There are no larvae to hatch, just a few grasshoppers from outside, just adding food to everyone's table. Grain production remains at normal levels and is hardly affected by the locust plague.

The lords who were saving money were confused. Last year's locust extermination expenses were saved, but the cost was a reduction in grain production this year.

Whether they lose or make money, only they themselves know.

It's been a bumper year for the Mountain Territory. Most of the wasteland opened up last year has been planted with food.

Hudson was especially pleasantly surprised by the yields of the swamp. Although the yield of rice is slightly higher than that of rye, the yield per mu can reach 300 pounds, which is still an unexpected surprise. (1 pound is about 0.45 kilograms, which can be regarded as one pound)

With extensive agriculture, this yield is already very good. If cultivated intensively, the yield will increase significantly.

It's just that it's not necessary. Mr. Hudson is not short of land, but the labor force to cultivate the land.

Manpower is still needed for mining, reclaiming wasteland, and building castles. Even though the total population of the territory was approaching 90,000, Hudson still felt that it was not enough.

The main reason is that the proportion of orc slaves is too high, and the labor efficiency is far less than that of humans. The problem of racial talent cannot be easily reversed.

Autumn grain has been put into storage, greatly alleviating the food pressure in the mountainous areas. In addition, some customers who used grain to offset their payment for goods finally no longer have to pay for grain this year.

After taking stock of the accounts, Hudson was surprised to find that he had changed from a debtor to a creditor.

Of course, this is the result of adding in the cub's income last year. But that doesn't matter, Partner Bear's money is Hudson's money.

The Earth Bear is not a dragon and has no habit of sleeping with gold coins in his arms. As long as the accounts are clear and Bear Stearns can see that the money is in the project account, it will be fine.

Just thinking about the war that was about to break out, Hudson's good mood was instantly wiped out. No matter how rich the family fortune is, it cannot withstand the squandering of war.

For the nobles, the risk of war is not only life and death, but more importantly, returning to poverty.

The risk of death in battle is a probabilistic issue, but the financial deficit caused by the war is something that everyone must face.

Nominally, the kingdom will bear most of the war expenses, but the money does not fall from the sky. In addition to support from various countries, the main thing is to find a way on your own.

Merchants and freedmen are definitely the key targets of taxation, but the proportion of the population of these two groups is too small, and their pockets are not rich enough.

More still has to be shared among the noble lords.

Fortunately, the kingdom does not just collect cash, and various strategic materials can be offset. Basically, it's all based on the actual situation, whatever happens.

For a long time, the southeastern provinces have played the role of major grain and grass households. It is estimated that there will be slight changes this time, and most of the mountainous military industry will be included in the mobilization system.

In times of war, weapons are never enough. Not only do disposable ordnance need to be constantly replenished, but damaged weapons and armor also need to be replaced.

The specific coordination is the task of the Governor's Office. Usually the province coordinates internally within the unit first, and then coordinates and deploys nationwide.

With the existing productivity, the Alpha Kingdom's combat readiness system has been able to develop to this point, and the Orc Empire has definitely contributed the most.

Without the pressure of life and death, mobilizing millions of troops to fight in the feudal era was almost impossible.

If the orcs were not too ferocious, they would not be able to get all the nobles to spend their money to cooperate with the mobilization.

Perhaps due to an unfavorable year, the southern provinces that suffered a severe drought last year received another round of heavy rainfall this year.

The autumn grain that had just been harvested had not had time to be fully stored in the warehouse when it encountered the continuous rainy season.

After being soaked by rain, many grains began to become moldy or sprouted again, causing many nobles and lords to suffer miserably.

The Mountain Territory was no exception. Looking at the food that had not yet been dried, Hudson frowned.

Every place where grain can be spread is covered with grain. Even his lord's mansion was full of grain as far as the eye could see, leaving only a narrow road.

Even so, the fate of grain moldiness cannot be avoided. As a last resort, they had no choice but to order the serfs to fry the watery grain to dryness.

It is better to store it for an extra day than to have mold and spoilage immediately. Anyway, there are many people in the mountainous areas, and food consumption is fast.

If it really can't be stored, then let the subjects, slaves, and animals eat it together.

Holding back the pain, Hudson walked into the laboratory and walked out of the laboratory.

Needless to say, another day of failure.

The original liquid of life has not been produced, but the quality of Xiongxiong's feed pills is getting better and better.

Naturally, no sugar, honey, or animal milk is added, but this does not affect Bear Stearns' subsequent processing. Put the feed pellets into animal milk with sugar and honey added and drink it directly.

Taste and efficacy are all provided together. According to Bear Stearns, one feed pill can last a day of normal practice.

It's a good thing that Uncle Bear likes to eat, which means that Hudson's experiment has a sponsor to pay for it.

With only one buyer, there was no hope of making money, but he still managed to break even.

It's just pitiful to the various animals that are used as test subjects. The better the quality of the feed pellets, the faster they die.

Even if Hudson lowered the concentration, these ordinary creatures still had no resistance to the extraordinary energy.

The only success was to breed a "strong bull". As the only cow that walked out of the laboratory alive, its strength is several times greater than that of ordinary cows, and it can plow the ground with ease.

Maybe it's because of genetic problems, or maybe I didn't pay attention to some details. There is only one success.

Originally he wanted to test the war horse, but after considering the cost, Hudson decisively chose to give up.

There is nothing to be disappointed about. Magical alchemy is just like scientific research, it is a process of constant trial and error.

Failure is normal, success is unexpected.

"Father, you are in such a hurry to come here, but what big thing happened?"

Looking at the sudden appearance of Baron Redman, Hudson asked doubtfully.

Noble gentlemen are not in the habit of traveling in the rain. Unless there is something important, normally everyone does not go out during the rainy season.

It seems that nothing major has happened recently, but if I have to say something has happened: it is a group of jealous and unlucky nobles who were forced by Governor Pierce to be included in the first batch of expedition teams.

These have little to do with the Koslow family. The younger generation were all training in the mountains at the time and had no chance to join in the fun.

The minds of the older generation of nobles have already matured. But for the sake of a few singers, he would not leave the territorial affairs alone and travel hundreds of miles to Beida City to watch the excitement.

"The marriages of your two brothers have been decided. The main reason for coming here this time is your marriage.

There was no need to be so anxious, but the war is getting closer and closer, and no one knows how long this war will last.

You have a big family and a big business now. Once you lead troops to go on an expedition, the stability of the rear will be a big problem.

In order to stabilize people's hearts, you must get married as soon as possible and try to get your wife pregnant before going off to war. "

Baron Redman said slowly.

I pity the hearts of parents in the world.

Even nobles are no different from ordinary parents once their children are involved.

In just two or three months, the marriage of the two brothers was quickly finalized and arranged for Hudson. It was obvious that Baron Redman was busy.

The recent period has also been the peak period for marriages between nobles. No one knows what will happen next. Every additional ally increases the probability of survival.

Even if he were unfortunately killed in battle and left a descendant to inherit the family business, that would still be a good thing.

Compared with the previous two brothers, Hudson obviously has a stronger say in personal life-long matters.

This can be seen from the fact that Baron Redman personally came to ask for advice. For the two brothers, I'm afraid it's just a notice.

Children of aristocrats, while enjoying the convenience brought by family power, must also bear corresponding obligations.

There is no rush to refuse. The current mountain territory really needs a mistress and an heir.

"Father, we are too hasty to start preparations now. Or does it mean that the family already has a candidate, and the two parties have even communicated with each other?"

Hudson asked rationally.

With his current status, it is not difficult to find a well-matched wife, but the key lies in politics.

At this point, Hudson's marriage is not just a personal issue, but a common issue for the entire Koslow family.

"Yes, regarding the issue of the mistress of the Mountain Territory, the family has already started looking for a candidate.

You're not too old, so you didn't need to be in such a hurry. It's just that the current situation has changed too quickly. The Koslow family has just returned to the ranks of middle-class nobles and caught up with this war.

The strength of the Mountain Territory is certainly good, especially since you have gathered many allies. But if you want to survive this war safely, this is still not enough.

Although the family has been passed down for a long time, it has been far away from the political center for many years, and we are lagging behind in many aspects.

Now you need the support of the wife clan so that you can keep abreast of the high-level trends in the kingdom and integrate into the center of power as soon as possible.

Time is too short, and there are not many choices left for you now.

There are five noble families in total who are in the interests of the family and interested in marrying you. You can choose one from them.

We must complete the communication as soon as possible. If someone else takes the lead if we are late, it will be troublesome. "

Baron Redman said seriously.

Taking the parchment and looking at the information recorded on it, Hudson was surprised to find that three of the five noble families were actually outside the province.

After thinking about it carefully, it seems that this is normal. There were not many middle-class nobles, and even fewer had women of the right age.

In such a rush now, it is natural that those younger candidates can only be eliminated.

If the target is limited to the province, the choice space will be too small.

Generally speaking, the in-law circle of a small noble is only a few hundred miles away.

A prosperous family like the Koslow family can turn all their neighbors into relatives.

Once one crosses into the ranks of middle-class nobles, the options for marriage are greatly reduced, and it becomes inevitable to expand the scope.

The choice circle of the big nobles is even narrower. In addition to marriages within the kingdom, many big families have in-laws abroad.

Judging from the candidate information on the parchment, in addition to the middle-level nobles, there are also branches of the great nobles.

Obviously, Hudson's performance has caught the eyes of big shots and has certain win-win value.

Fortunately, they are all collaterals. If a certain big noble family is willing to propose a marriage between their legitimate daughters, I guess the Koslow family will not hesitate at all and directly agree.

"Then the Hollister family!"

Hudson said calmly.

There is no other reason than simply familiarity. Among the five noble ladies here, Hudson has only met Melissa from the Hollister family.

The other four may be stunningly beautiful, or horribly ugly.

It involves a lifetime issue, and Hudson doesn't dare to gamble.

It's better to decide in advance to avoid other changes after going to the royal capital.

As the elite of the younger generation, it was not just the powerful locals who were interested in Hudson. The dignitaries in the royal capital also did not mind having an in-law with potential stocks.

In peaceful times, marrying the dignitaries of the royal capital would also be a good choice.

But now is the age of war, and the so-called power in war is illusory. Only the strength in your hands is real.

If we really encounter a big change and usher in troubled times, the fiefdom nobles with the army will definitely be more helpful than the nobles relying on the royal power.

“The Hollister family is also a good choice.

Although now in decline, his ancestor was one of the great nobles of the kingdom, and his background was one of the best among the middle-level nobles.

Even now, it is still the second largest family in the southeastern province, and its strength is by no means comparable to that of our Koslow family.

Viscount Oran can be regarded as a promising leader. The Hollister family has developed well in recent years, and there are some signs of returning to the ranks of the great nobility.

But there is one thing you must consider clearly. Once you marry the Holliser family, you will definitely be feared by the Dalton family, and you may even be suppressed. "

Baron Redman reminded carefully.

"Father, this kind of thing is inevitable, so there is no need to worry too much.

The Mountain Territory was able to have smooth sailing before because the Dalton family needed us to contain the Northland nobles.

Now the situation has changed. The Northland nobles who were seriously injured were suppressed by me, and the threat of the Mountain Territory became highlighted.

The Mountain Territory was not deliberately targeted because the situation in northern Xinjiang was tense and war was about to break out. There was no room for internal strife in the kingdom.

Due to the overall situation, the Dalton family should not do anything on the surface. I estimate that Governor Pierce is most likely planning to use this war to consume our strength.

Not only our family is facing this kind of pressure, but also several powerful middle-level nobles in the province will receive special attention from the Dalton family.

The big nobles restrict the middle nobles within their sphere of influence purely out of their own interests. No matter who you marry, it can't change this essence. "

Hudson said nonchalantly.

Too many debts don't weigh you down. From the moment they refused Earl Pierce's solicitation that day, the two parties were destined to not be on the same page.

There is no point in trying to compromise. Unless the strength of the Mountain Territory no longer continues to grow, conflicts will arise between the two sides sooner or later.

A tense situation only delays the conflict between the two parties, but it does not mean that the conflict no longer exists.

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