
Chapter 150 Chance Encounter

I don’t know if it’s just for fun, but there are a lot of people getting married in October 99987 on the sacred calendar.

Hudson sent out hundreds of gifts alone. Thinking about such a dense wedding is scary.

Including Hudson's two brothers, they also quickly got married in October, lest they be left behind.

It was supposed to set aside time for Hudson to prepare for the wedding, but something went wrong with the Hollister family.

When the two families decided to get married, they remembered that the other protagonist was still at the Royal Capital Magic Academy. When the news spread, Melissa had already entered the Warcraft Mountains with the academy's training team.

Without the person involved, the wedding cannot be held. The sudden delay embarrassed the two families.

Fortunately, everyone was cautious enough and only released the news of the marriage and did not announce the wedding time, otherwise it would be embarrassing.

As compensation, the Hollister family agreed to sell 150 copies of the Life Essence at a 20% discount on the market price. This heroic act instantly appeased all the dissatisfaction of the Koslow family.

One hundred and fifty copies of life essence represent one hundred and fifty opportunities to give birth to a knight. Calculated based on half the success rate, seventy-five knights can be born.

For the prosperous Koslow family, this resource came too timely.

Everyone was satisfied, including Hudson himself. This body is only 19 years old, so the postponement of the wedding is nothing.

Although getting married in advance can appease people's hearts, its actual effect is still very limited.

If something happened to him and he was left with an infant heir, it would be difficult to keep the foundation.

Anyway, you have to take advantage of others. Instead of thinking so much, it is better to enhance your life-saving strength.

Recently, Hudson has been in and out of the laboratory every day, not only to study the original liquid of life, but also to enhance Bear Stearns' strength.

The strength of the bear is his strength. If he really encounters trouble on the battlefield, he can at least take him away.

As for the others, if they are really defeated, they should just ask for blessings!

In terms of saving lives, Bear Stearns really did not disappoint Hudson. The running speed is faster than many flying eagle monsters.

After two years of continuous efforts, the concept of "saving lives first" has finally been imprinted in Bear Stearns' bones.

This is the biggest benefit of raising a cub from an early age. If it were an adult Earth Bear, even if Hudson rubbed his tongue, it wouldn't have any effect.

How can a habit that has been developed over hundreds or even thousands of years be changed in just one or two years?

The atmosphere of war has not been diluted with each wedding, but has become stronger as time goes by.

The rainy season did not stop everyone's enthusiasm for preparing for the war. As the Kingdom's inspection team patrolled around, the nobles walked out of their homes one after another and organized young men for training despite the rain.

Regardless of the effect, they all started moving anyway. It can be seen that everyone has a very strong desire to survive and is afraid of becoming a typical example of inactivity in training.

The Mountain Territory is no exception. The only difference is that in order to ensure the production of the mine, not all employees participate in the training.

There is no need to worry about this. No matter how exaggerated the intensity of mobilization, military production is the primary support industry.

Different from the previous basic training, this time Hudson even took out the military formation.

Square formation, circular formation, cone formation...these simplest military formations were all copied out from his memory.

As for some famous formations, it is a pity that Hudson is only a military enthusiast, not a military researcher, and he can't figure out how to operate them.

The most important thing is that the situations in the two worlds are different, and all formations that match firearms are not worth copying.

On the contrary, it is the simplest basic military formation that can be used universally in war.

Looking at the chaotic team, Hudson knew that he made the right choice. Serf soldiers should not expect too much. Even in the simplest military formation, there will be soldiers who are in the wrong position.

It took less than half a month for everyone to learn to recognize the command flag instructions and get rid of the embarrassment of relying solely on shouting for communication.

This is still the performance of elite troops. The performance of those reserve serf soldiers is even worse. They are often dumbfounded and don't know what they should do.

From this point of view, the last training camp organized for everyone was not deliberately reserved by Hudson.

The time is really too short, and it is not easy to complete basic training. It is really difficult for serfs who cannot tell the difference between east, west and north to directly learn something as lofty as military formations.

Even if you learn it reluctantly, it only has its form but not its spirit.

The protagonists of war are, after all, human beings. Regardless of any formations or tactics, people must ultimately implement them.

The most important thing is simplicity. In many cases, simple and easy-to-learn things are the most suitable for war.

Drill, drill...besides drill, still drill.

Unlike the general army, slingshots and ballistae appeared in Hudson's ranks. The only advantage is that it has a long range, which increases the troops' long-range attack capabilities.

As for the lethality, it depends on whether the enemy is willing to cooperate. If a swarm of swarms rushed over, the damage caused would definitely be huge.

It would be very embarrassing if the actions were dispersed. The hit rate of catapults and ballistae has always depended on luck.

The error is more than ten meters, which is normal operation. It is not impossible to fly dozens of meters beyond the target.

There are high-precision long-range attack weapons, such as the magic crystal cannon. The problem is that the Hudson does not have that thing.

It’s not just a matter of money, it’s also a matter of sincerely not being able to buy it. It is said that every magic crystal cannon is made by a master alchemist.

Only nobles with deep foundations can have such a big killing weapon.

Hudson has never seen the real thing. But according to the records in the classics, this thing is clearly the Aslant mainland version of the artillery.

There is no unified standard for power. Generally speaking, the larger the caliber, the greater the power, but this is not absolute. It mainly depends on the level of the magic crystal cannon manufacturer.

The only thing that is the same is the ammunition. Almost all magic crystal cannons are powered by magic crystals or magic cores. The strange thing is that - it is a pure energy attack, but its lethality is manifested in a physical way.

The magic crystal cannon cannot be mass-produced, and its power, range, accuracy, and stability all depend on the alchemist's personal level. It has been specially built for wealthy players since its birth.

It can be said that every attack is full of gold coins. A poor guy like Hudson couldn't afford it even if he got a magic crystal cannon.

Generally speaking, only when facing elite orc troops will everyone use their big killer weapons.

For daily suppression of rebellion, no noble family has the luxury of using magic crystal cannons.

The Orc Empire, a sudden locust plague, seriously injured this ancient empire.

Originally, the agricultural technology of the orcs was very backward, and for most races, it was normal to not have enough to eat. After this disaster, more races fell into food shortage crisis.

Not only agriculture has been affected, but the livestock industry has also not escaped. Facing the overwhelming army of locusts, the grassland also suffered a devastating blow.

The reduction of forage forced many tribes to slaughter their livestock.

The heavy losses made the voice of the main militant faction louder than ever. If there is a shortage of food, go to the humans to grab it. This is the consensus formed among the orcs over the past countless years.

There was no immediate war because the orc empire was too vast and more troops needed to be gathered from all over.

Behemoth Imperial Court.

As the head of the five royal families, at this moment, it is still a "famous" scene of a loving father and a filial son, and the son is desperately trying to die.

"Alex, you will be in charge of this southern expedition!"

Emperor Beamon didn't seem to notice the gloomy expressions on everyone's faces, and directly handed over the important task of the Southern Expedition to Crown Prince Alex.

The unexpected heavy responsibility pulled Crown Prince Alex out of his fishing state.

He is now playing the role of a lustful playboy. It is completely irresponsible to appoint him to preside over the Southern Expedition.

One can see Emperor Beimeng's demeanor, but it doesn't look like he's putting on a show, as if he really hopes to take over the important task.

"Father, this southern expedition involves too much, and I am afraid that it will be difficult for me to bear such a heavy responsibility based on my ability.

Prince Butzweig has served as the border governor for a long time and knows the most about human affairs. It would be better for him to take charge of the Southern Expedition, and I would act as his assistant and assist him from the side. "

Alex immediately excused himself.

When something goes wrong, there must be a monster.

Although he didn't know what kind of medicine Emperor Beimeng was selling, his plan had reached a critical moment and it was absolutely impossible to leave the imperial court.

"No need to worry, Prince Butzweig will assist you in completing your mission. As the heir of my Behemoth clan, how can I not show my brave side?

This matter is just settled. Alex, go down and prepare. You will be the commander-in-chief of this southern expedition! "

Looking at Emperor Bimeng's sharp eyes, Alex shuddered involuntarily, as if all the secrets had been seen through.

Fortunately, reason seized the high ground in time, and Alex did not show any gaffes. But deep down in my heart, I was secretly reminding myself to be careful.

Do you want to take action in advance?

As soon as this idea came up, Alex dismissed it. Compared with the highly respected Emperor Behemoth, he, the cute new crown prince, is really unpopular in the country.

Even if an unprovoked coup is successful, it will be difficult to gain everyone's support.

Maybe it will be obstructed by several other royal families. What everyone needs is a timid Emperor Beamon, but no one wants to see a scheming Emperor Beamon who is good at hiding.

In the blink of an eye, the twelfth lunar month of winter has arrived, and the date for Caesar III's canonization of the nobility is getting closer and closer.

The noble canonization ceremony only happens once every few years. If you miss it, you don't know how long it will take.

In order not to miss the canonization date, all the nobles who needed to be canonized set out early. Including Hudson is no exception.

Braving the biting cold wind, the horse galloped all the way north. It felt like a dull knife cutting flesh, constantly rubbing and tearing at the cheek.

All the nobles accompanying him gritted their teeth and persisted. It seems that they are competing in secret, and no one is willing to admit defeat.

In front of everyone, Hudson was embarrassed to ride in the carriage, but he could still add a magic shield to himself.

Watching people fight with each other like children was one of Hudson's few hobbies along the way.

Fortunately, everyone's war horses are high-quality mounts with the blood of Warcraft. They have excellent endurance and explosive power, otherwise they would not be able to withstand such a disaster.

He took the lead and walked at the front of the team, not because he wanted to stand out, but because he was publicly elected as the representative of the nobility of the southeastern province.

No one, including the nobles from the North, raised any objections to this. This is the treatment a strong man deserves. If you want to fight, you have to see whether your fists are strong enough.

"There's a fight ahead, everyone, be vigilant!"

Hudson warned.

Although I don't think anyone is crazy enough to rob their team, which has been canonized by the king, but they still need to be prepared.

If it wasn't in front of all the younger guys and the detour was too unreasonable, Hudson would go right around it.

It's not a matter of being cowardly or not, but rather a matter of doing less when you're out.

Love to join in the fun, and sooner or later you will get involved in it. For example, now, when I see two gangs fighting each other in the distance, before Hudson can decide whether to intervene, a nobleman said first:

"That's the flag of Rainbow Moon. Someone robbed the singing group!"

After hearing the news, the nobles who were just watching the fun instantly became energetic.

Opportunities for a hero to save a beautiful woman are rare. It's not easy to come across it. How can you miss it?

Just by making eye contact, Hudson knew that everyone could no longer rely on him and only one person was missing to take the lead.

There is no obstruction, everyone just formed a temporary team because they were on the way, and there are no restrictions on each other.



The delicate voices kept ringing out one after another, and the nobles who had long been unable to bear it any longer were so angry that they could no longer care so much and rushed over with their guards.

In order to show his "gregarious" side, Hudson was no exception, but he was not in a hurry to earn performance. He just shot a few soldiers to show that he was saving people.

There are many nobles who have similar choices. Except for the first group of guys who rushed out because they were driven by the lower body and wanted to be a hero to save the beauty, the rest just wanted to gain the reputation of "helping people in danger and rescuing people in distress".

It's not that they're afraid of trouble, it's mainly that they're a group of singers, and they're not worthy of everyone's sacrifice. If a certain princess's convoy was besieged, everyone would probably rush forward.

Realizing that they had an idea, the robbers immediately fled in all directions. Only the remains of corpses left in the ground continue to tell the cruelty of the battle.

"Isabelle, on behalf of all the sisters of the Rainbow Moon Diva Group, I would like to thank all the knights for your help!"

The delicate sound was so soft that it felt like it was numbing the bones of a person. Looking along the voice, it turned out to be a beautiful woman.

Even though Hudson was well-informed, he was also amazed by the beauty in front of him. This is a kind of natural beauty, as if every part of the body is just right.

After a brief period of confusion, Hudson quickly recovered. No matter how beautiful the beauty is, it has nothing to do with him.

The Rainbow Moon Divas are known throughout the Aslant continent not only for their artistic performances, but also for their endless scandals.

In Hudson's view, they are nothing more than a group of high-end people who have been packaged...

The more beautiful a singer is, the more troubles she will have. The little nobles wanted to pounce on him, and there were also many lustful people among the big nobles.

Judging from the reactions of the accompanying nobles, one can tell that they all look like pig brothers. If it hadn't been in front of everyone, I'm afraid they couldn't help but rush up and hug Isabel in their arms...

At this time, if Hudson dared to do anything outrageous, he would definitely have to be arranged into a romantic affair.

As a newly engaged man, this kind of thing must be avoided. Otherwise, if the news reaches the ears of the Hollister family, there will be another turmoil.

Silently looking away from Isabel, she watched quietly as a group of aristocratic children stepped forward to show off. I thought the matter was going to end there, but I didn't expect trouble to come to my door.

"Mr. Hudson, is that cute bear on your shoulder the legendary bear of the earth?"

A delicate voice sounded, and Isabel opened her eyes wide, showing the look of a curious baby, looking particularly charming.

After confirming the look, it was directed at the bear. When did my own bear become so charming?

The appearance of the Earth Bears is indeed cute, but their powerful combat power is too deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. The image they have always given everyone is that they are powerful, and few people care about their appearance.

"Miss Isabel, you have good eyesight! Yes, this is the great Mr. Bear Stearns.

It's just that its temper is not very good. It is best to call it Lord Bear Stearns. If you call it a bear when it's in a bad mood, it's likely to get a slap! "

Hudson said deliberately teasingly.

It was an agreement between Hudson and the cub to give each other face in front of outsiders and discuss serious matters in private.

As if she was frightened, Isabel closed her beautiful eyes and showed a frightened expression, which made everyone feel more and more pity for her.

After hesitating for a moment, he patted his chest and said, "Thank you, Mr. Hudson, for reminding me. I'm afraid that only a knight as powerful as you is worthy of the great Mr. Bear Stearns."

Praise, naked flattery.

The Hudson with the bear is indeed very powerful, but without the Warcraft, Hudson is just an ordinary talented boy.

Among his peers, he is considered outstanding, but it has nothing to do with being powerful.

He was also being complimented, but when the words came from the mouth of a delicate beauty, the feeling was different.

But for some reason, Hudson always felt that the woman in front of him was deliberately attracting his attention.

Before Hudson could figure it out, Isabel quickly turned around and gave a slight salute to the nobles: "Thank you, Lord Knights, for your rescue, allowing me and other sisters to save their lives.

The little girl has nothing to repay. I can only promise here that in the future, all adults who enter our venue to watch singing and dancing will be exempted from tickets..."

This is a smart woman.

It was clearly attracting Hudson's attention, but he never ignored everyone, as if he was just curious about the bear of the earth.

As long as there are many men, beautiful women will always get preferential treatment.

Even if Isabel's cover-up just now was not perfect, everyone was still willing to make up their own minds and complete the lie for her.

Save people to the end and ferry them to the shore.

The important task of escorting the Rainbow Moon Diva Group to the Royal Capital naturally fell on everyone's shoulders.

It's too much of a coincidence that the destinations happen to be the same. Hudson's originally suppressed vigilance was raised again.

With the addition of a group of charming ladies traveling together, the joy along the way has increased a lot.

Women who have been in the entertainment industry are not as reserved as noble ladies. When joking, they are bold and bold, and often...

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