
Chapter 151 Magical Library

In front of women, men always like to show their charming side, especially in front of beautiful women.

Seeing a group of nobles surrounding a group of singers and showing their hospitality, Hudson silently chose to be a crowd-pleaser.

It's easy to have a one-night romance, but the price is too cruel. It doesn't matter that there are a bunch of married nobles, they are just having fun anyway, and there is no harm in adding a romantic affair.

As a single aristocrat, Hudson could not follow suit. It would be embarrassing if the gun went off and someone was chasing you to take responsibility.

It's not like things like this have never happened. In order to marry into a rich family, it is normal to use some tricks.

Although the probability of success is low, there are still successful cases. Minor aristocrats and married aristocrats are not the targets of singers, but that is not necessarily true for those who go higher up.

This can be seen from their different attitudes towards everyone. It's a pity that a guy with a spermatozoa brain never thinks that much, he just wants to have an affair.

It's a pity that the opponents are too powerful. They are all beautiful women who have been professionally trained to capture men's hearts. All of them are well versed in men's inner thoughts.

The more you want something, the less you can get it. On the contrary, in front of the unmoved Hudson, a singer would come and hang out from time to time.

Euphemistically called it, he was attracted by the majestic appearance of the Bear of the Earth. But the question is, when has Bear Stearns ever been a hero?

In addition, there are also children from wealthy families such as Viscount Caillaux and Viscount Sis, who are surrounded by warblers.

It's just that these guys are lustful, but their overall behavior is mostly restrained. Although he would not refuse the temptation that came to his door, he did not pounce on it regardless of the cost.

I don't know whether it is because they are well-informed or have experienced professional training, but the resistance of these wealthy children to beauty is much stronger than that of ordinary people.

It’s just that Isabel is not included. Facing this special beauty, the rich and powerful children didn't have much resistance.

Hudson even saw a nobleman coming up to propose marriage on the spot. The result is self-evident, he was issued a good guy card.

"How far has things progressed?"

A cold voice sounded in her ears, and Isabel turned her beautiful eyes and glared at the visitor fiercely.

It's just that the fierce eyes can't help but be mixed with affection. Obviously, this is the charm integrated into the bones, every smile, every smile, every smile and every anger are all charming.

How can a normal man be able to bear this?

"Shadow Sha, you don't want your life! There is a bear of the earth in the camp. If you sneak in at this time, you are not afraid of being beaten by Bear Stearns..."

Before Isabel could finish speaking, the shadow man interrupted: "Don't worry, the organization definitely knows the Earth Bear better than you do.

I entered your camp, not that of Mr. Hudson. The lazy Earth Bear has no habit of peeking around.

Unless Mr. Hudson is obsessed with you to the extreme and asks the Earth Bear to help keep an eye on you. If you really get to that point, even if you are discovered, you will be able to settle the matter.

After all, my current identity on the surface is that of a servant of the singing diva troupe. It makes sense that we are related to you! "

Hearing this answer, Isabel rolled her eyes. He said angrily: "Since you are so powerful, just go and take care of it yourself, why do you need me to take action?

The little girl had little talent and little knowledge, and was not capable of taking on this important task, so she failed to win this man down. "

Half of this anger was directed at Yingsha, and the other half was directed at Hudson. A delicate beauty performed several times, but she still remained unmoved.

If Isabel hadn't been sure that Hudson's body was reacting and just suppressed it with willpower, she would have doubted whether Hudson was a man.

"It's really a miracle that there is a man in this world that you, Isabel, can't handle!"

The shadow man said expressionlessly.

But when this scene fell into Isabel's eyes, her eyes widened and she looked back and forth curiously.

Now she finally understood why she couldn't seduce the shadow man. After doing this for a long time, this guy is not a real man.

"What are you looking at? Don't forget that your mission is to find out as soon as possible whether Viscount Hudson has the Blood Moon Horn."

The shadow man reminded.

"You don't need to talk nonsense, I naturally know the mission. But that Viscount Hudson is difficult to deal with!

He was obviously tempted, but he still suppressed his desire and acted unmoved.

It’s not like you don’t know how perverted the nobles are. Some ruthless guys, in order to hone their character, even the women they love can..."

Halfway through her words, Isabel stamped her foot hard. Deep down in my heart, I secretly complained that I must have encountered a pervert too!

With the escort of a large group of knights, the journey will naturally be smooth sailing. No matter how desperate the bandits were, they were not stupid enough to deliberately give away their heads.

Arriving at the Royal Capital, everyone said goodbye to the ladies of the singing group while everyone was reluctant to leave.

Facing Isabel's resentful eyes, Hudson always felt that things would not end so soon.

Fell in love with him?

This is too weird.

There is no denying love at first sight, but it would be very funny for a woman in the entertainment industry to fall in love at first sight.

Judging from appearance alone, Hudson is just average. Not ugly, not too handsome either.

Being able to attract the favor of noble ladies is more due to the temperament bonus brought by strength and status.

These are very attractive to immature girls, but they are not enough for top singers like Isabel.

If it wasn't love at first sight, it would be specifically for him.

There are many spies who have infiltrated the Mountain Territory, but Hudson has never encountered a force that uses such a beauty as a pawn.

This is not to belittle oneself, but I really don’t know.

There is no love or hate for no reason in the world of aristocrats, and there are only a few things that the mountain masters plot.

It is impossible for Hudson to let go of all of them. Even if Isabel succeeds in seducing him, he cannot move the territory!

Vaguely, Hudson felt as if he had discovered the truth, but there was a layer of distance between him and the truth.

When they arrived at the royal capital, it was time for everyone to say goodbye.

This is the time to show strength. Families with strength have their own residences in the royal capital, while nobles without strength can only stay in hotels.

Hudson is sandwiched between the two. As the family with the widest distribution of members, the royal capital naturally has no shortage of members of the Koslow family.

It's just a residence, so it's hard to describe. From the perspective of regulations alone, it is just a civilian courtyard.

Living in the capital is not easy.

It is not easy for nobles who are not wealthy to buy properties that match their status here.

It would be nice to have a place to stay. Hudson is not picky either, let alone the capital to be picky.

Even the cheapest Viscount's mansion costs tens of thousands of gold coins. Don’t be dissatisfied with the price. As soon as this kind of house comes out, it will be snapped up immediately.

In fact, few aristocratic mansions come to the market. No matter how short of money it is, no one will sell their mansion.

Most of the foreign nobles stayed in hotels.

A hotel in good condition is not much better decorated than a palace. But the price is also quite unattractive.

If you want to move in, you just need money. What kind of status can only stay in the corresponding room?

In the past, a Viscount like Hudson could only stay in the Viscount Castle for 30 gold coins per day, or in a lower-grade room.

As long as you save face, the cheapest knight room is only 3 gold coins per day.

Hudson very much doubted whether those poor knights at the bottom could earn 3 gold coins a day.

Hudson also admired the hotel owner who had figured out the aristocrats' desire for comparison and came up with this business model.

Imitation is impossible.

This kind of business model cannot be imitated by ordinary people.

If the background is not strong enough, the aristocratic gentlemen in the store will start a quarrel and it will not end.

A civilian courtyard is a civilian courtyard. In order not to pay the IQ tax, Hudson is too lazy to join in the fun.

To be precise - fully booked.

The Koslow family received the news too late, and their network of connections in the royal capital was extremely limited, so they were unable to secure a room for Hudson.

The small courtyard was renovated not long ago, and you can tell that a lot of care has been taken. Although he was not worthy of the status of a viscount, Hudson, who did not have high requirements for living conditions, was still satisfied.

After resting for a night, he was notified early the next morning to enter the palace to rehearse the knighting ceremony.

After getting this answer, Hudson was confused. Love has not escaped even when it comes to the continent of Aslant...

In such a hurry, it is natural that the team from the southeastern province arrived late. Originally, according to the normal speed, it must have arrived early.

But with the addition of a group of singers dragging oil bottles along the way, the forward speed dropped from hundreds of miles per day to dozens of miles per day, and the time consumed naturally increased.

There are only eight days left before the canonization time. If you don't rehearse in advance, if something goes wrong during the ceremony, it will be an accident.

There was no surprise, the people participating in the rehearsal were all small and medium-sized nobles. As for His Majesty the Great King, there is no need to engage in such nonsense.

Under the guidance of the etiquette officer, Hudson followed the team like a wooden man all morning.

This is just the beginning. In the next few days, I will come here and practice again every day.

It was able to end early because he was a viscount and had a higher status among the canonized nobles.

The barons and knights below were even worse, especially the knights with the lowest status, who basically stayed in line all day long. It is necessary to wait for the previous nobles to be canonized before it can finally be their turn.

Theoretically, they could come back in the afternoon. It is a pity that the upright ceremonial officials accepted death and must restore the scene of the canonization ceremony as much as possible.

Except for the absence of Caesar III, the other processes are basically intact real-life simulations.

Originally, he wanted to visit the palace, but after thinking about it, Hudson gave up the idea. You don't need to think about it to know that the guards will not agree.

If anyone can run around in the palace, then it is not a palace, but a vegetable market.

"Sir, do you want Miss Melissa to invite you?"

As soon as I returned to the station and was about to change into regular clothes and go out for a walk, I received this unexpected news.

It was too much of a coincidence for Hudson to think too much.

He was not there when the marriage was discussed earlier, but just after the postponement of the wedding was announced, he happened to come back, as if he was deliberately escaping.

However, going to the Warcraft Mountains for training was arranged by the Magic Academy. As a new little magician, Melissa doesn't have the ability to influence the academy's decisions.

Even the Hollister family doesn't have such a big reputation now.

After looking at the familiar small words on the parchment and making sure that no one was playing a prank, Hudson changed his clothes and went straight to the Magic Academy.

Lush aspens, vibrant lawns, the aroma of violets, and red fruits hanging from the apple trees not far away.

If it weren't for the biting cold wind, Hudson wouldn't believe it was winter.

The vitality of spring, the prosperity of summer, the harvest of autumn, and the desolation of winter.

All gathered together, such an abnormal scene did not arouse people's surprise, just because this is the magic academy.

As the oldest and most prosperous school in the Alpha Kingdom, any supernatural phenomena that occur here can only be considered normal.

When they met again, their relationship had undergone a qualitative change.

Once an aristocratic marriage is announced to the public, there is basically no room for regret. The only difference between a fiancée and a husband and wife is just a wedding ceremony.

After looking at each other, the two people became awkward together, not knowing what to say for a while.

"Why did you come back from the experience so quickly? Didn't you say it would last for half a year?"

Hudson asked tentatively.

"An accident occurred in the Warcraft Mountains. A dragon appeared from nowhere and had a fight with two earth bears, causing the Warcraft in the area to panic and run around.

Intermediate and high-level monsters frequently appear in the peripheral areas where we have experienced.

After three students had accidents before they could send out a signal for help, the college's senior management postponed the experience. "

Melissa narrated slowly.

From the anxious expression, you can also detect the hint of fear on his eyebrows.

Obviously, this experience was not as easy as she said. It was most likely that he had witnessed some dangerous scene with his own eyes, which was why he was so frightened.

A giant dragon singled out two earth bears, and Hudson was not surprised. As the most powerful creature in this world, dragons have always been the ceiling of combat effectiveness.

Although the Earth Bears claim to be able to defeat dragons alone, they have a fatal flaw, that is, they cannot fly in the sky.

When creatures on earth fight with creatures in the sky, it is obvious that they will suffer. But if it's two against one, then it's hard to tell.

In essence, they are all top extraordinary creatures, and they all belong to the top of the food chain. Their strength depends on the development of the individual.

Monsters of the same category and realm have different strengths. Monsters who know how to practice hard are often more powerful than lazy ones who rely purely on talent.

The ultimate growth limit of Warcraft not only depends on talent, but also depends on one's own efforts.

This aspect is essentially the same as human beings. It's just that the lower limit of Warcraft is very high, and it is born with extraordinary power.

“No matter if we postpone it, the Warcraft Mountains are still too dangerous for junior magicians like you.

Even with experience, I am afraid it will be difficult to gain anything. It's better to wait until you become stronger and then go over to experience it.

The current situation is already very tense, and war may break out at any time, so there is no chance to take action.


As he spoke, Hudson realized something was wrong. It seems like I'm out on a date, why do I keep talking about these irrelevant topics?

Fortunately, arranged marriages are popular in the Aslant continent, and the emphasis is on being well-matched, and hard conditions are a hundred times more important than sweet words.

The most important thing is that there are not too many opportunities for contact between men and women. If the two families hadn't already decided to get married, a man and a woman walking alone on campus would cause rumors.

For unmarried aristocratic men and women, gossip was a symbol of indecent private life. Once you have a bad reputation, it will be difficult to get a good marriage.

Either you lower your standards, or you marry someone who has the same bad private life. In short, there will be no good results.

"Can you tell me, what's going on with Isabel?"

Melissa's words brought Hudson back from his thoughts.

The news spread really fast.

As expected, those nobles were not the ones who could keep secrets. Fortunately, he restrained his desire and did not mess around.

"She's just a beautiful singer trying to reach the sky in one go!"

Hudson replied nonchalantly.

Reason told him that it was best to throw the pot away at this time. Although he didn't do anything, it doesn't mean that no one was behind the story.

Jealousy is an original sin.

Although Hudson gave up the opportunity to get close to Isabel, the hatred still persisted.

Of course, the greater possibility is that Melissa's other suitors are responsible. Hudson is not the only one who has ideas about the Holliser family, there are definitely not a few people who want to marry.

Hudson can stand out. In addition to the mutual interests, his legendary experience is also a major plus.

Every time wars broke out with the orcs, the casualty rate of the nobles remained high. Nowadays, marriage is a gamble. If you are unlucky, you will be a widow.

Although the continent of Aslant does not exclude widows from remarrying, and even some families with few offspring will select widows who can bear children, they are only a minority after all.

For most aristocratic men and women, their marriages will be lowered to a lower level after they become widowed.

Not to mention gambling, the ratio of men to women will be seriously imbalanced after every war. A large number of noble ladies cannot find a partner and have no choice but to become nuns.

For families, giving up the alliance brought by in-law relationships is undoubtedly a waste of resources.

It's all gambling anyway, so naturally you have to choose the bet with a high chance of winning.

There is no doubt that a lucky and powerful guy like Hudson is the first choice of every company.

"Oh, that's better."

"By the way, Hudson, last time you said you wanted to visit the library. It's hard to come to the Magic Academy, why don't you go and have a look?"

The poor acting skills concealed the embarrassment and naturally failed to hide it from Hudson's eyes.

It's just that it's rare to be confused about this kind of thing. As a single creature, he doesn't want to cause any trouble in the marriage because of his upright personality.


As soon as he finished speaking, Hudson noticed something was wrong. It seemed that they had arrived at the entrance of the library.

The library of the Magic Academy is naturally full of magic. As an outsider, Hudson was blocked at the door.

"Please pay the 50 gold coin admission fee!"

The sound of machinery sounded, and Hudson realized that the toll collector in front of him was actually a mechanical doll.

After taking a look at Melissa to make sure there was nothing wrong. Hudson paid directly.

"Welcome to the Alpha Kingdom Magic Academy Library, please abide by all the rules in the library! Violators will be responsible for the consequences!"

The warning sound sounded, and a huge sign appeared in front, which recorded various rules that needed to be followed. There were dozens of them.

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