
Chapter 152: A moth at the canonization ceremony

"Detailed explanation of elementary earth magic spells, please pay 100 gold coins!"

"Detailed explanation of earth-based intermediate magic spells, please pay 300 gold coins!"

"Detailed explanation of advanced earth magic spells, please pay 800 gold coins!"

"Detailed explanation of the basic knowledge of magic circle, please pay 200 gold coins!"

"Introduction to alchemy, please pay 300 gold coins!"

After a series of payment reminders, Hudson's head was buzzing and he was at a loss.

"The library is so desperate for money. I warned you last time that the experience here will not be pleasant!"

Melissa said playfully.

It seems that watching Hudson make a fool of himself is a joy to watch.

Rolling his eyes, Hudson, who did not bring enough gold coins, reluctantly put down the tome in his hand.

This is a magic academy. Although there are not many powerful people, there are definitely many masters.

Doing things here is definitely a sign that you are tired of living.

"Isn't this price too expensive?"

Hudson asked confused.

Although he had long heard that learning magic was a gold-eating beast, the price still frightened him.

Books that just record knowledge are so expensive to borrow once. If you go to class every day to study, wouldn't the cost be even higher?

"These prices are for outsiders. Our internal colleges have credits. You can get credits by completing corresponding studies or accepting tasks from some colleges.

Only when you don't have enough credits will you use gold coins to buy them.

The prices, as you've seen, are worse than robbery.

Magic research is very expensive. Not only are we students poor, but the instructors in the academy and even the school itself are also poor. "

Melissa half explained, half complained.

After receiving the precise answer, Hudson was speechless.

I originally thought that the Magic Academy opened its library mainly to show its tolerant attitude, but I didn't expect that he was overthinking it, and it was just to deceive others.

Those who didn't know it just came here and thought that for fifty gold coins they could read all the magic knowledge, so they would pay the fee.

After paying the money, they will find that there are countless big pits waiting for them to jump into.

There is no use regretting it. Either give up the 50 gold coin admission fee and admit defeat, or continue to spend money to learn magic knowledge.

Anyway, the Magic Academy will not refund the money. If you have any objections, first check whether your fist is strong enough, and then consider whether to ask for an explanation.

Hudson simply ignored the "poor" Melissa mentioned. There is no poor man who can learn magic.

Looking at this money-hungry library, Hudson knew how much money the Magic Academy could rip off. Students who don't have a strong family background simply can't survive here.

Perhaps it is for this reason that the Magic Academy rarely recruits students from civilians.

My family is not rich, so I am busy earning points all day long. No matter how good your talent is, once your resources cannot keep up, you will still be widened by others in the later stage.

The so-called free for gifted students only exists in theory. The free content is limited to the most basic courses, and subsequent knowledge must be exchanged at an equivalent price.

It seems reasonable, but in fact, vested interests do not want to add a bunch of competitors and affect their own interests, so they deliberately raise the entry threshold infinitely.

The magic academy in front of you is a true reflection of the times. It seems that everyone can enter. But the reality is that even if ordinary people come in, they have to spend a lot of time earning points.

Magic research is just a joke. It can range from a few gold coins to hundreds or thousands of gold coins for a magic experiment. What can ordinary people afford?

The true meaning of magic is not easy to pursue. If you don’t figure out many things yourself, you will never be able to understand the essence of magic.

In the early stages of practice, these problems were not prominent, but when higher-level research was involved later, these shortcomings became fatal.

As an extraordinary power, much knowledge in the field of magic can only be understood and cannot be expressed in words.

Even if the same magic rules fall into the eyes of different people, the final harvest will be different.

Just a few words described in the book, that is only the understanding of the original author. Latecomers can only learn from it, but cannot copy it intact.

"It seems that I shouldn't have come with you today."

Hudson said with a depressed look.

It’s really not a wonderful feeling to have knowledge that makes you want to know something, but you don’t have the money to learn it.

Looking back at the vast sea of ​​books, Hudson strongly doubted that he would be able to finish the study even if he lost all his money.

The cheapest basic knowledge starts at three digits, and you can imagine how expensive high-end knowledge is.

It just proves the saying - knowledge is the most precious wealth.

"Hehe! Every magician who has come here will say that he shouldn't have come. But before he came, he couldn't help but think about coming.

No magician can resist the temptation of the true meaning of magic. How can he not be willing to see the largest magic library in the palace?

Although these things are expensive, if you were not a noble of the kingdom, you would not be able to buy them even if you were rich.

But if you have basic knowledge, there is no need to waste money here.

When I was at home, I learned almost everything. If you want to know something, you can ask me, provided I remember it.

In fact, almost every big noble has a collection of the knowledge here, but it's just not as complete as here.

In particular, some new research and development results are unique to the college. Wanting to acquire this knowledge would make even a great noble feel pained. "

The speaker may not mean it, but the listener does.

Hudson didn't think Melissa invited him here just to see his jokes. If you torment your fiancé and make a fool of yourself, everyone will be embarrassed together.

Children of aristocrats mature precociously, and Hudson is more willing to believe that this is a deliberately arranged display of self-worth.

Compared with the great nobles, what the Koslow family lacks most is not strength, but the inheritance of knowledge.

For a prosperous family, as long as the resources are sufficient, the growth rate of strength will never be slow.

But if you can inherit the heritage, there is nothing you can do. Even if you want to go out and grab it, you can't grab the truly precious knowledge.

Magical self-destruction devices are just child's play. More importantly, whose important inheritance doesn't have a few pitfalls?

The efforts made by the great nobles in protecting the inherited knowledge of their families are beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

If you can't grab it, you can only trade it.

Within the same circle, as long as the price is high enough, there is nothing that cannot be bought.

How to operate it specifically is very challenging. Marriage is only one of the means. Melissa can bring basic knowledge of magic, which is enough for the Koslow family to attach the highest importance to her.

Although these basic knowledge can be obtained from the library for money, the price is really expensive!

"With so much knowledge to sell, and huge funding from the kingdom, your college should be extremely rich. How can you say it's poor?"

Hudson asked jokingly.

“There are many knowledge achievements, but they must be sold.

Most of the research and development results are meaningless and useless. Who is willing to pay a big price?

What can really be sold is the basic knowledge on the table. Many newly rising nobles, in order to enrich their background, will send people to make a copy.

Originally, the income of the academy was very high, but it had to support a group of tutors who wanted to explore the true meaning of magic.

As far as I know, there are few who are inexhaustible once they indulge in the study of magic. "

Melissa spread her hands and curled her lips and said.

Obviously, it is difficult for a young girl like her to understand the joy of spending all day in the laboratory.

There are many female magicians in the Aslant continent, but only a few of them are truly powerful.

Behind almost every strong woman, there is a tortuous story. A noble lady who has everything going smoothly cannot calm down and explore the true meaning of magic.

Seeing that the topic was getting more and more off-kilter, he still remembered that he was Hudson who came over for a date, so he said mockingly.

"Come on, take me away from this sad place. This kind of ghost place that only cares about money is not where a poor person like me should come."

Leisure time is always short. I rehearse every morning and accompany the beautiful lady to visit the capital in the afternoon. The time soon comes to the canonization day - December 31, 99987 in the sacred calendar.

The auspicious day of the zodiac was personally selected by the great Caesar III, and God was very generous with it. A sunny day came directly in the cold winter.

Like a rehearsal, Hudson lined up with everyone, waiting for the arrival of Caesar III.

The palace square was already surrounded by crowds of spectators. This grand event only happens once every five years on average, and the melon-eaters were also very enthusiastic.

The more luxurious wealthy businessmen even took out expensive photo stones for recording.

For no other reason than to record more accurate information so that I can keep my eyes open when encountering things in the future.

On the top of a building in the distance, the singers from Rainbow Moon also watched the excitement. Because of the distance, it was impossible to even recognize the figures, let alone hear the voices.

It's all a result of her career. As a member of a well-known singing group, she will attract the public's attention wherever she goes.

This kind of big day to enthrone nobles is not something they can take over. It would be a big disaster if people watching from close range caused an accident and disrupted the canonization ceremony.

Unable to see or hear clearly, the originally enthusiastic and beautiful women soon lost interest and returned to their boudoirs one after another.

Only Isabel stayed, looking at the crowd of people in the distance with envy, and fell into endless contemplation.

"Isabel, your progress is not very good. As soon as the canonization ceremony is over, that guy will return to the territory.

If you miss this opportunity, it will not be that simple to get close to him in the future. "

An urging voice without any emotion sounded from her ears, bringing Isabel, who had been trapped in fantasy, back to reality.

Staring at the visitor fiercely, Isabel turned her head angrily and said angrily:

"Just go back. This damn mission cannot be completed by humans!"

It's not that she doesn't work hard, it's just that she doesn't have a chance to perform.

In the days after arriving in the royal capital, Hudson entered the palace to rehearse in the morning and wandered around with his fiancée in the afternoon.

Several chance encounters were arranged, but at the last moment, Isabel was forced to cancel.

No matter how charming she is, she can't show it off in front of her fiancée!

Isabel was helpless when encountering such an opponent. If the rewards of this mission were not so coveted, she would have given up the job long ago.

"It's too late! The organization's mission is never done half-way. In any case, we must find out whether the Blood Moon Horn is in the Mountain Territory.

The possibility of purchasing the Blood Moon Horn has been considered above. You can tentatively negotiate with the mountain viscount, and if the price is not high, there is no harm in buying it. "

The shadow man said coldly.

In his life creed, there is no concept of "failure". The imprint that the mission is greater than the sky has long been engraved in his bones.

Since his debut, although he has not completed the task 100%, it is the first time that Shadow Kill has encountered this embarrassing situation after struggling for several months without even contacting the person involved.

"Stop dreaming!

Do you think I'm a fool?

Or is the Viscount of the Mountains a fool? "

Isabel mocked unceremoniously.

How could a singer be contaminated by the "Blood Moon Horn"? I'm afraid that as soon as I start talking about the price, my identity will be exposed instantly.

As a smart person, Isabel never puts herself in danger. She didn't dare to bet that she could escape unscathed if her identity was exposed.

Buying it cheap would be even more nonsense. Anyone who gets this kind of chips will sell them at a good price. There is no reason to sell them cheaply.

Even if you want to put pressure on the other party, you have to show your organization's name to see if you can suppress them.

Unfortunately, the mysterious organization simply does not dare to put itself in the sun. Coercion is naturally out of the question.

"Try it. With your ability, even if the mission fails, he will not be willing to kill you. We will organize a rescue.

At the next celebration party, I will find a way to lure his fiancée away and create opportunities for you. But in terms of time, you have to hurry up. "

It was obviously an incitement, but when it came out of Ying Sha's blunt mouth, it changed instantly.


Isabel said with a flick of her skirt.

She only believed half of Yingsha's words. Reason told her that the next opportunity to create should be real, but there was no need to take the promised rescue seriously.

Since joining the mysterious organization, she has never seen anyone rescue a captured intelligence officer. Instead, she has seen them silenced twice.

Once you join a mysterious organization, you can't look back. Even though she knew the task was very difficult, Isabel could only bite the bullet now.

Maybe the mysterious organization can't do anything to the big nobles, but it couldn't be easier to deal with a little singer like her.

There was no need to send anyone else, just the guy in front of her who "came without a trace and left without a trace" could kill her.

"Consecrate Hudson-Coslow as Viscount!"

After waiting for several hours, the words from Caesar III came. Kneeling down on one knee to receive a knight's sword is considered to have completed the canonization ceremony.

There are no words of encouragement or inspiration. Mutual communication is even more non-existent.

Even the traditional hand-kissing ceremony was omitted. The complex ritual that my colleagues rehearsed first was completely different.

It can be seen that Caesar III is really a resolute monarch. The canonization ceremony has been reduced to the extreme, and all the original fancy ceremonies have been condensed into one sentence.

Not according to traditional rules, but now he is the rule. It seems that the change is just for laziness, but it is actually another oath of royal power.

With practical actions, he told the newly crowned nobles that he, Caesar III, was the boss in the Alpha Kingdom.

Maybe there have been twists and turns before! Anyway, everyone is happy to accept it now, and no one thinks that Caesar III did something wrong.

In other words, even if you have thoughts in your heart, you are holding them back now and don't dare to say them in person.

Everyone who accepted the canonization could accept it, let alone Hudson. It was wise to finish the ceremony as early as possible and call it a day and go home. He didn't want to perform a monkey show here for everyone to watch.

Even though the knighting ceremony is the most glorious moment in a noble's life, Hudson, who was afraid of trouble, thought it would be better to keep everything simple.

Simple rituals mean high efficiency.

Earlier, Caesar III personally read out the list, but when it came to conferring knights later on, because there were so many people, he simply gave up the power to read out the list to the officials presiding over the ceremony.

The knighting ceremony, which was supposed to last for several days, was completed in three hours by Caesar III. The reason why Hudson and others waited so long was entirely because the king arrived late.

Whether intentionally or unintentionally, the boss can be late at will, but the younger brother must come early to wait for him.

Witnessing the majesty of the royal power with his own eyes, Hudson finally understood why so many people have wanted to seize the throne throughout the ages.

Fortunately, this is the continent of Aslant, and it is not popular to say that princes and generals have something to do with Xiang Ning. Otherwise, the Alpha Kingdom's group of nobles who support their troops and respect themselves would have fallen out long ago.

"The canonization ceremony is over, and next is the celebration banquet. You can take your seats on your own!"

Caesar III said kindly.

Maybe he was happy that he had completed today's heavy work, or maybe he was happy that he had added a bunch of younger brothers. In short, he was in a good mood now.

Watching the king who did not follow the routine leave, a pot exploded below, and everyone in the small circles started talking about it.

As one of the canonized protagonists, Hudson, who was in the front position, saw with his own eyes the ceremonial officer responsible for presiding over the ceremony, and his face turned green with anger.

Obviously, Caesar III changed the rules temporarily, and even the officials who presided over the ceremony were not notified in advance.

When the king was here just now, everyone didn't dare to show it too obviously. Now that the king is gone, their true feelings begin to show.

Major events involving the canonization of noble titles will inevitably be recorded in history. Someone has to take the blame for this kind of unconventional and unconventional performance.

As the host of the ceremony, he is the best scapegoat. At least there were curses in Hudson's ears, and they were basically directed at the etiquette officer.

At most, there are only a few words of criticism about Caesar III.

It's not that everyone doesn't want to scold the king, but in fact, in the continent of Aslant, as a vassal, you are not qualified to scold the lord.

"Pick up the bowl to eat, put down the bowl and scold your mother." Nobles who have not completely lost their moral bottom line still can't do it.

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