
Chapter 160 The pot comes from the sky



Along with the shouts of killing, corpses were everywhere on the ground. The tragic scene made everyone who was used to big scenes unable to help but lose their composure.

Both sides of the war were furious. A human soldier had half his head chopped off, but his body's instinct still fired the last shot.

Many people were severely injured, and their first reaction was not to deal with their own injuries, but to continue the attack.

This almost instinctive reaction clearly turns people into war machines, as if they were born specifically for war.

I am not qualified to criticize, because the enemy on the opposite side is orcs. In the face of the life and death crisis of genocide and genocide, any means is appropriate.

What is recorded on the photo stone is just a small episode on the northern front line. There are many similar battle scenes on the front line.

"These photo stones record the battle conditions on the front line. What you see is just a small-scale encounter. Similar battles happen countless times every day on the front line.

The orc army is seriously polarized. Those who are not good are really bad, and those who are fierce are really fierce.

When encountering those cannon fodder races, we can easily kill them, but once we encounter powerful races, our human soldiers will suffer a big loss.

The wolf cavalry who appeared in the battle were just ordinary steppe werewolves. They were at a medium level in the orc empire, and their combat effectiveness was almost the same as that of our human elites.

If it were the five orc royal families, the scene would be even more tragic. Especially the most powerful Beamon clan, their fighting power is the most terrifying.

Every adult man of the Behemoth tribe has the fighting ability of no less than a junior knight. After practicing, the combat effectiveness will be even stronger.

When encountering the Behemoth army, there is no strength advantage of more than ten times, so don't hesitate, just avoid it.

Even the most elite troops in the kingdom are no match for them with the same size of troops.

I tell you this not to make you afraid of war, but to remind you that this war is very dangerous and the enemy is far more powerful than you think.

When on the battlefield, don't try to be smart or take the initiative, just follow the orders from above and do what you need to do. "

Everyone did not react much to Earl Pierce's warning.

After the port inspection and being pulled over to watch the movie, everyone was mentally prepared.

How can a country that mobilizes the whole country ignore the training of military officers. Even if you are still at the rear, you still have to learn in advance.

As the kingdom's reserve team, the biggest advantage is that it can draw on previous combat experience. These tragic scenes are the best teaching materials.

From the battle scenes, we can see the combat effectiveness of the orc armies of various races.

Vaguely, Hudson understood why the kingdom did not advocate taking the initiative. These are all valuable experiences summed up by the bloody lessons of our ancestors.

It's not that it's bad to take the initiative. The key to the problem is that ordinary noble private armies simply don't have the strength to fight with the elite orcs in the field.

No matter how good the control of the fighter plane is, someone still needs to execute it. Except for some elites, most armies do not have this execution capability.

On the contrary, the defense is simpler. Relying on the fortifications, even ordinary soldiers can cause damage to the enemy.

The most important thing is to easily stabilize military morale. The boiling... broth in the orc camp is the best stabilizer for military morale.

No matter how heavy the casualties were, the defenders who did not want to be reduced to food could only fight to the death with the enemy.

Unlike in a field battle, you can still run away if you can't beat him. Once the casualties exceed the critical point of morale, the supervising team cannot prevent the morale of the military from collapsing.

The fortresses on the border are all made of special materials. The power of magic attacks that fall on the city wall will be greatly weakened, often only half of what it is in normal times.

Some important fortresses even have defensive magic arrays inside. Orcs are not good at magic attacks, which creates the best conditions for defending the city.

Of course, no matter how strong a fortress is, it will eventually be conquered one day.

Not good at magic attacks, that's only relative.

When the magical power of an empire is concentrated, even forbidden spells can be released, so how can a mere city wall stop it?

The orcs failed to kill everyone, and the containment of the Kingdom's mage group was also a very important factor.

Everyone present is the backbone of the Southeast Province. When it comes to the battlefield, they are also mid-level and high-level officers who need to be sent out to take charge of their own affairs.

If we don't plan ahead, if someone wants to be pushy and act without authorization and lose the battle, the defense line in a theater may collapse.

Initially, Hudson didn't take it seriously, but Count Pierce's sharp eyes made him feel something was wrong.

Vaguely, he seemed to feel that these ambiguous words were directed at him.

The conscience of heaven and earth, is he so unreliable?

Taking a detailed look at all the records he has achieved since his debut, Hudson can honestly say that all of them can be called stable.

He was so cautious when dealing with the gangsters of the Skull and Bones Society; how could he do anything wrong when he encountered the main force of the orc army?

The explanation is to cover up. The disadvantage of age can easily be automatically labeled as impulsive, middle-aged,...

Faced with this distrust, based on the principle: as long as I am not embarrassed, then embarrassment will be for others, Hudson simply looked at Earl Pierce.

After more than ten seconds, Earl Pierce suddenly changed the subject:

"Everyone must read the content on the photo stone carefully. How much knowledge you can learn from it depends on your own understanding.

However, the contents above are not allowed to be leaked out, so as not to cause panic to the people below.

The Kingdom is indeed at a disadvantage on the front line, but only we can know this kind of thing. When promoting the following, you still have to focus on...

This issue is not urgent at the moment. I believe that the troops on the front line will soon achieve a great victory, which they can use to publicize it.

Although the Southeast Province is later in the mobilization sequence, the time when we participate in the war is often the most tragic time of the war.

Judging from the casualty rates in previous wars, in fact they are almost the same. If you're not lucky, the whole army may still be wiped out.

Orcs don't care how many difficulties you have. If you want to come back from the battlefield alive, then show your true skills!

Not only your own private army, but also the private armies of the nobles in the county must be trained..."

The war broke out for more than half a month, and there was not a single successful battle on the front line. Just think about it and you will know how miserable the kingdom was suppressed by the enemy.

Even if we are able to win later, it will only be due to political needs. Perhaps only the Lord of the Dawn knows how much the Alpha Kingdom has to pay behind the scenes for a victory.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but when he mentioned "the whole army was wiped out", his father-in-law's expression tightened obviously, as if he had been stepped on and hurt his foot.

Thinking that the decline of the Hollister family was due to a large-scale invasion of orcs, Hudson felt as if he had dug up the truth.

This kind of dark history must not be mentioned. Even if it is to warn future generations, it must be beautified.

It can be seen that the decline of the Hollister family was not an ordinary defeat, but maybe it was due to their own negligence and digging a hole for themselves.

Similar things happen in almost every war. Even though there are many lessons learned from the past, everyone still keeps making mistakes.

It seems to confirm the saying that the only lesson humans can learn from history is that humans never learn lessons from history.

It sounds good to say that we should learn from the experience and lessons of our predecessors, but when it comes to actual operation, we still can't help but step into the pitfalls.

Alpha Kingdom is pretty good. Although we are always in a state of worry, we are still forced to make progress.

Everyone knows how to avoid the pitfalls that have been stepped on by predecessors.

Even if someone still falls, at least when they fall into the same pit, the posture and direction of everyone's fall will still change.

After accepting the baptism of documentaries, Hudson gained a deeper understanding of the cruelty of war. To say that I learned anything from this is pure nonsense.

If you could learn how to use soldiers to fight by watching a few battle movies, then military gods would fly all over the world.

Everyone's abilities have improved, and the story has returned to its starting point.

Originally, I wanted to be shameless and follow my father-in-law back to get more information about the sea.

Just remembering that the Hollisle family was now a bunch of landlubbers, and their knowledge of the sea was limited to superficial knowledge, and Hudson had to give up again.

When gathering intelligence, the most important thing is accuracy. I didn’t join in person, it was just hearsay information, and its authenticity is really difficult to verify.

Given the aristocratic nature, Hudson had every reason to believe that vested interests would release false news to deceive latecomers.

Hudson has been exposed to this invisible threshold a lot. If he hadn't been careful enough, he would have fallen into a pit and been buried.

Returning to the mountain territory, Hudson immediately ordered all the lords to strengthen training in the name of the Governor's Mansion.

In order to show our attention, we also specially formulated evaluation rules to regularly test the training results.

Rewards are only verbal, but punishments are real.

Such an unfair reward and punishment model is not the first of its kind by Hudson, but everyone does it this way.

The great Caesar III kept his promise.

The province that performed the most in the early preparations for the war has now led its team to the front line and is stationed in the most dangerous fortress.

The tragic scene in the photo stone is most likely their current situation. When I encountered an unreasonable orc army, I only talked to them about fists.

Fairness is only relative, and the weak never have a say.

The most unlucky province has emerged, but there is still one unlucky county to take the lead in the southeastern province.

Counties are now competing with each other. Whoever slacks off first will be the unlucky one.

If the numbers are increased layer by layer, it is natural that there will be the most unlucky lords in each county.

It doesn't matter if it's a hindrance, but if it drags everyone down to the point of narrow escape, this kind of hatred is irreconcilable.

In the face of life and death, even brothers can turn against each other.

It happened that the unfortunate Sisna was not here at this time, and no one dared to come out to make a fuss, allowing Hudson to promulgate military law.

The specific content is very simple, it is a replica of the previous serf soldiers. There is only one "sitting together" at the core, forcing everyone to supervise each other.

Although the punishment could not be punished by the nobles, Hudson still made adjustments that were very consistent with the rules of the times.

When nobles commit crimes, they are the captains of the "Death Squad".

It doesn't matter if there are many accomplices, just set up a few more death squads.

There are so many dangerous things on the battlefield, so don't worry about not having a chance to show them off.

“Sir, during your absence, there were a few special guests visiting.

Considering their special status, it is not convenient for them to stay outside.

I took it upon myself to make the decision and placed it in a separate courtyard of the Lord's Mansion. "

The old housekeeper said with a complicated expression.

Even the way he looked at Hudson was different. It was as if he was worried about secrets that he knew and shouldn't know.

"What special guest?"

Hudson asked confused.

Looking back on what I have done, although I cannot say that everything is aboveboard, overall it is still worthy of the title of noble.

Those who interacted with each other were also nobles from all walks of life. Perhaps the level of strength is uneven, but there is absolutely no hidden danger in terms of identity.

"Master, you'd better go and see it yourself! People are coming to your door, so why not admit it?"

The old housekeeper said with a troubled expression.

After hearing this explanation, the tea cup in Hudson's hand almost fell to the ground.

"Come to your door", "deny the account", these are the same thing.

I think he behaves upright and sits upright, so he has done nothing wrong!

Could it be the pot left by the original owner?

That’s not right either!

Before he traveled through time, the original owner was still a little kid, and even if he had the will, he was powerless.

Without too much entanglement, he walked all the way to the other courtyard. When he saw the visitor, Hudson's face turned green.

"Miss Isabel, what are you doing? Who asked you to live here!"

It's not that he has no self-cultivation, but the identity of the person in front of him is too special.

When they were in the royal capital, some people spread rumors about a special relationship between the two. Now that Isabel has appeared in the Mountain Territory, word has spread that even if Hudson jumped into the Lancang River, he couldn't wash it away.

As a nobleman with a fiancée, engaging in such a romantic affair before marriage would easily be considered disrespectful and insincere by the woman's family.

Even if it can be explained clearly, it will be difficult to solve the matter when the noble's face is involved.

"Viscount Hudson, you forgot so quickly?

I was invited here, and at the banquet that day, you said to others..."

The delicate voice sounded, making Hudson's face look even uglier, and he immediately sent his men back.

"That's enough, stop acting here, I don't dare to invite you.

It doesn’t matter who you are, but don’t forget whose territory this is, Miss Isabel! "

Stop pretending!

When he was outside, he was worried about his own image and would not do anything to her. When you get to your own territory, everything is different.

If a reasonable explanation cannot be given, Hudson is not prepared to let this trouble go.

A beautiful woman, or a beautiful woman with a great reputation, can cause him a lot of trouble if she is left outside.

Perhaps sensing the murderous look in Hudson's eyes, Isabel's expression changed. She wanted to give up on this damn mission a long time ago, but unfortunately the mysterious organization behind it refused to agree.

She is able to have the status she has today because of the great efforts of the mysterious organization. Without the behind-the-scenes support of these people, I'm afraid she would have become a plaything of some big shot.

But the benefits are not free. After enjoying the benefits of joining a mysterious organization, you will naturally have to pay a price for it.

In the past, they were all small tasks, and they were completed easily without feeling any trouble.

The situation this time is obviously different. The target is the famous Blood Moon Horn. No one who has this thing in their hands will take it out easily.

"Viscount Hudson, there is no need to be so serious. Do people have any ill intentions towards you?

To tell you the truth, a mysterious organization received the news and the corner of the Blood Moon is in your hands.

As a weak woman, I unfortunately took on this task.

Unlike you men, this little girl doesn't like to fight and kill, so I came here to discuss with you to see if we can transfer the Blood Moon Horn. "

While talking, Isabel also tentatively closed the distance between the two to observe Hudson's reaction.

"I'm going to disappoint Miss Isabel. I don't have the Blood Moon Horn in my hand. Instead of coming here to discuss the Blood Moon Horn, why don't we go talk about romance."

As he spoke, Hudson moved forward to greet her, as if he really wanted to fall in love.

Deep down, he was already cursing. Although he was very careful in what he did, he didn't expect the news to leak out.

What is uncertain now is whether the other party is just suspicious, or whether he really believes that the Blood Moon Horn is in his hands.

Soft and fragrant, the aroma is astounding to your nostrils. Before she had time to enjoy it, Isabel broke away directly. Even Hudson, a senior knight, could not stop her.

"I didn't expect that Miss Isabel is also a master. It seems that I won't be able to enjoy this blessing!"

Hudson spread his hands and smiled.

To be honest, if she were an ordinary singer, she might have sneaked into the room quietly.

With such a beautiful woman with unknown identity and strong strength in front of him, his reason told him that it would be better not to get involved.

"That's not necessarily the case. This is a mountain territory. In your territory, the little girl is not allowed to be at your mercy."

Isabel, who came back to her senses, regained her charming appearance again.

Her strength was exposed, and experience told her that if she wanted to escape unscathed, she must use the most advantageous weapon.

"Is it?

Miss Isabel, it would be best to have this awareness.

Beautiful scenery at a good time..."

Before Hudson could finish his teasing words, Isabel spoke again:

"Viscount Hudson, although the Blood Moon Horn has a great reputation, it actually has no real effect on you.

Rather than keep this hot potato, let's make an offer first and see if we can agree on terms.

After completing this task, they can leave the mysterious organization, and then we can..."

Faced with Isabel's temptation, Hudson simply rolled his eyes. If she really wanted to have something happen with him, she wouldn't have resisted so fiercely just now, and wouldn't even bother to hide her strength.

If he handed over the Blood Moon Horn so easily, then he would really be taken advantage of.

Even if you can get the beauty back, it is still a costly business. The Blood Moon Horn is worth enough to buy the entire Rainbow Moon.

It was very simple to refuse. The real trouble was that the other party seemed to believe that the Blood Moon Horn was in his hands.

"The Blood Moon Horn is not in the Mountain Territory. I think Miss Isabel also led someone to look for it.

If you were just waiting for me to come back, you wouldn't have to ignore your reputation and pretend to be my wife.

But if the price is right, I wouldn't mind being a matchmaker and helping you contact the real owner.

Of course, no matter whether the transaction is successful or not, my reward will be indispensable. "

While talking, Hudson pretended to stare at Isabel with fascination, as if he was really dazed, and restlessly put his hands on her again.

Unlike before, Isabel, who was focused on the Blood Moon Horn, did not avoid Hudson immediately. Instead, she asked seductively:

"Whose possession is it?"

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