
Chapter 161 Patrolling the Swamp

"what did you do to me?"

Isabel asked angrily.

If eyes were a knife, Hudson would have been chopped into pieces.

Filled with rage, her body collapsed, leaving her unable to muster any strength to resist.

The whole person fell into Hudson's arms, and the angry beautiful eyes added a bit of charm, making the scene particularly warm.

Reaching out and pinching the pink little face in front of him, Hudson said with a smile:

"I'm sorry, Miss Isabel. You are so charming that people can't help but..."

"Forget it, you won't believe the truth. Then tell me something you want to believe!

I am a timid person by nature.

For the sake of safety, I can only feel sorry for you before I figure out your origin.

But you can rest assured that I did not drug you.

As a knight, I still understand this rule.

I just learned a little magic recently, but I haven't had time to use it yet, so I asked Miss Isabel to help me test the effect today.

Pure negative energy will only make you temporarily lose the ability to resist, and will not harm your body.

As long as you answer a few of my questions well, your body will recover in a while. After all, I also care about women. "

The simple introduction fell into Isabel's ears like falling into an abyss. He said tremblingly:

"Are you a necromancer?

This is impossible!

How could there be such a young undead mage? not Viscount Hudson..."

The more she thought about it, the more terrifying she felt. Isabel's face instantly turned pale, and in the end even her voice became intermittent.

If magicians who pursue the truth are a group of research madmen, then necromancers are a group of lunatics.

Falling into the hands of Hudson, Isabel can still work hard to save herself.

She thought she had a good idea of ​​a man's thoughts. Without hatred, few people would be able to attack such a delicate beauty like her.

But facing an undead mage who has lived for who knows how many years, the so-called beauty is a joke.

Those mages who deal with corpses every day are different. Under the corrosion of Yin Qi, their bodies may have lost their functions long ago.

Without the bargaining chip she was proud of, Isabel was just as good as an ordinary woman.

"Miss Isabel, there are some things you shouldn't say nonsense. For the sake of being so beautiful, I'll give you another chance.

Which force does the mysterious organization behind you belong to?

If you can't say it directly, that's okay. I will give you the answer and you will do the multiple choice questions. If you don’t want to answer directly, hinting is fine.

After all, I am the most affectionate person. How can you introduce business to friends without clarifying the identity of the transaction partner?

If you don't object, I'll treat it as if you agree.

Holy See?

Frankish Kingdom?

Dante's Kingdom?

Or maybe Caesar III?


I mentioned all the major human forces on the Aslant continent in one breath, but Isabel didn't react.

Hudson frowned, his big hands became restless, and Isabel was so frightened that she hurriedly explained: "My lord, I really don't know!

There has always been a one-way connection with the mysterious organization. I have no idea who the members are except for the contacts.

Judging from the tasks completed over the years, I can only roughly guess that it may be related to the Holy See. As for authenticity, I really have no way of determining! "

It was obvious that she was really frightened. Falling into the hands of a necromancer, death is not the most terrifying thing. What is even more terrifying is that even after death, the soul cannot rest in peace.

"I understand, it turns out you are just a pawn. It seems that just talking about this interest-earning deal with you will be difficult to achieve.

Take this pill. Go back and tell your superiors and ask them to send someone who can make the decision to come and talk. "

After saying that, regardless of whether Isabel wanted to or not, Hudson fed her the pills.

Her body gained a little strength, but Isabel still didn't dare to move. She lay down in Hudson's arms and asked softly: "Sir, what is this pill?"

"Don't worry, this is a good thing. As long as you obey, nothing will happen.

It is no longer hundreds of years ago when we met people from the Holy See and we could become friends. Once the deal is done, you and I will have nothing to do with each other.

If you are not honest, I can't guarantee what will happen next.

Perhaps having an extra beautiful doll is also a good choice. Don't worry, my skills are good. Refining a doll can also preserve your soul and help you live forever!

Of course, you can also choose to tell the people behind the scenes and take a gamble to see if they have the ability to solve the troubles in your body.

For the sake of getting acquainted with each other, I suggest you talk to the Pope directly. No one else is capable of this. Maybe he can ask the Lord of the Dawn to personally take action to solve this hidden danger for you. "

Hudson boasted to his heart's content.

Ordinary people's fear of necromancers stems more from the unknown. Although Isabel's contact with the circle is not low, her background as a singer still makes it difficult for her to access the detailed information of the necromancer.

According to rumors from the outside world, as a madman, the Necromancer can do anything.

Not only do they use corpses, but they also use living people as experimental equipment. Using living people to refine dolls is a more difficult form of magic.

The more relaxed Hudson said it, the more frightened Isabel became. If undead magic were easy to break, necromancers would not have the reputation they have today.

"Sir, don't worry! I will definitely handle the matter and I will never disappoint you!"

After sending Isabel away, Hudson gained another "identity as the Undead Magister". I just don’t know if I can bluff the mysterious organization behind the scenes.

It's a pity that Isabel is too smart. Even if she joins the mysterious organization, she doesn't inquire about things she shouldn't know.

Just some superficial information that can pin the suspect on the Holy See is considered a strong analytical ability.

Until the truth behind the scenes is revealed, no one knows who is the real mastermind.

It is perfectly normal for top powers to go out and cause trouble under someone else's coat of arms.

Frankly speaking, Hudson really hopes that the Holy See is behind the scenes, which means that the Blood Moon Horn in his hand can be sold for a good price.

If the Black Hand is in the Alpha Kingdom, or King Caesar III, then the moment the curtain opens is when Hudson himself sends the things there.

The reward is purely a dream. If you find something like the Blood Moon Horn and don't hand it over to the boss as soon as possible, it's fine if you don't get punished, but you still want to get a reward?

On the contrary, the Holy See, which everyone despises, now has more common languages. With the title of Undead Magister, he is the partner that the Holy See needs most right now.

The cult organizations have already supported it, so it is not strange to support and fund the Necromancer.

The Blood Moon Horn is a hot piece of chicken ribs to the nobles; to those who practice necromancers, it is a supreme treasure.

If the undead mage holding an "evil weapon" wants to cause trouble, the scene will not be much smaller than the commotion caused by the Skull and Bones Society last time.

Especially when he appeared in the sensitive Alpha Kingdom. Once things get serious, the Holy See will be blamed.

At the critical moment of the orc invasion, running to stab one of your own people was not a crime that could be taken lightly.

Once labeled as a "traitor of the human race", the Church of Dawn, which is already independent in its own affairs, will immediately fall apart.

Churches in various places can establish separate churches in a reasonable and reasonable manner. Even if the gods are unhappy, the people at the Holy See headquarters are the first to be unlucky.

It can be said that starting from the sign of the Undead Magister, the Holy See must get the Blood Moon Horn back from Hudson, and the faster the better.

In the swamp, countless orc slaves are constantly digging out the mud. There was a group of serfs behind him, reinforcing the mud slopes on both sides.

Slaves did hard work, and serfs did technical work. The division of labor is clear.

These are the experiences summed up in the process of developing swamplands.

Compared to orc slaves, serfs' learning ability is relatively stronger. Based on the theoretical knowledge provided by Hudson, a set of reinforcement techniques was quickly figured out.

By cooperating with each other in the construction, not only the efficiency has improved a lot compared to when they worked alone; even the happiness of the serfs has also skyrocketed.

Looking at the pieces of land that had been divided, Hudson knew that this year's swamp development tasks would probably be greatly overfulfilled.

It's not that the people below work harder, it's purely because there are more people working. There were originally more than 300 construction teams, but now they have expanded to more than 500.

The arrival of a large number of serf workers injected new impetus into the rapid development of the mountain territory.

In the era of shoulder-to-shoulder carrying, more people means greater strength. Whether it is mining area production, mountain land reclamation, or swamp land development, the speed is constantly increasing.

After patting the cub on the head, Hudson pointed to a green rice field and said, "See, Bear Stearns.

Those are your properties. From now on, you are already one of the richest bears among the contemporary bears of the earth.

Now take me for a walk in the swamp to see how much land there is that has not yet been developed, so that we can plan for the next step. "

The swamp, Hudson had long wanted to inspect. But the bottomless mud is a forbidden area for humans.

He had no choice but to trick his own bear. Although he is not a creature in the swamp, Bear Stearns has a great reputation in this area.

The development of swampland has not been smooth sailing. Along the way, they were frequently attacked by swamp creatures. The army supervising the construction fought against these alien creatures many times.

In the end, Bear Stearns took action and dealt a devastating blow to these incoming races. The creatures that were lucky enough to escape the disaster now smelled the scent of the Earth Bear and immediately ran away.

Even if it is just the feces and urine excreted by Bear Stearns, as long as it is released there, it will be difficult to see any swamp creatures within a radius of several miles.

It's a pity that every time he goes out, Mr. Bear Stearns goes out to play by himself, and he is not willing to take the scumbag Hudson with him.

Even after the swamp had been developed for so long, Hudson only had a rough estimate of the swamp and no specific concept.

Now if he wants to open a maritime communication line in this swamp, Hudson will not rest assured if he does not go out to conduct on-the-spot investigation.

"Hudson, don't you have any big plans? Let me be the first to say that I don't have any money in my pocket right now. I still need to maintain daily expenses for my last coffin, so don't worry about it."

Bear Stearns said with a vigilant look.

Its good days ended when it was deceived into participating in Hudson's territorial development plan. With both money and effort, the useful Xiongtouguazi soon came to mind.

Unfortunately, investment is risky, and there is no reason to return the project funds invested. It's clearly written in black and white, and it's not easy to deny it.

Looking at the tens of thousands of acres of fertile land that had been developed, Xiong was unwilling to see his investment go to waste and allow Hudson to reap all the benefits. Finally, he gritted his teeth and persisted.

The work habit is terrible. From the initial resistance, I gradually adapted to it. As it lasted for a long time, Bear Stearns became accustomed to clocking in and clocking in every day.

Having learned from previous experiences and lessons, Bear Stearns was extremely careful about the financial resources he reserved.

Except for Xiong Sheng's daily consumption, he has no interest in any other investments.

"Don't worry, the great Mr. Bear Stearns. The funds for swamp development have not been spent yet, and there is no need for you to increase capital investment.

According to my arrangement, I will soon be able to break even. You don't need to worry about my business ability at all.

Now I just went out for a walk and observed the size of this swamp. Take a look at the surrounding terrain.

If there are dangerous areas, just avoid them. Pick the nearest road and let's go to the beach first. "

Hudson tried his best to fool him.

To tell the truth, even Xiong Xin was speechless. How did the trust between people and "bears" become like this?

Looking at the hesitant Bear Stearns, Hudson couldn't help but sigh secretly: It's not a good thing if his combat partners are too intelligent.

It is estimated that the "Beast Knights" in the Aslant Continent are also troubled by this problem. There are also many miserable knights who are unable to stand down due to their own monsters.

No matter how much trouble there is, it can't resist everyone's desire for Warcraft. Having one more fighting partner not only increases your strength, but also gives you an extra life on the battlefield.

If you are defeated on the battlefield, you will be able to run faster if you have a Warcraft mount with you.

Based on the experience of previous continental wars, the death rate of Warcraft Knights has always been the lowest. As long as you are not too unlucky and get entangled by a strong enemy, you can basically run away.

"Don't worry, Hudson! I've long been familiar with this area.

With Ben Bear protecting you, as long as you don't seek death yourself, there will be no danger. "

Bear Stearns patted his chest and assured with confidence.

Looking at that sullen expression, it was clearly telling Hudson: Uncle Xiong is very powerful, please praise me!

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