
Chapter 162 Abnormal Frontline

Running across the endless swamp, Hudson felt mixed emotions.

Once such a vast territory is developed, the strength of the Mountain Territory will definitely undergo earth-shaking changes.

Unfortunately, the development of swamps takes a long time. If you want to open a sea communication line in a short time, the vast swamps will be a trouble.


As soon as he finished speaking, the giant bear's body shrank rapidly. Hudson was caught off guard and almost fell from the tree.

Looking at the innocent-looking Bear Stearns, Hudson was furious.

It doesn't matter if you stop suddenly, you were reminded after all, but you have to stay on the ground anyway?

Even if you like to settle on a tree, at least choose a bigger one. In the tree where Hudson is now, if you're not careful, it could be an accident.

Looking around, Hudson regretfully discovered that what seemed to be visible to the naked eye was just the thing under him that could barely be considered a tree.

The ground is covered with shrubs and weeds, and experience tells us that this is a salt-alkali land under the feet of the Hudson.

As expected, there are few swamps in coastal areas with low salinity.

The salinity of the swamps developed by ourselves is slightly higher than that of ordinary soil. It's just that it's not too high, so it doesn't affect food cultivation.

These coastal areas are often impacted by seawater, and the plants that can grow here are salt-tolerant species.

After a slight estimate of the distance, this place is about two hundred miles away from the territory.

The formation of such a large swamp is probably not only caused by sea water erosion, but also related to the nearby terrain.

The southeastern province has abundant rainfall, and the accumulated water from the Salam Mountains flows into it, which is the area currently being developed by Hudson.

There is also the Black Rock Mountain Range next door, which is also an area with abundant rainfall. It is inevitable that accumulated water will flow in.

The origin of the swamp is not important, the key is its current development and utilization. One man and one bear advanced along the coast, and the rolling water made Hudson frown.

With his poor common sense, he knew that if he wanted to develop the coastal area, he must first build a sea defense embankment.

Without keeping the sea water out, the salinity in the land cannot be reduced. Only a small number of crops can be grown on high-salt land, which is extremely cost-effective.

After all, the issue of the port could not be determined. It would be very irresponsible to choose a site based on shore observations without conducting on-site inspections of this sea area.

Bear Stearns can't help here either. The Earth Bear is only awesome on land, but also nothing in the water.

Teaching a "bear" to swim?

As soon as this idea came up, Hudson decisively killed it.

Species’ talents must be respected. No matter how good aquatic people are, they are still terrestrial creatures and cannot live in water for a long time.

Thinking about it, "bears" are similar. Maybe after living by the water for eight thousand years, it is possible to evolve the ability to survive in the water, but Hudson doesn't think he can wait until that day.

"Let's go, Bear Stearns. Take a walk around the swamp, and today's mission is completed.

Slow down, I want to observe the terrain. "

Slowness is relative, and Hudson, on the back of a bear, still enjoys the treatment of flying.

Apart from the height issue from the ground, there is actually no difference between Bear Stearns running wildly and flying.

Hudson strongly suspected that Bear Stearns could fly. After running hundreds of miles in the swamp, he didn't even get a trace of mud on his feet.

It's a pity that Bear Stearns insists that it doesn't know how to do it. For the incident of the flying bear in the air with all four feet off the ground, it gave the explanation-talent.

In the continent of Aslant, talent is the most unreasonable thing. There is no way to explain the strange talents possessed by many races.

Usually everyone attributes these strange and unclear events to gods. Either the good gods did it, or the evil gods did it.

Other theories are only spread among special professions such as magicians and arcanists. The mainstream concept is that gods created everything in the world.

Running all the way to a mountain range, based on his geographical knowledge, Hudson came to the conclusion of the Blackstone Mountains at a glance.

This time it is a real mountain range. You can tell from the towering mountains. It is not comparable to the small earthbags in your own territory.

Mountains are connected to mountains in endless stretches. Hudson had no idea how vast the Blackstone Mountains were, but they couldn't be seen with the naked eye.

"Bear Stearns, are there powerful monsters in this mountain?"

As a neighbor, you should be concerned. The Blackstone Mountains can block the connection between the Alpha Kingdom and the Hessian Kingdom, and it is definitely not just a geographical factor.

Simple geographical difficulties, moving mountains and seas, cracking mountains and cracking rocks, the extraordinary world is not impossible to complete.

Even if neither party has ambitions, opening up a trade route is not too much, right?

There is no need for the two countries to take action. The profit-seeking businessmen will explore on their own.

"Yes! I can feel a few strong auras. No one knows how many high-level magical beasts are hidden in this mountain range.

You'd better not go over there and cause trouble.

If a fight breaks out, I have no problem, but your safety is hard to say. "

Bear Stearns said old-fashionedly.

The tone was as if Hudson was a naughty child who had caused trouble and needed his parent to deal with the aftermath.

Rolling his eyes angrily, Hudson stopped exploring. World of Warcraft are territorial and can easily lead to fights if they break in.

Although Bear Stearns' words are unpleasant, his strength is also impressive. Hudson really didn't want to provoke an existence that could make it fearful.

Having these neighbors in the way is a good thing in a sense. At the very least, if the enemy in the south wants to peek into the mountain territory, they must first ask these local snakes if they are willing to use the passage.

Spending a lot of money to push it all the way, it is better to change the goal. The war-torn Aslant continent has never lacked opportunities for expansion, but only strength.

After completing the tour, Hudson had a general idea in his mind. The swamp in front of my house is not ordinary vast, covering an area of ​​tens of thousands of square kilometers.

The specific number will not be known until it is developed.

After all, the route taken by Bear Stearns is irregular, and the error is still very large if the area is judged by just the perimeter of a curve.

With confidence in his heart, Hudson's thoughts of heading towards the sea became more intense.

Digging a canal for hundreds of miles, even if it is a swamp full of silt, is no small project.

Calculating the distance, it is almost one-thirtieth of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal. If it weren't for the supernatural world, Hudson wouldn't have dared to have this idea.

There is no need to calculate the amount of earthwork. It is an astronomical figure anyway.

The swamp is flat and developed into a large plain. There is no need to worry about the water source. The river can be filled with accumulated water from the Salam Mountains.

Insufficient flow during the dry season is only a minor problem. At the worst, we can just build a gate at the outlet to allow ships to pass.

What now needs to be considered is the canal width, depth, amount of labor input, and an estimate of how long it will take to dig the canal.

In times of war, such a large project must be carefully considered.

Once a large amount of manpower and material resources are invested, they cannot be stopped.

It would be embarrassing if the progress of the project does not meet expectations and there is no sufficient financial investment due to the subsequent impact of the war.

How about putting in a few thousand people first and digging slowly?

With the financial resources of the Mountain Territory, they could only set up a canal digging team, which would have limited impact on the development of the territory.

Or should we put the plan on hold for the time being and wait until the war is over to consider this issue again?

The Jade Palace has been busy since the war broke out.

Military reports from the front line were flying over in a steady stream. Overall, there is more bad news than good news.

Either there were heavy losses here, or there was a loss of troops there, or a certain fortress was breached by the orc army.

It’s not that the Kingdom’s army didn’t try to organize a counterattack, it’s just that their results were somewhat unsatisfactory and they were too embarrassed to use them for publicity.

For example, during the frontline days, the Kingdom's army won a complete victory at Helan Fort, annihilating more than 5,000 Pyg soldiers, and only suffered 800 losses.

From a purely numerical perspective, this is a solid victory. It's a pity that the enemy is so small that when the kingdom promotes it, it can only say "orc army" instead.

No matter how many orc armies were annihilated, there was no need to say that those killed would definitely be the enemy's inferior race.

If the elite orcs are annihilated, they will usually be named after the enemy's race.

For example, one hundred Behemoth soldiers were killed last week, which was described in detail in the battle report.

They were all forced out. In order to combat false reporting of military achievements, the kingdom had long ago made regulations that all military exploits on the front line must be recorded with a photographic stone in order to be counted.

These are all genuine data, so the battle report is naturally not that good.

Even if you try to beautify it as much as possible, it can still be seen through by the kingdom's senior officials at a glance.

After taking a look at the compiled battle reports, he still couldn't find a classic battle that could be highlighted. Caesar III said helplessly:

"Let the front lines be deployed according to their actual conditions. There is no need to take risks with elites for the sake of political propaganda.

For external propaganda, just use the total number of enemies annihilated!

One month after the war started, 150,000 orcs were annihilated, which was barely enough to appease the people.

The problem of losing cities and losing land can be said to be due to the tense situation of the war, and we are fighting over these areas.

Inform the neighbors about the difficulties we are facing, and prepare more photo stones to send there.

If we don't let them see the brutality of the battlefield, we may not be able to provide enough support! "

Regardless of racial factors, the army of the Alpha Kingdom is definitely a great success in battle. Since the beginning of the war, we have lost no more than 70,000 people, but we have wiped out more than 150,000 enemies.

It's a pity that everyone knows the moisture in it. As a defensive side, just having such a record is obviously not satisfactory.

"Your Majesty, everyone knows the tragedy of the battlefield in Northern Xinjiang, and there are extensive descriptions in the history books of various countries.

It is precisely because it is too tragic that all countries are unwilling to expend their own strength in fighting the orcs.

Now everyone is wrangling, nominally discussing the number of troops to send, but in fact everyone is planning to consume the strength of others first.

In a short period of time, it is unrealistic to obtain reinforcements from various countries.

Refer to the reactions of various countries in previous wars.

Basically, when we have suffered heavy losses and are about to be unable to support ourselves, reinforcements will slowly come over.

Instead of asking for reinforcements, it is better to make requests for strategic materials, which are more likely to be satisfied by various countries.

Food, cloth, weapons, armor, magic crystals... these are what we urgently need.

In addition, we can also ask various countries to send experts to provide support.

Top experts have a high survival rate on the battlefield. As long as they are not surrounded by enemies, they are basically not in too much danger.

Since the righteousness of humanity exists and their strength will not be lost, all countries should agree. "

Count Francis suggested.

As the Minister of Foreign Affairs, he was almost bald because of the need to ask for help.

Unfortunately, it still had little effect. Every country in the continent has its own little plans. The justice of the human race is important, but didn’t the Alpha Kingdom stand up to it?

From the perspective of various countries, in the past, the Alpha Kingdom and its family were able to withstand the orcs' military front. Now that there are also the Warhammer Kingdom and the Principality of Moxi, it is not a problem.

With the Three Kingdoms at the front, they can take care of their own affairs first, and then slowly come back to deal with the orc army.

Especially for countries bordering other foreign races, their thoughts are even more complicated now. Rather than supporting the Three Kingdoms, they want to solve their own troubles.

Knowing that reinforcements could not be obtained in a short period of time, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs could only lower its goals and seek support from other parties as much as possible.

Looking into the distance with disappointment, Caesar III said disappointedly: "Then let's do this first!

Pay attention to the Warhammer Kingdom and the Principality of Moxi, they are too quiet.

It is obviously abnormal for the five major orc royal families to come to our side. Maybe there is a big conspiracy waiting for them. "

Persimmon was looking for someone to be soft, but this time the orcs invaded. As soon as they came up, they caught the strongest Alpha Kingdom and beat them up.

The frontline has been passively beaten and has not achieved a brilliant victory. It is not that the kingdom's army is not strong enough, but that the enemy has come too fiercely.

The main force of the orcs came over, and the cautious border defenders adopted the most conservative response plan. Although there was no impressive record, they managed to hold the line of defense after all.

As usual, as long as the defense line cannot be broken through immediately, what follows will be a protracted war of attrition.

Relying on the lines of defense, the kingdom's reinforcements can be continuously added, and the orc army is slowly exhausted.

In the process of consumption, although the kingdom's army suffered heavy losses, it was also able to hone a large number of elites.

The reinforcements from various provinces that had just arrived at the front line had very average combat effectiveness. However, after the war lasted for a year and a half, most of the surviving soldiers had completed their transformation.

If the generals are more powerful and trained, an elite force can be created quickly.

The overall national strength is getting weaker and weaker, but the army on the front line is generally getting stronger and stronger. Once new forces join, the situation will be reversed.

In all previous battlefields in northern Xinjiang, orcs were driven back to their hometowns in this way.

After failing so many times, there is no reason not to learn lessons. It is obviously not in the interest of the Orc Empire to keep fighting with the Alpha Kingdom.

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