
Chapter 174 Unlucky guy

The news of sending troops to reinforce the Principality of Moxi spread, and several of the provinces involved exploded instantly.

Considering the overall situation, everyone supports sending troops. But it's another matter when the task of dispatching troops falls on him.

Aristocrats are realistic and must weigh risks and benefits before doing anything. It's obvious that this mission is a typical high-risk, low-return mission.

Cross-border combat in an unfamiliar place is a challenge for both noble officers and lower-level soldiers.

If something unexpected happens and reinforcements need to be coordinated, the person to deal with is the Principality of Moxi.

The defense line of Fort Augustus was such an important strategic location, but the reinforcements did not arrive immediately, which is enough to prove the level of the internal coordination and mobilization capabilities of the Principality of Moxi.

When sudden changes occur on the battlefield, allies will most likely not be able to count on them. It is self-evident how high the risk is to rely solely on one's own strength to resolve the situation.

High risk, but not high returns. Fighting for others, the assessment of military merit is also a big problem.

Regardless of what you say now, the statistics of military achievements are the same as those in China. If it really makes a difference, it will be greatly discounted in the final evaluation.

The only thing that remains the same is the military merit brought by killing the enemy. The strategic significance and increase in strategic value brought by the battle can basically be ignored.

In the evaluation of military merit, these strategic values ​​account for an important proportion. A strategic victory requires killing many enemies to equal it.

There are so many disadvantages, but they are not completely without benefits. As a guest army, we don't need to live and die with the Principality of Moxi. If we can't win, we can wait for an opportunity to make a "strategic transition."

The prerequisite is: you can slip away.

This not only tests reaction ability, but also depends on who the enemy is facing. At the very least, it would be very difficult to escape from the Yingren Imperial Court's army.

When no one wants to do an errand, it means trouble is coming.

The kingdom assigned the task, and Earl Pierce encountered this problem. Even after all the good things said, no one took the initiative to sign up.

Forcibly assigning tasks does not exist. Everyone present was a strong person, and the only weak one was Viscount Sith.

The softest persimmon has a big father behind it. They are both important ministers of the kingdom, so even if they don't give face, they can't go too far.

The most important thing is that the Viscount of Sith has no one under his command. Except for the few hundred elites from his direct lineage and a group of serf soldiers, he can't command the nobles in the county at all.

The task was placed on him, but in the end he couldn't carry it out. If you force an army to deal with it, the kingdom will not be able to handle it.

It is just a matter of allocating the military strength of one county, and the entire southeastern province is not fully shouldered. If it is not completed well, it will be unjustifiable.

Of course, if the Southeast Province were to bear all the burden, Earl Pierce himself would be the first to cause trouble.

When it comes to vital interests, it is unacceptable to be unrealistic. This kind of rescue mission is not a mandatory obligation that noble lords must perform, and it is normal to have emotions.

After scanning the audience, Governor Pierce said to everyone with a gloomy face: "Since no one is willing to take the initiative to sign up, let all this be decided by the Lord of the Dawn.

Guard, prepare fifteen wooden sticks and engrave one of them. "

It’s understandable to feel bad. There were a total of fifteen county guards present, and there were quite a few from the Dalton family.

The decision is made by drawing lots, so the probability of this unfortunate job falling on one's own family is not small.

But if this kind of thing cannot be done fairly, no matter who it is forcibly assigned to, there will be strong opposition.

You can't force people to go to the battlefield by force, right?

Once this kind of thing that violates the rules of the game is done, it will inevitably cause a strong backlash from the small and medium-sized nobles within the province.

No one wants to be the next unlucky guy. The small and medium-sized nobles in the province are making trouble together, and no one is going to carry out the task. Maybe the civil strife will explode first.

For a governor to do his job, getting out as soon as possible is the right way. Staying will only harm the country and the people.

With the addition of drawing lots, the nature suddenly changed. Everyone has an equal chance, with a one-fifteenth chance. If everyone can draw it, it will be unlucky.

The guard was very efficient and brought in a bamboo tube containing fifteen wooden sticks in an instant. Seeing this scene, Hudson strongly suspected that Governor Pierce had prepared it in advance.

Similar gameplay is all leftover from his playing. It's just that Hudson can play behind-the-scenes operations, which is aimed at the small nobles in the county who are easy to fool.

The big table in front of me is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Even if it were a drawing of lots, no one would easily believe that Governor Pierce was fair and impartial.

"Here are fifteen wooden lots. The fifteen county guards represent their respective counties and draw lots, and each person draws one wooden lot.

Whoever draws the engraved wooden lot will take the army from his county to participate in the rescue mission.

We will continue to discuss the specific details after the county responsible for sending troops is determined.

In order to avoid suspicion, members of the Dalton family please stay back, and the drawing will take place after everyone has finished drawing lots.

The wooden picks are all here. After the drawing is completed, if you have any questions, you can check them under the witness of everyone. Now, all county guards are invited to come forward and draw. "

After listening to Governor Pierce's words, Hudson found himself influenced. By repeatedly emphasizing "county guard", isn't that just telling him not to come?

Everyone is a representative, and he is the only one who does not participate in the draw. This is obviously naked discrimination!

In an instant, Hudson realized something was wrong. This is not just discrimination, it is clearly an attempt to exclude him, the good luck knight.

Even if you can't do it with luck, you can still do it with cheating. The wooden picks are all exactly the same, so there is a slight weight difference between the engraved wooden picks and the unengraved wooden picks.

With Bear Stearns playing with gravity, it was easy to avoid the unusual wooden picks.

It's okay if he doesn't participate. The key is that the bad luck knight corresponding to his good luck knight also happens to be in Wright County.

Seeing Viscount Sith step forward to draw lots, Hudson closed his eyes directly. That guy is fine in normal times, but his luck will go awry at a critical moment.

Just take stock of his tragic experience. They are both the sons of a duke, but Sith is an illegitimate son. He lost the first wave when he was reincarnated.

How he was doing in the Northland, Hudson didn't know very well. Anyway, when we arrived in the southeastern province, when we were choosing between two counties, we happened to bump into him as a time traveler.

Setting up a business center to hold events can catch up with the tragedy of nobles fighting and beating people to death.

Even when more than a hundred nobles drew lots during a previous material delivery mission, he was able to draw the worst one.

This kind of luck, which is comparable to being possessed by the god of mold, really makes it difficult for Hudson to have confidence in him.

"Everyone put their wooden picks on the table and let everyone bear witness together. If the county guard who has drawn the engraved wooden pick has any doubts, he can come up and check now."

Governor Pierce said with a smile on his face.

It could be seen from his expression that this unfortunate task did not fall on the Dalton family.

Being so happy is definitely not what a mature politician should do, unless he really can't help it.

Looking at Viscount Sith who picked up the wooden pick to check and compare one by one, Hudson shouted in his heart: Damn it!

Although I had a bad premonition in advance, this premonition was too accurate. There is a 1 in 15 chance of getting hit, and I don’t know what to say.

Staring at Viscount Sith fiercely, Hudson turned his head away. The governor asked for an inspection, and he actually went forward to inspect it.

I don't know if he was dumbfounded by his own luck, or if his brain was flooded. Even if there is such a behind-the-scenes operation, we can only admit it with gritted teeth.

After all, he drew the lot himself. Even if someone had marked it, Viscount Sith would not have drawn it just because of his bad luck.

With a drawing of lots, not only did his family escape the mission, but the Northland nobles also set a trap for the Dalton family's back.

With Viscount Sith's current luck, the probability of coming back alive from the battlefield is really low.

You don't have to do anything to pull out the nail and leave the Grand Duke of Kavadia speechless. It's a perfect double-edged sword.

“Since Viscount Sith has found no problem, the task of supporting the Principality of Moxi will be carried out by Wright County.

If you have any other opinions, you can submit them now. "

Governor Pierce said calmly.

It was as if he was really asking for everyone's opinions.

Seeing this scene, Hudson said decisively: "Your Majesty the Governor, it is known that Viscount Sith is weak and sick and does not have the ability to lead troops.

In order to better complete the task, I propose that Wright County replace a more capable nobleman to lead the county army to participate in this operation. "

As the words fell, everyone's eyes focused on Viscount Sith. That burly figure does not look like a frail person.

Knowing that Hudson was telling lies, everyone nodded in agreement, as if the Sith Viscount was really frail and incapable of leading troops.

The butt decides the position, and the status of being both local nobles determines that everyone must support "one of their own" on this issue.

Seeing the scene before him, Viscount Sith was so angry that he gritted his teeth. In all these years, he has never been insulted like this.

Even if you want to seize military power, you have to find a suitable excuse. Directly slandering him as weak and sick and unable to lead troops is clearly confusing right and wrong.

"Shut up! Hudson, you, you, you..."

When the words came to his lips, Sith suddenly found that he couldn't speak anymore. By quarreling on someone else's territory, he, an outsider, was doomed from the start.

Even if he won the argument, it would be useless. He, the short-term governor, had been sidelined for more than a day or two.

The task was given to him, but he couldn't carry it out. In the end, we have to give up the leadership.

The most important thing is to fall out with everyone here, for the sake of everyone's face, maybe he will really become "frail and sickly".

There are many secret methods to assassinate people in the Aslant continent. Sisi didn't think that the moral integrity of these guys who were confusing right and wrong would be high.

"Viscount Sith, don't get excited. We all understand what you mean.

Rest assured, everything is done with the kingdom’s overall interests in mind.

It is rare for Viscount Sith to be so upright and upright, so this time the expeditionary force to support the Principality of Moxi will be led by Viscount Hudson as the commander of the army.

According to the regulations of the Kingdom, the troop quota for our southeastern province this time shall not be less than 15,000.

Viscount Hudson, no problem? "

Governor Pierce's words left Sith completely speechless. There is no point in struggling. Even if he wins, he will not be able to raise an army of 15,000 men.

"Your Majesty the Governor, it is not difficult to gather an army according to the regulations of the kingdom. However, the military obligations transferred from my Koslow family must also be included.

During the army's expedition, recruitment tasks in the kingdom can no longer involve Wright County.

Considering the practical problems, all the noble lords led troops to go on the expedition, and no one took charge of the overall situation. Now the monthly material delivery task also needs to be arranged by the Governor's Mansion to take over.

When it comes to adjustments to the supply of front-line materials in the later period, we must wait until we return to discuss them. Until then, Wright County's obligations can only be reduced and not increased.

During the army's expedition, the security issues in the county also need everyone's attention, so that cult organizations cannot take advantage of them.

When it comes to specific matters in the county, it is best to wait until we return and then everyone can sit down and discuss things slowly. "

Hudson made the offer unceremoniously. Although the unfortunate errand was brought back by the Sith Viscount, he couldn't go on an expedition so unclearly.

In essence, Wright County is still representing the Southeast Province this time. Some necessary rights and interests still need to be fought for.

"Viscount Hudson, please rest assured. These are all things that should be done.

During the army's campaign, the Governor's Palace would not sit idly by and ignore any troubles encountered in Wright County.

Everyone present can supervise. If there is something wrong with the Governor's Palace, everyone can impeach the Royal Capital. "

Earl Pierce assured with a smile.

Helping stabilize the rear is a must. If this is not possible, how can we allow the nobles to lead their troops to war with confidence?

Anyone who dares to cause trouble during the army's expedition will be severely punished by the kingdom. Even the great nobles did not dare to test the law.

In this matter, once the board is laid, the crime will be: colluding with the orcs, betraying the human race, and intending to cause trouble in the rear of the kingdom.

Not only is it impossible to mix in the Alpha Kingdom, but it is also impossible to mix in the entire human world.

It's not that the kingdom is making a fuss, but it has happened in history, and it once caused heavy losses to the Alpha Kingdom.

Everyone learned a lesson afterwards.

It is difficult to define whether someone has been bribed by the orcs or not, so we can simply make a blanket decision and label all those who cause trouble as traitors to the human race.

With this kind of crime, he can directly enjoy the Human Alliance hunting package. In all human countries, he is treated as the most wanted criminal.

Punishments that were so strict that they were almost perverted established rules for the nobles of the kingdom. Only then can everyone lead their troops to war with peace of mind.

The big guys have big businesses and are reluctant to try the law, but it is hard to say whether the little guys responsible for implementation below will fish in troubled waters.

Hudson seems to be making a fuss out of a molehill by bringing it up here. In fact, it is to attract everyone's attention. As long as the big shots show a little concern, the following executives will be extraordinarily behaved.

Seeing Hudson finalizing the result in a few words, Viscount Sith, who was ignored, said angrily:

"Since you don't need me, you can solve everything. As a county guard, I'm an eyesore here, so I'd better suggest to the kingdom to remove me!"

It seems that he is angry, but in fact he is forced to do nothing. The expedition to the Principality of Moxi was about to begin, and Sith didn't want to die young yet.

With the title of County Sheriff, not only did he not have the power to command the army, he also had to accept Hudson's command.

Blocking other people's way, and fighting under other people's command. If there were no accidents on the battlefield, that would be a big problem.

In the past, Viscount Sith didn't need to worry. That was because his father, the Grand Duke, was here and no one dared to do anything against him.

But the situation is different now. From the outbreak of the war to the present, the northern nobles have received a large amount of materials supported by the southern nobles.

Despite being merciless, the Northland nobles could not stand up to the logistical nanny who provided money, food and supplies.

The nobles of the southeastern provinces now dared to treat him like this. It was clear that the intimidating power of his grand duke father was no longer enough to make everyone continue to buy into it.

If he didn't find a way to step down from the hot position of county guard while his father still had some influence, he might be tricked to death on the battlefield at some point.

Giving Viscount Sith a fierce look, Governor Pierce responded angrily: "Okay, very good!

Since Viscount Sith feels that his abilities are limited and he is not qualified for the position of county guard, then please submit your resignation! "

It is true that he wants to drive away the nobles of the North, but according to Earl Pierce's plan, this is not the time.

With Viscount Sis withdrawing, Hudson must be the one to take over. For the Dalton family, the best choice is for the two to hold each other back and fight.

If war had not broken out, there would have been no time to provoke internal strife. Pierce had already fanned the flames between the two and kept them fighting.

As for the resignation of Viscount Sith, it is impossible to approve it. For the sake of his own family, Earl Pierce would not let this resignation appear in front of the king.

From the perspective of the Dalton family, the best destination for the Sith is to die on the battlefield.

Then they can follow the trend and add fuel to the fire behind the scenes, so that the Koslow family and the Grand Duke of Kavadia can form a blood feud.

Everything is caused by interests. Who made the rise of Hudson so fast that it aroused the fear of the Dalton family?

Under the pressure of war, it was inconvenient for Earl Pierce to do anything. But it is still feasible to secretly guide the development of the situation and wait until after the war to ignite the situation and create a few enemies for Hudson.

Selling favors while stabbing someone with a knife. In the aristocratic world, this is really normal.

Faintly aware of the atmosphere of conspiracy, Hudson secretly shook his head.

Anything, once the calculation goes too far, is when the backlash breaks out.

Resigning in front of everyone seemed to be out of anger, but it was not because Sith was aware of the danger and sent him a political signal to seek peace.

The bad guy draws the bad luck lottery, and all the nobles in the county have to go on a mission to escape death. Even if everyone didn't say anything about this account, they would definitely mark it down for Sith in their hearts.

Offending so many people at once would be quite dangerous on the battlefield.

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